
ok raw does not suck for 1 reason and 1 reason only and that reason is Y2J, i hate HBK as much as the next guy but in his feuds he always does the carrying, DX vs mcmachons-he carried everyone to a decent match several times, he brought something out of cena that i thought was doomed to stay hidden and the list goes on,

but in this feud jericho is carrying HIM thats right you HBK fanboys/fangirls heard me right hbk is being carried through this feud. Did you guys know this feud has been going on since backlash!? and that while jericho has shown up on every single raw since then,

HBK has no showed some selling his "injuries" and yet the fans still care! and the reason they care the reason we all care is because of Y2J,

this guy is like a promo god and should be ranked with the greats but he is uncredited, and looked down upon because he's feuding with HBK who has barely spoken two words in comparison to jericho.

In all of their matches Jericho's in ring work told a story, he wanted to hurt shawn michaels while shawn behaved it was another match, during the match at the GAB Jericho literally carried Michaels on his shoulder for the whole match.

Now on to raw, without jericho there would be no reason to watch raw when i could see the results here but the reason i do tune in is to hear those darned promos! you can't look me in the face and tell me this guy can't speak and doesn't evoke some sort of emotion from you.

That is what a wrestler is supposed to do with his promos evoke emotion and jericho has that part down pact.

Is it this special Canadian water that makes all canadian wrestlers such great talkers.

and to finish up JERICHO IS RAW!

note to the HBK fanboys/fangirls im not trying to deliberately bash hbk.
Um. Ok. First, it is RAW is Jerichoooooo-wa.. Second, Y2J is a 6 year younger version of Shawn Michaels.. His in ring work that is. His promos are excellent, no doubt. But you can't say that he is the only reason to watch RAW. There is so much going on right now it's not even funny. But still, I would agree with you to some extent.. But you cannot, and I mean cannot say that HBK is not carrying his weight in this feud. He could show up to RAW every week and kick Jericho's ass, but he sells his injuries, therefore putting Jericho over. This has been the best feud this year.. Know why? Because it is the two best workers, two of the best talkers, and two of the most passionate guys in the business. Neither one is carrying the other.
I don't agree with Jericho being the sole reason to watch RAW . . Don't get me wrong, his feud with Michaels is great, but Michaels is rarely ever on RAW these days, Jericho is doing all the work. His promos as of late have been the greatest promos in recent memory and their not even funny, he's putting so much emotion into them.

But as far as him being the only reason to watch RAW is way off.

I'm personally more intrested in the whole Kane mystery thing.
Jericho is definitely one of the better stars on RAW, and definitely the best on the mic. His recent promos in his HBK feud have been some of the best I've seen in ages, and they're something completely different for Y2J. It just goes to show how versatile he is on the mic. I can't believe the Washington fans had the audacity to chant "BORING" half way through his promo.
y2j is raw right now in my opinion, his promos have been excellent and yes theres tons going on in raw which is great but jericho always seems to grab my attention. him and michaels r having the best rivalry so far this year, and it seems like jericho has elevated his game for it.
Everything Jericho has done in the past few months has been brilliant (and I believe the acting classes that he took whilst on sabatical have only made him better). However, the reason I am watching Raw right now is Santino Marella. There is not a comedy on television that can match the laughs that come from a Santino match/segment ('Hey Beth, eyes up here!'). Jericho is a bonus.

And no offense to those from Washington, but I felt like the fans from Monday were in the wrong arena with the reactions they gave. I felt they could barely muster up the energy to cheer Batista, the hometown by. Pathetic.
In recent weeks, Jericho and Santino have become the only reasons I watch Raw. At least the only ones I can come up with off the top of my head. Raw has been horrible ever since the Draft, and not to mention repetitive. Let's see. The shows starts with Cena or Batista. The show has at least 30 minutes of Cena or Batista talking. The show ends with Cena or Batista beating someone clean. That's how you create crap television.

