John Morrison


Dark Match Winner
Now that he's back, and undoubtedly going over R-Truth at Summerslam, where do you see him heading next? Do you think him and Truth will have a long rivalry? Do you think he'll somehow get in the title picture even though it is a little overloaded at the moment? Give your thoughts.

This is NOT a John Morrison Complaint Thread. Stay on topic!
Not really. Vince hates Morrison. It's a known fact. Which is a damn shame considering Morrison is very athletic. But at the end of the day he's just a spot monkey with decent mat wrestling skills and amazing areal moves. He has some potential in him. He's pretty over with the crowd. I don't know what Vince doesn't see in him except maybe for his personal life. Melina's gotten him alot of trouble backstage. She's not worth it. She just ruins Morrison's opportunities at getting to the top. I think Morrison will job to Truth at Summerslam. Maybe Triple H has a different view of Morrison. Maybe if HHH takes over.. Morrison will finally get his long awaited chance.
Not really. Vince hates Morrison. It's a known fact. Which is a damn shame considering Morrison is very athletic. But at the end of the day he's just a spot monkey with decent mat wrestling skills and amazing areal moves. He has some potential in him. He's pretty over with the crowd. I don't know what Vince doesn't see in him except maybe for his personal life. Melina's gotten him alot of trouble backstage. She's not worth it. She just ruins Morrison's opportunities at getting to the top. I think Morrison will job to Truth at Summerslam. Maybe Triple H has a different view of Morrison. Maybe if HHH takes over.. Morrison will finally get his long awaited chance.

Spot Money, yes

Arsenal of Moves, ehh maybe?

Amazing Moves, no he's a spot monkey as you've already pointed out, jumping on a the barricade to avoid being eliminated from the Royal Rumble was cool, but if it ever happens again it wont be cool anymore.

Over with the Crowd, sort of. They pop for him, but I don't think anyone really gave a shit that he was back on Monday, I for one didn't

Dating Melina, this could be his long term downfall buuuuuuuuuuuuut........

Morrison's ability to cut a promo is completely non existent and thats whats keeping him from becoming a main event guy. He couldn't talk himself out of a plastic bag, and when he's in front of the WWE Universe he's unbearable. If he was in a feud with any top heel, hell any heel he wouldn't be able to keep up whatsoever
You know what was a little off? That Morrison had already taken his shirt off before it was time to fight R-Truth. I mean, when guys tear their shirts off in the heat of the moment or something, yeah, alright, I kind of get that, I suppose. But to come out as if you've just been wandering around shirtless? There's something unsettling about that.

I'm actually quite pessimistic about what Morrison and Truth can produce in the ring. Or am I? I'm not even sure anymore. The sights of Morrison's abs have thrown me, no doubt.

New gimmick idea: Morrison is always angry and full of bile and hate, giving him the nickname Raging JoMo.

That's all I've got.
Maybe Triple H has a different view of Morrison. Maybe if HHH takes over.. Morrison will finally get his long awaited chance.

Of course, that depends on how much of what we're seeing from Triple H on TV is real. For storyline purposes, he's in charge, but is it true in real life? Personally, I think it's partially true, at least....and will be come more true as time goes on and Vince fades from the scene. If and when that happens, it will be very interesting to see whom he and Steph like....and don't like.

As for John Morrison, who knows? I think he's a mid-carder who's operating near main event status. The company needs top faces with the departure of guys like HBK and Edge, so Morrison seizes the opportunity and gets more exposure than he possibly warrants. He'll get a few title shots, but I don't see him winning championships, except on a transitory basis.

I feel R-Truth is in the same boat, so what may be on the horizon is a lengthy Morrison-Truth feud. They'll be good at it and it will bring us some exciting matches.
If Morrison could step up his mic skills... I'm talking serious improvement, he could become something. He's flashy, he's over with the ladies... only internet fans really know about his relationship with Melina. Use that to his advantage. Shawn Michaels was flashy and over with the ladies. I'm not suggesting that he could replace HBK, but he could very well follow that mold and try to make it his own.
Morrison needs to drop that big ass fur coat... become a little more creative with his entrance. Just become an arrogant asshole that talks trash and then backs it up. I don't see why it wouldn't work... if his mic skills were at the right level.
There's no question Morrison has the ability to be in the main event. He's got a good arsenal and yes, he can pull some crazy spots. It really is his mic skills that are holding him back.

