Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena

YOU THINK THT CENA IS BETTER THEN BRYAN?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!For entertainment it will maybe be Cena but when it comes to Wrestling,Daniel... no.. BRYAN DANIELSON is way better!!! He was trained by William Regak and HB fucking K!!!!!!! Bryan has wrestled and made people tap out all over the world! What has Cena done,kiss Vince's ass for 5 years?? Bryan is the one tht should be saying hustle loyalty and respect.

HBK trained Brian Kendrick, Paul London, and Lance Cade. Are we going to say now that those three are better wrestlers than Cena?

If I have to list down what Cena has done for the past fives, then it's clear to me that you have nothing to offer.

Made HHH and HBK tap out at Wrestlemania, won the world title three times at Mania, etc.

I told myself not to list them. I'm going to stop right here and see if you can bring anything better to the table.
YOU THINK THT CENA IS BETTER THEN BRYAN?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!For entertainment it will maybe be Cena but when it comes to Wrestling,Daniel... no.. BRYAN DANIELSON is way better!!! He was trained by William Regak and HB fucking K!!!!!!! Bryan has wrestled and made people tap out all over the world! What has Cena done,kiss Vince's ass for 5 years?? Bryan is the one tht should be saying hustle loyalty and respect.

Take a breath and remember what you see in the ring isn't a real competition. As good as those moves look, if you put Cena and Danielson in a room and said beat eachother up you couldn't handicap it based on any of the wrestling moves they do.

Bryan is a talented performer in terms of the technical side of it, which is an important part of pro-wrestling but far from the whole package. Psychology and being able to manipulate the crowd are more important on the whole and that is Cena's strength.

Ask yourself if you were starting a promotion and had to choose which of the two you could have to build with, Cena or Bryan, who would it be?

If you chose Bryan you would be a horrible businessman who would rightfully be ridiculed.

I have watched wrestling on and off for most of my life, the moments I remember are ones like Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan at WM6, Steve Austin at King of the Ring, the Raw debut of Y2J. There are also great matches along the way. But those aren't what builds a lasting legacy.

THEREFORE, Bryan has a long way to go before he can be compared a better wrestler. He may be a better technical wrestler but that isn't good enough.
Wrong! Wrestling isn't real! You can't ask who the better wrestler is because neither of them are wrestlers. They are Pro Wrestlers. As long as someone can do the basics, it doesn't matter how good of a "wrestler" they are. I like Daniel Bryan a lot, but the amount of moves he does doesn't mean shit. I repeat, it isn't real.

It's total bullshit to ask a question like "ignoring gimmicks and characters, who is the best wrestler?" You can't do that because they are the same thing.
You can ask the question. If you can conceive of the notion, you can ask the question, even if only hypothetically.
Bottom line, in FAKE PRO WRESTLING, the biggest draw is the best wrestler. Answer me this: If "wrestling" ability is so damn important, why didn't Charlie Haas and Jamie Noble headline every Wrestlemania? They were the two best "wrestlers" on the roster. How come Ring of Honor isn't the biggest wrestling company in the world.

See, right here you acknowledge there is something that makes a wrestler a better 'wrestler' than another. Its a reason you say Haas and Noble were the best 'wreslers' on the roster. You have have said Al Snow and Test were the best 'wrestlers' on the roster but you didnt. All OP is doing is taking the exact thing you took when you chose Haas and Noble and is asking who is better at that, Cena or Danielson.

If you or I went to an ROH show and we matched a few matches and I asked you who you thought was better between Austin Aries and Chris Hero, you dont think you'd have a opinion?
hes asking WRESTLER!!!!!!!!!! HES TALKIN ABOUT WHOS BETTER IN THE RING AND ITS DANIEL BRYAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hands down cuz all john has is his 5 or 6 moves of doom , while bryan has everything
You can ask the question. If you can conceive of the notion, you can ask the question, even if only hypothetically.

See, right here you acknowledge there is something that makes a wrestler a better 'wrestler' than another. Its a reason you say Haas and Noble were the best 'wreslers' on the roster. You have have said Al Snow and Test were the best 'wrestlers' on the roster but you didnt. All OP is doing is taking the exact thing you took when you chose Haas and Noble and is asking who is better at that, Cena or Danielson.

If you or I went to an ROH show and we matched a few matches and I asked you who you thought was better between Austin Aries and Chris Hero, you dont think you'd have a opinion?

Chris Hero! Haha. Believe me, I understand the concept of the question. In all honesty my posts on this thread have probably been more "personal" than trying to focus on this "ideal of a great wrestler". I understand that, yes, there are some performers that do a better job of executing moves inside the ring than others. However, to me, that doesn't make them a better wrestler. These threads piss me off because they are completely SUBJECTIVE.

I get angry at these threads because 100 times a day someone is on here running their mouth about Cena and Hogan being the worst wrestlers of all time. However, they never talk about the fact that Austin and The Rock weren't exactly phenomenal when it came to their in ring performance. I like Daniel Bryan and enjoy watching him wrestler, but all the threads about him are starting to get really old. People are always saying he is the best wrestler on the roster and so much better than Cena, Batista, Triple H, etc.., but where was all this love and support for the Jamie Noble's and Charlie Haas's of the WWE.

