Joke of a HoF this year.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
(Mods I don't know where to put this thread, so just move it to the appropriate section instead of modding me. Thanks).

I have defended most of the people who have gone into the HoF in the past, but this year's one is one of the worst ever, and few are deserving to be in there this year.

Don't worry. This is not a "Macho Man" bash thread, as he is the ONLY one truly "HoF" worthy. There is no question Randy Savage should have gone in, but some of the others raise more questions.

Arnold Schwarzenegger- REALLY? - Look, who doesn't like old Arnie? But, what was his contribution to WWE. What, he appeared on one episode of "Raw" and passed a chair to the Rock. So, now, that puts you in as a celebrity for the HoF. Yet, they again miss out on a celebrity TRULY deserving to be in, in Cyndi Lauper- who was on most eps of SNME in the first two years, was a wrestling manager, and was a big part of the original Wrestlemania. Instead, they put in Arnie for his meagre contribution, so that it will make bigger headlines in the press. Well, I guess if boxing put Sly Stallone in their HoF for simply writing a boxing movie....

Rikishi- I don't mind Rikishi. He fitted the mid-card well, and entertained fans. But if people bag Koko B. Ware for being in, then what do you think of Rikishi being in? It seems that they are honoring Rikishi for producing the Usos from his loins.

The Bushwhackers- I almost fell off my chair when I heard this. If I was driving, I would have driven off the road. The Bushwhackers were a joke. They were a novelty tag-team. They haven't put in Demolition, British Bulldogs, the Freebirds, Rock N' Roll Express, The Hart Foundation, or the Rougeau Brothers. Hell, I could accept the Killer Bees easier than the Bushwhackers. Now, anyone may as well be inducted.

Alundra Blayze- probably deserving, but she was the top Diva during perhaps the worst period of WWE history (yes, worse than the PG Era). I would have liked Elizabeth going in, since Savage is going in, and induct them together.

The Warrior Award- Not a bad idea, and it is a nice touch to induct that kid. But it is a bit ironic that he gets an award named after the Warrior, if you go by an account in one of Bret Hart's books, about how the Warrior treated a "Make-A-Wish" kid one time. But the HoF is probably not the time to mention that "elephant in the room".

Some Japanese guy whose name looks like an eyechart. Also, what has he contributed to WWE?

Best to skip the HoF telecast this year. Or record it, watch "Macho Man's" induction, and then go to bed.
Bit of an exaggeration. Think of the wider picture, and their contributions to the business as well as the WWE. I agree slightly on Arnold but his induction doesn't surprise me especially given his friendship with Haitch. I definitely agree on the Bushwackers though.
Meh, same old same old. Every single year, without fail, there's always someone who creates a thread mocking the overall class for the HOF. In my opinion, there've definitely been FAR worse classes overall.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Like most fans, I'm hot & cold on the "celebrity wing" of the WWE Hall of Fame. In the grand scheme of things, I don't really care about his induction one way or the other, but at least they inducted a celebrity that actually has contributed meaningfully to the world of athletics. The HOF "celebrity wing" is primarily about generating media buzz and Schwarzenegger definitely delivers that.

Rikishi - Not exactly an "all time great" in my eyes, but he did have a long & successful career and, regardless, his time in WWE was pretty memorable. He was a 3 time tag team champ in WWE, former Intercontinental Champion, as part of the Samoan Swat Team, he was a 3 time WCWA World Tag Team Champion and part of possibly the last great tag team in WCCW. Plus, he's a member of the Anoa'i family, so he's part of a wrestling dynasty. While Rikishi doesn't do anything for me personally, as I said, he's had a long career and one that was pretty memorable.

The Bushwackers - On the surface, it's easy to write them off as a joke. They were a low mid-card tag team in the WWF, but they came into the WWF really during the twilight of their careers. By the time they popped up in the WWF circa 1989, both men were well into their 40s and had been a successful tag team in multiple promotions & territories around the world for over 25 years. The Bushwackers were big stars and draws with tag title runs in Championship Wrestling from Florida, Continental Wrestling Association, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, Pacific Northwest Wrestling, Stampede Wrestling, Bill Watts' Universal Wrestling Federation, the World Wrestling Council and various others. It's just too bad that WWE didn't mention their accomplishments before they came to the company in 1989 and became a comedy, jobber tag team. At any rate, along with guys like Hillbilly Jim, they made an impression and they were pretty over back in the day.

Alundra Blayze - In terms of wrestling content, the early to mid 90s were generally FAR superior to the Attitude Era and modern era Divas. While never hugely relevant even then, at least the women weren't generally treated like little more than tits & ass with human beings attached to them. Besides, she's really something of a trailblazer for women's wrestling in the United States, maybe not so much for WWE as Vince has gone a different route. She was a major star in Japan and in the AWA as well, so it's not as though she doesn't deserve to be there.

The Warrior Award - I know what you're talking about as I read that in Bret Hart's book too and it was pretty disgusting. Going by some of the various statements Warrior made in his life as a conservative speaker, it's easy to believe that he was still an insensitive, intolerant asshole. To be fair though, it's also possible that was more of a show than anything else. He was an in your face, intolerant, hostile and very confrontational conservative like Ann Colter and Rush Limbaugh, though I feel that they exaggerate themselves whenever they're in front of a camera or microphone because controversy sells and generates buzz. Still, the awards itself seems like a pretty cool thing and could be the emotional point of the night.

