John Morrison

John Morrison is a mess, seriously. He's all over the place.

I really can't see how anyobdy can say this guy is even a decent wrestler. He's just awful at his job. You got Rey over at the apron, ready to do a senton on somebody, and is just standing there waiting for Morrison while he's sitting over in the corner mindlessly lost. Seriously, something is wrong with him, he's just lost in the ring, and he just does the elaborate spots that don't make sense.

He may be back, and I wish he actually improved, but after 7 years he still hasn't improved. He's still the same fuckin' wrestler he was since he debuted in MNM.

Thats the type of stuff that is holding him back. I still remember that horrible promo he did with R-Truth on Raw before he got injured. One of the worst opening segments on Raw. Dont know how people can think he is a future wwe champion.

He is over with the crowd. But no way Vince would ever trust him in a main event. And I dont really blame him.
Morrison is particularly gifted in his athleticism and can do things in that squared circle that most simply can not get done. He may be a little uncoordinated and at times somewhat sloppy, but to say the guy isn't elating or exciting to watch in the ring is simply untrue.

That is why I enjoy watching the guy so much,because he brings a different and unique style that's completely his own. Much more thrilling to watch than guys like Miz. He has all the tools to catapult him to the top some day. The only real thing that seems to be holding the guy back is his mic skills. His seems somewhat uncomfortable and wooden at times and he needs to work on that a bit.

WWE is still in somewhat of a bind, they are in the moment of a major talent overhaul and are looking for faithful players too take the ball and run with it for the next decade. At times WWE can struggle with finding the right guy,with failed push after failed push, they can't seem to make that next big major star. I'm not in anyway saying John Morrison is going to become the next John Cena or Steve Austin, but he could be one of those reliable faithfuls that WWE might be able to count on in the future too keep the gears on the machine moving.

Morrison, in my opinion is a main event waiting to happen. He's proved it in the past that he can work a main event caliber match. All he really needs is that right feud,that right angle,that right opponent and that right moment to push him over to the top. I'm comfortable in thinking that Morrison with be a future world title contender and holder, its just a matter of time. He just needs that special circumstance that pushes him up towards the top of the ladder and permanently cement himself as a main event player. That, regrettably has not happened as of yet. WWE seems to be confused as to what to do with him and its hurt him on more than one occasion. However, I do think they will get it right someday.

As I've said already, he has the tool, its about time he utilizes them. Whether you like the guy or not, he has talent and only a blind man would be able to deny that.
Morrison is particularly gifted in his athleticism and can do things in that squared circle that most simply can not get done. He may be a little uncoordinated and at times somewhat sloppy, but to say the guy isn't elating or exciting to watch in the ring is simply untrue.

That is why I enjoy watching the guy so much,because he brings a different and unique style that's completely his own. Much more thrilling to watch than guys like Miz. He has all the tools to catapult him to the top some day. The only real thing that seems to be holding the guy back is his mic skills. His seems somewhat uncomfortable and wooden at times and he needs to work on that a bit.

WWE is still in somewhat of a bind, they are in the moment of a major talent overhaul and are looking for faithful players too take the ball and run with it for the next decade. At times WWE can struggle with finding the right guy,with failed push after failed push, they can't seem to make that next big major star. I'm not in anyway saying John Morrison is going to become the next John Cena or Steve Austin, but he could be one of those reliable faithfuls that WWE might be able to count on in the future too keep the gears on the machine moving.

Morrison, in my opinion is a main event waiting to happen. He's proved it in the past that he can work a main event caliber match. All he really needs is that right feud,that right angle,that right opponent and that right moment to push him over to the top. I'm comfortable in thinking that Morrison with be a future world title contender and holder, its just a matter of time. He just needs that special circumstance that pushes him up towards the top of the ladder and permanently cement himself as a main event player. That, regrettably has not happened as of yet. WWE seems to be confused as to what to do with him and its hurt him on more than one occasion. However, I do think they will get it right someday.

As I've said already, he has the tool, its about time he utilizes them. Whether you like the guy or not, he has talent and only a blind man would be able to deny that.

