John Morrison: What's going on?

I've found myself wondering if maybe Morrison is on his way to being future endeavored. He returns from being injured and while he's still fun to watch inside the ring, he's been getting his ass handed to him left and right. His feud with R-Truth looked quite promising at one point but now, it just looks like it's fizzled out with JoMo definitely getting the short end of the stick.

Now does all of this necessarily mean he's about to get canned? Well no, but you also have to consider one very huge factor: Melina.

That chick has been one huge dose of arsenic to Morrison's career. It's not all her fault of course as Morrison has made some choices based on the fact that he's in a relationship with her. However, she's the central figure in JoMo's fall from grace. First, we come to find out that Morrison is something of a joke backstage for allowing Melina to engage in sexual relationships with other men. We come to find out that Melina has a major attitude problem and results in a huge de-push for her. She's left completely off the WrestleMania card and Morrison blatantly criticizes Trish Stratus and gives her the cold shoulder through the entire program. After Melina is released, she accompanies Morrison to the latest Raw house shows and it's being said that she showed up at Raw this past Monday and tried to gain access to the backstage area.

It looked like Morrison was destined for big things not that long ago but I have a feeling that they've put the kaibosh on that.
Morrison is a mid carder. I never really viewed him as a main eventer. His In ring psychology is awful and he is bland on the mic. He is a great athlete and can do some amazing things in the ring.

Its not a good sign that since he came back he has been on a losing streak. Having his match with R-Truth on Raw instead of SS, plus giving R-Truth a clean win over him was pretty telling.

LOL @ Melina... She just got fired and she shows up at Raw and tries to go backstage. She just seems like a big time attention ****e. I'm sure they cant be too thrilled with JoMo for bringing her to Raw.
It's not John Morrison's fault. It's Melina's. It always was. People lost respect for him for still dating her while she was hitting on the rest of the roster, and then there was that situation where she made him badmouth both Trish and Snooki during Wrestlemania. Now she gets in trouble for showing up backstage after getting fired. This is not a cartoon. Your employers don't forget that you no longer work there. Thus Morrison gets punished for still dating her. He must REALLY like her because she is the reason he's not a world champion yet. Don't blame Morrison. Blame the fact that he won't break up with Melina because he might never get the big push if she constantly causes drama behind the scenes.
It's not John Morrison's fault. It's Melina's. It always was. People lost respect for him for still dating her while she was hitting on the rest of the roster, and then there was that situation where she made him badmouth both Trish and Snooki during Wrestlemania. Now she gets in trouble for showing up backstage after getting fired. This is not a cartoon. Your employers don't forget that you no longer work there. Thus Morrison gets punished for still dating her. He must REALLY like her because she is the reason he's not a world champion yet. Don't blame Morrison. Blame the fact that he won't break up with Melina because he might never get the big push if she constantly causes drama behind the scenes.

So....what you are saying is the fact that John Morrison decided to stand by a women that not only flirted with, but had sex with other Superstars in the back. Constantly defending her crazy, unstable behavior, and putting his own career on the line because of it is NOT his fault?!? You gotta be kidding me right? The only thing I can say is that must be some good good she got cause there is no way that I am risking my career and self respect for her. She was a timebomb and paved her own way out of the door.
if jomo doesnt win his next macth (should be vs r-truth at SS or next week on raw) then idk what the wwe is thinking becuz he should have won his first match but it also had to do with the booking, becuz if hes gona fight christain, the world camp, then hes obviously gona loose. but i still believe in him and i hope he gets in the main event within the next year
I personally don't understand the John Morrison hate. All I need to know is that ten years ago the IWC back then DESPISED Stone Cold and The Rock. SSo I wouldn't put much stock into it.

I think he is good at selling and telling a story. The stuff he does can elicit a response from the crowd. Not something many people can do these days. He is not a great talker but I don't see anything that tells me he is awful as people say that he is. I personally think the losing streak is the best thing for him and it could be a good storyline how he lost everything- his spot due to injury, his girlfriend's place in the company, he has to pick up all the pieces and then suddenly he becomes noticed in the mid card like Miz did with actual direction and feuds.
♠ Spades ♠;3328966 said:
So for the past few weeks, we've witnessed the return of John Morrison, although the crowd's reaction wasn't what I was expecting. I was expecting them to start cheering and what not but instead it felt like a sarcastic cheer/applause like they didn't even care that he was back from an injury. After he beat on R-Truth he got a fairly good amount of cheers but nothing compared to before he got injured. That same week on Smackdown he had a match with Christian, the fans barely cheered but Morrison lost the match. The following week on RAW he had a tag team match with Rey against Miz and Truth once again he along with Rey lost. During that same week on Smackdown once again Mr.Morrison now alongside Orton lost again to Truth and Christian. Now I was going to make this thread on Saturday but I wanted to see what would happen on RAW this week so I waited. Once again for the third straight week Morrison has lost and now it's to the person who put him on the shelf, R-Truth. This is the 4th straight lost for Morrison so my questions to everyone is -

What do you think is going on?

