What Next For John Morrison?

I feel Morrison is fine right now. Coming off an injury, the most important thing is that he's on tv every week, sometimes on both shows.

What kills me is people's disgust of guys with main event talent not being in that position routinely. Yea, I know he had a great WWE Title match for the 1st match of 2011. That made sense at the time. It doesn't anymore. What does make sense for him now is to try & battle R Truth & Miz. If you remember the week before they dropped that amazing promo, they had a tag match against him & beat him after their victory. Him battling the odds against, IMO, the two best heels on Raw while being beaten verbally & physically could be entertaining. You know, fighting against the odds & all....

But the best thing about Morrison is you can stick him anywhere: Put him in the US Title picture. Ziggler, Swagger, Riley, & him would work. Put him in the Tag Team Title picture. Kofi/Bourne vs. Morrison/Baretta(or Gabriel, Kidd, or any high flyer) in a face vs.face bout to start a PPV? Ring the alarm. Pure fire.

But something different for him? Don't let him wrestle for a month. Just have him in the back, interacting with other faces & doing parkour, flippity flops in the background to draw appeal to him again. I dont agree with others saying he needs a complete remake. Just write his character as an athletic rockstar, which is how we see him.
To me, John Morrison is in a similar position to where the Miz/R-Truth find themselves. They are in upper mid card/Main event purgatory. They have nothing to do and nobody to do it with. The problem with his position is he has already feuded with both of these guys, R-Truth more recently, but I can see a rehash of JoMo/Miz. It would give an opportunity for these two to put an actual story together and not just thrown together. I don't know how much R-Truth would play into this, but I could see it happening. So put him up against The Miz and have them go at it at TLC. I think it could be awesome. (pun intended)
well lets see here:

they haven`t had a multi person match for the WWE title since ER and following HitC why not add him to the mix, or at least put him in number one contender matches.

Should he move to smackdown soon I see no reason for him not to fight with cody bc although some will argue Ic is beneath him Rhodes is the 3rd biggest heel they got over there at the moment so why not. He could also challenge Db for the briefcase in much the same fashinion as he challenged rey for the ic belt some years ago. Maybe he`ll turn face in the process.

Now I don`t pretend to know what creative is thinking. I doubt they even know most of the time. . . . Nevertheless there is talk of a vickie stable. Maybe JOmo can team with a face turned dolph to fight miz and truth. maybe swagger will be added with vickie taking over leadership, then you can add Ary on the otherside and you`ve got a stable vs stable. Perhaps have Ziggler be the leader of said face group, then gets kayfabe injured, jomo takes the reigns, ziggs comes back, fight over leadership produces heel turn.

Ultimately I would like to see jomo as the royal rumble winner come jan, but thats a ways a way, though I expect he will stay in my top 5 picks for it until then.

So in conclusion there are a few things jomo could do right now.
In my honest opinion, mic work is the heartbeat of a storyline, rather than the match. As long as you understand what someone like Chris Jericho would call "ring psychology," you don't really have to be the most skilled performer in the world to make for an amazing storyline. What makes for an amazing storyline is the story, which will always be driven by dialogue.

I think that's why we won't see John Morrison moving up too much further. He's just not that good, or even charismatic on the mic. Because of that, angles involving John Morrison end up looking forced, regardless of how fun his matches are. Honestly, a Wrestlemania isn't a Wrestlemania without John Morrison doing something fucking AWESOME, and that speaks volumes, and makes him an invaluable talent, but I don't think he's really capable of carrying a long-term angle.
I'm really hoping the unemployment line is next for Morrison. Hes a terrible spot monkey with no real talent. He's not worthy of a main event push, because he's missing a key piece of the puzzle to be a main event player. He can barely cut a promo, that one downfall will keep him in the middle card until the end of time.
I sort of agree with the post above. Morrison lacks real technical wrestling ability. People are blinded by all of his spots(which I will admit are always an amazing sight to watch) and the fact that he has for some reason been dubbed "the next HBK" but at the end of the day his wrestling ability is mediocre at best. Shawn Michaels was an amazing talent in the ring and he had an unlimited moveset before he suffered his back injury of course. I don't think Morrison will ever be as good as Shawn was.

On to the promo cutting he can't cut a decent enough promo to be considered main event worthy. I can't understand why some people compare him to HBK because of his lack of mic skills too. HBK was a great solid all around talker. Morrison.. Not really.

