John may NEVER have to turn heel

Pay Per Ghost

What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
If regular norms are to be observed, when does a top face turn heel? Either on his way out, or when the crowd are turning sour on him and his whole invincibility shtick.

We know Hogan had to turn heel coz that was his last grasp of relevance. The man was getting the bad kinda heat in WCW especially during his Dungeon of Doom feud. So he came down one fine evening at Bash at the Beach, and became Hollywood Hulk Hogan, one of the greatest heel-character of all times.

With Stone Cold Steve Austin, I will refer to one of KB's reviews. For those not familiar with KB, he's one of the Admins here, and did a review of the 2 outta 3 falls match from No Way Out 2001 between Hunter and Austin. To be fair, Austin had probably the worst booked returns when Rikishi was revealed as his assailant. It's good they then turned to Hunter as the mastermind, but that really killed a lotta his steam. Plus new faces had also arrived. The Rock was huge, Taker had his brand new gimmick. He had competition for the top spot.
Now, back to NYO 01, during this match you could hear the crowd turning on Austin quite a fair bit. And on the next PPV for many reasons (including the aforementioned I believe) WWE turned their biggest face heel. Not the best one, but a heel made out of the crowd's boredom of his invincible character.

Now here's the deal. Kids will always turn 12, and then turn 18. So Cena will always have duelling chants and kids wearing his merchandise while teenagers morph the same to make it look anti-Cena. Hence a great hyperbole is created where his character stays fresh and consistent for a foreseeable future. Sure they can tweak his character a bit here and there but all in all, Cena doesn't have to turn heel, ever. Because technically, he is THE tweener of all times.

Please discuss...
I dont think Cena can be a good heel! Just like Sting was always face, and Ravishing Rick Rude was always heel! They are just that way! Ricky Steamboat face all his career, Can u name anymore? Tito Santana, Von Erichs, Ultimate warrior,

Biggest face to heel turns ever? Hulk Hogan of course, how bout Rowdy Roddy Piper in late 80s? Ric Flair, Jericho, Randy savage from heel to face!
With that goody-goody shtick he does, John Cena is no tweener. The Rock was a tweener, Stone Cold was a tweener. A tweener is less about crowd reaction, and more about the morality of the character. How many times did Rock pick on innocent people for no reason? Tons. And we loved it. Hell, Stone Cold stunned Santa Clause! Could you honestly see John Cena doing anything like that?

Cena is as babyface as baby's can face (lol, whut?)
They could do it one day. But I think it would have to be on a huge angle. Like Hogan's and also Austin turning on The Rock, joining Vince McMahon.

I do not think the Nexus/Orton angle for Cena was enough to get him over as the most hated guy in the company.

Something will eventually come up though. WWE will figure out that perfect moment to turn him.

It also needs to be a surprise. Everyone has been expecting him to turn with every twist and turn of every angle he is in.

It is possible to turn him. With the emergence of new talent, and each one of them getting more over everyday, it slowly makes it more likely and lessens the blow to merchandise and what not, with more guys to fill the holes.
Could you honestly see John Cena doing anything like that?

Cena is as babyface as baby's can face (lol, whut?)

Didn't Cena FU/AA Theodore Long and Chris Benoit at one point?

Like I said before though the it will be The Royal Rumble as the last chance to turn Cena heel. If this does not happen were not going to see him turn heel in the near future.
maybe Cena turns heel at wrestlemania? That would be epic. I want to see him turn heel because he's so stale right now, especially NOW, he's fired, and he's on TV just as much as before.
Its a fair arguement PaperGhost in the sense that those mixed reactions have become a part of Cena's character. However the one important point that you miss when you discuss Cena at least that there might come a day when he loses the relevance he has today.

Sure Cena gets a negative reaction but he also elicits the biggest reaction out of the crowd. There might come a day when someone comes along and his reactions might make Cena's reactions irrelavant. There might come a day when Cena might NOT get the raection he is getting today: be it positive or negative. It will be around then that Cena will turn heel.

Just like what happened with Austin. More than the fans turning on Austin, I feel it was a case of Austin losing relevance due to the popularity of The Rock at that point.
Sure Cena gets a negative reaction but he also elicits the biggest reaction out of the crowd. There might come a day when someone comes along and his reactions might make Cena's reactions irrelavant. There might come a day when Cena might NOT get the raection he is getting today: be it positive or negative. It will be around then that Cena will turn heel.

Randy Orton is already getting there.

You make a good point, but he does not do enough for him to be considered a full fledge tweener.

