Joke of a HoF this year.

It's understandable why people get annoyed by certain inductions. Like most others, in any given year I would prefer certain names to be in rather than others. I am also sure that anyone who is inducted considers it to be an honor for obvious reasons. With that being said, the WWE HOF is clearly not as prestigious as the Pro Wrestling HOF.

A lot of people seem to view the WWE HOF for what they think it should be (due to what a HOF generally involves), as opposed to what it is. The fact that getting in requires an agreement as opposed to the standard voting process and specific high criteria, made that clear years ago. That isn't to say that a lot of people in it don't have high accolades within the confines of what wrestling (despite it's predetermined nature) requires or that a lot of prestigious people aren't or won't be in it, but is to say that it has never been an absolute necessity with this particular hof.

Does WWE somewhat try to present it as if it is intended to only honor the best of the best (excluding the celeb wing) like other Hall Of Fames? Absolutely, but one of the primary things that WWE involves is exaggeration so of course they are going to oversell things. With that in mind, I would love to see certain big names be inducted, and some people be excluded overall, but if lesser people get in before or instead of them, it doesn't change the fact that the WWE HOF is not quite what some people make it out to be.
The WWE Hall Of Fame isn't legit so I a not sure why folk piss and moan about it. All decisions are politically motivated and this is the WWE HOF, not a Wrestling HOF.

It is a nice way to honour former talent though.
What puzzles me is the number of people being inducted. I count 8....and that's lumping the Bushwhackers as one the Warrior award. Isn't this the largest number of people ever honored in a given year?

If they're running out of worthy candidates for induction, wouldn't it be wiser to shorten up the list, rather than lengthening it?

Wonder what they're going to do next year. The WWE Roadie Hall of Fame?
What puzzles me is the number of people being inducted. I count 8....and that's lumping the Bushwhackers as one the Warrior award. Isn't this the largest number of people ever honored in a given year?

If they're running out of worthy candidates for induction, wouldn't it be wiser to shorten up the list, rather than lengthening it?

Wonder what they're going to do next year. The WWE Roadie Hall of Fame?

They will probably induct some off screen employees at some point. The guy who did a lot of the music, someone behind all the vignettes, Sandra the seamstress, really anyone with a long standing with the company who provided something that ended up going on screen.

Unlikely Pam from Accounts/Payable is going to make it.

The HoF in some ways is a negotiating tactic for WWE. Talent may be willing to take less to increase their tenure so that they can be more likely to get in the HoF some day. I'm not saying it is the end all be all. Most wrestlers live for the moment and probably are not thinking ahead or about their legacy but it some way the HoF must be in the back of some guys minds when they are negotiating that third or fourth contract.
I disagree with the OP quite frankly. I think that this a pretty decent Hall of Fame class. And in comparison to some other years, this one is far and away much better. I don't think there is anyone who doesn't deserve to be there, like Koko B. Ware etc. Everyone who is being inducted into the wrestling Hall of Fame is a worthy entrant. And although someone like Rikishi may not be the first name that comes to your lips when you're talking about people who deserve to be in the Hall of Fame, he certainly does deserve to be in there. He had a pretty successful WWE career and mixed it with some of the biggest names in the business. And with the likes of Macho Man, Kevin Nash, Larry Zbyszko and Blaze going in, there is a good mix of old school and new school talents. I don't get the hate honestly.
The show was pretty good. I enjoyed everybody's, Larry's was kind of boring but he's from a different era of wrestling I grew up watching.

I'm surprised Too Cool wasn't on the show to support Rikishi.
Can someone explain what Warrior did?

I know he's an asshole, and racist and hompobic statement.

But what did he do against a kid in make a wish ?
Can someone explain what Warrior did?

I know he's an asshole, and racist and hompobic statement.

But what did he do against a kid in make a wish ?

I'm trying to recall from memory what I read.

It was in one of Bret Hart's books, I can't remember which one.

Bret recounts a story where a Make-A-Wish child, along with his parents, came to the WWE during a show. The child was an Ultimate Warrior fan, and wanted to meet his hero.

Bret said that the child and his parents were in a room, where the child was laying (he was in a bed, hooked to machines). As the room was on the way to the ring, many WWE superstars walked past, and went in the room and greeted the child, so he got to meet a bunch of WWE superstars. Bret was one of these superstars, and got talking. The child had met many of the superstars throughout the night, but one hadn't greeted him yet- the Ultimate Warrior- his favourite wrestler.

When Bret greeted the child, he and Jim Neidhart were on the way to the ring for their match up next. Bret told the child that the Ultimate Warrior was currently doing his match. Bret thought that, Warrior would finish his match, and greet the child.

However, after the Hart Foundation had wrestled, Bret found out that the Warrior had still not greeted his fan. Bret went looking for Warrior and saw him standing out the back, joking with the backstage talent. Bret told him about the kid, and the Warrior said that he is too busy. Bret thought "you have time to stand around, joking with people".

When Bret and Neidhart left soon after, the child was still in the room, waiting for Warrior. Bret felt bad, since this child's hero didn't want to meet him, and it made Bret lose all respect for the Ultimate Warrior.