Main event waiting to happen? The guy hasn't improved at all, at all! He's so sloppy and uncoordinated. He just doesn't seem like he knows what to do, he just does stuff to do stuff, no real build-up to his moves. He's just so socially akward on the microphone, it would be cringing to see him do a promo, ever again.

There's many other talents that should be pushed before Morrison, many of who are so much better than him. You mention word's like "reliabe" with Morrison. Well, do you think there's a reason why he hasn't help any single's title since 2009? IMO, I don't think WWE find him reliable to be a top Champion. I really don't see the reason for the love he gets and how overrated he already is, he's just there and does flips. He's just not good, at all. I'm sorry, you may like him, may be a big fan of him, but I can never see him be WWE Champion.
Morrison is particularly gifted in his athleticism and can do things in that squared circle that most simply can not get done. He may be a little uncoordinated and at times somewhat sloppy, but to say the guy isn't elating or exciting to watch in the ring is simply untrue.

That is why I enjoy watching the guy so much,because he brings a different and unique style that's completely his own. Much more thrilling to watch than guys like Miz. He has all the tools to catapult him to the top some day. The only real thing that seems to be holding the guy back is his mic skills. His seems somewhat uncomfortable and wooden at times and he needs to work on that a bit.

WWE is still in somewhat of a bind, they are in the moment of a major talent overhaul and are looking for faithful players too take the ball and run with it for the next decade. At times WWE can struggle with finding the right guy,with failed push after failed push, they can't seem to make that next big major star. I'm not in anyway saying John Morrison is going to become the next John Cena or Steve Austin, but he could be one of those reliable faithfuls that WWE might be able to count on in the future too keep the gears on the machine moving.

Morrison, in my opinion is a main event waiting to happen. He's proved it in the past that he can work a main event caliber match. All he really needs is that right feud,that right angle,that right opponent and that right moment to push him over to the top. I'm comfortable in thinking that Morrison with be a future world title contender and holder, its just a matter of time. He just needs that special circumstance that pushes him up towards the top of the ladder and permanently cement himself as a main event player. That, regrettably has not happened as of yet. WWE seems to be confused as to what to do with him and its hurt him on more than one occasion. However, I do think they will get it right someday.

As I've said already, he has the tool, its about time he utilizes them. Whether you like the guy or not, he has talent and only a blind man would be able to deny that.
He's not as athletic as you think. If he was, he wouldn't botch so much. I don't usually bitch about botches, because most of the time it looks no different than a person slipping while throwing a kick in the UFC, but when Morrison botches, it looks phoney.

If "all he needs" is the right angle, the right feud, right opponent, and right moment then he really isn't that good is he? True main eventers will make it the right opponent, moment, and angle because they'll get everything so ridiculously over that Vince has no choice but to put it in the main.

He does NOT have "the tools". Athleticism and flips aren't main event tools. Natural charisma and storytelling does. Like I say, he COULD definately eventually be a main eventer with the Jeff Hardy logic of "get 14 year old girls to cream their panties over you and jump off tall shit" but as far as doing anything with actual substance he doesn't. He's awkward on the mic and doesn't have the ring charisma. In the ring he looks more like a gymnist setting up for the next stunt and a wrestler. When paired with a good opponent, his stuff looks spectacular and spontaneous, without a good opponent, it looks sloppy and contrived.

WWE hasn't messed him up. For fuck's sake people WWE doesn't mess people up. WWE does their best to get guys over. If they don't get over it's because they (the wrestler) didn't do a good enough job. WWE isn't going to purposely keep someone from getting over. That's like saying Mattel is going to purposely make shitty toys. WWE wants each of their assets to give them the most return. What they do is kind of what I outlined. You give them an opportunity, if they get more over, less over, or stay the same, then they react accordingly.
He's not as athletic as you think. If he was, he wouldn't botch so much.