Do you think Morrison is being de-pushed?

What should be done to get Morrison relevant again?
Hell yea he's being de-pushed and he deserves it. You come back from an injury as a babyface against a pretty hot heel and you get a shit reaction? You don't fucking deserve to be pushed, I don't care how many horseshit highspots you pull off.

You said "he didn't get much of a reaction" well that explains it. WWE isn't a charity, they don't push guys who do cool moves, guys you like, guys I like, probably not even guys Vince likes (they do to an extent but if someone is over and makes him money he will push them and like them).

Bottom line is he's not over so he's not getting a push. Why would he? Why move a guy hitting .200 up in your lineup?

I like the guy. I think he's a good performer, but he's a midcarder. He has to be lead to produce a coherant match, he's a bit sloppy at times, and he can't work a mic. He has athleticism, creativity, and a great look. That's only part of the puzzle though.
What do you think is going on?
Personally, call me a moron, but I think Sin Cara ruined John Morrison. Before Cara, Morrison was the high flier that made everyone's jaws hit the floor.(watch RR 2011 if you don't believe me) Then, Cara debuted and he became the "woah! How'd he do that!" guy and Morrison wasn't as impressive.

Do you think Morrison is being de-pushed?
I doubt it, although.....maybe he is being depushed a little bit because of his defending, if you will, of Melina after her release. I doubt he'll be pushed all the way down, to jobber status, but maybe WWE is teaching him a lesson here.

What should be done to get Morrison relevant again?

As at least one other poster here said, make him more aggressive. He has the rugged look, tbh. He has shown aggression in the past, and I think if he and Truth face this Sunday, have Morrison be aggressive in the match, and win or lose, I think Morrison should do a beatdown on Truth after the match. it's perfectly logical. Truth injured Morrison. Twice! (lol, on TV) Morrison would obviously want revenge;every normal person would.
Well, this is not his first return from an injury. The fans went birserk to hear Morrison would not only be returning but competing! YAY!

Then we see him back stage being looked at by trainers as Truth was coming to injure him again. I'm one of the many who realized the WWE's big flaw in that attack was there was no match for him to be injured in. So now fans aren't as excited to see him back because we know sooner or later he's going back on the WWE's DL.

Are they de-pushing him? Probably. That false alarm was pretty bad for JoMo and the fans hated it. That doesn't feel like it was an accident to me but I'm probably wrong.

What can they do? Turn him heel! Babyface JoMo hasn't done squat yet! Grow a beard (that's driving me nuts- all these cute wrestlers growing beard. JUSTIN I'M LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU) and rock it pretty well for omce yes, win a title tho? Hasn't happened yet. I can see him going heel and getting titles. And he needs to do it fast before he's history
i like morrison, he is very talented. the backstage heat is holding him back quiet a bit, i think that may be his biggest thing right there. however, i think he needs a complete overhaul to get back on track, i dont think ringrust is hurting him to much, he just needs something to get him going again, a new persona, new ring attire, more agressive nature, and a good feud could help out alot.
What should be done to get Morrison relevant again?

this is the only question worth answering. The thing that made Morrison stand out above what you are seeing now was the pre match warm up. Then he would do all kinds of crazy shit in the ring. Play that up more. Nothing out there has changed but show his pre match warm up more. Then play more off of that.

That is the key to making something work, keep some truth in it.
What do you think is going on?
Personally, call me a moron, but I think Sin Cara ruined John Morrison. Before Cara, Morrison was the high flier that made everyone's jaws hit the floor.(watch RR 2011 if you don't believe me) Then, Cara debuted and he became the "woah! How'd he do that!" guy and Morrison wasn't as impressive.

Do you think Morrison is being de-pushed?
I doubt it, although.....maybe he is being depushed a little bit because of his defending, if you will, of Melina after her release. I doubt he'll be pushed all the way down, to jobber status, but maybe WWE is teaching him a lesson here.

What should be done to get Morrison relevant again?

