John Cena: Not Who We Think He Is?

Miss Flawless

Why am I arguing with a computer?
John Cena has gone from being The Prototype, to The Doctor of Thugonomics, and to Super Cena.

My friend came over last weekend and she asked me if we could just watch some sort of wrestling DVD. So I was look through my dad's shelf and I found the old John Cena: My Life DVD. I havn't yet seen it, so we watched. As I was watching I found out that The Prototype and The Doctor of Thugonomics was a part of who he really is. For those of you that don't know, The Prototype was just John Cena with a mixture of a robot, sort of. He would do this thing when he would say something, then rewind what he would say. The Doctor of Thugonomics, is all about Cena being the hip-hop guy. He liked hip-hop growing up and everything which brings out his CD and stuff.

What really caught my mind was that John's brothers and friends were saying The Prototype was who John Cena was, and then they were saying that the white rapper/hip-hop guy was also who is was. I always see people saying that they can't believe that Johns a good actor and what-not because HE doesn't even believe in what he's saying. Does that mean...Super Cena is not really who John is? John's still, at age 30-something a hip-hop/prototype guy? This confuses me. Maybe it's just that me, or I'm late to the party, but I always that that the Face Of The Company: John Cena, is really who he is. If it's not, doesn't that bug him?

I'm just being curious and open-minded. I've been thinking about this for a week and I finally decided to make a thread about it. I'd like to hear your thoughts. So tell me, Who really is John Cena? , Is his current persona believable to you? , Which persona do you prefer? . Of course you don't really have to answer these questions, they were just running through my mind.

I think John Cena's best gimmick was in 05 and 06, it was a mixture between his rapper gimmick and the super Cena gimmick. I really liked the Protoype gimmick but I don't think it would fit him now, although it would make the perfect heel in today's PG era. Hey maybe that's a heel idea for him, who knows. But I just think his gimmick from 05 and 06 is who John Cena really is, if that's what you are asking.
I don't mind if he really did like rap and hip hop, but what bothered me most about that persona was when he turned every rap into some joke about his current opponent being involved in some sort of gay sexual act. Not only did that get old really fast, it really was inappropriate. In this day and age, calling someone gay should not be seen as an insult because, to quote a seinfeld episode "not that there's anything wrong with that" and it's really juvenile to make jokes implying that his opponent was rolling around with other men backstage.

As far as who his true persona is, I really don't know. His current persona seems more real to me than his rapper and his super cena, which makes me think that there is more truth to the current cena than we've seen in the past. Hard to say though.
I wanna say this crap w/Cena doing the Juan Cena is terrible and pretentous. Who are we supposed to be? 5 year olds? This isn't The Giant Machine (Andre The Giant) and Mr. America (Hulk Hogan). This isn't 1984 people. Regardless, I liked Cena as Rappin Cena. Just felt he was more entertaining and really didn't have to be restrained like he is now due to this Super Cena gimmick. I've always found the best performers aren't a gimmick (exception; The Undertaker). Cena is a machine gimmick now which I personally dislike. But his rapping gimmick was pretty impressive.
His rapping gimmick was not the real Cena. Cena was born to play a babyface character. The whole, Loyalty, Hustle and Respect gimmick is the real Cena. Look at the facts, Cena is WWE's number one guy for a reason. He never gives up, a never say die attitude. He's the first one in the building and the last oine to leave. Cena's love and respect for the WWE and wrestling go hand and foot with his gimmick. This current gimmick is the real Cena, no matter how much you like it.

Speaking of Cena's dvd. To prove my point, in the John Cena Experience dvd Cena signs over 3000 autograophs before Wrestlemania for them to hand out. 3000! It was cool how he did it. It took him like 2 hours to do all of them. Now that's Loyalty. His current, Never give up, hustle, loyalty and respect gimmick is the real John Felix Anthony Cena, Jr. Lulz.
I think Cena is being more of himslef lately. With his whole retirement speech and everything. He may like rap and everything, but I don't think that was how he really acted in real life.
On a side note someone mentioned that gay jokes are insulting and not nearly as funny in today's society or something to that extent. I don't see what's wrong with making those jokes. If you are going to take away all the things that are funny from comedy, then it wouldn't be comedy. Just ask the WWE and their "non-insulting" comedy segments.