Have you watched the guy? The dude is a former gymnast. I don't see what botching has to do with any one persons athleticism. Some of the things he pulls of aren't very accurate yes. Sure, he might over shoot something but I can imagine any normal person wouldn't be able to pull off anything he does without the proper training and discipline. To say Morrison isn't athletic purely based on the fact he botches moves is an evasive fabrication. I've seen top stars botch moves, does that make them any less talented? No.

If "all he needs" is the right angle, the right feud, right opponent, and right moment then he really isn't that good is he? True main eventers will make it the right opponent, moment, and angle because they'll get everything so ridiculously over that Vince has no choice but to put it in the main.

True main eventers? You make it sound as if main eventers are born and never breed. Yes, I stand by my statement. It took Punk's shoot angle to really out him over the top and establish himself as the hottest commodity in wrestling. It took Batista's feud with HHH to really put him over the map and solidify himself as a "true main eventer". Edges Mitb cash in maybe not have solidified him at the moment but it was the start of something even bigger. How many years did Austin struggle until he was given the perfect opportunity to really step it up? Or about the perfect opponent in Vince? Its moments like these that I'm talking about, sometimes all you need is a tiny push in the right direction with the right superstar. Nobody's going to step up to the main event picture by feuding with say, Santino.

He does NOT have "the tools". Athleticism and flips aren't main event tools. Natural charisma and storytelling does. Like I say, he COULD definately eventually be a main eventer with the Jeff Hardy logic of "get 14 year old girls to cream their panties over you and jump off tall shit" but as far as doing anything with actual substance he doesn't. He's awkward on the mic and doesn't have the ring charisma. In the ring he looks more like a gymnist setting up for the next stunt and a wrestler. When paired with a good opponent, his stuff looks spectacular and spontaneous, without a good opponent, it looks sloppy and contrived.

You know, I'm kind of tired of hearing this "Oh he does flips and flys around to much, he can't be a main eventer mentality" Why can't a superstar poses those and charisma and storytelling abilities?. I'll admit he's not the best on the mic, he has little to zero charisma on the mic. The guy however oozes charisma in the ring, people have not problem getting behind him, did you not hear the type of reaction he got tonight? If Morrison wants to be a top dog then he might have to adjust his ring style a bit, for one, a new finisher might be most appropriate. Mysterio is one of those high flyers that seems to manage to squeeze into a main event matches quite frequently. Same goes for Eddie, he was known for high flying moves and ability and managed to jump into the main event picture towards the end of his career.

WWE hasn't messed him up. For fuck's sake people WWE doesn't mess people up. WWE does their best to get guys over. If they don't get over it's because they (the wrestler) didn't do a good enough job. WWE isn't going to purposely keep someone from getting over. That's like saying Mattel is going to purposely make shitty toys. WWE wants each of their assets to give them the most return. What they do is kind of what I outlined. You give them an opportunity, if they get more over, less over, or stay the same, then they react accordingly.

WWE can and has messed up before, you make it sound as if WWE is some all power cooperate entity incapable of ever screwing up. I understand they do their best to get people over but it isn't one sided. Sometimes they aren't given good material to work with or the storyline they were placed in just simply lacks anything spectacular. You can't say Morrison isn't over, he gets a good reaction every night. I'm just saying, sometimes it takes that little extra something to really push you over the top.
Have you watched the guy? The dude is a former gymnast. I don't see what botching has to do with any one persons athleticism. Some of the things he pulls of aren't very accurate yes. Sure, he might over shoot something but I can imagine any normal person wouldn't be able to pull off anything he does without the proper training and discipline. To say Morrison isn't athletic purely based on the fact he botches moves is an evasive fabrication. I've seen top stars botch moves, does that make them any less talented? No.

True main eventers? You make it sound as if main eventers are born and never breed. Yes, I stand by my statement. It took Punk's shoot angle to really out him over the top and establish himself as the hottest commodity in wrestling. It took Batista's feud with HHH to really put him over the map and solidify himself as a "true main eventer". Edges Mitb cash in maybe not have solidified him at the moment but it was the start of something even bigger. How many years did Austin struggle until he was given the perfect opportunity to really step it up? Or about the perfect opponent in Vince? Its moments like these that I'm talking about, sometimes all you need is a tiny push in the right direction with the right superstar. Nobody's going to step up to the main event picture by feuding with say, Santino.