Another thing he needs to change is his finishing move. The Starship Pain is a cool move, but they really need to turn it into a signature move and give him another finisher. They had a perfect opportunity this past Monday. Just have people start kicking out of it. Then out of nowhere he hits a Superkick. It's seriously a perfect finisher for someone with his skillset. With HBK gone there's no one better to use it now.

When somone's gone for weeks due to injury or "injury" in a kayfabe world, that's the perfect time for them to come back with something new. Be it entrance or new moves. They just need to pull the trigger with him.


On a further note, there's still a great opportunity for Morrison to use the Superkick. Since he just beat up Truth on Raw and there hasn't been a match, he can still do it at SummerSlam. Have him use The Starship Pain and Truth kick out. Use his running knee (which is a cool move, but not flashy enough to be a real finisher) and Truth still kicks out. Then out of frustration, or even out of nowhere would be better, he Superkicks him for the 1 2 3.
Maybe Triple H has a different view of Morrison. Maybe if HHH takes over.. Morrison will finally get his long awaited chance.
I'm inclined to think Trips might give him a chance, based on that short-lived feud between Miz/Morrison and DX. I mean, it looks like Michaels actually handed Morrison the honor of landing a superkick on him, and iirc, so did Trips (with the "tuning up the band" routine and all... although I might be wrong, of course).

Dunno, gotta admit I'm a BIG Morrison fan, but I agree with you guys, his mic skills are absolutely horrible, and I wouldn't be surprised if that (and being Melina's lapdog) was what was keeping him down. And I hope he works really badly on it, I'd actualy like to see him on top, may it be as a face or as a heel - although I think he has an extra edge as a heel.
Morrison needs a dramatic improvement in his mic skills or he'll never be more than a mid-carder. The main focus right now, if they want to put him over, should be to put him in a feud where he'll have to talk. This feud with R-Truth might be good because Truth has been doing a lot of promos lately and it will force Morrison to have to do some promos. If he can show us that he can talk, I think they can definitely put him in the main event picture at some point.

As of now, I just don't get why so many people are obsessed with him?
I have seen tons of chances for Morrison to find a spot and run with it, on the dirt sheet he was legitimatly funny, he just has to go back to being a dick, be honest, let everyone know he is better than them (Punk SES) and he can do things that no one else can....might have to move him to smackdown with this character but oh fuckin well.

Cocky asshole with skills works, I honestly thought we were going to see Morrison go to Smackdown and ally himself with that moose pig Vicki Guerrero. He could have been a quick turn to heel and could be in a great program with Orton right now, they used to be great friends, hell they even got busted with steroids together, I'm sure they could work great together, pull out some interesting stuff.

The Move needs to change, once he gets in a more high profile fued, I'm sure it will. Once he goes against someone who can make a starship pain kickout believable he will pull something else out, he did it with Sheamus and he can do it again. My favorite would be the superkick...but oh well, we will see
Morrison is back and ready to get revenge on Truth. I think the two will have a feud that lasts a couple of months. After that he can try challenging for the WWE Championship. If Punk defeats Cena in their feud then Morrison could be next. The two of them put on a great feud in ECW so they could definitely do it again even better on Raw because the have both improved a lot since then. Morrison could win his first world title at the end of it. That would be great, fingers are crossed but I don't think it will happen. He has better odds with Trips running the show now.
He sure is set to fued with Truth for a good while. After that is done, who knows what the WWE landscape will look like? If Punk is still champion, then by all means, the two of them could have a great fued, however i think Punk will most likely go on to fued with Rey Mysterio again.

Its no secret he thinks very highly of Mysterio, and with Rey set to get a "monster push" over the next few months, Punks new influence in the WWE could cement a new chapter in the Rey-Punk rivalry.

As for Morrison, I see him going on to challenge for the US title. Him and Ziggler could have a great programme, fueding over the United States Championship.
If Morrison could step up his mic skills... I'm talking serious improvement, he could become something. He's flashy, he's over with the ladies... only internet fans really know about his relationship with Melina. Use that to his advantage. Shawn Michaels was flashy and over with the ladies. I'm not suggesting that he could replace HBK, but he could very well follow that mold and try to make it his own.
Morrison needs to drop that big ass fur coat... become a little more creative with his entrance. Just become an arrogant asshole that talks trash and then backs it up. I don't see why it wouldn't work... if his mic skills were at the right level.