Anyways, I don't think that most of the superstars there are their gimmick in real life. I don't think Cody Rhodes goes around telling everyone he is more handsome than them.
Sometime, in wrestling, your gimmick doesn't depend on who you want to be. Rather, it will circulate around who the company need you to be. That is most certainly the case for John Cena.

Don't get me wrong,. I liked watching Cena perform his rapper gimmick just as much as the next guy but when the WWE asked him to be his current incarnation, I am willing to wager that he put up little to no resistance to it. The fact of the matter is that Super Cena, as we all insist on calling him, is what Cena is now. Sure, he may have been more natural and organic as other characters but this is what he is now and if I had to rate his happiness within that character, I doubt I would have a bad word to say about it.

Let's face it, Cena has been carrying the company on his back for the last couple of years. Only now are people actually starting to come to the forefront of the company and taking some of that weight off of his shoulders. The Miz and Randy Orton seem like the most natural candidates to help shoulder the heavy burden that is international acclaim in wrestling. However, would Cena do it all again? You bet your ass he would. The “Super Cena” gimmick has been nothing short of a revolutionary success and has people putting him in the same league as Hogan and Austin. If that doesn't make you happy in your job, then why are you even there!?
Nice Thread Man.

I believe Cena Is actually the Super cena and Rapper Cena Combined, Kinda like his '06 Gimmick. It kinda sickens me when people from the IWC Say "Cena sucks" or "Cena cant wrestle", Sure he might not be a Freakin' kurt angle in the ring, But atleast this man gives WWE all he has, he has been busting his ass his whole career, and in real life is one of the most nicest athletes in the world.

Cena sucks? Nah, Cena rocks.
I wanna say this crap w/Cena doing the Juan Cena is terrible and pretentous. Who are we supposed to be? 5 year olds? This isn't The Giant Machine (Andre The Giant) and Mr. America (Hulk Hogan). This isn't 1984 people. Regardless, I liked Cena as Rappin Cena. Just felt he was more entertaining and really didn't have to be restrained like he is now due to this Super Cena gimmick. I've always found the best performers aren't a gimmick (exception; The Undertaker). Cena is a machine gimmick now which I personally dislike. But his rapping gimmick was pretty impressive.

Just so you know, it wasn't just Andre and Hogan who have done this gimmick to death. During the late 70's-early 80's in the Florida Championship Wrestling Dusty Rhodes had a similar gimmick where he was fired and came back as The Midnight Rider (I believe that was it). With Hogan/Mr. America it was a complete change in attire with colors resembling that of the American flag. When Dusty had his Midnight Rider gimmick he did the same thing John/Juan Cena is doing. All that changed was a mask. My father was telling me today Dusty would come out to the same music, wearing the same gear (jeans and shirt) and even a cowbell with just the additional mask. It seems to me that Dusty is the mastermind behind this storyline. And regarding the topic at hand: I enjoyed his gimmick when he first entered the WWE with the ruthless aggression attitude and I did enjoy some of the rapper gimmick but it did get old very quickly. I'm kind of content with what he's doing now. He has evolved away from the rapper stuff and now he's just kind of himself. I would also like to point out that I HATE that he brought in that fucking stupid WWE title and I'm hoping that they scrap it soon. We are way past the days of spinners.
Nice Thread,Good Idea.

I think what we are seeing is the actual John Cena. His Promo on RAW after Survivor Series was damn good I thought and he really got emotional during it talking about his Mom's birthday and Brother having a baby girl. I too get tired of people jumping on the guy because he is not Kurt Angle in the Ring,so what Hogan got away with that for years and he got over Huge.