You know, I'm kind of tired of hearing this "Oh he does flips and flys around to much, he can't be a main eventer mentality" Why can't a superstar poses those and charisma and storytelling abilities?. I'll admit he's not the best on the mic, he has little to zero charisma on the mic. The guy however oozes charisma in the ring, people have not problem getting behind him, did you not hear the type of reaction he got tonight? If Morrison wants to be a top dog then he might have to adjust his ring style a bit, for one, a new finisher might be most appropriate. Mysterio is one of those high flyers that seems to manage to squeeze into a main event matches quite frequently. Same goes for Eddie, he was known for high flying moves and ability and managed to jump into the main event picture towards the end of his career.

WWE can and has messed up before, you make it sound as if WWE is some all power cooperate entity incapable of ever screwing up. I understand they do their best to get people over but it isn't one sided. Sometimes they aren't given good material to work with or the storyline they were placed in just simply lacks anything spectacular. You can't say Morrison isn't over, he gets a good reaction every night. I'm just saying, sometimes it takes that little extra something to really push you over the top.
I'm not saying he's not athletic, I'm saying he's not this super amazing athlete people make him out to be. If we're talking pure athleticism, as in, if you had them lift weights, run, etc I bet Morrison is middle of the pack. If you're talking about acrobatic coordination, Bourne is way more advanced. Bourne is super crisp and was also a gymnast.

Yes guys do need a main event push, however they always gave the WWE good reason to do so. Punk is getting himself over, the feud isn't getting him over. Vince didn't get Austin over, Austin got Austin over. HHH didn't get Batista over, Batista did. If all it took was getting the rub from an established opponent, then Shelton Benjamin after beating HHH 3 times and having an amazing match with HBK would be a star now.

Yea, WWE does mess up, but they usually give guys plenty of opportunity. Look at the amazing job Santino has done, that's NOT an easy character to get over with. Shit the Undertaker's character isn't easy to get over but he's been doing it forever. Morrison isn't that good in the ring and he is bad-decent on the mic.

Morrison is what I call a tools guy. If you plug him in with a guy who can lead a feud and a match, it's great. However, by himself, he can't do it. He's a good look and a bunch of cool moves. Which is enough to be a midcarder. Unless you have someone to make you care why this good looking good guy is getting beat up and make you give a shit about his spots, then he's really nothing more than a body that does flippity shit. Flippity shit doesn't get you over. Looking like a main eventer physically doesn't make you one.

Until he can cut a promo and until he can make himself look good in the ring he won't main event. Unless he magically gets super over. Which he might using the Jeff Hardy theory.
Morrison's going to be one of those guys that gets put in random gimmick matches to make with the flippy-flippy moves unless he can come up with some way to get over. This prince of parkour shit isn't working.

I appreciate a good promo and a guy that can tell a story more than a someone who jumps off dumpsters and flips off walls.
Thing that everyone is forgetting - Morrison CAN's just giving him the right level of fire. Same with Kofi. The two of them CAN talk, they've PROVEN they can. Perhaps for Morrison it's a matter of alignment though and he NEEDS to stop forcing it.

My feel with Morrison is when he talks, it's not "his voice". It feels like he's putting a voice on for the camera. You know like when a kid talks to a camera and puts on a "cool voice"? Well that's what Morrison sounds like. Now remember, this is the guy that CARRIED the palace of wisdom team. During him and Miz's reign as tag champs, the vignettes on the internet etc were ALL Carried by him. Miz was just annoying, Morrison had all the substance to his speech.

WWE is more in a bind with Morrison because Morrison lends himself with his moves to being face. You can't pull off the stuff he does and get booed for it. Kids, girls, HELL, even WE, the internet wrestling community get drawn in by it when you see he'd need a TOTAL overhaul to become heel. The issue is though, his personality seems to lend itself to him being heel. Morrison is a better heel than he is a face; FACT.