The only thing Morrison is good for is being eye candy for some female fans. His look is all he has in my honest opinion.
God, you guys give up WAY TOO QUICK!!! May I remind you that Christian was in the wrestling industry for 17 years before he won his 1st world title? Thats where he was 5 months ago, a long career and not 1 world title reign to show for it. But look at him now, Christian is I believe a 3-time world champ?

Yet Morrison has only been in the WWE for about 5 or 6 years, and you are already saying that he needs to try TNA or even RETIRE??? Christian went to TNA, and all it did was drain away valuable time. And just because JoMo signed a WWE contract and didn't immediately get multiple WWE title wins like quite a few guys now days, doesn't mean he's never going to be a world champion. Thats what happened with Sheamus and look where he is. He hasn't done sh*t since. Lets say Morrison's career lasts 15 years... you're telling me that he has absolutely NO CHANCE of improving his mic skills over the next decade? He has PLENTY of time. The guys that enter WWE and have instant main event status don't last long. It's the guys that work year after year and slowly go from mid-card to uppermid-card to the main event that are remembered. And saying he has mediocre in-ring skills is like saying Mike Vick can't play QB.

Anyway, back to the main question, I think that for some reason, this Miz/Truth team has 1 more clash with JoMo. But if Morrison switched to SD! he would be a main eventer no doubt. Especially if he were to jump over now. After this Henry/Orton feud, who will be next? A rematch is out of the question, Orton/Christian is REALLY getting old, Orton/Sheamus just seems bad... so I think Orton/Morrison would be awesome! May I remind some people of Morrison's amazing heel mic skills? All JoMo would have to do is cut a heel promo, not be quite as flashy in-ring, add some more ground & pound, and we'd have the cocky rockstar that becomes WH champ. Morrison seemed so much more comfortable and settled as a heel on the mic, so I think he should go back to what he does best.
I'd like to see Morrison get involved in a high end fued but not over a title. If they invested time into it and made it personnel it could help to elevate Morrison to that next level to make him a main stay in the main event. However I have no idea who he could fued with as all the top end heels seem to be involved in other storylines. Miz and Truth are kind of involved in a story but even so I wouldnt want to see them face Morrison... again
I was a huge fan of Morrison in the past(By past, I mean 2009), hoping that he will soon win a world title... However, it seems that he still isn't capable of cutting a good promo. I took a hiatus(Lasted from post 'Mania 26-January 2011) from watching the WWE, surfing the net about inside information regarding the WWE and not even talking about it with my friends. Then one of the first things I do when I got hooked again, I tried to find out if Morrison has finally won a world title or at least participating in the main event feuds and my search only led to disappointment but am I still shocked by the turn of events? Honestly, no. As much as I wanted him to succeed, his inability to be a great talker that could elicit the audience's interest with his character keeps him from being pushed to the stars. I knew that back in '09 and still hoped that he improved somewhere down the road but he didn't.

It's no secret that being a good talker is almost equally or maybe even slightly more important than being a good wrestler(Well, it actually depends on the gimmick: Monsters usually prioritize in-ring domination before handling the mic but for Morrison's character, the mic is IMO slightly more important). Simply because if you can talk the talk, you'll have the audience interested if you can walk the walk and back up your talk so to speak. /morrisonfanboyhistory.

As for the main topic.....
Well, I expected him to be in deep sh*t when I read some posts in the other wrestling site I visit about Johnny boy speaking a bit too much for comfort about Melina's firing. Hell, I've even read that he accompanied her to the arena even(Correct me if I'm wrong) after Melina was already fired. He might get a McIntyre treatment but hopefully no. Anything but being future endeavored, because I find it tough whenever I read about guys getting fired.