John Cena has almost literally carried the WWE since Wrestlemania 21 the day he won his 1st WWE Title and has given his life to the Business he loves. He has also come back from 2 serious injuries now if that doesn't say commtment I dunno what does.

Cena doesn't suck U Suck
If Cena truly did suck like some of the IWC says, I dont think he'd be the Face of the Company right now. The Super Cena you see now is probably the best interpretation of his real like person. He gives the company all he has and he gets the same in return. Which to me would be titles, fame, money. etc. He's not the best wrestler out there these days, but you have to give him credit to what he's done for the company. The guy doesn't go anywhere without a WWE camera in his face, so needless to say, WWE right now is his life.
Who is John Cena?: The never-back down, goody-two shoes babyface. He was born to play that role and plays it well, he does. Granted, his rapper role was entertaining too, but that was more or less forced. He's much better just being himself

Is his current persona believable?: Not really. We all know he's not Mexican ;)

Which persona do you prefer?: In terms of pure entertainment, the rapper gimmick. That was just hilarious and his battle raps were one of the things I looked forward to each show. I used to hate on the "Super Cena" thing years ago, but now I'm more than okay with it. He plays his character (if you can call it that, since he's more or less himself) just fine and it works for the current era. No complaints here.
If Cena truly did suck like some of the IWC says, I dont think he'd be the Face of the Company right now. The Super Cena you see now is probably the best interpretation of his real like person. He gives the company all he has and he gets the same in return. Which to me would be titles, fame, money. etc. He's not the best wrestler out there these days, but you have to give him credit to what he's done for the company. The guy doesn't go anywhere without a WWE camera in his face, so needless to say, WWE right now is his life.

I suppose you didn't get the memo that you don't have to be the best in the business in order to be WWE's poster boy. Don't believe me? There are people better than Cena at the two main departments -- promos and wrestling. First guy that comes to mind? Orton. Second guy that comes to mind? CM Punk. There are also guys who are better wrestlers than him who not only do the moves but also have the mind. Dolph Ziggler, Bryan Danielson, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, the list goes on.

Cena is not WWE's number one guy because he's such a great wrestler -- he is not, not because he's that great on the mic -- he is not. Cena's the top guy because he's good .. no wait .. perfect for business. He's just the guy Vince needs. Someone that will put up with Vince's crap, breathe, eat, shit and fuck wrestling and live 24/7 for the soul purpose of promoting WWE and selling T-Shirts. That is it. He is not there to wow the fans with his amazing wrestling or his fancy promo work. No. He's there to be the top guy, go over, be famous, be in movies, sell merchandise and promote the product. Period. Killer for the fans, boner for Vince.

I'm just wondering ... when will Vince start caring about what WE want? Sure, Cena's not THAT bad, but there's not a damn fan out there that wouldn't prefer someone else in that Main Event spot. Vince, how much money do you need you greedy fucking bastard?

Anyway ... wrestling wise he doesn't suck. He's just mediocre. Has pluses, but more minuses.
Supercena right now is a very general kind of character, he doesn't have specific interests apart from never giving up and his five knuckle shuffle is just a remnant of a time he was that rapping guy, but not who he is now. Being a hip hop style character maybe suited to his taste but the guy he is now doesn't contradict what he is because what he is now is a general good guy with strong morale beliefs and will, that doesn't compromise who he is because that is a core part of who he is but it isn't as recognizable as a personality trait. It is just cena being a good guy, no need to think he has changed, he just lost a gimmick..

But aside from that, you made one very important mistake in writing what you wrote. The DVD was made in 2007 where cena was still on the brink of becoming supercena but he was still a bit funny and similar to how he was as a rapper, he hadn't changed much then in all fairness. But the mistake was, if his family and friends are saying that is how he is back then before they ever knew how he would turn out right now, whats to say if that DVD was made today his family wouldn't say that who we see NOW, is also actually who he is.

