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John Cena on steroids

. AceR

Dark Match Winner
Cena is in this issue of Flex magazine where he states that his weight lifting routine consists of only deadlifts, pull ups, and push ups. Yet, he has amazing muscle mass for such a crappy routine. You see, the routine may target all the muscles, but in order to gain mass like Cena has, you need to add weigth resistance, you don't have weight resistance with pull ups or push ups, how is he so big then, and he also states that he only takes whey protein power. :) He must take steroids, steroids bulk you up, and with Cena's routine, he will only be shaping his muscles, and making him stronger, while the steroids make him big.
Hey numnuts, ever watch his DVD? He has been into bodybuilding since he was like 16. He is a former natural body building champion. And yes, you can add resistance with pull-ups, they're called ankle weights, and based on the sheer number of push-ups you do, you can get some serious definition. Oh, and another thing that was noticed by my girlfriend...something you may want to look into getting, steroids shirnk your balls, and my girl loves the part of the DVD where he is walking around in a banana hammock, and as she said.."No steroids there!!" Now that, my friend...is "ace"
Yeah, I mean, I can't stand Cena, mainly because of a bad experience at a house show, but seriously, steroids? nah
I know, this gets so old, i wish these people would just give up, and let cena entertain us because he is good at it, 5 moves or not the man is entertaining.
I do hate Cena, but I thought I'd share these opinions, he never mentioned added weight to them also.
He probably didn't think he had to share his entire routine..I'm pretty sure in the first issue of WWE Magazine he goes more in-depth, don't quote me tho
Cena's muscle looks 2 natural to be steroid gained. He is not huge like HHH, Batista, lashley or Hogan used to be. He is just built from top to the bottom. And really, you peopleneed to give up on this shit. Cena is here to stay and if you dont like it don't watch RAW and stop bitching about it.
If you really hate Cena, blame Vince. Vince McMahon is the one who tells all the WWE Superstars to do what they do every night.

. AceR said:
Cena is in this issue of Flex magazine where he states that his weight lifting routine consists of only deadlifts, pull ups, and push ups. Yet, he has amazing muscle mass for such a crappy routine. You see, the routine may target all the muscles, but in order to gain mass like Cena has, you need to add weigth resistance, you don't have weight resistance with pull ups or push ups, how is he so big then, and he also states that he only takes whey protein power. :) He must take steroids, steroids bulk you up, and with Cena's routine, he will only be shaping his muscles, and making him stronger, while the steroids make him big.

stop looking for a way to piss on Cena fans

the only thing you do is piss people off
And apart from that, how on earth if he were on Steroids would he of avoided Drugs testing for nearlly a year. I really do think this is an attempt to further smear Cena's somewhat good name.
chris masters looks like a deflated baloon but yeah hes was huge now not so much

And yeah cena wasa body builder for a while b4 comming to wrestlig its all natural
Herschel Walker only did Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, and Pull-Ups, and he is very buff.
Cena does not take steriods because he is not as big as batista or lashley or the great khali not hatin' but they are pretty big but most of on this website would probably say cena does not take steroids
almost every wrestler has taken steriods at one point...even guys that dont even look like they workout u guys have no fuckin idea wat ur talkin about and ur ignorant about the topic of steriods
cena is the best fuck all of u that hate him he's the best
ignorant? Please, our own govenrment has taken time to try to clean up professional sports

in the wwe theres guys that you know have and havent like masters and lashly but guys like london and kendrik arnt ripped like batista or lashly they are just pure talent
Taking steroids once or twice in your life doesnt really count, though. it would be like saying "I smoked pot once." So what, so did everyone else. But the point people are trying to make is that Cena is on steroids as if he did it habitually to gain muscle mass. Judging by his background, the way his body looks, and just judging other things such as his strength, the way he moves, etc, it is obvious that he never did steroids in a manner that would affect him in any way. So yeah, maybe 6-7 years ago he popped a couple of pills for one reason or another but he has definitely not ever used them for an extended amount of time.
Cena is not on steroids.. Yes hes jacked.. But that doesnt automatically mean hes on roids.. You dont know if someone is on roids by just seeing there muscles or the vein bulging thing.. I dont think you know anything until you ask Cena "Are you on steroids" But hes been the same size since he came to the WWE.. I dont think hes on roids.
. AceR said:
Cena is in this issue of Flex magazine where he states that his weight lifting routine consists of only deadlifts, pull ups, and push ups. Yet, he has amazing muscle mass for such a crappy routine. You see, the routine may target all the muscles, but in order to gain mass like Cena has, you need to add weigth resistance, you don't have weight resistance with pull ups or push ups, how is he so big then, and he also states that he only takes whey protein power. :) He must take steroids, steroids bulk you up, and with Cena's routine, he will only be shaping his muscles, and making him stronger, while the steroids make him big.

Although I I question his workout regimen seeing as how big and defined he is, I do however will go on record (Me being a former steriod user) that John Cena exibits no sign of anbolic steriod use! He is way too defined number 1 (Anabolic steriods make you retain water, The bulking agents will definatly put water on a frame even with the strictest of diets!)

Number 2 he has no Gynomestia(Bitch Tits), 3. His face and jaw line are so defined that there is no way someone could adminster Anabolic steriods and maintain a chisled jaw line.

Number 4 he does not have yellowing of the skin or eyes(Juandis SP?) a condition where Steriods raise enzymes in the liver and cause a yellowing of the skin and eyes!

I will question his workout regimen, I don't see it humanly possible to put that bulk and that definition on his frame with pull ups and such, They are great exersizes but if you want things such as defined pecks, Peaks on your biceps, you have to use free weights!

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