John Cena - Master of the "I Quit" Match?


The Cheesehead in Ohio
Throughout WWE and wrestling, certain Superstars become well known as the masters of certain types of matches. When you think Hell in a Cell, you think of Undertaker or Triple H. You think of Shawn Michaels when you think of Ladder Matches. Edge comes to mind when you think of TLC. The Dudley Boys were famous for their "Get the tables!" Mick Foley is the King of Hardcore.

Enter John Cena. Throughout his tenure at WWE, John Cena has been involved with, and won, 4 separate "I Quit" Matches, more than any previous WWE Superstar:

WWE Judgment Day 2005: John Cena def. JBL
WWE Breaking Point 2009: John Cena def. Randy Orton
WWE Over the Limit 2010: John Cena def. Batista
WWE Over the Limit 2011: John Cena def. The Miz

Love him or hate him, John Cena has given many memorable moments in "I Quit" matches, and these matches have definitely given credibility to his mottos of: "Never Give Up" or "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect" - and have contributed to being part of John Cena's character. Is it time John Cena gets credited as the master of the "I Quit" match? Does the "I Quit" match garner the same type of reaction for John Cena that the Hell in a Cell generates for Taker, or Edge and TLC, HBK/Ladders, etc.?
Here's the thing with me and maybe a few others but even if they made Cena Lose an "I Quit" match I wouldn't buy it back in 05 in his first major "I Quit" match, I never saw him giving up, I simply said "I don't see Cena saying 'I Quit'." Just never really seemed realistic for his character at the time and now.
I groan everytime I hear John Cena is in an I Quit Match! Why would anyone ever wanna watch one now. We all know Cena is the WWE's Golden Boy. He is Superman. John Cena never quits. This unfortunately means that John Cena always wins when he is in an I Quit Match. The beauty of Edge, Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker is that while they won most of the time in their respected matches, they still lost from time to time. There is no suspense in John Cena's matches. Sure, the match itself could be a good match, but they will never be great because we always know the ending.
when i think of i quit matches.. i think of austin vs bret hart at wrestlemania 13... austin made you believe that he would rather die than say the words i quit, or mankind vs the rock at royal rumble, the rock bashing in mankinds hand with that steal chair deadly!!!!!.. these were great i quit matches... john cenas i quit match with jbl was good but the rest MEH!!!!!!!
He will never actually lose an "I Quit" match, it's not in his character with the whole "never give up, never surrender" gimmick. I can only see him losing two ways. One is to turn him heel (gasp!), remember SCSA never quit until he turned heel. The second way is also the way SCSA lost an I quit passing out, remember WM13? Other than that I can't see why they continue to put Cena in this type of match since most people will know the outcome and there is no suspense.
The I Quit match is a signature match for John Cena. It fits his persona to a tee and gives the kiddies a life lesson to never give up against “bullies”.


I feel as if his I Quit match “streak” may be used to get some one over in the future. (Or it can just be a streak.) Maybe it can clash with Taker's? Up to creative.
It's Cena's gimmick.


All that would be hogwash if he would utter the words "I Quit".

Like it or not. Thus is fact.
Definitely, there isn't anyone else who even comes close to that title, Cena is the king of the I Quit match simply because he never quits and that's what he's all about. I don't think that it is compares to guys like Taker with HIAC yet but with time and a few more I Quit matches I can definitely see it being a decently big thing that they could throw in when talking about him and something he's remembered for one day when we look back at his career.
It would never happen with the Rock vs Cena set for next years Wrestlemania, but I would love to see Taker vs Cena in an I Quit match. It'd be the ultimate test for Taker in his never give up attitude when it comes to Wrestlemania matches, and also for Cena who just refuses to give up in any circumstance. I'm pretty sure this next years Wrestlemania will be takers last but this match would be something that I'd absolutely love to see and would buy the PPV just for that match.
Sure, I'll remember Cena for ruining what was once one of the best stip. matches of all time... his no selling, especially in the Miz one totally killed that match for me.
I, too would love to see Undertaker and Cena in an I Quit match at Mania. Maybe Mania 29? But, yeah, cena will not lose one of these matches unless he's going to turn heel or he fights the phenom at mania. I think the Ce-Nation would forgive Cena for quiting to the deadman at Wrestlemania. I wouldn't mind the Rock and John Cena at mania 28 being an I Quit match. The Rock said he's not going to leave WWE anymore but this stipulation would force his character to leave WWE after Mania 28 so maybe it will be an I Quit match.
Actually it's interesting that you guys mention Austin vs Bret because they've changed the rules now...