Jericho is the only one who deserves to be main eventing on Raw right now. Everyone else has either used their backstage influence to gain their spot or have the Konami code enabled. Jericho vs. Punk could be great, depending on how they book Punk. If they book him as an underdog again, something he IS NOT, I'm gonna have to get angry.

After the Shawn Michaels vs. Jericho feud ends, I not only hope, but expect Jericho in the main event. He's shaken off the ring rust and character staleness he had since he made his return, and regained his former status as a man worthy of being in the main event now.
I must say alot of what is being said here is definetly true. Ive always been a fan of Jerichos even way back in wcw/ecw. Sure sometimes you can questions his ring work but his promos make up for it definetly. Him , possibly along with Raven , are the 2 best wrestlers i have seen touch a mic. They can draw any emotion from you weather it be sadness , happyness , excitement , joy , sorrow. You name it then can make you feel it.

His fued with HBK has definetly seen him step up his game and become his former heel self. IMO Jericho is so much better a heel , i was highly dissapointed in seeing him return as a face.

His fued with hbk and kanes mysterious going ons are the only 2 reasons i am currently watching raw.

P.S Has anyone notice that the summerslam promo stuff is Jericho about to capture the WWE title ? Could be a clue for the future as he defently deserves a belt sometime soon , a main event one in saying that.
*ahem* Welcome tooo-ah RAW IS JERICHOOOOOOOO-ah

except he doesnt do that anymore.

I disagree with your comments about HBK being carried, it is impossible to carry HBK to a great match, just as it is impossible to carry Jericho to a great match, if theres carrying to be done, they do it. Instead they're playing off of each other to make fantastic matches.
As far as mic work goes, Jericho is unmatched in WWE right now (I mean Santino is hilarious but what can he do except funny?) HBK doesnt even need to show up because Jericho is at his phenominal best, if anything HBK showing up and saying something could only diminish what has been great promo's, and the birth of the new Y2J, now all he has to do is drop the dead weight that is Lance Cade.

As my username would suggest I would always watch Chris Jericho, but to say that he is the best thing on RAW right now is no understatement, I really think that this is his time right now, not even the mighty Shawn Michaels can match his entertainment value today.
As Ive said before, Jericho will be champ soon. He is RAW's top heel, easily.
Jericho isnt the only reason to watch raw however he's a big part. He plays a great heel and he's better now than the first time he was around. He can get the whole crowd against him in an instant and his feud with shawn michaels is great.
I agree - Jericho is the BEST part about RAW. He is finally starting to get some legit heel heat, unlike in the past when he played a whiny heel. He is a defined and realistic heel character that doesn't have to resort to yelling and screaming into the camera. His calm but intense promos are fantastic and this feud with HBK is the best angle that the WWE has going today. Hopefully, this is the start for big things for Jericho as a heel.
Carrying hbk? Hahahahahaha(pause) hahahaha. Jericho is great and gold on the mic during this fued and always but to suggest he is carrying hbk is funny. They are both mutually putting each other over. Jericho couldn't do the same promos with batista or cm punk as he can do with michaels. What makes this rivalry so great is that michaels is played as a face who does heel things and jericho is heel who things he is doing faces things or saving us lol.hbk being such a fan favorite helps jericho develop as a heel and him being injured just puts jericho over as a threat. On the other hand jericho puts hbk over by building hbk legacy and hyping it as if its the gold standard of wrestling. Raw is jericho 4 sure but like a great wrestler said;" what can I say I'm hbk"
This has been the feud of the year by far, but to think that it's been all due to Jericho's work and give Michael's no credit it ludicrous and here's why. Michael's doesn't even need to appear on Raw for Jericho to keep this feud fresh and interesting. The promos he cuts about the fans and about HBK are enough to get people booing and get people watching. HBK is so over that he can sit at home!

