American Wolves "In Talks" With TNA

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During an interview with Tercera Caida, Davey Richards revealed that the American Wolves have been in discussion with TNA.

The video interview, in it's entirety, can be viewed here, but the quicker confirmation can be seen here.

It's a total teaser, and this news is actually a month old now, but I don't recall this being discussed here, so it's worth posting to see what kind of response this will generate.

Admittedly, I know little of the Wolves. I watched ROH intermittently for about a year way back in 2004 or 2005 when guys like Danielson, McGuinness and others were still there and went to a handful of shows at the Manhattan Center, including the last appearance of Homicide (who still sucks ;)), but based on what I've read, these guys don't seem to shabby, and TNA's tag division has fallen greatly from the heights it was at just a few years ago. In fact, we're back to a "division" essentially comprised around just three teams at the moment — the tag team champions Gunner and Storm, The Bad Influence and Bro Mans. Bad Influence are currently entirely engulfed in the BFG series and have also begun a faction with Roode, so they're not even really a "tag team" anymore, or at least one in the picture for the belts, so in reality, it's just two teams.

The reports also say they're talking to WWE, and depending who's report you read, the "rumors" indicate they lean to both companies, but for the sake of this being a TNA-based discussion, let's just assume they're leaning our way.

Thoughts on the American Wolves to TNA?
I know nothing about them but it could be interesting. TNA could really use tag teams as their division is weak right now. I'm all for it, I'm sure they are a good tag team. If they sign I'm sure they'll have some good matches with Gun Storm. That's what I call them, Storm and Gunner that is.
The wolves are a fantastic team and if given time could potentially be as big or if not a bigger success then what Beer Money were. Also The TNA tag division is in a bad way at the moment and the titles have not been defended since they changed hands at Slammiversary. Bringing in the Wolves would give Storm and Gunner somebody to defend the titles against and they may even be able to drag a good match out of the likes of Robbie E and Jessie. Another plus with the Wolves is that Both Men are very tallented Singles wrestlers as well and are both former ROH world champions, so it could also give TNA the option of giving them a push as singles competitors later on down the line.
They are scheduled to attend a WWE tryout camp at the end of the month.

There are more recent rumors that there is an offer on the table for the Wolves from TNA(as well as for the Briscoes) but that they aren't interested in entertaining it right now, preferring to continue on the indy's while waiting out the WWE and seeing what happens with TNA's restructuring and budget cutting efforts.

Hopefully Jarrett's increased involvement in talent relations will help them in some of these upcoming and/or ongoing negotiations with independent talent.
I wouldn't mind seeing the Wolves TNA. But at the same time I'm so used to seeing them in ROH. Now TNA does need a boost in the tag team ranks. I've been pining for an ANX reunion, but that's unlikely with Rhett Titus working with WWE (?). Now if both the Wolves and reDragon came over, that would make the division even better, IMO.
You watch Tercera Caida? Man, I should stop ignoring that show.

But being honest, I'm meh on them. I've seen Davey Richards live and to be honest, Shelton Benjamin entertained me more. But TNA needs tag teams right now as badly as my car needed oil before the transmission and differential snapped. So any established team they can nab will be a positive move.
I think the Wolves would work better in the TNA environment. With the smaller arenas, you don't have to slow your pace down or be as exaggerated for everyone to be able to digest what you're doing.
A Tag Team that can go onto bigger and better things in a company were they have a great chance of being allowed to shine in both areas? Sign em up and sign em up quick -Edwards is only 28 and Richards has just turned 30.

Both have headline experience in an Internationally known organisation so it's not like they are 'Tough Enough' level - they can be brought in as a legitimate big deal. Another thing it would do, is re-enforce TNA as an alternative to WWe as a step up - TJ Perkins, Kenny King and Austin Aries have shown in recent times that RoH guys do receive pushes without going through NXT and having to get over under new names and personas. So, along with the benefits that the Wolves would bring themselves, they could also be the first of other RoH alumni who might (to use an old catchphrase) 'cross the line'.
The American Wolves are an awesome team. Being in Virginia, I get to watch them on tv every week due to ROH television tapings in Baltimore, MD. Plus Edwards and Richards would be great in the x-division also. ROH must be close to folding. It's losing all its top talent lately. Wouldn't mind seeing Red Dragon and The Briscoes as well in TNA.

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