John Cena vs. The Miz: The Feud that made "The Miz"?


Formerly known as AD Angelic Diablo
Oh yeah the title explains it all.

Remember back in 09' when The Miz and JoMo broke up?
We all thought Morrison would be getting his rise to the top, while The Miz would fall into the "jobber status" eventually future endeavored? Well I know I did.

We then saw The "RISE" of the Miz.



I honestly thought this was a hell of a feud, although it was short-lived, it got me to changed my mind on the Miz.

We got to hear some entertaining insults to Cena from the Miz, remember that time when 12 rounds came out?

Miz said: Sorry Cena but I cant see you, your film is no longer in theatres!

or Miz 1 Cena 0.

I thought this was awesome.

Well from this feud we got to see more and more and more of The Miz.

So I think the reason Miz is getting pushed is due to this fued, with Cena..

What do yall think?
In a rare bold move by the WWE, they let The Miz, a relative low/mid-carder at the time (outside of his tag team with Morrison) have a chance to see if he could run with the big dogs, if not THE big dog in the company. It was something that could have completely bombed and could have been the last we'd ever seen of Miz.

But it didn't. The Miz showed that he could draw tremendous heat by taking on the face of the WWE, the man fans across the world love and cherish. He did it the way classic heels did: Constant mockery, cheap shots and always ready to run if things didn't look good.

It didn't last long and could have been handled better (Not squashing Miz at SummerSlam for the most part) but it proved that The Miz was someone to watch out for and had the potential to one day be a main event player.

Fast forward a year and a half, and he's nearly there. Don't be surprised if Part 2 plays out at Wrestlemania. I for one would love to see it, especially if Miz is the one holding the title.
Saying that his feud with Cena "made him" would mean that.... he is already made. And I don't see how a guy without a single memorable match is "made". Sure, he had a feud with Cena. This was at a time where Orton was feuding with HHH over the title. There was no room for Cena on the main-event stage. There was no room for Cena to be feuding with really any big names as Jericho/Edge were tag-teaming, Hardy/Punk were feuding, Orton/HHH were feuding. So, they had Miz put on a gimmick of him mocking Cena and calling him out blah blah. This may have started his career in the singles ladder but by no means did this make him. He'll be made when he wins the big one. Until then, no.
It was entertaining.... although a complete ripoff of the Jericho/Goldberg feud back in WCW.

I don't think it "made" The Miz, granted it was a nice push for him in the right direction, but I think what "made" him was modeling himself after Chris Jericho in general. That's when he started getting all of his internet praise and it's when people really started to take note of him
The Miz isn't "made" he is still a guy who deserves to be on the lower card getting easy wins over Santino on a bi-weekly basis.
This isn't TNA, internet praise doesn't matter.

The feud with Cena was a feud with two guys who are very limited in the ring, Miz having only slightly better skills. Ironically these two are still cutting the same promos a year later. Miz talking himself up, and Cena talking the little engine that shouldn't promos.

There is no memorable Miz match, matches that you just remember who he beat don't matter. I honestly don't think we will ever have a memorable Miz match unless he has a gifted opponent who can carry him.
I'm going to go with everyone else and say this did NOT make the Miz. This particular feud wasn't all that special. It was basically the Miz feuding against a ghost Cena until they finally faced each other at 'The Bash' in a match that took no longer than five minutes. If anything, it sort of made the Miz look weak and Cena, a thousand times much more superior.

Don't get me wrong. I am a huge Miz Mark. Hell, I will go as far as to say that I totally marked out for this feud as it was really funny and entertaining. But in reality, it didn't give the Miz any credibility nor did it do anything good for him. Cena ignored the Miz for most of the feud and when they finally fought, Cena dominated him. That doesn't exactly scream "Good Job Miz, you made it".

Honestly, I don't feel the Miz has exactly made it yet. Sure, he's good. His mic skills are phenomenal. His in-ring ability is getting better. He's been labeled the poster boy by McMahon, etc, etc. But the thing is, Miz isn't even main event level yet. He has yet to feud for a world title let alone win it. Once the Miz wins a world title and establishes himself as a legitimate main-eventer...than he will have made it. Until then, everything else he does is merely his build-up to the top...
No, the feud didn't make The Miz. Miz was already somewhat made, he had success as a tag team wrestler already, and he was somewhat over. The only thing that John Cena vs The Miz really accomplished was to get Miz a little bit of heat. Something which he accomplished to get much more of afterwards.

Really, I would say if anything made Miz into a real talent in the mid-card / Upper mid-card, then it had to be the United States Championship, and later on the mixture with the Unified Tag Team Championships. Both of them really made him seem like a champion, and he became much more interesting than he was around the time that he had to play off an injured Cena, who eventually kicked his ass.

Really, if anything, John Cena vs The Miz showed that The Miz weren't even ready to carry himself beyond the mid-card, without having to go through the mid-card as well. And that's exactly what he did, afterwards. So no, Miz's championship reigns made him, not John Cena.
It didn't make him, but it exposed him to a much larger audience. A lot of people who watch Raw didn't watch ECW, and while they would have seen Morrison & Miz on Raw when they were Tag Team Champions, they didn't get very much mic time.