The question was who do you think is the better wrestler. Despite what people say, you get over in the ring. If Cena was really shit in the ring, then all the promos in the world wouldn't get him over. Therefor, he is a better wrestler than Daniel Bryan. If you want to look at ring work, then Hulk Hogan Hulking Up is a far better wrestling move than anything Bryan could ever do. You can't argue it. Hulking Up is a defensive move Hulk Hogan does in his matches that gets every single person in the area to go crazy. The same could be said for the Peoples Elbow and the Attitude Adjustment. If a wrestler has a move that blows the roof off an entire arena more than anyone else on the roster, they are the best wrestler on the roster.
I think it's mostly due to the fact that Daniel Bryan hasn't been around in WWE as much as John Cena have, and therefore I haven't seen as much of Daniel Bryan as I have of John Cena. But I would have to go with John.

John, even with a limited move-set has been able to deliver a lot of great matches throughout his WWE career. Hell even in 2010 he's been able to deliver shitloads of great matches. Batista at Wrestlemania and Extreme Rules, Wade Barrett at Hell in A Cell and TLC, and two times with Dolph Ziggler this week already.

Daniel Bryan? Sure he's had great matches with Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Ted DiBiase and others. But in the end I find John Cena's matches more memorable, and much more entertaining to watch. It might be due to the fact that I like the high impact fast paced thing more at times than I enjoy the hardcore down to earth grappling match.
I'm actually quite surprised how this thread has gone, I was sure more people would be pulling for Bryan.

Anyways, I'm not sure if they can even be fairly compared because of how completly opposite they are. At this point in Cena's career, his star power automatically lends itself to any match he competes in. I don't care what anyone says, that is part of pro-wrestling. If the crowd doesn't care what's going on in the ring, than it doesn't matter how skilled you are. Cena has proven that he can deliver good/great matches no matter who he is against. Not to mention he has the remarkable skill to make his opponent look good, and does it quite often.

On the other hand, Bryan can really put on a good match. Hell, the guy got recongized as having one of the top matches of the year in a match that had almost zero build. That takes some talent. His debut match against Y2J was one of the best televised matches of the year IMO and , hell , he has managed to get over despite out-weighing me by 10 pounds. For a guy that has only been in WWE for six months, he is one of their best performers.

In the end though I think Cena takes it because he has proven himself in every possible situation. He has carried Wrestlemania main events, held the WWE title for a year and still remained relevant the whole time, and , as stated earlier, produced good matches with everyone he wrestles. And as much as I love technical wrestling, being a good in-ring performer isn't just about the moves you do. Look at HBK. His matches were legendary, yet he didn't do alot of moves in a match. Knowing when to do things and how to work the crowd is more important than just raw ability.
The question was who do you think is the better wrestler. Despite what people say, you get over in the ring. If Cena was really shit in the ring, then all the promos in the world wouldn't get him over.

Tell that to The Ultimate Warrior.

You guys who are for Cena are acting like their is no conceivable way that daniel bryan could ever be a better wrestler than Cena. You guys just say, "oh he has been the WWE's main guy, he has made triple h and shawn michaels tap out at wrestlemania, and he has a cool catchphrase". But I have question then, if Vince had decided 6 years ago that he would give spike dudley all those acheivements, then would that make him a better wrestler than cena?

And about the so called "working the crowd",which he is the face of the company and gets booed more than any face of the company ever, (i will use a reference to music) does that mean that "she loves you" was a better song than "nowhere man", because it had thousands more screaming when it was played live. NO. Thats only because the song was more fit for the screaming fans. The beatles weren't any worse band because the crowd didn't go as crazy. People may say, thats music and this is wrestling, but both are forms of entertainment.

So before you be so quick to choose cena, think.
Cena was actually a good technical wrestler back in the day. People said his technical ability was on the level of Kurt Angle, possibly. But when he became more popular he lost the need for technical ability.

Honestly in WWE everyone has their 5 moves of doom. even mr "everyones favortite" Daniel Bryan all his moves are nothing than what they used to be.
Cena was actually a good technical wrestler back in the day. People said his technical ability was on the level of Kurt Angle, possibly. But when he became more popular he lost the need for technical ability.

Honestly in WWE everyone has their 5 moves of doom. even mr "everyones favortite" Daniel Bryan all his moves are nothing than what they used to be.

When the hell was john cena ever a technical wrestler. He came in as a very green hometown rookie, who almost beat kurt. Thats all. He was never a great wrestler, and even if he was a bad wrestler because of his character, he still is a bad wrestler. That is what people don't get. Its like saying it stoped raining because the sun came out, it still stoped raining.
He has had some good in ring ability. I think every wrestler in WWE has. Its just they're being utilized wrong. If he was almost able to beat Angle and have a somewhat successful angle with him (no pun intended) then he must've had some skill.
He has had some good in ring ability. I think every wrestler in WWE has. Its just they're being utilized wrong. If he was almost able to beat Angle and have a somewhat successful angle with him (no pun intended) then he must've had some skill.

They could have put any green wrestler in the ring with angle in that angle and it would have worked. That was the point, a green guy almost beat one of the best wrestlers. It didn't work because cena had anything special at the time, he didn't really get over untill he became a slim shady wannabe.

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