I am hoping and praying that this feud culminates in a ladder match at Summerslam and that it runs 5th to last on the card or first on the card. These two need to finish this feud at the 2nd biggest show of the year and then possibly revisit it at Mania(unless HBK is slated to have that dream match with Taker, which I think is being saved for WM26). I for one would love for the WWE to show some balls and have Jericho put Michael's out of commision for a while (the man can always use some time off at his age and condition) to further push Jericho into that brutal heel territory and further establish him as the top heel on Raw. That could propel Jericho right into the title picture. WWE could have Jericho win eventually and then have Michael's return to get his revenge at Mania.

Pipe dreams...I know.

Oh and this feud isn't the only reason to watch Raw. I watch every week to see what they are doing with Kane, even though it's starting to get old IMO, Santino (gold), and what they are going to do with Punk. I also wait patiently for the glorious return of Randy Orton, which I think will come at Summerslam or the Raw after it.
i think shawns character has gone stale an nobody is bothered if shawn isnt at raw week in week out. shawns career is winding down an jerichos resurrected career since is came back is only just taking off and i wouldnt be suprised to see jericho in the world title hunt.
shawn wont get another world title run in the future as he hasnt got the strength or stamina or the body 2 with stand the pain of competing every night.
but as jericho has the body an the stamina an the charisma 2 b a world champion in the near future
an instead off it being RAW IS JERICHO.... it might be WWE IS JERICHO
HBK character is dying, he is boring to me, and probably to a lot of people even his home-town pop was little.

I was hoping with Randy Orton out of action, Y2J would take top heel, but I guess not hes stuck in this promo. it's not bad, but it's a 1 way street, mainly all Jericho. I would love for Y2J to win the title.
ok, basically right now the only reason to watch raw is to say that u got to watch the last weeks follwing to the demise of raw as it keeps getting worse and worse, and it also drives me insane that raw has deprived us from Y2J, meaning that whether he was heel or face, he is not the party animal, the man that we saw last week on the last highlight reel, and what drives me crazy, is that for about two months i was so excited for jericho to come back, and even though i was happy to see him back, it dissapointed me that we was not the real Y2J like he was before he left.
Orton would never become gm, he has so much other things to do, like have another 5 title reigns, make cena job to him, Super kick HBK, Start his own faction,do a Crotch chop to stick it to DX

on the Jericho is raw thing Sure he may be an intergral part of things with the hbk that im sure many of us love and the Hbk fans hate (Well the 1s that think its not a work and the extremists)
I would love to be able to say that, and I so wish it were true. But the truth is that the circumstances are just the opposite. Jericho is not RAW. As a matter of fact, he is a detriment to RAW.

When I see him in the ring, I no longer see an impassioned young superstar who enjoys what he is doing. All I see if a man who's savings account was getting low and therefore he decided to return to the one thing that people actually would recognize him from. Well other than scant appearances on the "I Love The" series on VH1. Honestly, Jericho does just enough to get by. I don't see his matches as anything other than 2 stars at best. And it the matches are better than that, then he has an amazing opponent who is carrying him from start to finish. He, much like Flair, now depends on his name as his means of support.

Sure people remember Y2J from before as the smart, intelligent, crafty individual who used to frustrate other superstars with his wit and run circles around them in the ring, but that's not the case in the man you see today. He's quickly returning to the form that he had shortly before he left the WWE year ago. Bad haircut, flabby gut, and lackluster ring work that's often just phoned in.

So if you ask me if RAW-IS-JERICHO, I would respond thusly. Raw was once Jericho. And yes, I remember the heyday of when it was. The feuds over the IC title with Chyna. The time he was the first ever Undisputed champion. The times when he and Christian paired together to created both comedy and chaos on a grand enough scale as to where the two faced off with John Cena at the Royal Rumble for the championship. The times when the fans would eat him up at every turn and I rocked out in my car to King of My World by Saliva and envision Jericho's entrance of walking onto the titantron. Yes, that was they heyday to where you could never EVER forget the name Chris Jericho. But in the end, those days are far behind us. Those days are nothing more than mere memories of the past. Those days can never be again. So in essence, RAW is NOT Jericho. And it should never be again.
Spawn-Is-Gawd said:
I would love to be able to say that, and I so wish it were true. But the truth is that the circumstances are just the opposite. Jericho is not RAW. As a matter of fact, he is a detriment to RAW.

