I have been a fan of his awhile and I hate the fact that he loses the IC belt after a short reign. This feud I like except for the fact that I am so sure that he did not get eye damage when he was thrown into the screen. Hell I think he will be facing HBK at Summerslam because HBK always wants the limelight.

People talk about Santino and how good he is. I like him, but only for a laugh. I like Beth and think that maybe this would add something to both belts but please. I rather see Jericho and HBK (and I really don't like HBK) then seeing Santino butcher the English language (although he is doing this on purpose unlike JR).
I hate to say it, but Jericho was RAW. I can't believe that most of you find him entertaining these days, I think he's as dull as a butter knife, and that's coming from a fan of Y2J. His previous character was great, there was no need for him to change, heel Jericho bores me to tears with his "Serious" act. Every week on RAW he basically does the same promo that he has been doing for months now which goes a little like this: "Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels, HBK, Shawn Michaels, etc." you get the point. Also, alot of you are forgetting that this feud has been done before, culminating at WM19 in what would be their best match to date, they will never top that, their last two matches didn't even come close. He has Lance Cade with him for what? They never even had a tag match yet(I think), he is just being used in a similar fashion as Neely or Ezekiel, that's not much of a push if you ask me. Overall, Y2J has had one of the most lackluster returns in the WWE IMO, he hasn't done anything, except for retire Shawn Michaels(yeah, right), and give a little push to Lance Cade, nothing spectacular to earn my praise.
Id say Jericho is up there with HBK and Taker as the hardest workers in WWE, Y2J deserves another run with the title. But this thing with HBK, its been done. Its cool to watch again purely because theres good chemistry with them, but it hasnt added anything new to the rivalry.

The Kane mystery had me for abit, but only because i wanted him to go back to wearing the mask
I hate to say it, but Jericho was His previous character was great, there was no need for him to change, heel Jericho bores me to tears with his "Serious" act. Every week on RAW he basically does the same promo that he has been doing for months now which goes a little like this: "Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels, HBK, Shawn Michaels, etc."

I agree, I can't stand that Jericho is involved in this exact same feud again. Except now he's got the dull 'grown up' character, which is a waste of his charisma. The WWE always seems to be clueless about how to use Jericho; they botched his return, the botched his leaving, they botch his championship run. And yet, the fans stick by him because hes just that damn good, hoping one day the WWE will get it right - but more and more I think that hope dies.

The only thing they got right was his initial debut, and they just barely got that right, because the Rock's ego almost ruined it. I never really felt that Jericho fit the mold of simply heel or face, and because of this he just kinda drifts around aimlessly.
I love Jericho, I want that to be known first. I love his character change, I love his promos and I love his matches when he has'em. However I've noticed two things, one, this weeks drew a 3.3 rating, but the second half of the show had the lower rating of the two halfs, which included the Punk/Jericho mainevent. Then about a month or two ago, Jericho and Triple H fought in the mainevent on RAW and it also drew a very low rating. Guys this is bad, if Jericho continues to draw low TV ratings, the WWE may think he can't draw well and therefore they won't put the title on him. I want Jericho to be the champion, but I don't think he can if he keeps losing viewers. I can't believe his matches actually loss viewers or don't keep them through the show. He is the most entertaining storyline on Raw right now (which is saying alot because I think all the storylines going on are interesting, the writers picked up the slacka little this year.
Interesting point. It may be the case that Jericho's heel work is a bit tasteless and even disgusting to some parents and viewers out there who aren't privy to it being scripted, and even some to those who do. I don't know.

That's one of the things that have always been funny with WWE - it's not always the best workers that get the ratings. But consider this - Punk has a lot of non-believers who complain about his World Heavyweight Championship reign and Jericho...well, let's just say he's not what the majority of viewers (that is NOT including me) deem to be main event material. Hence, the two squaring off in a match wouldn't be as interesting to watch as Triple H, Cena or any of the other top draws in a main event match. It could easily be some other factors here too, such as the Olympics or whatever, but that's the one big reason I can think of.
yeah, Jericho is the man. He is my favorite too. I was so excited when he was coming back only to be mis-used like this, I'll be honest though. I am not a huge fan of this whole promo. He basically comes out re-words same thing and it is getting tedious. I was more sad when Jericho wasn't in the scramble :(

But, maybe for the match it was CM Punk, I find him boring as hell. Jericho is being a great heel, did you hear the boos @ Chicago? but I think for kids, it's just rather boring to them.
yeah, Jericho is the man. He is my favorite too. I was so excited when he was coming back only to be mis-used like this, I'll be honest though. I am not a huge fan of this whole promo. He basically comes out re-words same thing and it is getting tedious. I was more sad when Jericho wasn't in the scramble :(

But, maybe for the match it was CM Punk, I find him boring as hell. Jericho is being a great heel, did you hear the boos @ Chicago? but I think for kids, it's just rather boring to them.

