JGlass Shoots on Everything

I'm awestruck... I honestly can't believe this happened.

... Seriously, I don't even know how to react to this. I'm kind of upset... but I'm still too shocked. I must meditate on this and search my thoughts.
Thoughts on the Cena swerve?

I was calling for Cena to return to RAW as soon as he was sent to Smackdown. I was shocked that they sent him over in the first place, that's for sure, surprised as hell, but there are too many reasons for Cena to stay on RAW.

Shocky pointed out that the USA Network would be PISSED if the show's top draw was sent to another network, and that's probably the biggest and best reason for Cena staying.

All in all, I don't understand the point of doing it other than to get a reaction, but that's what wrestling is, getting reactions. Definitely set up a nice close to RAW. Cena made two new enemies tonight.

How fucking weird was the booking tonight?

Twas very strange indeed. I owe Sam a shoot on tonight's events, so I'll break it down one at a time...

Battle Royal- Why did Mason Ryan last as long as he did? At least 3/4 of Apple stayed for a while. Was happy to see Kofi and Big Show work together to win, and obviously that pick of Cena to Smackdown to open up the show was absolutely stunning. I figured he'd come back, but that doesn't change the fact that I was blown away by the fact he went over in the first place.

John Morrison attacks R-Truth- First of all, amazing promo by R-Truth, but it may have been a little too funny for a heel. Easily the most entertaining he has ever been since his return, possibly ever. Morrison jumping R-Truth was cool, but why the fuck did the refs come out to break it up? Where were they last week when Truth was kicking the shit out of Morrison?

Top two explanations:
Serious Jones: They were worried about inhaling second hand smoke.
Remixie Steamboat: It's a hate crime when a white guy jumps a black guy, so they had to come out to prevent it from happening.

Eve vs. Layla: Dude, Layla has become the hottest diva on the roster in my eyes, no way around it. I might have to go digging through the avatar stash for a Layla avatar to replace my Natty one, as Natty has been irrelevant for months now. Rey Mysterio coming to RAW is an interesting choice. They did it a two years ago and it didn't work out, but I suppose Rey needs some new faces to feud with. I'm predicting a Sheamus-Rey feud early on. A heel Daniel Bryan/Mysterio feud would also be fucking awesome.

Kofi vs. Sheamus- Thrilled to see Kofi get the win here, the Double Trouble in Paradise was awesome. I was shocked to see Orton go to Smackdown, figured he was taken off the table when Cena left, whether it was permanent or not. Good call on sending Orton over to Smackdown, though. The show needs a top star, and Orton will hopefully bring in more viewers. Plus, he'll have a whole new cast of characters to feud with.

JR vs. Cole- I went to the bathroom to specifically avoid this, but it stretched out so long that I still wound up catching most of it. I don't understand what they have to gain from these matches. Everyone already loves JR, and everyone already hates Cole. Nothing is going to change.

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler- I legitimately thought Ziggler was Alex Riley until about 2 minutes into the match when I saw DZ on his trunks. I saw others confuse him for Evan Bourne and Ted DiBiase. Stupid move getting rid of his look. Orton won with a surprise RKO, but nobody was surprised. You could even tell Ziggler knew it was going to happen, "Oh gosh, I'm gonna turn around and get RKO'd aren't I?" Yup. Sin Cara gets drafted to Smackdown. Fairly pointless since he doesn't have any established rivalries on either brand, but whatever.

Rey vs. Barrett- Rey won of course. As it should be. I like Del Rio to RAW, opens up to a whole bunch of new upper-mid card feuds, which is exactly where he should be feuding. Show to RAW is okay too. I don't know what I'd do with him, but the WWE will think of something. I wonder what this means for the Kane/Big Show tag title reign, though.

6 Man Tag- Mark Henry turns? Pointless, he's much more fun as a face. I was hoping for a Kool-Aid man angle where he bursts through a wall a-la The Shockmaster. Those dreams got poured down the drain along with the Kool-Aid. Having Miz pick up the win after the turn was a nice touch. Punk and Christian impressed me during this match, but not much else. I feel like a total smark for saying that, being that those two are internet love children number one, but they clearly out performed the others. Cena getting drafted back to RAW and knocking everyone silly was a nice touch.

