Jerichoholic4Life vs JenksIX - Debate Prep/Discussion.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Anything anyone has to say about the upcoming Debate between the two of us, keep it in here. Crooked I will come up with a solid topic and create the Official Debate Thread as soon as he can.
Who do you think will come out victorious?
This one is tough to call I don't know how it will end. This is really going to be interesting. A good read, and probaly a lot better than me and Jackiz. When will it end though and how are you going to get your winnerI think oll right?
Depending on Jenks, I think we should end it at the end of the weekend for ME, being 5am Monday for him (I think).
The winner will be decided just like yours & Kirey's, with a Poll.
Yeah ours will probaly start friday night/afternoon and end sunday night. JAckiz hasn't actually said he'll do it yet but he'll prbaly do it and yeah i think I will win. It's going to be fun beating a top 15 WZ poster.

:lmao: - If he beats you, he should move back to the Main Boards. That'd be havoc exemplified.
You guys can decide your own stipulations. I will just think of some topic, and if anyone has any suggestions, I am open to them. I am sure people will post who they think won and what not. You guys decide when to start and when it needs to end and all that.
Yeah he should definetly although hopefully people will vote honestly and not just because he or she makes them laugh. (Just realized I assumed Jackiz was a guy) And hopefully the winner of yours gets closer to go back to the main boards. I think it's only fair.
Jenks should really read this thing. Otherwise I'm picking all the stips.
Someone get his attention? That's one problem I have with him, I don't think he pays enough attention sometimes. Not being rude, but that's just what I think.

Anyways, once the topic has been chosen, Jenks can start the Debate(?), which will begin on ______ (date) at _____ (time). It will end at _____(date)/_____ (time).
The winner will be decided through a Poll.
I thought of an idea for Jenks & Jerichoholic. Everyone is talking about deadlines and time. What I thought of would require you each to make 3 posts. A choice would be involved with what each post is representing, or who, in my idea's case.

One of you would post your "choice" and then the next, and so on until you each have made your 3 posts. Who would post first or whatever would need to be figured out, or just not cared about since it would be based on your own opinions.

I am sure people would read them and also wouldn't be too shy to state who they thought posted better. Maybe a poll would be in order.
Allright, so dude, once Crooked comes up with a Topic, which I hope is soon, you're gonna start and we're just gonna go for it yeah?
Do it as soon as, 'cos I've a feeling Jenks will be off soon, and I wanna get it going with him, 'cos then I can make mine.
I can't type anything tonight, I have a hard on. I can start tomorrow, but you can go right ahead. Wow, are you like up at 6 am or something?
Yeah, it's 5am.
I never sleep right, so I always get some good time in on here, when more people are online.
If I do start, then I will. If not, then you're more than welcome to.
So, when I am ready to post the question, where do you want it to be and answer it at? In another thread with a poll or what?

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