John Cena on steroids

Unless Cena's switched his routine recently, he does a hell of a lot more than just these three exercises. Being a personal trainer myself, I can see that line as being completely bunk. Here is a link that demonstrates his REAL workout routine, starting on page 2. He squats his ass off. This is one of the prime reasons he maintains his size.

Note: I don't like Cena as a wrestler, but this stuff gets pretty ridiculous, guys.
Lex Luger said:
Although I I question his workout regimen seeing as how big and defined he is, I do however will go on record (Me being a former steriod user) that John Cena exibits no sign of anbolic steriod use! He is way too defined number 1 (Anabolic steriods make you retain water, The bulking agents will definatly put water on a frame even with the strictest of diets!)

Number 2 he has no Gynomestia(Bitch Tits), 3. His face and jaw line are so defined that there is no way someone could adminster Anabolic steriods and maintain a chisled jaw line.

Number 4 he does not have yellowing of the skin or eyes(Juandis SP?) a condition where Steriods raise enzymes in the liver and cause a yellowing of the skin and eyes!

I will question his workout regimen, I don't see it humanly possible to put that bulk and that definition on his frame with pull ups and such, They are great exersizes but if you want things such as defined pecks, Peaks on your biceps, you have to use free weights!

that's the biggest load of crap I've ever read...

1. only certain steroids make you retain water
2. Gyno is a rarity. Not all users get it
3. Steroids have no effect on jawlines
4. steroids don't give you yellowing of the skin/eyes if you're taking the right ancillary support
5. cena is lying about his routine, i've seen videos of him squatting, benching, deadlifting and doing other exercises
6. if you were a steroid user I feel very sorry for you
oh please if you work out alot you can look like cena without drugs

stop hatin

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