So, it is ironic that a "Make-A-Wish" child in Konnor "The Crusher" got an award named after a guy who doesn't even greet "Make-A-Wish" kids who are his own fans.
I'm trying to recall from memory what I read.

It was in one of Bret Hart's books, I can't remember which one.

Bret recounts a story where a Make-A-Wish child, along with his parents, came to the WWE during a show. The child was an Ultimate Warrior fan, and wanted to meet his hero.

Bret said that the child and his parents were in a room, where the child was laying (he was in a bed, hooked to machines). As the room was on the way to the ring, many WWE superstars walked past, and went in the room and greeted the child, so he got to meet a bunch of WWE superstars. Bret was one of these superstars, and got talking. The child had met many of the superstars throughout the night, but one hadn't greeted him yet- the Ultimate Warrior- his favourite wrestler.

When Bret greeted the child, he and Jim Neidhart were on the way to the ring for their match up next. Bret told the child that the Ultimate Warrior was currently doing his match. Bret thought that, Warrior would finish his match, and greet the child.

However, after the Hart Foundation had wrestled, Bret found out that the Warrior had still not greeted his fan. Bret went looking for Warrior and saw him standing out the back, joking with the backstage talent. Bret told him about the kid, and the Warrior said that he is too busy. Bret thought "you have time to stand around, joking with people".

When Bret and Neidhart left soon after, the child was still in the room, waiting for Warrior. Bret felt bad, since this child's hero didn't want to meet him, and it made Bret lose all respect for the Ultimate Warrior.

So, it is ironic that a "Make-A-Wish" child in Konnor "The Crusher" got an award named after a guy who doesn't even greet "Make-A-Wish" kids who are his own fans.

Holy shit :wtf:

Ultimate Warrior was truly an asshole.

I can't belive he got a HoF award every year, after all the crap homophobic to racist, and like this shitting on a sick child.

If the casual sheep fans only knew.
I thought this year's Hall of Fame was actually quite good. Savage is an all time great and it is great that it finally happened. Nash was a great induction too. His speech was very real and he had a successful career. Good/bad person, it doesn't really matter, he is HoF worthy.

Arnold was fantastic. His passion came through and it is clear he was an inspiration to many WWE superstars. The Bushwackers were so entertaining. Thankfully, I listened to Piper's podcast with Luke a few weeks previous and he came across really well. That same charm was evident at the HoF. Also, Bret Hart doing the walk to the stage was priceless.

Alundra Blayze was clearly a pioneer and probably gave the best speech. Very real and it was great for every to move on. Rikishi is easy to like and I reckon he is HoF worthy. Sure he isn't Hogan or Austin but he had a pretty good career. The fact he didn't mention Too Cool doesn't bother me; it was about his family.

Zbysko went on a bit but, again, his passion shone through. Plus he had a tremendous career. Definitely worth of the Hall of Fame. Fujinami obviously didn't say much but, again, worthy of the HoF. Connor's induction will never be topped in terms of emotion. The fact that WWE have helped raise money for charity is ONLY a good thing. There is literally nothing else that can be argued about that.

The only debatable inclusion is Rikishi and I'd suggest he was an acceptable induction. Everyone else definitely deserved it and even if the show was a bit long, it ticked all the boxes from an entertainment factor.
No bruiser brody? No dynamite Kid? No Davey Boy Smith? No Owen Hart? No Rick Rude? No Big Van Vader? No SID VICIOUS? Lou Thesz? Giant Baba? Steiner Bros? Freebirds? how about Haystacks Calhoun( LOCHNESS)? No King Kong Bundy? No Rick Martel? Forget Alundra Blaze how about ELIZABETH?????? Lex Luger? rock N Roll Express? kamala? baron von raschke? No Demolition? Brian Pillman? Eric Bischoff? Ray Bossman traylor? Bam bam bigelow? Adrian Adonis? DDP? SID VICIOUS? Garvin Bros? OMG? X pac? Raven? Sabu? Dino Bravo? HAKU? Hillbilly Jim? Uncle Elmer? Marty Jannetty? Brutus Beefcake? Greg Valentine? Bad News Brown? Hercules???? BILLY KIDMAN???? Billy Jack haynes ?etc etc etc

Greg Valentine is in. It's a shame you messed up towards the end because your list was in no way too long and wasn't losing steam at all at that point...
They usually induct some lesser legends to not draw away from the main star being inducted which in this case was the Macho Man Randy Savage.

But Rikishi deserved it. He was around for years before he was rikishi as headshrinker Phatu and the sultan and he actually held championships during his time in WWE and had some memorable feuds. He deserves to be in it.

The bushwackers were a big fan favourite team in the early 90's they weren't around very long but they're memorable enough to make filler.

Alundra Blaze was one of the favourite girl wrestlers back in the day. I remember little girls would draw pictures of her and they would publish them in wwf magazine. She's long enough ago to go into the hall of fame now, thats pretty much the only reason she deserves to be in it, but its a legit reason.

I agree Arnold Schwarzenegger is taking it a bit too far but you need comic relief when you're having a night of seriousness to keep people from slashing their wrists.

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