Tatsumi Fujinami - Yeah, the "Some Japanese guy whose name looks like an eyechart" comment is ignorance personified. Fujinami was and still is a highly respected and skilled technical wrestler, was the innovator of the Dragon Sleeper and Dragon Suplex, and was primarily involved with the WWF during a time when they had a close working relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling, with Fujinami often wrestling with the various WWF championships on joint cards. Fujinami was a 2 time WWF International Heavyweight Champion, 1 time WWF International Tag Team Champion and 2 time WWF Junior Heavyweight Champion. Fujinami was a 6 time IWGP Heavyweight Champion,, 5 time IWGP Tag Team Champion 1 time NWA World Heavyweight Champion and a 1 time WCWA World Heavyweight Champion. Guys like Tatsumi Fujinami and inducting more wrestlers like him only strengthens the credibility of the WWE Hall of Fame.

Larry Zbyszko - Zbyszko had a memorable career as well. I don't see him necessarily as one of the "all time greats", but he was memorable and was one of the bigger stars in wrestling during the 1980s as a singles and tag team wrestler.

Kevin Nash - Announced earlier today, Kevin Nash, and he'll be going in under the name of Kevin Nash, is the final inductee to this year's class, if I'm not mistaken. We all know what Kevin Nash brings to the table: Former WWF Champion, Intercontinental Champion & Tag Team Champion, one of the original 3 members of the nWo, 5 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 9 time WCW World Tag Team Champion and generally one of the biggest stars in wrestling of the past 25 years.

So this year we have:

At the very least 1 member who is considered to be one of the all time greats in the minds of most American fans.
A well known mega celebrity with actual ties and contribution to athletics.
A memorable tag team & mid-card wrestler that's part of a great wrestling family.
A memorable comedic tag team with decades of success prior to coming to the WWF.
A well known, legitimately skilled female wrestler that made her mark in the business without having to be reduced to a sex object.
An honorary award being given to a little boy who loved wrestling and touched people's lives.
A giant in Japanese wrestling who was an innovative technical wrestler.
A founding member of the nWo, the Kliq, multi time World & Tag Team Champion and one of the biggest stars of our generation.

I dunno. All in all, seems like a pretty solid class to me.
Meh, same old same old. Every single year, without fail, there's always someone who creates a thread mocking the overall class for the HOF. In my opinion, there've definitely been FAR worse classes overall.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - Like most fans, I'm hot & cold on the "celebrity wing" of the WWE Hall of Fame. In the grand scheme of things, I don't really care about his induction one way or the other, but at least they inducted a celebrity that actually has contributed meaningfully to the world of athletics. The HOF "celebrity wing" is primarily about generating media buzz and Schwarzenegger definitely delivers that.

Rikishi - Not exactly an "all time great" in my eyes, but he did have a long & successful career and, regardless, his time in WWE was pretty memorable. He was a 3 time tag team champ in WWE, former Intercontinental Champion, as part of the Samoan Swat Team, he was a 3 time WCWA World Tag Team Champion and part of possibly the last great tag team in WCCW. Plus, he's a member of the Anoa'i family, so he's part of a wrestling dynasty. While Rikishi doesn't do anything for me personally, as I said, he's had a long career and one that was pretty memorable.

The Bushwackers - On the surface, it's easy to write them off as a joke. They were a low mid-card tag team in the WWF, but they came into the WWF really during the twilight of their careers. By the time they popped up in the WWF circa 1989, both men were well into their 40s and had been a successful tag team in multiple promotions & territories around the world for over 25 years. The Bushwackers were big stars and draws with tag title runs in Championship Wrestling from Florida, Continental Wrestling Association, Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling, Pacific Northwest Wrestling, Stampede Wrestling, Bill Watts' Universal Wrestling Federation, the World Wrestling Council and various others. It's just too bad that WWE didn't mention their accomplishments before they came to the company in 1989 and became a comedy, jobber tag team. At any rate, along with guys like Hillbilly Jim, they made an impression and they were pretty over back in the day.

Alundra Blayze - In terms of wrestling content, the early to mid 90s were generally FAR superior to the Attitude Era and modern era Divas. While never hugely relevant even then, at least the women weren't generally treated like little more than tits & ass with human beings attached to them. Besides, she's really something of a trailblazer for women's wrestling in the United States, maybe not so much for WWE as Vince has gone a different route. She was a major star in Japan and in the AWA as well, so it's not as though she doesn't deserve to be there.

The Warrior Award - I know what you're talking about as I read that in Bret Hart's book too and it was pretty disgusting. Going by some of the various statements Warrior made in his life as a conservative speaker, it's easy to believe that he was still an insensitive, intolerant asshole. To be fair though, it's also possible that was more of a show than anything else. He was an in your face, intolerant, hostile and very confrontational conservative like Ann Colter and Rush Limbaugh, though I feel that they exaggerate themselves whenever they're in front of a camera or microphone because controversy sells and generates buzz. Still, the awards itself seems like a pretty cool thing and could be the emotional point of the night.