Like I said his family may well argue that this is still the cena they know just without a jersey on and an orange T-shirt, and instead of spitting rhymes on his opponents he is just talking to them straight like I'm sure he did when he was younger, he must have been serious at some times!

I don't think you could say that who we see now isn't who cena is, because for one we don't know cena personally, any of us. And two because him acting as he does now and as he did then doesn't contradict, he hasn't changed his style of personality just how he talks in all honesty.
I suppose you didn't get the memo that you don't have to be the best in the business in order to be WWE's poster boy. Don't believe me? There are people better than Cena at the two main departments -- promos and wrestling. First guy that comes to mind? Orton. Second guy that comes to mind? CM Punk. There are also guys who are better wrestlers than him who not only do the moves but also have the mind. Dolph Ziggler, Bryan Danielson, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, the list goes on.

Cena is not WWE's number one guy because he's such a great wrestler -- he is not, not because he's that great on the mic -- he is not. Cena's the top guy because he's good .. no wait .. perfect for business. He's just the guy Vince needs. Someone that will put up with Vince's crap, breathe, eat, shit and fuck wrestling and live 24/7 for the soul purpose of promoting WWE and selling T-Shirts. That is it. He is not there to wow the fans with his amazing wrestling or his fancy promo work. No. He's there to be the top guy, go over, be famous, be in movies, sell merchandise and promote the product. Period. Killer for the fans, boner for Vince.

I'm just wondering ... when will Vince start caring about what WE want? Sure, Cena's not THAT bad, but there's not a damn fan out there that wouldn't prefer someone else in that Main Event spot. Vince, how much money do you need you greedy fucking bastard?

Anyway ... wrestling wise he doesn't suck. He's just mediocre. Has pluses, but more minuses.

lol.. Im not going to go on ..and.. oooonn.. about your post, but I'm just curious about a few things.. We all like Orton.. I get it.. But if u reeeally think his work on the mic is better then cenas, or even good for that matter, ur kidding urself....Punk, love the guy, buuut.. do u really, honestly, see him as the face of the company? hmm.. swagger, ziggler, danielson, bourne, and that list that "goes on and on" lol.. funny thing is, I like all of the above, but its almost like you're failing to realize that all of these guys, like cena, have a gimmick.. Even if cena "could" be kurt angle or bret hart in the ring, his "gimmick" doesn't call for that.. We all knew that Steve Austin had waaaaay more moves then the 4 or 5 he did with the stone cold character, but never once bashed him for it.. Im one of those "fans out there" (o and btw, im not a chick, nor am I a lil kid) and i can't see anyone RIGHT NOW, that i would have replace cena in a main event spot..(of course that excludes the ppl who r already main eventers) Lastly, u said.. "Vince how much money do you need?" LOL... LOL.. This is a business, my friend... lol.. and always ..ALWAYS.. will be.. when vince no longer cares about making money, we won't even have these discussions.. There won't be a wwe...
lol.. Im not going to go on ..and.. oooonn.. about your post, but I'm just curious about a few things.. We all like Orton.. I get it.. But if u reeeally think his work on the mic is better then cenas, or even good for that matter, ur kidding urself....Punk, love the guy, buuut.. do u really, honestly, see him as the face of the company? hmm.. swagger, ziggler, danielson, bourne, and that list that "goes on and on" lol.. funny thing is, I like all of the above, but its almost like you're failing to realize that all of these guys, like cena, have a gimmick.. Even if cena "could" be kurt angle or bret hart in the ring, his "gimmick" doesn't call for that.. We all knew that Steve Austin had waaaaay more moves then the 4 or 5 he did with the stone cold character, but never once bashed him for it.. Im one of those "fans out there" (o and btw, im not a chick, nor am I a lil kid) and i can't see anyone RIGHT NOW, that i would have replace cena in a main event spot..(of course that excludes the ppl who r already main eventers) Lastly, u said.. "Vince how much money do you need?" LOL... LOL.. This is a business, my friend... lol.. and always ..ALWAYS.. will be.. when vince no longer cares about making money, we won't even have these discussions.. There won't be a wwe...