WWE is also laden with heels, so they would need to turn a few heels face before he turns heel. But it's what Morrison NEEDS. Turn him heel and give him more mic time...because you know guys, you ALL complain that he's no good on the mic - but how many shots on the mic on WWE TV has he REALLY been given? And how much time in reality has he been given? A few minutes here and there. Hell in the WHOLE Sheamus angle, was he not given...umm...about 2 minutes?

See my problem is time with Morrison. They're pushing his athletic acumen but it doesn't show ANYTHING in terms of his mic skill. I can almost guarantee though - the right person and the right feud will MAKE John Morrison. He just needs to be given the RIGHT chance to further himself.

In response to the argument above about "right feud, right opponent, right time" etc. It's both to a degree. He needs to further himself - but he needs the right fuel to do it with. Sheamus was a good starting point - a great feud between those guys...Truth will be a good feud too but he needs something more to prove to everyone he CAN do it.
honestly everybody has trouble getting over and there is always people bashing new stars just because they are not familiar with him being in a main event i get that but no talent?try doing the sh*t he does
no charisma?why does he get a reaction from the crowd if he had no charisma
no mic skills?he has trouble with that we all know that but so did hardy and batista mic skills certainly can help but it aint everything

all and all i can see him in a main event maybe change his finisher maybe not but main event potential yes and i do see him going places especially after last night its always good to have sympathy with the crowd
Morrison is good for spots, I'll give him that, but his overall in ring skills can use tuning. Add to that his god-awful mic skills and he won't be headlining anytime soon. I personally don't think he should go over Truth at Summerslam. It's ok if he comes out on top in the feud, but right now, Truth is way above him on the ladder. I say he needs to relive the heel, 15 minutes of fame Morrison before he elevates himself further, which sucks because I prefer the face version of him. Either that or give him a manager to talk for him.

honestly everybody has trouble getting over and there is always people bashing new stars just because they are not familiar with him being in a main event i get that but no talent?try doing the sh*t he does
no charisma?why does he get a reaction from the crowd if he had no charisma
no mic skills?he has trouble with that we all know that but so did hardy and batista mic skills certainly can help but it aint everything

all and all i can see him in a main event maybe change his finisher maybe not but main event potential yes and i do see him going places especially after last night its always good to have sympathy with the crowd

Hardy had passable Mic skills. Batista's never had much trouble on the mic, especially in his last heel run so idk where you pulled his name from.

But you make a good point: anyone who says Morrison isn't talented is just hating. His charisma? Meh, the face version of him is too smile-for-the-kiddies, but as a heel he oozed it. The finisher? Yeah, that can change. I think they should bring back the moonlight drive.
triple H is making trips to smackdown with Morrison and R-truth maybe these guys are getting something from Triple H we never know...
I liked the time when morrison was in smackdown.. I really thought there he could have won the title... I really had some big hopes when he was in the Elimination chamber there...
I think smackdown is a better place for him... If he would stay on Raw he would end up jobbing MIZ sometime down the road...
Thing that everyone is forgetting - Morrison CAN's just giving him the right level of fire. Same with Kofi. The two of them CAN talk, they've PROVEN they can. Perhaps for Morrison it's a matter of alignment though and he NEEDS to stop forcing it.

My feel with Morrison is when he talks, it's not "his voice". It feels like he's putting a voice on for the camera. You know like when a kid talks to a camera and puts on a "cool voice"? Well that's what Morrison sounds like. Now remember, this is the guy that CARRIED the palace of wisdom team. During him and Miz's reign as tag champs, the vignettes on the internet etc were ALL Carried by him. Miz was just annoying, Morrison had all the substance to his speech.

WWE is more in a bind with Morrison because Morrison lends himself with his moves to being face. You can't pull off the stuff he does and get booed for it. Kids, girls, HELL, even WE, the internet wrestling community get drawn in by it when you see he'd need a TOTAL overhaul to become heel. The issue is though, his personality seems to lend itself to him being heel. Morrison is a better heel than he is a face; FACT.