Yeah Morrison does need more improvement at MIC skills but when he was Johnny Spade he spoke naturally and was funny and would have a lot of energy now he seems like he doesn't even need to try , he needs to be more into it.

He does need a style change the Neo Jim Morrison isn't really popping off , he can still have a jim morrison attitude but he needs to be raw,cocky,arrogant kinda like Val Venis but somebody who can actually kick your ass with some ju-juitso-capeoria , He also needs to use sumbmissions brazil jiu jitso style.

He would be good against Daniel Bryant,Colt Cabana, Justin Gabriel,Uso's and cristian

i think morrison needs to go to SMACKDOWN become champion there then transfer back to RAW with strong momentum.
Truth should go over.

He's got more character in his little jimmy, than John Morrison does in his entire body!

but it'd be a typical WWE move, after Punk, Truth is the best thing on RAW~!
It's a shame Morrison had to suffer that neck injury, because he was on a great run before it happened. He had a series of spectacular matches with Sheamus, he did have a pretty good falls count anywhere match with The Miz earlier this year, and he was involved in the triple threat steel cage match at Extreme Rules.

It's obvious these two will have a match at Summerslam. I've enjoyed Truth's heel character, but he has lost a lot of his momentum, and his hot streak came to a screeching halt, when the feud with Cena ended. Still, I think Truth will find a way to sneak away with a victory at Summerslam, and these two should go on to have a nice little feud. The rivalry between these two should be very personal, and I'm sure these two could deliver some entertaining matches.

The man to come out on top in this feud should move on to the WWE Championship picture. Truth was on a roll, but I think Morrison will get another chance at becoming WWE Champion. He was on the fast track before his injury, so once the feud with Truth ends, Morrison should become a contender for world championship gold again.
Now that he's back, and undoubtedly going over R-Truth at Summerslam, where do you see him heading next?

I see him going right back to the midcard and staying there.

Let him get a somewhat big win over Truth and see if he can finally get over on his own, but I doubt it.

Do you think him and Truth will have a long rivalry?

Might as well, unless they put Morrison in a program with Miz again, who else is there for him to feud with?

Do you think he'll somehow get in the title picture even though it is a little overloaded at the moment?

The only way he's going to get into the title picture is the same way Christian did and that's if he's literally the only guy they have.

I've said it a gazillion times before, John Morrison is not over, he's not as good as the Internet thinks he is.

He has a good look, women like him, but he's average at best in the ring and his mic skills are awful. AWFUL.

He's a midcarder for life.
I definatley think he'll go over truth at summerslam but it wont be the end of there feud. I think it'll go for about 2 or 3 ppvs length. As for where he goes next , i would love to say the main event and title picture but i just dont see it. I'm behind Jomo big time I think he has the in ring ability to be at the top of the WWE but he's gotta lose the damn fur coat and boots. He also really has to shake up his character to get to the title picture, if he doesnt then enjoy midcard hell for the rest of your WWE career JoMo . . . . . . .
John Morrison is in the same position as Kofi Kingston right now.

Their both marginally popular with the WWE Universe because they are both spot monkeys.

They can put on a decent match every few months, and at the biggest spots of the year they perform

but neither of them can cut a promo to save their life

and they are both destine to be Upper Middle Carders for the rest of their careers
If HHH is going to turn heel and start a corporation-type stable then turn John Morrison heel and have him be apart of it. Would be mad to have John Morrison, John Cena and maybe even Drew McIntyre all in one stable, all wearing suits or whatever. Would be totally different to what they are now and would be a shocking new look.
For Morrison to make an impact and start his way back up to the World Title/Main Event scene I say bring back the ECW heel Morrison. His first run as ECW Champion was pretty entertaining, he had an interesting character back then and came off pretty fair on the mic. I believe he looks and talks better as a heel because I think it comes natural to him. He could have the "15 Minutes of Fame" segment again which made him super arrogant and gave him credibility.