At this point, it was till commonly regarded that Miz would be the 'Jannetty' of this team. Of course, now we know that's not the case but none the less, it was a surprise to see someone who was essentially a lower card wrestler calling out the face of the company. The fact that this continued for as long as it did, meant that the Miz got a lot of face time, and a lot of heat also.

On top of all this, Miz managed to improve him mic skills. This was the beginning of the Miz that we know today and while this didn't fully propel him forward, it certainly helped him and this was the beginning of a marked improvement by Miz.
the miz is terrible and should never be allowed in WWE, thats what i was saying a year ago, but now he has got me lookin and likeing what he is bringing to the plate i think he still has a long way to go for alot of people to take him serious but yeah
It was a nice way to kick of his singles run,and helped him with his mic work, but I wouldn't say it made him...I'm still waiting for a good match from The Miz..and you can say Cena helped him get on his 2 feet, I mean why can't you Cena being the biggest thing in WWE right now and back then, anyone would be lucky to be in a feud with him, I know I would!! But this feud was all about promo work IMO, both are not the best in the ring and it definately showed the mic skills of The Miz...but still waiting for the memorable match!!
It didnt make the miz though it pushed his character into the eyes of decent wrestling fans (over the age of 10) after that feud i cheered for the miz ( quietly ) and he getting to the main event i believe in a few months possibly closer unless he cashes in that briefcase at mania. The miz is DEFINATELY becoming the face of the wwe. If you havent noticed he's begun taking over the commercials and the 'dont try this at home' . If one match that had to be his best match so far it would be at night of champions with one of the best daniel bryan or brian danielson watever. yes he was with one of the best but you need two wrestlers to make a five star match not one.

So Cena feud didnt make the miz but definately pushed him away from a low card carreer
I would Personally love to see them feud over something , NO NOT THE TITLE , but something else something else at stake like Miz saying Cena's time is up and he wants to take him out or something i dunno fact is they make a good feud which says a lot about the Miz then it does about Cena since we all know that Cena can be boring most of the time
Uh, duh. When JoMo/Miz broke up, I remember the comments on this board being along the lines of "well, guess we can start counting down until Miz is released". After this feud, it seemed like half of the board was sporting Miz signatures and marking out over how great an interviewer he was after he started taking snarky scripted shots at Cena. Now people claim that they came along gradually to Miz, and horseshit, says I- the anti-Cena folks were all over Miz's nuts after this feud.
I would Personally love to see them feud over something , NO NOT THE TITLE , but something else something else at stake like Miz saying Cena's time is up and he wants to take him out or something i dunno fact is they make a good feud which says a lot about the Miz then it does about Cena since we all know that Cena can be boring most of the time

It didn't make the Miz but it did give him a huge boost.After that feud he has never been the same.New look,new attitude,new titles.Remember when Miz lost the match to be taken off Raw.Then came as the Calgary Kid.It almost as if a green light just came on for the Miz.He's been going up since then.
It didn't make the Miz but it did give him a huge boost.After that feud he has never been the same.New look,new attitude,new titles.Remember when Miz lost the match to be taken off Raw.Then came as the Calgary Kid.It almost as if a green light just came on for the Miz.He's been going up since then.

I have to agree, when he was "fired" from RAW, I knew he was going to come back, but better than ever. We all knew the Calgary Kid was Miz, but since the "Cena-Miz" thing, Miz has been rising... and that push started happening when Miz came back as the Calgary Kid (new look, new everything)

I have to agree with most of the people, The Miz is "not made" yet. But that feud has given Miz the opportunity to show everyone what he's all about.

& When I said "rise of the miz" I didnt say that Cena made Miz into a huge deal, What I was saying was: We all thought Miz was going to be an epic fail, then he started feuding with Cena...
and then we saw what Miz is all about.

He's entertaining as hell, has a great look, has personality, and improved with his ring skills.
This is turning into the lamest form of smarky nitpicking, fixing on the TS's use of the word "made." Since most of the respondants seem to be incapable of responding to the spirit of the original post, rather than it's exact wording, let's put this one out there: would The Miz be where he is today without the feud with Cena?

I'd say, absolutely not. It's impossible to overstate how big it was for a guy basically at the bottom of the company barrell to get a feud with the number one guy. How much TV time did that get Miz? This is like if The Dudebusters broke up and Caylen Croft got set up in a feud with Cena. How big of a deal would that be?

Seriously, if the smark factor were turned down a bit, it'd be easy to see that this feud represents one the most savy creative decisions the WWE has made in the last couple years. Sure, it didn't hotshot Miz to the main event, but it beats the hell out of the way Swagger and Sheamus were head-scratchingly pushed straight up with very limited character development.
There's absolutely no doubt that the feud with John Cena when the Miz was drafted to RAW absolutely made him. For those of you who suggest he is not made, give your head a shake. The man came to RAW as a solo act, having split apart from the more over John Morrison. Everyone, myself included, expected him to be future endeavoured within six months maximum. He at best would languish in the lower mid-card but likely would be released. So he was pushed directly into a feud with the top dog in the business, and he made a name for himself there, whether you're a fan of his or not.

