Joint Book This Idea's Thread

Alright, considering my work schedule, I should be able to get my show up in the next couple of days. That's a promise.
Okay guys, I'm dropping out of this. I feel unispired to write full shows at the moment. Feel free to plunder my roster for whomever you wish.
Are you kidding me? That is some bullshit man, you were begging to get in as the 6th brand, and then after one show you drop out man.

That is ridiculous.
I think we can work without SC. Plus if SC still has an interest in coming back that is perfectly suitable. His storylines won't play a part in any of ours and we could schedule him for the last PPV when/if he chooses to come back. He could just give a wrap up of what happened in brief little descriptions. Just a thought.
If SC is pulling out, then I say the remaining five of us have a mini draft where we decide who goes where. I say whoever has Alex Shelley gets Chris Sabin, so there's a start.

You can either add onto your roster or switch people around.
JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1774120 said:
If SC is pulling out, then I say the remaining five of us have a mini draft where we decide who goes where. I say whoever has Alex Shelley gets Chris Sabin, so there's a start.

You can either add onto your roster or switch people around.

I'm up for that. I say we draft his roster.

As for PPVs, with 5 of us, We could have 5 PPVs then a Summerslam then another 5 PPVs then a Wrestlemania.

Anyone got any other issues to sort out?

EDIT: I should have my show up by the end of the week at the latest
Here is SC's roster

Triple H
AJ Styles
Kofi Kingston
Matt Morgan
Tyler Black
Jimmy Jacobs
Chris Sabin
Eric Young
James Storm
Robert Roode
Billy Gunn
Scott Steiner
Steven Richards
Steve Corino
Lance Storm
Eric Escobar
Big Show
Jerry Lynn
Justin Credible
Jesse James
Abraham Washington
Austin Aries
Jay Briscoe
Mark Briscoe
I believe his GM was Eric Bischoff, so that makes sense. Bischoff and McMahon couldn't coexist so Bischoff quit the company and relinquished all of his superstars. And stellar news fellows, my show at the earliest will be up tonight. I have to type my main event match. I doubt I get it up tonight as I just have no energy to type the match. So it will most likely be up tomorrow night.
I'll probably pass on the draft. There isn't too much I want on his roster, plus I'd then have to find a way to get them into storylines. Idk.
I say we all post our first show and then draft. Or I for one would have to completely re-write my first show. We're probably gonna rewrite our future storylines with the new additions anyway.

Just out of curiosity, is there anyone who doesn't want AJ on their roster?

EDIT: Just saw the posts above. I want AJ, damnit!
Let's deal with the draft after me, Theo and Sivs have posted our shows. Mine is in the works, shouldn't be too long now.
Couple of updates, I've released Alissa Flash and Hamada from my rosters.

I'd also like to have Abraham Washington from SC's roster, and that's all I shall be needing.

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