Tatsumi Fujinami - Yeah, the "Some Japanese guy whose name looks like an eyechart" comment is ignorance personified. Fujinami was and still is a highly respected and skilled technical wrestler, was the innovator of the Dragon Sleeper and Dragon Suplex, and was primarily involved with the WWF during a time when they had a close working relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling, with Fujinami often wrestling with the various WWF championships on joint cards. Fujinami was a 2 time WWF International Heavyweight Champion, 1 time WWF International Tag Team Champion and 2 time WWF Junior Heavyweight Champion. Fujinami was a 6 time IWGP Heavyweight Champion,, 5 time IWGP Tag Team Champion 1 time NWA World Heavyweight Champion and a 1 time WCWA World Heavyweight Champion. Guys like Tatsumi Fujinami and inducting more wrestlers like him only strengthens the credibility of the WWE Hall of Fame.

Larry Zbyszko - Zbyszko had a memorable career as well. I don't see him necessarily as one of the "all time greats", but he was memorable and was one of the bigger stars in wrestling during the 1980s as a singles and tag team wrestler.

Kevin Nash - Announced earlier today, Kevin Nash, and he'll be going in under the name of Kevin Nash, is the final inductee to this year's class, if I'm not mistaken. We all know what Kevin Nash brings to the table: Former WWF Champion, Intercontinental Champion & Tag Team Champion, one of the original 3 members of the nWo, 5 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, 9 time WCW World Tag Team Champion and generally one of the biggest stars in wrestling of the past 25 years.

So this year we have:

At the very least 1 member who is considered to be one of the all time greats in the minds of most American fans.
A well known mega celebrity with actual ties and contribution to athletics.
A memorable tag team & mid-card wrestler that's part of a great wrestling family.
A memorable comedic tag team with decades of success prior to coming to the WWF.
A well known, legitimately skilled female wrestler that made her mark in the business without having to be reduced to a sex object.
An honorary award being given to a little boy who loved wrestling and touched people's lives.
A giant in Japanese wrestling who was an innovative technical wrestler.
A founding member of the nWo, the Kliq, multi time World & Tag Team Champion and one of the biggest stars of our generation.

I dunno. All in all, seems like a pretty solid class to me.

I missed the Zybysko and Diesel announcements, so that strengthens the class a little bit.

Maybe it would mean more if they inducted Luke and Butch as the "Sheepherders" rather than the "Bushwhackers".

My main gripe is that some of these people get in before people like Cyndi Lauper, Miss Elizabeth or Davey Boy Smith.
But, that's what YOU think!

Some will agree with you. But others won't.

So, unless every fan thinks the same, then who gets to decide things. Will it be like "Lord Of The Flies"?

No, one person has to make the final decision to pick Option A or Option B, and then live or die by that decision. However, it is his decision to make, not yours or anyone else's, and you can like it, lump it or leave it. But you can't change it.

If I was Vince, I would back myself (which has worked more in the past than many of you like to admit). I would make a HoF class, and stick to it. If a small minority wants otherwise, then put up or shut up, and protest with your wallet.

BTW, I think a lot of people here are just sheep, and just act offended about the HoF, because they don't want to fight with some of the stronger posters, who bully people here. They don't have the guts to say how they really think, but join in to "belong". Peer pressure is strong, so many here who say they don't like the Bushwhackers or Kevin Nash, may actually secretly love it, but that isn't the popular view, or one which makes friends, so the insecure pretend to want otherwise.

I didn't hear the fans complain when Vince threw up his idea of "The Attitude Era" (and I am waiting to here haters say how they, not Vince, drove the creation of "The Attitude Era"). I didn't hear fans say "That isn't what I would have done to take it to WCW". You trusted Vince's judgement then. So, do you only trust it when it agrees with what you want?
It strikes me that, every year, we get people complaining that the Hall of Fame is not a legitimate HoF, and one of the reasons is because it focuses mainly on WWE performers (shocker: the WWE HoF inducts WWE superstars...)

Obviously this largely ignores the likes of Abdullah, the Sheik, Bullet Bob Armstrong, Verne Gagne, the Freebirds, the Horsemen etc who were all in WWE for no longer than the proverbial cup of coffee, if at all.

Perhaps more so than ever before, many of the inductees this year spent the majority of their careers, or had more prominent success, away from WWE, yet people are still complaining, now THEY are the ones focussing on the 'WWE years'.

Fact is, with the exception of very few (*cough* CM Punk *cough*), almost all of the ones we each feel are deserving will be inducted. The induction I'm waiting for most is that of Demolition. I'm sure there is a reason they aren't in it yet, but I'm also sure, as longest reigning WWE tag champs in history, and the first duo to win the belts 3 times, that they will get there eventually. Patience is key, they can only induct a certain amount each year and they need to scale it (ie they can't just have a year of huge names)
I sit and wonder why people are shitting on the Rikishi induction so much. Indeed, he was a midcarder for the majority of his run and had his ass was his major selling point alongside his dancing...