You sure like to "lol" a lot.

So, let me get this straight. Cena's gimmick is to suck in the ring, is that what you're telling me? Child, sit down! Stop defending something that cannot be defended. That statement is stupidity and ignorance at its best. Cena's in-ring work does not "suck" because of his lack of wrestling moves. I never said that, you thought I did and went on autopilot from that point on. It sucks because he doesn't have the mind to create a story for a match and tell it with his moveset. Austin, Rock, Orton, even HBK at one point didn't do 450 splashes from the titantron. Ric Flair is anything BUT athletic, he has always been old [it seems], he's always been slow, he never had any flashy moves, yet he has been in the greatest matches. Ever. But these guys knew how to carry a match. Cena does not. It's evident because Cena's best matches have always been with Michaels, Triple H, etc. Guys that can carry him in the ring, and EVEN then it's hard to call the match enjoyable. Cena is a walking merchandise stand. Period.

Yes his mic skills are worse than Orton's. It's just true whether you like it or not. I can't remember the last really good promo Cena did, but then I can remember a ton of "Orton Moments" both behind a mic and in the ring. Orton blows Cena away any day of the week.

And I realize that it's a business, I'm quite aware. But the thing is ... this company is alive because of us, and let's face it, we're not getting THE entertainment that we deserve and McMahon can provide. He's not giving it his all and he's not trying to entertain anyone. He tells you what you like, and you watch it. That's always been his M.O. Too bad I ain't good at followin' orders.
You sure like to "lol" a lot.

So, let me get this straight. Cena's gimmick is to suck in the ring, is that what you're telling me? Child, sit down! Stop defending something that cannot be defended. That statement is stupidity and ignorance at its best. Cena's in-ring work does not "suck" because of his lack of wrestling moves. I never said that, you thought I did and went on autopilot from that point on. It sucks because he doesn't have the mind to create a story for a match and tell it with his moveset. Austin, Rock, Orton, even HBK at one point didn't do 450 splashes from the titantron. Ric Flair is anything BUT athletic, he has always been old [it seems], he's always been slow, he never had any flashy moves, yet he has been in the greatest matches. Ever. But these guys knew how to carry a match. Cena does not. It's evident because Cena's best matches have always been with Michaels, Triple H, etc. Guys that can carry him in the ring, and EVEN then it's hard to call the match enjoyable. Cena is a walking merchandise stand. Period.

Yes his mic skills are worse than Orton's. It's just true whether you like it or not. I can't remember the last really good promo Cena did, but then I can remember a ton of "Orton Moments" both behind a mic and in the ring. Orton blows Cena away any day of the week.

And I realize that it's a business, I'm quite aware. But the thing is ... this company is alive because of us, and let's face it, we're not getting THE entertainment that we deserve and McMahon can provide. He's not giving it his all and he's not trying to entertain anyone. He tells you what you like, and you watch it. That's always been his M.O. Too bad I ain't good at followin' orders.

yea... i "lol" alot.. and ur "stupidity and ignorance" comment proves exactly y... ur a funny guy/chick/person..(which ever u may be..) he doesn't have the mind..? hm..i guess thats why he clearly calls pretty much all of his matches..(which is a lil to obvious at times with him.. ) even with some of those names that u mentioned.. and um.. "orton Moments" u say u can't recall the last really good cena promo.. i ask u, when was the last...good... orton promo? really.. cena is a .."walkn merc stand" um.. this is true.. minus the "period" but, do u think ppl who.. idk, don't sell at all, will actually make it..? ur not good at following orders? well, it seems that u r.. following period... When will u cena haters(and yes.. thats exactly what u r .. no matter what u say u "never" said..or that im "assuming") realize that, the guy isn't goin anywhere.. face it, my friend.. no matter how much u complain... now come on.. prove me right... come back with some insults... lol.. they humor me..
I believe whole heartedly that the person we are seeing now is the real John Cena. I look no further then his "goodbye" promo on Raw last week as proof.