WWE is also laden with heels, so they would need to turn a few heels face before he turns heel. But it's what Morrison NEEDS. Turn him heel and give him more mic time...because you know guys, you ALL complain that he's no good on the mic - but how many shots on the mic on WWE TV has he REALLY been given? And how much time in reality has he been given? A few minutes here and there. Hell in the WHOLE Sheamus angle, was he not given...umm...about 2 minutes?

See my problem is time with Morrison. They're pushing his athletic acumen but it doesn't show ANYTHING in terms of his mic skill. I can almost guarantee though - the right person and the right feud will MAKE John Morrison. He just needs to be given the RIGHT chance to further himself.

In response to the argument above about "right feud, right opponent, right time" etc. It's both to a degree. He needs to further himself - but he needs the right fuel to do it with. Sheamus was a good starting point - a great feud between those guys...Truth will be a good feud too but he needs something more to prove to everyone he CAN do it.
No he can't talk. You said the "IF" thing again. It's always "if given the right story" "if given the right opponent" "if given the right moment" "if given the right fire". Roddy could make you think he hates a bologna sandwich and wants to beat the shit out of it. There are no "if given" situations with main eventers. You're given a situation, you make the most out of it, it doesn't make the most out of you. Second, Kofi can't talk very well either. He gets too nervous, he may say his lines without stuttering and say them with decent vocalization, but he doesn't look at the camera which conveys a lack of confidence. Morrison sounds nervous, talks awardly (like it's not natural) and his voice is kinda shaky at times.

If Morrison was a better talker than Miz, then how come I sat live when Miz turned a mediocre entrance pop into the loudest noise of the night through a promo? Miz is good on the mic, extremely good actually. Morrison doesn't do any of the little things. "Substance" in a promo, like meaning, is probably up to the script writers who work with the wrestlers.

I like how you say "even WE get drawn into his flips" as if it's some mystery that a guy gets over on flips. I mean on the tag thread people are clamoring for a Gabriel/Bourne team JUST TO SEE 2 FLIPS AT ONCE. Just funny to me.

Maybe his personality lends toward a heel and maybe his in ring lends itself towards being a face, he's a professional wrestler, he gets paid to do this, he'd better figure it out. In the ring he can look sloppy and fake or spontaneous and spectacular all depending on his opponent. I would think if heels can carry him to look good as a face, good babyfaces can carry him to look good as a heel. Then again, if he ever wants to main event, he needs to look good against any level of opponent.

Again "he needs to be given the right opponent, the right feud, the right opportunity", main eventers don't get made by opportunity, they make the most of it and they make the feud and the opponent. Morrison has never shown the ability to do any, not even get more over. I'm not saying guys don't help others get over, I'm saying it's a 2 sided street and Morrison has been given opportunities and not risen to the occasion (vs Miz).

Like I said, if he's more over after beating Truth, give him a guy like Del Rio who is further up. If he's just as over as before, run Truth again and give him another chance, if he's less over, move him down the card and give him the chance to rise up. That's how it works. WWE isn't going to push him to the moon unless he shows them it will be justified.

honestly everybody has trouble getting over and there is always people bashing new stars just because they are not familiar with him being in a main event i get that but no talent?try doing the sh*t he does
no charisma?why does he get a reaction from the crowd if he had no charisma
no mic skills?he has trouble with that we all know that but so did hardy and batista mic skills certainly can help but it aint everything

all and all i can see him in a main event maybe change his finisher maybe not but main event potential yes and i do see him going places especially after last night its always good to have sympathy with the crowd
I agree that everyone has trouble getting over. As far as the "try doing the shit he does" well, that's cool and all but you try doing what Cena does. No, I don't mean his moves, I mean getting 15,000 people to all care strongly about everything you do. I say that because, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you do 2 moves for 2,000 moves, the guy who gets pushed and the guy who gets paid more is the guy who gets those people to care. If athleticism and flippity schmippity got you over, they'd be hiring gymnasts.

He actually does have charisma, it's in ring charisma. It's because he's confident in the ring. On the mic, he lacks charisma because he lacks confidence.