However, I'd say he made an impact on the fans during the AE with whatever he did and many casuals seemed to like him as a performer, all in all.
I don't really see the fuss against his induction at all.
No bruiser brody? No dynamite Kid? No Davey Boy Smith? No Owen Hart? No Rick Rude? No Big Van Vader? No SID VICIOUS? Lou Thesz? Giant Baba? Steiner Bros? Freebirds? how about Haystacks Calhoun( LOCHNESS)? No King Kong Bundy? No Rick Martel? Forget Alundra Blaze how about ELIZABETH?????? Lex Luger? rock N Roll Express? kamala? baron von raschke? No Demolition? Brian Pillman? Eric Bischoff? Ray Bossman traylor? Bam bam bigelow? Adrian Adonis? DDP? SID VICIOUS? Garvin Bros? OMG? X pac? Raven? Sabu? Dino Bravo? HAKU? Hillbilly Jim? Uncle Elmer? Marty Jannetty? Brutus Beefcake? Greg Valentine? Bad News Brown? Hercules???? BILLY KIDMAN???? Billy Jack haynes ?etc etc etc instead wwe likes to induct Mike Tyson, Arnold Schwarzeneggar Mr T , Drew Carey, Donald Trump, Bob Uecker? Pete Rose? William Refrigerator Perry? Hell why not Induct Ken Shamrock while we are at it? Dan Severn also? Hell how about Dennis Rodman ? Karl Malone? Yes clearly this is the Jokers of the HOF fame

Its amazing how worst wrestling excrement spitefully try to extend the entertainment branch so far and raise the bar for entertainers
It amazes me that, every year, we get people complaining that the Hall of Fame is not a legitimate HoF, and one of the reasons is because it focuses mainly on WWE performers (shocker: the WWE HoF inducts WWE superstars...)

I have yet to see UFC induct any wwe performer or celebrity? HOw about NBA inducting Hulk Hogan with Dennis Rodman ?and DDP with Karl Malone? cause they don t want to humiliate themselves that way and ruin their image but wwe continues to be a JOKE
Thank you, Jack Hammer!

I want to add that for Larry Z, he was also a great wrestler in the 1970's, as he won the WWF Tag Team Title with Tony Garea.

His REAL claim to fame will be his epic feud with Bruno Sammartino that culminated in the suoercard, Showdown at Shea Stadium, where Bruno beat him in a steal cage match.
Larry Z was such a despised heel, that he had his taxi overturned after one of his matches with Bruno. He's an EASY HOF inductee.

I think this year's HOF is not bad. Now, if you want to talk about this year's crappy Wrestlemania......
I don't see why so many people complain about mid carders in the hall of fame. Jake the Snake was a mid carder. Mr Perfect was a mid carder. Apart from his first couple years in WWE Roddy Piper was pretty much a mid carder. Tito Santana, Greg Valentine, Jimmy Snuka. Lots of guys were mid carders but had great careers nonetheless. Also a lot of people seem to complain about mid carders but then bitch about owen and the bulldog not being in it. My biggest complaint is the number of inductees every year. With 8 people a year eventually they are gonna have to slow it down or start inducting people who really don't deserve it. I say do 4 a year give them a half hour each. There's no reason the show has to be three hours.
the WWE HOF is extremely political; that being said, it give us fans the opportunity to agree/disagree with the inductees, and allows us to figure out what the "measuring stick" (or lack there of) in order to become an HOF'er. Personally, this year's class pisses me off on the basis that only 1 of them deserves to be inducted: Randy Savage. Now, when we talk about Randy Savage in WWF/E, which match is always talked about? You guessed it - Savage/Steamboat at WrestleMania 3. So why isn't Steamboat inducting him? Easy answer because Vince, HHH & Co. just have to make sure they can parade Hogan up on their stage so he can say his phrases and plug the network. Next, "The Arnold". What the "F" has he done in WWF/E? Not much you say? Oh, but recently, he was seen rubbing shoulders with HHH at the Arnold Classic. More free publicity = Lets induct him! Ridiculous. Rikishi and the Bushwhackers were comedic acts, Alundra Blayze had a cup of coffee in WWF/E, and had the majority of her success in Japan (just like Fujinami). And Zbzysko's claim to fame was his alliance with Bruno Sammartino; Z is one of the most overrated wrestlers of all time. And finally, Big Daddy Cool, HHH's boy, he's gotten almost all of his "cliq" inducted, I guess next year, X-Pac will be going in. And before you know, HHH will be inducting himself as a performer, member of DX, member of Evolution, member of the Authority, and COO. WWE, like its HOF, is all politics and a joke. I hope nobody dresses up like a WWE "superstar" at the ceremony.
People need to understand that the WWE Hall of Fame has now, basically become the pro-wrestling Hall of Fame... That's what happens when you monopolize the industry. Therefore, there are going to be legends who you've never heard of that contributed to pro-wrestling away from the WWE, like "the Japanese guy who's name looks like an eye chart"... smh at you.

I sense the only argument you have against this class, is that more "deserving" contributors should have gone in, but that's the same damn argument every year. So what if Cindi Lauper or Miss Elizabeth didn't go in this year? I'm sure there will be many more chances for them to be inducted.

Arnold Schwarzenegger moments on WWE TV are widely remembered by the hardcore fan base... When he clocked HHH on that Smackdown, the pop was massive. He also helped WWE attract some main stream attention considering he was one of the biggest movie stars in the world in the 90s. Arnold was somebody who, you could tell, truly enjoyed participating and had passion for WWE. He needed to go into the celebrity wing imo.

As for the rest, JH basically nailed it on the head. You're basing everything off of you're tiny bubble of wrestling experience, which it seems consists primarily of post-Attitude Era WWE. There are other promotions out there that have created wrestling legends believe it or not. Go do some research.
This debate starts up every year once the nominees are announced. The only real solution is to do one of two things, either get rid of the Hall of Fame altogether, or just induct everyone en-mass at the same time. That way everyone will be happy.