The guy went from someone on the verge of release to someone at the top of the mid-card, approaching main event status. US title, bigfeud with Daniel Bryan,MITB winner, and soon to be WWE champion. How can you suggest the guy has not been made? If his career ended tomorrow, he will have accomplished far more than many guys who have gone before him.

By fast tracking him to prominence by feuding with John Cena, it was sink or swim time for the Miz. And thus far, he's been swimming furiously. Not too bad for a guy who was hosting diva searches, living in JoMo's shadow, etc.,

I realize many people do not like the Miz very much. Neither did I at first. I actually laughed when he was drafted to RAW. But he has shown me and many others that he deserves to be there. Average in the ring but above average on the mic, with heat-drawing ability like few others, his time has arrived. He has been "made." And like it or not, he's not going away any time soon.
I think that's true that it made The Miz because 1. He was up against the company's top babyface, 2. He fit his role perfectly by his verbal jabs and his "undefeated streak" against Cena, and 3. It made fans give Miz a little credit for challenging the top dog, thus making them think he could actually beat Cena. Though the match could have been longer, it was still a PPV match against a credible opponent.
I don't believe this feud "made" The Miz, but the feud did ultimately show a lot of people that The Miz was a lot more than many fans thought that he was. This feud with Cena was more than a little one sided in the ring, but it showed a lot of people that The Miz wasn't just this lame reality show freak. This is really the first time that I looked at The Miz outside of his team with John Morrison and thought that there might actually be a little something to the guy.

As far as feuds go, I don't think that The Miz has really had this huge epic feud with any single wrestler. The Miz is someone that's been made and built up over time via a succession of strong mic work coupled with pretty good in-ring ability and match situations with good wrestlers and/or really big named wrestlers. The Miz is not some overnight success story. The feud with Cena was the first big step in my opinion, but it wasn't THE step.
I don't believe this feud "made" The Miz, but the feud did ultimately show a lot of people that The Miz was a lot more than many fans thought that he was. This feud with Cena was more than a little one sided in the ring, but it showed a lot of people that The Miz wasn't just this lame reality show freak. This is really the first time that I looked at The Miz outside of his team with John Morrison and thought that there might actually be a little something to the guy.

As far as feuds go, I don't think that The Miz has really had this huge epic feud with any single wrestler. The Miz is someone that's been made and built up over time via a succession of strong mic work coupled with pretty good in-ring ability and match situations with good wrestlers and/or really big named wrestlers. The Miz is not some overnight success story. The feud with Cena was the first big step in my opinion, but it wasn't THE step.

True enough, Jack, because one feud does not a wrestler make. Having said this, though, I truly believe that had the Miz not jumped right into a feud with the top guy, and more specifically, the top face in the company, he probably would never have been given the opportunity to further himself and his career in these other feuds. Sure the feud with Cena was one-sided, nothing surprising here, it would have been unrealistic to fast track him to the top guy on the A-brand show and have him be on equal footing with him.

The John Cena feud made the Miz's character and immediately put him into the upper mid-card approaching the periphery of the main event. I'm not so sure he would have gotten there as quickly, if at all if he had, for example, began his RAW tenure fighting against Ted DiBiase, or R-Truth, or some other secondary character like this. Maybe he would have eventually got there anyway, we'll never know, but there's no way he would have gotten there so quickly.

The John Cena feud made him. The Daniel Bryan feud is showing that he belongs there. And when he takes Randy Orton's title from him in the forseeable future, his place in the upper echelon of the company will be cemented. The Cena feud made him, but it's his work with these other guys that will keep him there.
Well you have to ask yourself the question of "Would Miz have gotten over as well without that Cena feud?" If you truly look into that than probably think of The Miz getting future endeavored a few months after he split from Morrison. However WWE threw a curve ball at us. The first thing they have Miz do on his own is go on an Anti-Cena crusade. Week after week he would call out Cena and humiliate him and this got The Miz in the eyes of the public. Eventually he got is match with Cena and sure John destroyed him but then they had another match that made Miz look like gold.

After this it may not have made The Miz look like a true main eventer but it did make him look like a legit threat in the mid-card and due to this his feud with Kofi Kingston over the US Title and his eventual title reign with it didn't seem out of place. And it was during this title reign he was able to display his amazing star power, his reign with the tag titles with Big Show and feuds with guys like MVP. Then he lost the title to Bret Hart, lost a week later to R-Truth in a match for the vacant title, then won it back for a second reign and feuded with Truth. Then he ended up winning MITB and now had a feud with Daniel Bryan over the title.

Now that Miz has dropped the title and is most likely going to lose his inevitable rematch I think he's going to take his next steps up the card. Moat likely cashing in on Randy Orton after Orton goes through "hell" (wink,wink) to retain the title. Miz will then win a world title and stay on top of the card. This is all because the feud with John Cena got him over, without that first step Miz would have never gotten the opportunity to show us his vast improvements that he has displayed over the past year.

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