I'm doubtful it's CM Punk. I understand some people view him as boring, but I think he's a breath of fresh air in the main event. He does have some things he needs to work on, but he's got a bright future. Plus, ratings have been up since he's been champion, I don't think that's entirely coincidence. You might be right about how kids might find Jericho boring. They may be too young to fully understand his promos and may not appricate his in-ring skills because of it. There also wasn't a whole lot of hype for the match which may have lead to the poorer rating. U know if Cena was fighting Burchell in the mainevent, I'm sure they would've announced it a dozen times because it's Cena.

It's also possible that the Olympics are having some effect on the ratings.

Possibly, but neither of your answers explain why the Jericho/HHH mainevent a few months ago didn't get good ratings either. HHH is proven Maineventer and after Jericho had kicked the shit out of HBK, I'm sure fans would've loved to see him get beat, but they didn't.
Another thing people haven't brought up is that it had no build. Nobody seeing the first hour even heard officially that they would be facing each other (as far as I can remember).

Also, it wasn't for the title. Everyone knew that it wouldn't matter in the long run.

Then on top of that and the other possible excuses, its not like you'd have to watch it to see the match anyway with the way they show you so many promos lol. If it mattered, they'd show you 90% of it in a long, drawn out promo on both ECW and Smackdown.
Yeah I noticed that too. The last two times Chris Jericho has been in the main event on Raw in an one on one match, he has made Raw lose viewers. While it can't entirely be blamed on him as Triple H and C.M Punk don't exactly draw really big either. Its sad that such a great worker in Jericho who constantly puts on decent matches, but just can't seem to draw in viewers

The match itself last night between Jericho and Punk was great in my opinion. A very good Raw main event that I really enjoyed. But I strongly disliked the ending. I totally disagree with Jericho winning over Punk who is the current World Champion who just proved he can beat a main eventer cleanly at SummerSlam. That Raw main event totally made Punk's match at Summerslam feel worthless and pointless in my opinion. I really thought that match right there made Punk look very good, but losing the match makes it all pointless. Jericho didn't need the win but C.M Punk did.

I was furious when Raw ended. There was just no need to have Punk lose cleanly, again. Stupid WWE booking decision there that I totally disagree with. Punk tried his hardest in that match but because of the lame booking he is receiving, he looks like a main event jobber that can't win a match cleanly to save his life.
One thing that I noticed in the ratings: When there was no title match for SS announced, the ratings were good. The match was announced and things went bad. I've always thought that people are most intrigued when they know nothing is set in stone. When the title match was set, the fans knew that nothing was going to change hands before then, so all they needed to do was wait for the ppv. With the last week, the ME was a title match, meaning something big could happen. Last night's match was good but there was nothing special to it as far as titles or what have you. The biggest rating on Raw goes to the overrun which is where the most important stuff as far as storylines are concerned go. Why should people watch a match that has little to no effect on storylines? I'm willing to bet that if the belt was on the line, the ratings would have been much higher, same with HHH and Jericho.
The past two weeks I don't think there even was an overrun, unless it's only in my area that I didn't get it, but the show ended at eleven. This to me is pretty inexplicable. Jericho has been the best performer on Raw over the past two months, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he is the biggest draw. He isn't. Jericho was never incredibly popular to the casual wrestling fan in my opinion, even though he is widely known due to his work on VH1 and whatnot.

Big wrestling fans were certainly watching that main event since A) It was the main event and most of the time if you sit through an hour and 45 minutes of a show you'll stick around for the finish and B) you had two pretty good workers in the ring to close out the show. Casual fans? Some probably tuned out since it was a non-title match. Others possibly tuned out once the main event for Unforgiven was announced, knowing that nothing out of the ordinary would happen. I can tell you this. If it was CM Punk vs. John Cena, that rating would've been higher. It's the unfortunate truth about those who watch wrestling today who are just dummies.
But Jericho has ALWAYS been like that, I'm sure Sly can tell you that when Jericho was undisputed champion it was the lowest WWE ratings had been for quite sometime. Jericho has not been used properly since his return, he came in like he was going to save WWE and win the title, almost a year on and no title (save for the IC belt after Hardy's suspension) and he certainly is not saving the WWE, a rather uncertain quick this isn't working, lets make him heel seems to be looking good HOWEVER he's not being utilised.