I can understand why Arnold Schwarzenegger is going in this year, part of the reason might be because as others have said the time he was on will be remembered. Also Mania is being held this year in California, and he was the Governor of that state for many years. So not really surprising.

And like JH said everyone on the list has a valid reason for going in this year. This is not a slight on those that didn't make it, they will make it another time. And when they do, you can almost guarantee there will be bitching and complaining about those that didn't make it again.
Some Japanese guy whose name looks like an eyechart. Also, what has he contributed to WWE?.

I was going to take time to address Alundra Blaze (one of the greatest female in ring performers of all time) & Larry Z, just to name a few but I want to address the above quoted idiotic statement!

Let me begin by saying I am a huge fan of wrestling from the Orient with Lucha being a close second so I might be a bit biased.........But your statement shows that you know nothing about wrestling past/history. Wrestlers don't have to step foot inside a modern day WWE ring to help influence today's product/wrestlers.

Tatsumi Fujinami helped found NJPW, held various Internaitonal Titles (including some in cross promotion with WWF), helped train/cultivate guys like William Regal while they spent time in Japan, helped give us amazing moves like the dragon sleeper/suplex, had amazing cross promotion fueds with legends like Ric Flair/Roddy Piper for many years & the list goes on and on and on about the amazing accomplishment of this Japanese Icon. While I can see your argument about some of the names he definitely doesn't deserve to be just some Japenese guy! Do some research before your make such a foolish statement! :banghead:
Maybe with the exception of Schwarzenegger but I think all the rest are deserving this year, Theres probably more deserving guys like Undertaker, Thez, Bulldogs, Freebirds etc to be in than certain ones going in and already in but its not like this is the hall of fames last year they probably need some guys to headline the next few years worth of hall of fames.
It never fails that people complain about every HOF class, and it's their right. BUT, it's our right to retort, as well...

Macho- There's no argument there from anyone, I hope...

Arnold- While I tend to frown on the Celebrity Wing, and this one being no exception it's clear it's to draw more star power and press to the event, relevant or not. I mean even Sly Stallone inducting Hogan over any number of guys he ran with and worked against was clearly a promotional tool.

Kevin Nash- Though this isn't 100% confirmed yet it seems he is getting the nod this year and if being a multi-time champ and top talent through the most revered period of the sport doesn't do it for someone, what is the respectable criteria?

Rikishi- One of the more bashed inductions and again, what's the gripe. Through the attitude era he was a top mid card performer who also worked main event feuds, was recognizable and a big part of the attitude era. Sure, he had some crap gimmicks just prior to the Kish reboot but he was an accomplished tag team performer and member of the first family of WWE. You have kids who were 7,8,9,10 years old during his peak who are young adults now possibly with kids of their own. It's a nostalgic feel for them.If you compare the AE to the 80's he really was an equal to guys like: Jake Roberts, Rick Rude, Rick Martel, Tito Santana and Steamboat (WWF run). All guys who were in the mid-card but could have jumped in the main event virtually at any time.

Larry Legend- Yes, he's a sure thing for the HOF. His rivalry with Bruno was legendary and beyond that he stayed relevant through almost 5 decades in many forms.

Bushwackers- Again, the total body of work has to be considered for many guys that get put in the HOF and they are a great example of lifetime achievement. They were relevant everywhere they went, trained talent and booked several territories in their careers. One thing WWE should do when running down contributions is point out that even though they weren't real title contenders in WWE they were a big part of the companies community outreach programs and along with guys like Hillbilly Jim were at the forefront of WWE's involvement with many charitable organizations which the company is so boastful about now.

Fujinami- One of the Top 5 Japanese stars of all time and was a part of WWWF, WCW and inspired many foreign and domestic talents to get into wrestling. With Inoki in already and now him, hopefully it opens the doors for guys like Baba, Muta, Riki Chosu, Misawa, Onita, Kobashi and others...

Madusa- She was the last of the ladies trained in the old school ways and a real wrestler that transitioned into the boobs n butts down cycle with ease.

Warrior Award- It was a big deal to get Warrior to come home and this is an extension of that feel-good time and way to honor him (despite his flaws) and Conner "The Crusher" became a part of the WWE family. I think it's a cool addition. I'll take the Warrior Award over the Celebrity Wing any day!

Are there people I think should have been in long ago? Absolutely! Perhaps more worthy than guys already in? Sure! Timing is everything and it's hard to believe (especially looking at Savage getting in and the controversy that surrounded his relationship with Vince) that many of the stars of the 80's and 90's won't get in. Unfortunately, several are post-humous inductions and I don't think they really want multiple ones on each show.
All the HOF except Randy Macho Man Savage is a pure joke. Arnold Schwarzeneggar? You are kidding me right? What did he ever do or contribute to wwe? NADA!
Kevin Nash inducted is way too soon into the hall of fame. I recall Hulk Hogan and Flabby Flair were inducted in 2015 and now wwe scapped it . If anyone needs to be in the hall of fame is SID VICIOUS! PERIOD! NOT KEVIN NASH!