As at least one other poster here said, make him more aggressive. He has the rugged look, tbh. He has shown aggression in the past, and I think if he and Truth face this Sunday, have Morrison be aggressive in the match, and win or lose, I think Morrison should do a beatdown on Truth after the match. it's perfectly logical. Truth injured Morrison. Twice! (lol, on TV) Morrison would obviously want revenge;every normal person would.
I understand to a point that Morrison's gimmick was the high flyer, and just like you don't have more than one guy do a tombstone finisher to make it special you need to save things. However, moves alone don't get you over. Morrison does more awe-inspiring high flying than Mysterio, but Mysterio is more over. Yea, Mysterio has a whole legacy, but Mysterio also has more ring charisma than Morrison and can work a match better.

I think it's probably 95% Morrison's own fault for not getting over (can't tell a story in the ring without being led, can't cut a promo, looks awkward at times which is something a babyface can't have) and about 5% outside circumstances.
John Morrison is just not that good people ! He is a glorified stunt monkey Jim Morrison wanna be and not a very good one at that WWE has too many wrestlers right now that get alot more reaction with the crowd be it a heel or face reaction than he ever will. I think Morrison did himself in with all the Melina stuff that he put himself in and why bc they're dating ? Hell she slept with half the roster ! Plus he puts down Trish a WWE legend what an idiot ! If he is released and I think its coming he has no one too blame but himself
I think him not being in a major story has to do with the "backstage politics" (meaning the Melina factor)

he is not my favorite or my least favorite but I don't think he should be punished for someone else's issues (his girlfriend) but honestly I don't follow that stuff well enough to know if he dug his own grave or not

I think to make him "hot" again he has to be totally revamped (image and all) and if that doesn't happen I don't think he has much hope left in the wwe
Morrison came back and hasn't won a single match...I think he made a mistake with the public remarks he made about Melina a week ago...and then trying to bring her to WWE even though she was released...Melina is a problem magnet, Morrison should not make things public with her

This reminds me of Bobby Lashley, he left due to the treatment WWE gave Kristal...let's hope WWE doesn't release Morrison instead of him leaving...
JoMo had his shot during the whole K-Fed/Cena thing and he was quite a formidable opponent. Hes not horrible on the mic, considering hes taken classes before. He has a good moveset but honestly I only see him as a midcarder. The only exception would be if theres some sort of fatal four way for the championship, you always need a high flyer in one of those matches. But JoMo is just playing his role right now, we just have to wait and see.
What's going on? He sucks. Plain and simple.

He's not improving in the ring, on the microphone, he's just not good, at all. He's not going to pan out and be a big time player. He's just "there," he's still the same fuckin' wrestler he was in 2006, he's midcard for life. Just becuase he's young, and does alot of flips doesn't mean that he's going to become WWE Champion. There are many people that'll be the same wrestler in the beginning of their career, and not alot of them pan out. Morrison, I don't think has any chance to pan out.
What's going on? He sucks. Plain and simple.

He's not improving in the ring, on the microphone, he's just not good, at all. He's not going to pan out and be a big time player. He's just "there," he's still the same fuckin' wrestler he was in 2006, he's midcard for life. Just becuase he's young, and does alot of flips doesn't mean that he's going to become WWE Champion. There are many people that'll be the same wrestler in the beginning of their career, and not alot of them pan out. Morrison, I don't think has any chance to pan out.

He's gotten worse on the microphone, but to say he's gotten worse in the ring just shows ignorance. This is professional wrestling, the performers are meant to entertain the crowd in any way they can. So, all his "flippy, spotty moves" are there to...ENTERTAIN the crowd. Which it does. It may not entertain you and some others, but it's fair to say that it entertains the majority of people.
He's gotten worse on the microphone, but to say he's gotten worse in the ring just shows ignorance. This is professional wrestling, the performers are meant to entertain the crowd in any way they can. So, all his "flippy, spotty moves" are there to...ENTERTAIN the crowd. Which it does. It may not entertain you and some others, but it's fair to say that it entertains the majority of people.

Nah, lets be real, Morrison wrestled way better before his face turn/move to Raw. All his punches look fake as hell, The moonlight drive > Starship Pain but he never uses the moonlight drive anymore, and the only plus is the fact that he improved on in-ring wise is spots. He seems a bit more sloppy as well. He's still a good in-ring performer, but only in mid-card terms.
Nah, I was watching some of his stuff on Smackdown, and he seemed stiff back then. Well, it was only really noticeable in his fued with Mcintyre, but it still seemed really stiff. He isnt that stiff anymore, he actually flows from one move to another in a much better way now. Not to mention his selling has gotten better. But his punches look fake as hell, I wouldn't mind it if he didn't punch too often.

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