Batista's mic skills got dramatically better. He clearly went to the Triple H "slow everything down and use cliches mixed with a few jokes that halfway break the 4th wall" school of promos, but Batista got better. As for Jeff Hardy (I'm assuming you're talking about the only Hardy to ever get main event over), it's a great comparison. If you appeal to teen girls by being cute or whatever and jump off high shit, eventually you will get over.

I see Morrison as a main eventer if he keeps growing. He's still young in wrestling terms. Typically a guy can get over on athleticism early when their body isn't beat up, in the middle their body can still go and their mind is peaking too. Morrison just needs to "hit the books" so to speak and be more cerebral about everything he does.
I don't fully agree with TWC, but he does make some points.

Every wrestler has something that they're good at and that they constantly excel at. It basically defines the character. The problem is that the stuff that makes Morrison unique isn't done to perfection. I love the parkour, but there really isn't any purpose for it unless there are props for him to use in a match. And when he does hit is moves, they're sloppy. I can't think of any time that Evan Bourne has messed up his Shooting Star Press, but John Morrison messes up Starship Pain almost all the time...even to the point where it takes away the pop from the crowd.

I think Miz isn't as good a promo person as people make him out to be. He's witty though, which is essentially the character. That will draw attention to him more than anything.

Morrison has had some opportunities to speak. Aside from the one where he spoke to Jericho after he had him "fired" the others have been cringe worthy. His opening spot with R-Truth where Truth turned heel was so bad, that there were people cheering for R-Truth because Morrison came across as heel, and a bad one at that. He's stiff, even when he's upset.

As for Kofi, I'm a fan of his, so I don't agree that he's bad on the mic, I just feel like he hasn't had much time on the mic. And as of late, he's been given backstage stuff which has been good. The problem is that his character has been forced-fed. The lines don't feel like they're his. But he sure does a good job with what has been given and to add, despite the fact that he's been demoted twice (Orton, Smackdown) he's STILL over with the crowd. Dare I say, he's more over with Morrison.

With that said, I think Morrison should feud with Ziggler. If Dolph and Kofi were able to bring value to the IC title and Smackdown, I think J-Mo and Dolph can do the same with the US Title.
Im not a huge Morrison fan, however he doesnt scream spot monkey to me, more like wasted potential, on his part as well as the WWE. He has the undoubted in ring ability and the look, his character and move set just need a bit of tweaking not a major overhaul, as stated in some of the previous posts, which I think are pretty much spot on.

We all know his greatest weakness, and what makes it worse is the fact that he clearly knows it as well, and it shows, he just comes across as so nervous on the stick, he needs to learn to relax and just be more natural and I think that will help a great deal.

However the WWE need to step up a bit too, there not slow in sending talent to the minor leagues to gain in ring experience, but seem unable to offer the right support to their talent as regards improving their mic skills, send him to some acting classes, get him to spend time with legends like Dusty, give him more mic time, anything that will help improve on such an obvious weakness.

Morrison ticks a lot of boxes but that major flaw will be the death of him, if he focuses on it and the E offer the right support, it could be the making of a true ME superstar, mic skills cover technical in ring flaws unfortunately it doesnt work the other way round!

Also Truth should go over and Morrison move to SD!
Morrison should quit raw and go smackdown, I don't like this whole gimmick with truth. If Morrison jumps to smackdown he could start a great feud with orton and christian over the championship but staying as a face because he better that way
Morrison is in a sticky situation right now (not sticky like getting released but if he gets pushed or not) his girlfriend caused a bit of a problem backstage and has been released for that? He is very bad on the mic. He has no personality. He gets good pops but I can't see him selling much merchandise and to me this is key. If he did sell a lot of merchandise then I believe Vince would look past a lot of his poor qualities because he would be making Vince money and Vince loves money (I've been saying that a lot in my posts this evening but it's true nonetheless). If you look at Jeff Hardy a couple of years ago he had some issues including his mic skills but he made Vince a lot of money in merchandise so Vince forgot about Jeff's bad bits and looked at all the money he was making from Jeff. So I believe if Morrison can some how start selling a lot of merchandise and make Vince money he will be pushed for the simple reason that he's making Vince money.
WWE needs a stronger under/mid-card to fill up their shows. Most people get excited about the main event, but without good under-card matches, no one buys the PPV. My point is, John Morrison is a guy that could be included in a strong core of mid-card guys. Not everyone is going to make the main event, and plenty of superstars(some more deserving than JoMo) have had very successfull careers without winning or being featured in the main event.