Madusa Micelli aka Alundra Blayze who tossed the wwe womens heavyweight title in the trash can is being inducted? Why not ELIZABETH? This is the perfect timing for both of them God rest their soul that they should both be inducted in the hall of fame same time same place same year Elizabeth and Randy Poffo should be inducted as the first wrestling couple forget madusa micelli!
There are 4 mistakes
Mistake 1) Arnold Schwarzenegger
2) madusa Micelli
3) Bushshitters( Bushwackers aka sheepherders)? They never won any titles worse than the Moondogs lol pleeeez. DEMOLITION or STEINER BROS should ve been in there
Why this lousy team and not DEMOLITION? STEINER BROS? Rockn roll Express? Fantastics?
4)Fujinami? You are kidding me ? He sucked. Great Muta should be taking the spot now not Fujinami?

There you have it folks 5 mistakes there Arnold Schwarzenegger, madusa micelli aka alundra blayze, Bushshitters ( worst tag team after moondogs), 4 tatsumi fujinami ? Which should clearly be The Great Muta
Here is the proper list for 2015
1) Randy macho man Savage
Yes clearly this is the Jokers of the HOF fame

Its amazing how worst wrestling excrement spitefully try to extend the entertainment branch so far and raise the bar for entertainers
It amazes me that, every year, we get people complaining that the Hall of Fame is not a legitimate HoF, and one of the reasons is because it focuses mainly on WWE performers (shocker: the WWE HoF inducts WWE superstars...)

I have yet to see UFC induct any wwe performer or celebrity? HOw about NBA inducting Hulk Hogan with Dennis Rodman ?and DDP with Karl Malone? cause they don t want to humiliate themselves that way and ruin their image but wwe continues to be a JOKE
It's a fairly standard HOF class. For a fan like myself, who wasn't around when Macho Man was at his peak, it will be cool to see him get his due. Nash (although I'm not a huge fan) has done enough in the business to warrant a high-profile induction and so between them two, a questionable- but high profile- celebrity induction, the Warrior award (which I think is a great gesture) and your general smattering of mid-carders and a diva we've got ourselves a fairly standard class. Of course there's always going to be controversial omissions but I think that's more down to WWE wanting to have a solid class every year rather than a ridiculously good one followed by a few weaker ones. Generally speaking, I think most of the notable exclusions will find their way in eventually.

One thing that always makes me chuckle is the yearly celebrity. It's so hard to gauge what warrants a celebrity induction. Mr T (despite the speech) was well worth it but Schwarzanegger is stretching it a bit IMO. Thinking about it, I suppose we will see inductions for Mayweather, Snooki and Maria Menounous at some point in the future.
For those hating on Nash: in the 25 years (quarter of a century!!) since Hulk Hogan lost the WWE Championship to Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania VI, only 3 men have held the belt for a full year: Cena, Punk and Nash. Nash also held the Intercontinental title and the tag title before winning the big one, becoming (I think) only the 3rd 'triple crown' champion in WWE history after Pedro Morales and Bret Hart - and BEFORE Shawn Michaels); he main evented 10 ppvs between 1995 and 1996, including all but one of the first 7 In Your House events; upon jumping to WCW, he was one third of the biggest storyline in wrestling HISTORY, which changed the business completely, not just taking WCW forward, but also arguably forcing WWE to adapt, culminating in the biggest boom period in wrestling.

It is totally justifiable that Kevin Nash be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Randy "Macho Man' Savage - He should be the headliner but won't.

"Big Daddy Cool" Diesel - If it happens, then it'll definitely bump up the overall value of the HOF card this year. But there is only a week of WWE programming to go before WM 31 & it hasn't happened yet.

Rikishi- I really don't hate this one as much as other fans do but it does seem pretty random & early. I mean if The Big Kish can go in, then why not Scotty 2 Hotty & Grand Master Sexay as well?

Larry Zbyszko - He should have been in a long time ago along with many others but it's still kind of sad that hardly anyone seems to be familiar with his body of work anymore & WWE knows it.

The Bushwackers - They are just known as the goofy guys who used to lick heads & march, 40 year career or not, that hardly screams Hall Of Fame material.

Tatsumi Fujinami - Admittedly not all that knowledgeable when it comes to his work but I'd rather see notable legendary names like his in over something like a Bushwacker.

Alundra Blayze - Probably my favorite inductee in this whole class, considering Macho isn't alive to accept or give a speech.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - I don't hate it as far as the celebrity wing goes but there are at least a small hand full of others who should go in before him, this was obviously a HHH move.

The Warrior Award - As a human being, it is cool to see WWE doing something nice for the family of a fan who lost his life, even if it is all just for the publicity. As a fan of wrestling, I really don't care either way & honestly I'll be a little annoyed if they keep playing all his vignettes/video packages more at WM or the night after on RAW.

So all in all, definitely not the best class this year. I'll actually be at Wrestlemania this year & I'm going to be skipping the Hall Of Fame ceremony to save a few bucks. But if I was a billionaire, then I would totally get a front row seat & be mildly entertained by Lanny Poffo & Co.
I am happy with all of the people inducted.

My only problem is how they're inducting a lot of them. The Bushwhackers bother me least in that regard as they actually acknowledged their pre-WWE career, and it's hard to deny that's the name they're most known for.

But they ignored everything before the Rikishi gimmick, which was nearly 15 years of his career. Personally, I would have put him and Samu in together, but also talked about the Rikishi gimmick.

The video talked about her time as Madusa, but putting er in as Alundra Blaze annoys me. Yes she did great work, but it was two years of her career. Even though she doesn't wrestle, she still works as Madusa, and that's how she should have gone in.