I'm upset that Sheamus and Daniel Bryan didn't get drafted, but there's still the supplemental draft for that I suppose. I have a feeling we'll see Brodus Clay come to RAW as well.
Sheamus might be marginally too significant for the supplemental draft. Daniel Bryan, less so. At least, I hope not. Get him to SmackDown.
6 Man Tag- Mark Henry turns? Pointless, he's much more fun as a face. I was hoping for a Kool-Aid man angle where he bursts through a wall a-la The Shockmaster. Those dreams got poured down the drain along with the Kool-Aid. Having Miz pick up the win after the turn was a nice touch. Punk and Christian impressed me during this match, but not much else. I feel like a total smark for saying that, being that those two are internet love children number one, but they clearly out performed the others. Cena getting drafted back to RAW and knocking everyone silly was a nice touch.

have you lost your fucking mind? have you ever LOOKED at the guy? Everything about him says heel. He was by FAR and away at his best as a monster heel dominating SD. He is a shell of that guy nowadays. They maximize his usefullness a thousand times turning him monster heel
I think Sheamus is too far up the card for the draft today, but Bryan...usually one or two major midcarders ends up moving so there's still hope there.
Scratch that. Just the first two. Not because of a heel shortage either, but because they'd be better off on SmackDown.

Look, I just really want Punk away from Nexus, OK?
Really, im hoping for Zack Ryder to go there in the supplemental draft. Elevate the guys they have now, and make use of Tyler Reks and Zack Ryder
The multi-quote button and I rekindle the flame of our love affair.

Sheamus might be marginally too significant for the supplemental draft. Daniel Bryan, less so. At least, I hope not. Get him to SmackDown.

I think Sheamus is too significant for the supplemental draft as well, but I've been calling for his draft to Smackdown for too goddamn long. Let me hold onto hope.

have you lost your fucking mind? have you ever LOOKED at the guy? Everything about him says heel. He was by FAR and away at his best as a monster heel dominating SD. He is a shell of that guy nowadays. They maximize his usefullness a thousand times turning him monster heel

And yet he's duller than a Shamalan film (seriously, a movie where the fucking plants are trying to kill you?) as a heel. At least when he's a face he flashes a little personality from time to time. As a heel he's simply big angry mark Henry, a guy who will sooner sit on you than shake your hand. As a face he flashed his smile, laughed a little, it was fun to watch him have fun. Could be a personal thing, but I get no pleasure out of seeing him remorselessly destroying smaller guys. He doesn't have that certain quality that guys like Kane and Big Show have where it's fun to see them run shit on smaller guys.

Scratch that. Just the first two. Not because of a heel shortage either, but because they'd be better off on SmackDown.

Look, I just really want Punk away from Nexus, OK?

With Mason Ryan sorta losing control the other day, there's hope that the new Nexus angle will end soon. Plus, with Randy Orton away, who else are they going to play with? My prediction is they go back to picking on Cena, and Cena puts the final nail in the coffin and ends Nexus.

I like R-Truth on RAW, though after running his potty mouth last night he's proven to be a good candidate for edited television. I'm not a guy who suddenly pops a woody for wrestlers when they turn heel, but Truth was wildly entertaining last night. Seeing him go to Smackdown wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but there are still a whole slew of challenges for him on RAW, including Morrison, Mysterio, and maybe even Cena or Big Show, and there are also some midcard challenges depending on who gets drafted, including Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne.

Really, im hoping for Zack Ryder to go there in the supplemental draft. Elevate the guys they have now, and make use of Tyler Reks and Zack Ryder

I would love to see Ryder go to Smackdown and do something worthwhile. He wasn't used at all last night except to celebrate in the RAW locker room when people got drafted, not even in the 20 man battle royal, so I don't know what that shit is about. I honestly don't know where Zack fits into WWE programming right now, do they let him be the goofy face he is on his webshow? Do they build him up as an arrogant heel like he was during his ECW days? Do they go on Wrestlezone forums and look for my monthly Zack Ryder suggestion and make him into the Second First Couple of the WWE with Layla or Rosa or (insert face diva here)?

I have high hopes everyone's favorite vegan goes over to Smackdown and turns heel. I feel like he's so aggressive in the ring as a face, he'd be even more nasty as a heel. I would love to see him lock on a dragon sleeper or some sort of chokehold where he can make an angry face and scream in the ear of his opponent. If you look at the way he wrestles, it just seems to be that it would be much more appealing if he did it as a heel. Those strong kicks of his would have a little more flavor if they were done with malicious intent.

Random thought that doesn't have anything to do with the above: One of those Bella twins won the Divas Championship three RAWs ago, but they haven't had a winning effort on WWE TV since then. Eve, on the other hand, has appeared on both RAWs after dropping the belt, in a winning effort both times. What was the point of having her drop the belt again? Because nobody puts any thought into the divas division, that's why. I honestly think with a little care it could be a semi-interesting division, but that might be too much to ask.
My documentary production woes continue after I find out the audio was dead for approximately half of my 20 minute interview with one of the anime nerds. I was hoping for this to be a 30 minute documentary, but it looks like I'll be lucky if I can stretch it for 10 minutes.

I'm shooting for a 4.0 this semester. It would be the first time I've ever gotten a 4.0 if I do get it, but this documentary might be the one thing holding me back. Perhaps the teacher will give me credit for good camera work, one great interview, and good storytelling, but it's going to be a far cry from the original structure I pitched to him.

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