After the Cena and Punk feud at SS, Punk could end up WWE Championship and in my opinion turn face/move to program with someone else. This could then free up Cena to feud with Morrison. If not Cena, Morrison could feud with Kingston, Rey, A-Ry and any other face and then could eventually feud with CM Punk for the title.

Cocky Pretty-boy heels are too easy to hate, so I think this is the way to go for Morrison right now.
I really don't get it. People say that morrison isn't good in the ring. This is all dependent on who you comparing them to. These same people say that ADR is bad in the ring and actually he is very good. I really don't know what people want from a wrestler nowdays. Coz guys who can wrestle are bashed. Guys who do the "pop sequence" of moves get bashed. What do the IWC want? Then there is the schtick about his mic skills. He really isn't that bad. Just off hand I can recall he had one of the better promos of the entire run of WWECW the whole Johnny Nitro is retiring thing. That was cool. So he can speak and does have the mic talent. But does he get to show it? No he doesn't. Then people bring up his personal life which is totally uncalled for. If he wasn't over and management didn't believe him he wouldn't of been in those world title matches that he was in. And they were both good matches. And he may be spot driven but how is that different from the 5 moves of doom except for the bit where that spots tend to be one time things? They serve the same purpose. Stop being so negative JOMO is doing a good job.
Why can't people see past their own fanhood? It's either "push the fucking shit out of him" or "fire the spot monkey" or "Vince hates him". No, Vince hates guys who don't make him money.

Here's what you do. You put him over Truth at SummerSlam. The beauty of Truth's character is it'll stay over if he loses, and actually, probably get even more over. You can't have him lose too much coz then nobody buys him as a threat, but if he loses in a big match to a returning fringe upper card babyface, that's fine.

After that you see the reaction. You push the guy based on the reaction. The reaction tells you the direction to go. It's not that hard. More over than before? Push more than before. Less over than before? Push less than before. About the same? Push the same.

So based on that, here's my plan.

If he's less over than before. He has a rematch with Truth and loses. Then you have him feud with a less over heel like Jack Swagger. However, in between you have him kill Michael Cole since Cole is such a heat magnate.

If it's the same as before, you give him an opportunity to get more over. I'd guess to play to his strength you give him some crazy shit to do and use the Jeff Hardy theory of "if you jump off enough tall shit and get 14 year old girls to like you, you'll eventually get very over". Let's just hope Morrison doesn't develop a drug habbit. So you have Truth beat the shit out of Morrison so people don't forget how dangerous he is. You book a "little Jimmy on a pole" match at Night of Champions. If Truth wins, he gets to beat the fuck out of a kid with a barbed wire bat, if Morrison wins, Truth gets tied down and the kid beats the fuck out of him with one. Just kidding. You actually book Truth vs Morrison in a street fight.

If he's more over than before (after summerslam, not my last paragraph) then you put him in a feud with either Del Rio or Miz. I say this because I don't know the plans WWE has for the rest of the roster. Del Rio could be champ by then. Miz could be in a red hot angle with someone else. Who knows. If I were to rank the heels, it'd be Punk, Del Rio/Miz, Truth, so one of those two is a logical step for me.
@TWJC I like the idea of little jimmy on a pole match lol. But seriously though john morrison is good at what he does. I think he is struggling as a face because as a face he is limited. Its hard to get mic time on raw and its gona be harder now with hhh involved. But maybe have him speak at every live event. Or have him restart the dirt sheet (that's something that's missing right now a segment like "the peep show" or the "highlight reel") it would be great for him. Thoughts?
I see morrison only in main event matches only to fill up numbers like an elimanation chamber match or at fatal four way untill the next MITB ppv were I think he will win and hopfully his mic skills have improved by then he could realyy have a good program with miz again and have them face off at WM 28
John Morrison is a mess, seriously. He's all over the place.

I really can't see how anyobdy can say this guy is even a decent wrestler. He's just awful at his job. You got Rey over at the apron, ready to do a senton on somebody, and is just standing there waiting for Morrison while he's sitting over in the corner mindlessly lost. Seriously, something is wrong with him, he's just lost in the ring, and he just does the elaborate spots that don't make sense.

He may be back, and I wish he actually improved, but after 7 years he still hasn't improved. He's still the same fuckin' wrestler he was since he debuted in MNM.

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