Nash as Diesel is really frustrating, as that's not even what he's most known as. His biggest time was as Kevin Nash. Same as when Hall went in last year as Razor. Talk is that they're go in under their real names with an nWo entry, which I don't care for at all. First off, even if they want to do an nWo entry, why should they use a different name now? Also, how do you decide which members go in? Will it just be Hogan, Hall, and Nash? Will it be the first 5 or 6 guys? But lastly and most importantly, they made a huge deal of Flair being in twice. If you put in nWo, that adds at least three more two timers, if Waltman goes in with nWo, then the rumored DX entry happens, he'd be one as well. I like Waltman and think he deserves a spot, but not both. They'd most likely only use him for one, but still. Of course the DX one would at very least make HBK and HHH two timers. With all of the deserving people who haven't gone in at all I would rather not see half a dozen people go in twice.

Again, I am for all of these people, but the recent focus on gimmicks bugs me.

On the fully positive side:

Savage needs no explanation.

Zbysko was a top draw in many territories. Oddly, people blame a lot of it on him being married to Verne's daughter, but I think that's why he wasn't a bigger star. He got stuck in AWA during its dying days to support his family and in laws. But he and Bruno had an amazing feud that drew one of the largest gates of all time up to that point. He's held many titles all over the country, and had great and memorable matches.

Fujinami is an absolute legend. He was an amazing wrestler who has main evented all over the world, including shows for both WWF and WCW. He may not be well known to casual fans, but he more than deserves his spot. I, for one, would love to see more Japanese wrestlers go in. the top on my list currently are The Great Muta, Genichiro Tenryu, Giant Baba, Jushin Liger, and Riki Choshu.

A large part of the problem of considering who is worthy for the WWE Hall of Fame is that people judge it like a sports Hall. While I get that in some regard, I think it's just as much an entertainment one. Guys like the Bushwhackers weren't the best wrestlers, but they always entertained a crowd. They were incredibly popular and deserve to be in for that.

I know I'm in the minority, but I'm in favor of anyone who contributed in a meaningful way. That doesn't mean being a world champ or a top star, but many things. Whether it be backstage work, training, helping up and coming talent, or just entertaining a crowd in a memorable way. That's why I've always been in favor of Kok B Ware. He was never a top guy for WWE, but people for get how popular he was in his prime.

There are many guys I think should go in based on things other than win/loss records. Sadly, since it's become such a big spectacle, many may not. The golden age stars being left out are still bothering me. Ray Stevens, for example, should have gone in this year, given his importance to California wrestling in his prime.

I've also been in great support of enhancement guys deserving spots. People ignore how important guys like George South, Mike Sharp, Brooklyn Brawler, etc. were to the company. The lack of wrestlers like that these days are part of the reason stars are so hard to come by now. Of course, South and the Brawler also deserve mention for work outside the ring, one as a trainer and the other as a producer.

Of course, it not being a straight sports hall, the choices become even more subjective, but many people have contributed to this product that we love and deserve recognition for their contributions even if they never main evented a show. Not that there aren't still some big stars left out, but I never worry about the whens as I know most will happen eventually.

I hope the telecast next week is good, at least. it will be nice to see a lot of them speak.
While I'm not overwhelmed by this year's class, I do think it's a solid one. The more I think on it, the better the HOF has been looking overall for the past few years.

For the most part, I probably couldn't care less about the "celebrity wing" of the HOF, but, in my opinion, it's getting harder & harder each year to genuinely complain about the HOF overall. Every single year, someone calls it a joke or says it isn't legit for one reason another, usually because someone they're a huge fan of isn't in there or part of the current class. While I do think it'd be nice if they limited the number of inductees to maybe 4 or 5 a year, I'm also not a big fan of just putting in 1 or 2 people a year. The only way it'd feel like anything approaching an event using that format would be if a massive mega star was inducted each year and there really aren't a whole lot of them left.

I don't see what else WWE can do to "legitimate" the HOF in everyone's eyes. People wanted Stone Cold in it years ago, he's there, people wanted Jim Ross in the HOF & he is, people were screaming for Sammartino to be put in year after year despite repeated refusals on his part to be put in but he finally accepted, Savage is finally going in, Jake The Snake Roberts & Scott Hall are both in, Warrior finally accepted the offer to be inducted, Kevin Nash is the final inductee for this year's class, The Undertaker & The Rock will be inducted someday, as will Triple H, HBK's already in, Flair, Anderson, Blanchard, Windham are in, Bret Hart's in, Japanese icons like Antonio Inoki is in, Tatsumi Fujinami is in this year, legendary wrestlers/promoters like Vern Gagne & Fritz Von Erich are members.

Every single year, every single inductee can't possibly live up to the often unrealistic, sometimes downright insane, standards of some internet fans and I just think it's time to chill on taking the HOF so abysmally serious.
I think the Hall Of Fame this year will be great for old school fans .

Alunda Blaze AKA Madusa a great ladies wrestler WWF Women's Champion had a good rivalry with Bull Nakano back in the 90s.

Fujinami I don't know much about him but what I read about him he was a good Japanese wrestler.

Rikishi He was part of one of the coolest and dangerous tag teams The Headshrinkers and then later teamed with 2 Cool .

Larry Zbysko great TV Champ in WCW member of The Dangerous Alliance and a great color commentator and his feud with Sammartino was legendary.