When John began talking about his mother and family, he legitimately became choked up. Bear in mind, this wasn't a "shoot" promo. But obviously, Cena is an emotional guy who represents the things that he says he does. Those weren't forced tears in that promo, they were sincere. The man has carried the company for the past five years, and I think that's defined who he is more then anything.

John's current "gimmick" as the leader of the "Cenation" and "Never Give Up" is the one I prefer. He just seems most comfortable in that role. The rapper role was a good role for Cena, and whose to say it doesn't reflect parts of his personality as well? He did release a rap album, one that had a PA label on it.

So my thought about John Cena is, why can't he be both? He can be a good moralistic man who does the right thing but has an affinity for hip-hop as well. But its his actions, outside the ring, that speak the most. He's granted more the 2nd most wishes for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of all time. He's in no way obligated to do that, Im sure its not in his contract. I think that says more about Cena then anything else.
I hated his rapper gimmick in the past, it didn't work for me. However I accept that it worked for Cena as it at least gave Cena an identity to separate him from the other generic looking wrestlers. I much prefer his semi-supercena role of not backing down, and fighting the fight but also acknowledging that not everyone likes him. Even if it was a forced move due to the booings getting out of hand, acknowledging that different section of the crowd react differently to him was great as it made him easier to relate to than pure supercena. It showed that he is not perfect and has problems too. The WWE can also use the opportunity to drum in lessons about peer pressure if they want to.

Yes his mic skills are worse than Orton's. It's just true whether you like it or not. I can't remember the last really good promo Cena did, but then I can remember a ton of "Orton Moments" both behind a mic and in the ring. Orton blows Cena away any day of the week.

Can you list a few examples of good Orton promos? Cena just had a great promo last week during his farewell speech that was very emotional and put over Barrett as well. If I remember correctly, Cena often outshine Orton in their promos together. Orton may be good in the ring but he is only decent, not great on the mic.
You sure like to "lol" a lot.

So, let me get this straight. Cena's gimmick is to suck in the ring, is that what you're telling me? Child, sit down! Stop defending something that cannot be defended. That statement is stupidity and ignorance at its best. Cena's in-ring work does not "suck" because of his lack of wrestling moves. I never said that, you thought I did and went on autopilot from that point on. It sucks because he doesn't have the mind to create a story for a match and tell it with his moveset. Austin, Rock, Orton, even HBK at one point didn't do 450 splashes from the titantron. Ric Flair is anything BUT athletic, he has always been old [it seems], he's always been slow, he never had any flashy moves, yet he has been in the greatest matches. Ever. But these guys knew how to carry a match. Cena does not. It's evident because Cena's best matches have always been with Michaels, Triple H, etc. Guys that can carry him in the ring, and EVEN then it's hard to call the match enjoyable. Cena is a walking merchandise stand. Period.

Yes his mic skills are worse than Orton's. It's just true whether you like it or not. I can't remember the last really good promo Cena did, but then I can remember a ton of "Orton Moments" both behind a mic and in the ring. Orton blows Cena away any day of the week. While I do like both Orton & Cena its obvious Cena is better on the Mic than Orton. You want proof go watch his "farewell" promo and come back to me.

And I realize that it's a business, I'm quite aware. But the thing is ... this company is alive because of us, and let's face it, we're not getting THE entertainment that we deserve and McMahon can provide. He's not giving it his all and he's not trying to entertain anyone. He tells you what you like, and you watch it. That's always been his M.O. Too bad I ain't good at followin' orders.