The main event scenes on Raw and SD! have been solidly built up for the last little while. IMO now is the time to start focussing on the mid-card titles and building up contenders for said titles. Some of those guys will one day graduate to the ME and some won't, but that doesn't mean they are failures.

I hope that after the R-Truth-JoMo fued Morrison goes into a program with Ziggy for the U.S. title. They sort of teased a fued at WM, but with the additions of Trish and Snookie, the focus wasn't really on Ziggler and Morrison. A U.S. title fued is where Morrison belongs, not the main event, atleast not at this time.
Folks, I'm new here. I'm a preachy bastard, and my opinions are always right. Woo Woo Woo.

...but here's my thoughts on Morrison, take 'em or leave 'em and I'll probably be borrowing some of the previous ones around.

In Ring Performance:

-Morrison has the wow factor, an uncanny ability to make me and other say 'Holy crap, how did he just do that?'

-Morrison has worked heavily on his mat skills, something that he needed to do and perhaps could still use some improvement... but in the modern WWE we really don't see too much real mat work (Bryan Danielson/Tyson Kidd match was the best I've seen in a while, and that wasn't -their- best by a long shot).

-Morrison has delivered consistently on his longer matches. Morrison's win v. Rey for the intercontinental championship a while back was top tier.

-Morrison's ability to improvise is in ring is bar none the best in the WWE currently, which is a damn shame due to the WWE's insistence on having their superstars stick to their move sets in matches (Yes, I realize Orton's DDT off the middle rope is cool. But the setup doesn't sell itself every time.)

-Morrison sells opponents well, not quite Orton good (to me, Orton is the best at selling in the biz)

-Morrison is a believable striker, the crowd reactions from his kicks should speak for themselves

-Morrison's primary finisher, Starship Pain, is not a main event finisher. Sure, it's fancy and the first time I saw it I thought 'holy crap!' but it's becoming old hat. The running knee is a solid alternative... but to be honest he needs a mat type finisher, some submission hold or variation of a hold would be the best choice I think. And if Cena and The Undertaker (two fighter type wrestlers) can get one as a finisher, why not Morrison?

Mic Performance

-He doesn't sell as the guy who is supposed to follow the Jericho/Austin/Punk book and not worry about who he's going to tick off and just say what comes to mind... he's too soft. He doesn't promote his speed enough. He doesn't sell the idea that he's not tougher, he's just plain better... I'm not saying he needs to pull the Mr.Perfect caricature back out (Dolph does it already, and he doesn't do it as well as Kurt H.), but maybe break out a manager for a while that's NOT Vickie or a diva. Crap, bring Ricky Steamboat out there. Bret Hart. Arn Anderson.

Potential Match-ups:

-There are very few match-ups that would really benefit Morrison or the fans from Raw. Strangely enough, he belongs on Smackdown...

Morrison/D. Bryan**
Morrison/Sin Cara

Raw leaves him with three:
Morrison/Del Rio

((Off Topic, I think it's important to say not every star should be going for the main title. Many fans are frustrated not because Cena and company are always in the spotlight, but because the subtle connectors like The Intercontinental Championship has lost its luster by becoming a consolation prize. Intercontinental champ used to be #1 contender. Honestly, I think the US Championship needs to go away and leave Heavyweight, WWE, Tag, and Intercontinental... there needs to be a True WWE champ and not just 2 champs of 2 shows. Tag champs and WWE champ should be allowed to cross over brands, etc.))

...and I'm spent. Thanks for hearing my ramblings.

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