Kevin Nash Member of the Kliq Former WWF Champion one of the founding members of the greatest factions of all time The nWo, and nWo Wolfpac with Randy Savage and Scott Hall He also was the one who put an end to Goldberg's 173 Winning Streak

Arnold Schwarzenegger knocked out HHH on an episode of Smackdown.

Connor The Crusher touched the hearts of many Superstars and Divas with his fighting Spirit.

" Macho Man " Randy Savage The greatest in ring wrestler and talker in the WWF and WCW 2 Time WWF Champion a 4 Time WCW Champion 1 Time WWF Intercontinental Champion a member of the Mega Powers with Hulk Hogan a member of Ultimate Maniacs with Ultimate Warrior, a member of the nWo and the nWo Wolfpack with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.
Had it not been for the Zybysko and Nash additons I would be much more negative on this years class than I am now. That said WWE seriously should consider dropping the the number of yearly entries because its seriously starting to show that they are grasping at straws to induct a certain number of people. I'm not mad about Arnold Szc- however its spelled. They have a celebrity wing and I've just become accustomed to some celebrity who made at least one notable appearance on any WWE event getting an entry. But I will say if Drew Carry's Rumble appearance got him in, then Maria Menunous is a lock, she at least won a WrestleMania match.

My real beef, as I said is they are reaching to find guys to induct and its kinda bringing the whole look, or prestige of the HOF down in a way. For example this years "filler" candidates include the likes off:

- The Bushwhackers: don't bring up whatever the hell they apparently did on the indies prior to WWE, I don't care. This may sound harsh, but The Bushwhackers were the kind of gimmicks that made you hang your head as a wrestling fan cause you had no way to defend it to people.

- Rikishi: Don't get me wrong he was a good in ring big guy, and a nice entertaining mid card act. But come on. . . Seriously? Is the career of Rikishi what you REALLY what you consider Hall of Fame caliber? Or is everybody who is some part of the great Samoan Family Tree of wrestling automatically a lock? He was the most over as the big lovable dancing Samoan in a sumo thong, who had a habit of face sitting his opponents. Hey that's fine, like I said he was entertaining, but I don't see him as a Hall of Famer. Let me put it this way. . . "I did it for the rock". . . That right there was the highest he climbed up the card. After Austin smacked him around, and Then Rock got his turn at him, they moved him back to the mid card. Good in ring big guy, comes from a great wrestling family, someone who NXT might benefit from having around to help young talent. . .WWE HOF. . .Sorry, No.

I'm gonna stop hear, but I was tempted to go through other Hall of Fame inductees the kinda ticked me off. However, I don't want to risk the off chance that one of the wrestlers see what I say, and then have a very angry man with a parrot on my door step.
- Rikishi: Don't get me wrong he was a good in ring big guy, and a nice entertaining mid card act. But come on. . . Seriously? Is the career of Rikishi what you REALLY what you consider Hall of Fame caliber? Or is everybody who is some part of the great Samoan Family Tree of wrestling automatically a lock? He was the most over as the big lovable dancing Samoan in a sumo thong, who had a habit of face sitting his opponents. Hey that's fine, like I said he was entertaining, but I don't see him as a Hall of Famer. Let me put it this way. . . "I did it for the rock". . . That right there was the highest he climbed up the card. After Austin smacked him around, and Then Rock got his turn at him, they moved him back to the mid card. Good in ring big guy, comes from a great wrestling family, someone who NXT might benefit from having around to help young talent. . .WWE HOF. . .Sorry, No.

Rikishi's career doesn't really strike me as someone who qualifies as one of the "all time greats" but, then again, most of the wrestlers that most American fans would consider "all time greats" are pretty much already in the HOF or will be someday. When I think of greatness though, to be fair, Larry Zbyszko doesn't really stand out for me either. Sure, he was AWA World Heavyweight Champion on two occasions but, let's be honest, it's not like anyone cared and the AWA was on its last legs when he won the title. For the most part, if Zbyszko hadn't been on WCW Monday Nitro flapping his gums on commentary, I doubt most modern fans would know who he is or even remotely care.

As I've said, it just seems like WWE can't win with the HOF. People want "all time greats" inducted, yet look at how liberally a lot of fans use the phrase "all time greats" these days. Most, not all but most, of the wrestlers that most American fans would view as "all time greats" are already in, will be probably within the next 5 or 10 years while the nearly all of ones who aren't are most likely dead and/or had their primes decades before most of us were born. I've heard for years that the HOF doesn't have any credibility and it's really becoming just another crutch for haters to lean on like the old chestnuts of "Cena can't wrestle." Hogan, Flair, Race, Piper, Sammartino, Morales Michaels, Rhodes, Andre, The Road Warriors, Warrior, The Funks, Lawler, Hennan, Hart, Guerrero, Edge, Hennig, Gagne, Bockwinkel, Austin, Steamboat, Inoki, Hall, & now Nash & Savage are all in the WWE HOF. There are others who some feel should be, there are always gonna be others. Not everyone is going to reach the upper most echelon of wrestling superstars, so if those're the only ones who should go in then it might as well be closed after The Rock & Taker are inducted.

I'm gonna stop hear, but I was tempted to go through other Hall of Fame inductees the kinda ticked me off. However, I don't want to risk the off chance that one of the wrestlers see what I say, and then have a very angry man with a parrot on my door step.[/QUOTE]

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