The Entertainment we deserve? Zeven you wouldn't know what you want if it slapped you in the face. I don't understand why you come here if you don't like WWE. Go back to the TNA Forum and stay there please. While I do like Cena & Orton its obvious Cena is way better on the Mic than Orton is. You want proof go watch his "Farewell" Promo and come back to me.
While I do like Cena & Orton its obvious Cena is way better on the Mic than Orton is. You want proof go watch his "Farewell" Promo and come back to me.

I agree "it's obvious Cena is better than Orton..." in the ring, on other TV (just watched him again on "Psych" DVD this week), or on the mic.

What I want is proof that Orton is even half-decent at anything... Not compared to anyone; By himself. (Besides killing pushes for deserving others like Kofi.)
I suppose you didn't get the memo that you don't have to be the best in the business in order to be TNA's poster boy. Don't believe me? There are people better than Hardy at the two main departments ---promos and wrestling.

Hardy is not TNA's number one guy because he's such a great wrestler -- he is not, not because he's that great on the mic -- he is not. Hardy's the top guy because he's good .. no wait .. perfect for business. The illicit precription drug business. He's just the guy Dixie needs to make sure the geriatric roster has pain meds. Someone that will put up with Hogan's crap, breathe, eat, shit and fuck wrestling and live 24/7 for the soul purpose of promoting himself and selling drugs. That is it. He is not there to wow the fans with his amazing wrestling or his fancy promo work. No. He's there to be the top guy, go over, be semi-famous, be in you tube videos, sell merchandise and promote the pharmaceutical product. Period.

I'm just wondering ... when will Dixie start caring about what WE want? Sure, Hardy's not THAT bad, but there's not a damn fan out there that wouldn't prefer someone else in that Main Event spot. Dixie, how many washed up ex-WWE wrestlers do you need you greedy fucking bitch?

Anyway ... wrestling wise he doesn't suck. He's just mediocre. Has pluses, but more minuses.

Zevon, your first thread about John Cena was oh so easily changed to Jeff was way too easy. Proves how hypocritical you are when applying standards. You want to bitch about who the WWE company man is, and yet, what happens when you hold your own companies top guy up to the same standard? You sneer at the WWE for making Cena the poster boy despite not being the best at either promos or actual wrestling...yeah, because Jeff Hardy is the best in the business at either? Hardy? Hardly. Is he even the best in TNA at either of those things? ummm...Not even close. Maybe next time you want to bitch about what Cena lacks, you don't do it in such a way that the exact same complaints can't be easily flipped right back at you.
To be honest, of course that is what his friends and family would say. What are they gonna say? He is super fake?

Truth be told, the rapper thing is not the real Cena. I have heard him in numerous interviews say he likes Country music and Rock. His rap gimmick sort of happened. He used to play freestyle a lot and someone suggested it in front of Stephanie McMahon. So he did it and she liked it.

Then the rapper gimmick was born.

I actually liked his early rapper/Heel gimmick much better. He would wear shirts that says Ruck Fules and would end every rap with some sort of curse word for the crowd to say. It was pretty damn good.
To be honest, of course that is what his friends and family would say. What are they gonna say? He is super fake?

Truth be told, the rapper thing is not the real Cena. I have heard him in numerous interviews say he likes Country music and Rock. His rap gimmick sort of happened. He used to play freestyle a lot and someone suggested it in front of Stephanie McMahon. So he did it and she liked it.

Then the rapper gimmick was born.

I actually liked his early rapper/Heel gimmick much better. He would wear shirts that says Ruck Fules and would end every rap with some sort of curse word for the crowd to say. It was pretty damn good.

He explained the rapper thing on WWE-TV since he got fired. (He was talking to, I think, Wade.)

I like the recent Cena better in some ways; Still remember him wearing a jersey for a deceased player. The fans reacted to it for so long, he couldn't talk.

But I didn't like him asking the fans to chant whichever they wanted. Reminded me of Angle asking for the "You suck!" thing. Nobody wants to hear that every time they walk out about themselves.

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