I'm not gonna dismiss Morrison and say that he's a lost cause. There's still hope form him to be a big time player in the industry but the thing is, he really has to improve on the mic and when I say improve I mean IMPROVE.
His ring work? Well he's not bad and does some flashy moves but there's a big room for improvement. If he doesn't improve in the ring and his standing with the influential figures of the WWE? I see no mainevents, no Wrestlemania big time matches(Major title feuds or just high profile feuds with established Superstars like UT,Trips), but just a lot of flashy and awesome moves that will never amount to anything more significant than for what it is.
whats next for him? more mediocrity and banality, one great spot at next years royal rumble, one great spot at elimination chamber, the iwc starts creaming their pants again pleading for a title run, then he does something else to fuck up and get in the doghouse and jobs to tyson kidd and zack ryder for a few months, pays for his fuck up, starts climbing back up the ladder, then repeats this cycle endlessly until he retires from superstars with no true legacy. sorry guys he is ok, but i just dont see him getting any further than he gets now, unless punk uses his backstage pull to bring him into a title program with him.
I for one think that Morrison is overdue for a nice big push. I do not care whether it is as face or heel or even how it is done, but he needs a push for several reasons. He has been around since ECW. He and the Miz got their start basically at the same time. They worked their way up together during their days as a tag team. Who can forget some of those Dirt Sheet segments? You have to admit they worked well together. They are both talented in the ring. The difference is that Morrison does not come close to the Miz when it comes to mic skills and mic skills are a crucial part of getting over in today's "entertainment" based product. Regardless of mic skill, Morrison has paid his dues and is entertaining to watch in the ring. If mic skill is the problem, get him a mouth piece. Turn him heel and somehow become associated with Roddy Piper. Far fetched idea I admit, but just an idea - the point is not an exact idea or specific person to fill the spot as manager. My point is to give him someone as a manager who can get the crowd either really behind or really against him though. The skill is there and I have been a fan since his ECW days. At least give him the chance with a proper push. If the fans don't bite, then scrap the idea and move on, but I think he deserves to be pushed to main event level especially with the shortage of main event level superstars on the roster at the moment.
Unless every main eventers on both show get injured, i doubt that Morrison is going to have a spot on top of the card. Actually, i'm just guessing that he's still in the doghouse because of his Girlfriend (or ex-girlfreind) Melina. I been stick with a losing streak ever since he came back early, his feud with R-truth is pretty much over and until they stop those stupid Raw supershows, he will either get stuck on superstars like Drew McIntyre or job to the upper tier talent on raw.
Honestly I'd just move him over to Smackdown as a heel or face as he can work as both, and from there push him as a singles competitior and eventually in the title picture.

Also, he deserves a world title whether it be wwe or whc because he's been in the wwe for around 6 years and worked his ass off day-in-day-out and where's that got him? A couple of tag titles an intercontinental title and a couple of no.1 contender spots, personally he should be a world champion in the next 6-8 months.
I really don't know about Morrison. I don't know what it is but he just lacks...something. There's been a myriad of excuses used in his favor from bad writing, being held, being given a bad character, or what have you...but when you get down to it Morrison just doesn't have "it". Consider how long Morrison's been employed with the WWE...now look at his character growth(or lack thereof). If anything he's regressed. He's pretty much still the same guy from MNM give or take a few minor changes. What makes that so bad is all the personality an charisma he seemed to have ooze..well had dried up.

Now people want to say well his face turn is the reason he can't cut a decent promo, but that's ludicrous. To be honest JoMo wasn't never great on the mic, but as a heel his abundant cockiness carried him, decently. But now that he actually has had the chance to cut promos he's demonstrated just much mic skills are important. Now, I can't stand the Miz in any capacity but the reason he was pushed over Morrison wasn't because he had a better look or is a better wrestler, it's because he doesn't look come off as a amateur porn star on the stick. His need to fight back a forced smile and shaky delivery makes his hard to take him seriously.

And his mover-set. Look, flips are cool....agility is awesome and all, but why, WHY does every single move Morrison incorporate have to have little to no impact? It that mandatory? You honestly cannot take him seriously in a ring. There's no story-telling or any fludiity. It's just an random assortment of clumsily moving from one sloppy move to the next. And look, no one's saying he has to be Kurt Angle or Eddie Guerrero. But if you're going to have the bulk of you matches rely on springboards and cool kicks, at least land them correctly. People bash Mysterio, but there's a reason his matches are always among the best of the year and why he's been one of the most consistent proformers of his generation...he can land his moves properly. Hell, even Evan Borune is more fluid in the ring. Honestly, even if he could actually learn how to land his finisher...can you really take it seriously?

I personally like Morrison, but when you look at guys like Rhodes, Ziggler, Sheamus, Barrett, Miz, to name a few who have actually made an attept to develop or change in at least some capacity and then compare them to Morrison...it's hard to see him near the title picture, realistically any time soon. Perhaps he should pull a Chistian. Go to another company and just get away from the spotlight. Revise his character and see if being atop somewhere else can motivate him to give a damn.
I would put Morrison in a tag team with somebody else, and have them be a face tag team, even have them have a WWE Tag Team Championship reign, and then Morrison turns on his partner just like how Shawn Michaels turned on Marty Jannetty, and became The Heartbreak Kid, and Morrison can hire himself a bodyguard just like how Shawn did

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