If he keeps doing what he has been doing over hte past few weeks then yes, I think we could consider him a tweener.

As for WHEN Cena will turn heel. I agree with the Person that said if he does not turn by the Royal Rumble or at the Royal Rumble, then we are not gonna see it for a while.

It wouldn't give them enough time for Cena to be built up as a Full Heel, and build up his WrestleMania Storyline at the Same Time.
John cena will not be turning heel unless someone takes his spot , and I don't seen orton becoming a kiss ass like cena .. so wwe universe just give up trying to find a way to turn him heel its not going to happen .. cena brings in a lot of money which is the only thing the wwe cares about .
Dear Lord how many more times do we have to retread this same thread? If there are any moderators reading, pull a thumb out and close this, PLEASE!

While Cena makes money, he stays a face. Not a Tweener, a face. To be described as a heel, face or tweener has nothing to do with the crowd reaction, but the actions of the character. Thus Orton is a tweener, wheather people Boo or Cheer, as was Taz. Cena is the same babyface style as Hogan or albeit briefly, Angle. Fact is, if JC stopped being superman and acted like a heel, he'd still get a mixed reaction.

Until creative find a replacement money spiner, and currently the locker looks awfully bare, it would be very bad business decision to adandon JC as the WWE cash cow. It's not about what people want, especially not the IWC, it's about business. And JC = revenue - it's THAT simple - now can we PLEASE move on? PV
If WWE was to turn Cena heel, they would've done it by now, I believe. Now, with Cena turning into a vigilante of sorts, taking out the Nexus one by one just like he said he would do, and the crowd LOVING it, I don't see a Cena heel turn anytime soon or ever if this keeps up. I LOVE this new Cena/Nexus angle and it has the crowd and fans at home guessing what will happen next and when he'll show up to take out another Nexus member. With that being said, Cena would make a great heel. Remember, he's already done it before. When he had the rapper gimmick, he was a great antagonist and would be tremendous as a heel again because he's more experienced. It would have to be shocker of all shockers, though, just like Hogan's was. What about this scenario? Undertaker comes back and lays down an open challenge at Mania to the "real" mastermind behind the Nexus attack during his Buried Alive match with Kane. Of course, Wade Barrett comes down at first and as the match goes on, all of Nexus appears to take out Taker. Then John Cena comes down but instead of fighting off Nexus, he turns around and attacks Taker and reveals himself as the true mastermind. This could be done at Mania or it could be done in the weeks leading up to Mania. Or it couldn't happen at all if Taker can't come back from his surgery.
The IWC thinks its so easy to just turn him heel and all have great scenarios for the initial heel turn, but then where do they go from there since the only other babyface in the company is Orton ( who the IWC pushed for and then now call boring ) and even then they would ask how many times are they going to fight. Just watch McMahon keep his baby rolling he obviously knows more than all of us.

Im glad Vince never listens to the IWC because no matter what they are never happy, you know why shock value is gone because the IWC and spoilers and inside info leaking out in todays world. If there was an IWC in the 80's Hogan would be getting bashed just like Cena is and so on. get rid of this thread its stupid. WHY WOULD VINCE TURN CENA HEEL IF EVERYONE WANTS/EXPECTS IT.
Its not going to happen!!!!!!!!
Why turn there biggest money maker into someone who will make them lose money. It isnt a smart business decision and if Vinnie Mac is smart he wouldnt do it. But to be honest i dont see it happening cuz if he did then why destroy Nexus in the first place???
The only time I can see a Cena heel turn is when he's no longer the top draw in the company. At the moment, I can't see anyone surpassing him for a very long time. Heels are generally never the top draw in the WWE, so that already rules out a lot of people. And the only face/tweener I can see getting close is Randy Orton, but there's just something about him that doesn't draw people in as much as Cena does. If Orton was the one to be involved in the Nexus storyline, I honestly don't think people would have really cared as much. Even if Miz were to turn face, I doubt he'd ever get on Cena's level. Hell, not even a Y2J face turn would match up to Cena's drawing power. I'd be a lot more interested, but I doubt the kiddies would be. Any new talent certainly wouldn't draw that well at least within the first few years.

Until Vince has someone that can make him as much money as a face Cena can, it's very unlikely that he'll turn.

The only other time I see Cena turning is towards the end of his career in order to keep him relevant, just like Hogan. I actually see Cena's career being pretty much the same as Hogan's, but once Cena is done with WWE I don't see him joining TNA or wherever is the "other" place to be at the time.

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