Both Cena and Batista both passed out in "I quit" matches but never lost because of it... (Cena vs Orton, and Cena vs Batista) Ironically, both times the superstar was woken up the same way. (With a bottle of water...)
They can do what they did with the RR 1999 match between the rock and mankind. Just play a recording of cena saying I quit

The Miz tried to do that in their last I Quit match. It was wildly speculated before the PPV that he was going to do it and it just felt really anti-climactic. I can't recall if the ref figured it out and didn't allow it or the decision was overturned, but either way the match continued.

If your gonna have Cena lose this type of match you've gotta come up w/ something new.
When your slogan as a wrestler is "Never Give Up" its pretty obvious your'e going to win any match with an "I Quit" stipulation... so?

I don't expect Cena to lose an "I quit" match ever in his career, it would completely kill his character
Cena will never give up. The I Quit match is definitely his specialty and where he has the upper hand much like Hell In a Cell is Taker's or TLC is Edge's. His character is based around never quitting and earning clean victories. The only way I could ever see Cena say the words "I Quit" is if his opponent threatens the life of someone Cena really cares about. He might be forced into a situation where he must quit at that point. Any other type of loss in an I Quit match would damage his character due to him NEVER giving up.
I'm going to be completely original and say that it's a part of Cena's character. It is. He doesn't give up. You can bet that if Hogan was in "I Quit" matches in the 80s and early 90s, they would have been his speciality. But - as far as I'm aware - he wasn't.

As long as he is a face, there should be no reason for John Cena to ever utter the words "I quit".
I do like the fact that Cena doesn't tap or quit or whatever, but the problem is, the I Quit match doesn't really envoke the emotion that a Buried Alive, Casket, or Cage/Cell match does. This match should be a place to see wrestlers doing terrible, horrible things to one another. Instead, if I'm not mistaken, Cena beat Miz recently with his normal submission finisher. To his credit, though, he Did scare Batista into quitting, then FU'd him through the stage anyway.
Thats a very interesting concept - John Cena vs The Undertaker at WM29 in a 'I Quit Match'.

I would really love to see that match. Naturally Cena would have to pass out.
I groan everytime I hear John Cena is in an I Quit Match! Why would anyone ever wanna watch one now. We all know Cena is the WWE's Golden Boy. He is Superman. John Cena never quits. This unfortunately means that John Cena always wins when he is in an I Quit Match. The beauty of Edge, Shawn Michaels, and the Undertaker is that while they won most of the time in their respected matches, they still lost from time to time. There is no suspense in John Cena's matches. Sure, the match itself could be a good match, but they will never be great because we always know the ending.
You also dislike Undertaker Wrestlemania matches? It's obvious he's going to win all of them, and has been obvious this way for years now, but, personally, I still find them entertaining, even knowing what the outcome will be (not bashing you, by the way - I can understand why someone wouldn't be interesting in a predictable result match).

As for John Cena and "I Quit" matches, yes, it fits his character. Though I believe he could still lose one of those matches even without saying "I Quit" - he could refuse giving up so much that he'd rather be knocked unconscious.
Sure, I'll remember Cena for ruining what was once one of the best stip. matches of all time... his no selling, especially in the Miz one totally killed that match for me.

No selling? I can understand you not liking the fact that he refused to quit after taking an exorbitant amount of punishment, but one of the many things Cena does well is sell. He sold like a champ for Miz, Batista, JBL, and Orton in his four "I Quit" matches. Cena's always made a promise and it's a part of his gimmick not to quit. Would you prefer him abandoning his entire gimmick just so you're happy? I don't understand the logic as this match is and has always been a match that fits his gimmick to perfection. He hasn't tapped out during his main event run, so why would he verbally tap out? It would kill so much of the persona he exemplifies.

As for this match being his speciality, absolutely. As I said, this match is completely up his alley, gimmick-wise. Anything less then a Cena win in one of these matches would put a huge dent into the gimmick he's spent the last six years perfecting. As so many people have pointed out, it would kill so much of the mystique of the John Cena character. To a lesser extent, it would be like Undertaker losing at Wrestlemania. If Taker loses, the largest thing his career is based on takes a huge hit. For Cena to tap out, let alone quit as a face, his legacy takes a hit as well. Each superstar that becomes great has something that defines them. Taker and his undefeated streak. HBK stealing the show at each Wrestlemania. Edge and TLC matches(yes, he lost one, but he was a heel) Flair and his 16 titles. And Cena and his Never Give Up persona. Take these major parts of their career away, and these wrestlers are stripped of one of the largest things that define them the most. Cena is the master of the "I Quit" match, and rightfully so. Its part of his gimmick after all.

And for those who suggested it, fantstic idea. Undertaker vs John Cena in an "I Quit" match at Wrestlemania would be one of the most marquee matches of all-time.

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