John Morrison in Talks with TNA

Morrison is not the whole/total package. Sorry, but he's not. I used this a while back, but Bret Hart in his book refers to the three things it takes to make a wrestling star — look, talk and work rate. He grades every star up to ten in each category and states that you need a minimum of I believe twenty to be considered a star. In that respect, Hogan had something like a 10 (look), 10 (talk) and 2 (work) for a total of 22, for example.

Using this method, Morrison might be a star, but he's not the "total package". He's something of a 9 (look), 2 (talk), 9 (work). That's your twenty minimum, but he's just barely made it because he couldn't verbally punch his way out of a paper bag. In terms of selling himself on a microphone, he falls way, way short of stardom. This is the same issue Jeff Hardy has, for example, who I'd also grade something in a 9, 2, 10 mold. Enough for stardom, but total package? No.
I think this would be a good move for both parties. Morrison has shown he is a great talent in the ring and working for TNA is a decent move for him. TNA might be having their difficulties but I'm sure they will get through that and he can be a significant part of their roster.

TNA would be signing someone who was popular in the WWE and it may help draw in some viewers. I don't think someone capable of putting on high quality matches and brining in new/old viewers is a bad thing for TNA - especially with the quality of product lately.
there are very few guys in the business who can carry a company despite their booking/writing.

Morrison is not one of those. hes a sort-of "name" guy. hes loaded with potential and solid ringwork, but need writers to give an intruiging storyline. hes never gonna get that in Orlando. sorry. i would like nothing more than to say otherwise, but i cant.

theyre gonna write him as an Aries clone. a back and forth tweener with swagger. thatll be all. and theyll cut SuperMex and Jay Bradley to afford him
I'm not gonna pretend JoMo is a game-changing draw that could pop the ratings to a 2.0 every week, but from a fan's perspective he'd be one hell of an acquisition. Like, worth getting rid of Hogan to pay for. Hell, you could drop Hogan and pick up Morrison and half the people working for FWE. He's not one of those "WWE rejects" I'd complain about. He's a great wrestler, super exciting to watch, and I'd be happy to see him on any roster.
Surely it would make more sense to bring in two or three indy guys for what they would pay Morrison(I know technically he is an indy guy). TNA needs a bigger midcard. That's why Aries and Sabin are whc contenders one month, and x contenders the next. TNA don't need someone to "carry" the company. Bully, Roode, Angle, Aries, Stinger, AJ are an amazing upper-tier. They just need to utilize them better. Morrison would just be another performer. Build the mid card and improve booking.
since I haven't watched WWE in a while now I don't really remember much about Morrison. I think the last time I saw Morrison was when he was fairly new in the tag team MNM.

if Morrison came to TNA, would he be the X division type? or is he someone that could be pushed into upper mid card/heavyweight type?
just on look, he does look impressive. when I look at him the first former wrestler to come to mind is Ravishing Rick Rude.

if he was simply going to be used in the X division I don't think he would be worth it. but that might be more so on my opinion on the X division, which has been more like a cruiser weight division which isn't even up to the mid card. now maybe TNA is changing that since they're using guys like Hardy and Aries there again, but I think it's going to take time to drop that low card impression.

but couldn't Morrison be brought in and pushed has as someone in the upper mid card and maybe pushed higher?
He'd be a good addition for TNA and it could be a chance for him to reinvent himself, but personally I think he is more likely to return to the WWE in the end if he comes back to wrestling full time.

If he came in now then he'd be an ideal feud for Sabin, he could make it personal as well, saying "I came here to take your title and diddle your strumpet!" thus getting Velvet involved as more than a prop and maybe even leading to Melina joining as well to boost the KO division. Long term though I'd say Morrison could fit nicely into the TNA main event scene.
Using this method, Morrison might be a star, but he's not the "total package". He's something of a 9 (look), 2 (talk), 9 (work). That's your twenty minimum, but he's just barely made it because he couldn't verbally punch his way out of a paper bag. In terms of selling himself on a microphone, he falls way, way short of stardom. This is the same issue Jeff Hardy has, for example, who I'd also grade something in a 9, 2, 10 mold. Enough for stardom, but total package? No.

Theres only a handful of wrestlers on the roster in TNA that can actually pick up a mic and not sound like Dixie dropped them on the walkway, then fumbled trying to pick them up and dropped them on their heads again.

JoMo may not be the best talker, but hes had WWE training on the mic which is like striking oil for TNA. He will certainly walk in and be one of their better talkers. As I said earlier, TNA has a real lack of people that can actually carry a storyline. Compared to the majority of TNA's roster hes probably an 8 on the mic.

He isnt that small either. Hes 6'1", hes taller and heavier than AJ Styles. I can definitely see him in the World Title picture further down the track.
Theres only a handful of wrestlers on the roster in TNA that can actually pick up a mic and not sound like Dixie dropped them on the walkway, then fumbled trying to pick them up and dropped them on their heads again.

JoMo may not be the best talker, but hes had WWE training on the mic which is like striking oil for TNA. He will certainly walk in and be one of their better talkers. As I said earlier, TNA has a real lack of people that can actually carry a storyline. Compared to the majority of TNA's roster hes probably an 8 on the mic.

He isnt that small either. Hes 6'1", hes taller and heavier than AJ Styles. I can definitely see him in the World Title picture further down the track.

1. What the rest of the roster does or does not do well does not make Morrison a better talker. That's like saying that putting an armed robber next to a rapist and a murderer in prison makes the armed robber actually just a tax fraud, since he's not as bad.

2. I don't care where he learned how to talk. He doesn't do it well. It's what keeps him from being a superstar instead of just a star. Why people around here love to champion mediocrity like this is beyond me. I'm fine with him being brought in. I'm fine with them even putting him in their main event, but I'm not at all fine with people ignoring blatant facts and refusing to call a spade a spade. Morrison is a highly entertaining, energetic wrestler with a great look and a mediocre voice. It is what it is. AJ Styles is in a lot of ways the same.
I always thought it would be a good idea, if they had him coming in, to have him come in with a couple other "bigger names" that are on the indy scene, as Dixie's personal team. They could represent what she thought TNA needed, and AJ and some other more home grown talent could feud with them. Everybody wins. The "bigger names" would bring in some more viewers who would be like "Hey, I know them!" But they'd put on good matches/put over, the TNA guys. Which would make everyone look stronger to the general public in the end. The mic work cold be done by Dixie and maybe one of the stonger mic workers in the group. And they wouldn't necessarily be a stable, but a loosely combined team working towards a "common goal". After the storyline runs the course, the team could implode on itself with all the egos that would be running wild. They would feud with each other, and the TNA guys would come out stronger. Also like mentioned above, Melina could be brought in, to improve/expand the KO division.
Jomo is a good wrestler i wanna see him back somewhere, as long as he comes on my tv, then i'm fine with wherever he chooses to go.

I Just hope jomo doesn't become the jobber guy in impact wrestling

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