For Jericho to go forward, he needs to get out of this fued with HBK and become the mega heel he is well capable of being.
Well I don't think the ratings are that bad. Triple H was in the first main event, and he sinks a lot of viewers. CM Punk was in the second main event, and he has a lot of angst against him. The Olympics started picking up last night during the second half of Raw. And in face it didn't lose many people, just 0.1 of the share. DSC, I notice you are from Winnipeg... says something there about your Jericho love:p. I would love to see Jericho in the main event. Hes better than most in that place. He is getting up there in age though, so they better be giving him the title soon before its too late. The WWE is countinually becoming younger... Besides Triple H, JBL, Kane, Batista, etc.
I don't think this has too much to do with Jericho. I've always been skeptical on the way it's worked out how someone draws viewers. If they're champion it's easier, but just a random superstar in random matches, like Jericho has been in on these 2 occasions, you have to think that there could be a lot more too it. For a start, his opponents. So I like Punk and HHH but maybe the matches with Jericho just didn't seem exciting? Personally I love his match with Punk. It was a great main event. However to some viewers it may have seemed a little random and they didn't bother to stay tuned.

This being said, Jericho was the first ever undisputed champion a while back, and then the ratings were quite low. So maybe it is Jericho who simply can't draw. If this is the case, I have to ask why? He seems to have everything that fans love to hate. He's that cocky heel who injured a fan favourite.
But Jericho has ALWAYS been like that, I'm sure Sly can tell you that when Jericho was undisputed champion it was the lowest WWE ratings had been for quite sometime. Jericho has not been used properly since his return, he came in like he was going to save WWE and win the title, almost a year on and no title (save for the IC belt after Hardy's suspension) and he certainly is not saving the WWE, a rather uncertain quick this isn't working, lets make him heel seems to be looking good HOWEVER he's not being utilised.

For Jericho to go forward, he needs to get out of this fued with HBK and become the mega heel he is well capable of being.

Who is a better heel than Jericho right now other than Edge? He brutalized one of the most popular pro-wrestlers in history and just knocked out his wife. What more can they do to make him any more of a heel? If people aren't digging it then they just aren't but since Randy Orton started kicking people in the head and ending careers, putting people in hospitals, hurting family members etc..., no one has used better heel tactics then Jericho.
Jericho at this point in his career has more heat on him then he ever has. Finally, no one sees the Lionheart, or Y2J, they see Chris Jericho. There was no way that Jericho could return to the WWE and be a successful heal, his return was much anticipated, and he couldn't have been booed if he tried.

Then reality set in. Jericho hadn't changed at all. He was the same guy that he was 2 years earlier, which was a problem. That guy had gotten dull, that guy had gotten repetitive. Something fresh was needed.

Then the heel turn. At first, I was skeptical. As I argued in the Raw LD a few months back, I thought Jericho came off as boring his first few attempts with the slow whisper gimmick. I argued that you can still be a heel and a good one, without being boring. Now after several months of this, Jericho is finally learning where to emphasize certain words, and he is becoming more intense as well.

Jericho is easily being groomed as the next Michaels. I mean that as in the guy that will be there to groom the new talent, and the guy that will probably be next known as the best in ring worker. Jericho has been solid, and very solid lately. I think this is the best Jericho has ever been. He's finally embraced the business fully. He doesn't have the rock star alternative now at this point, he realizes now that he is a wrestler.
Huge, Huge, Huge, Jericho fan here and i can say i watch raw for Jericho. But i watch raw for so much more to . . . . Santino but thats for another post. This post is about HBK/Y2J, i think both of them are carrying each other and that is what makes a good . . . no GREAT feud. This feud is taking its time, its building, its not just oh i hate you lets have a match oh i win and now oh i hate that other guy lets have a match i win, and so on and so forth. I wish creative would put just as much time and effort into other feuds as well. Going a little off topic here but i think a feud between Team Priceless/Cryme Tyme will be great if they just take their time with it and build it like they are doing with HBK/Jericho.

Back to the main topic Jericho is the man no doubt, i believe this feud is kind of HBK passing the torch on to Jericho is some ways. I dont think HBK will be done when this feud is over and i know the two have feuded in the past but nothing like this. Both guys are doing their part to make this feud work. I praise creative and i praise both HBK and Jericho. Let Jericho continue to evolve himself and become that much better of a heel. Let HBK keep going in the direction that he is going, dropping the happy go lucky goof ball material and being serious in wanting to get revenge on Jericho. All in all if creative is reading this (i know their not lol) LET THEM KEEP GOING!!!!!

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