When I see him in the ring, I no longer see an impassioned young superstar who enjoys what he is doing. All I see if a man who's savings account was getting low and therefore he decided to return to the one thing that people actually would recognize him from. Well other than scant appearances on the "I Love The" series on VH1. Honestly, Jericho does just enough to get by. I don't see his matches as anything other than 2 stars at best. And it the matches are better than that, then he has an amazing opponent who is carrying him from start to finish. He, much like Flair, now depends on his name as his means of support.

Sure people remember Y2J from before as the smart, intelligent, crafty individual who used to frustrate other superstars with his wit and run circles around them in the ring, but that's not the case in the man you see today. He's quickly returning to the form that he had shortly before he left the WWE year ago. Bad haircut, flabby gut, and lackluster ring work that's often just phoned in.

So if you ask me if RAW-IS-JERICHO, I would respond thusly. Raw was once Jericho. And yes, I remember the heyday of when it was. The feuds over the IC title with Chyna. The time he was the first ever Undisputed champion. The times when he and Christian paired together to created both comedy and chaos on a grand enough scale as to where the two faced off with John Cena at the Royal Rumble for the championship. The times when the fans would eat him up at every turn and I rocked out in my car to King of My World by Saliva and envision Jericho's entrance of walking onto the titantron. Yes, that was they heyday to where you could never EVER forget the name Chris Jericho. But in the end, those days are far behind us. Those days are nothing more than mere memories of the past. Those days can never be again. So in essence, RAW is NOT Jericho. And it should never be again.

While I would agree with Spawn that Jerichos in ring work isnt what it once was, I would still say he is a quality performer, I cant think of a Chris Jericho match that I havent enjoyed since he returned.

I will also disagree with his performances being phoned in and that he is only here to rebuild his savings account because if that were the case he wouldnt be going to the trouble of reinventing his character, being this new Chris Jericho. He would still be wandering around going "RAW IS JERICHO" and using all the catchphrases that made him famous, he even uses his more popular finishers less in favour of the CodeBreaker.

King Of My World is an awesome song though lol
Jericho has been amazing ever since he started fueding with HBK. His promos each week are enthralling and just breathtaking. He plays the heel character so brilliant and I think it has given the Jericho character some freshness as he was starting to get a bit boring as a face. I don't think it will be too long before he is World Heavyweight Champion as he deserves to be given a run as he seems to have match of the year matches at every PPV.
Oh Man, I am really enjoying this new Jericho. He has been nothing short of amazing lately. I like the fact that he said he is "Growing Up". It adds another dimension to his character. It's kind of sad though. He is trying his damnedest to get people to boo him, but its just not happening, especially if HBK isnt there to help him get his heel heat. Or at least I dont hear that many boos. Hopefully he uses this to get some new found momentum straight into a world title match. I can finally say that Jericho has arrived in this new gimmick of his. Because he is DAMN GOOD.
Yes, yes, yes...Jericho is tremendous. He has been one of my favorite wrestlers since his stint in ECW in the mid '90's. In fact, his current character is somewhat reminscent of the Lionheart of long ago. He has a much more business like approach and is exploring the seriousness of his character. Don't get me wrong, I love the wild, crazy and wickedly funny Y2J, but Chris Jericho can wrestle and can cut some great serious promos. I'm glad we're getting to see the other side of him. It will be interested to see what direction this character will go since it seems to be well recieved by the fans.
The WWE has really done a good thing by turning Jericho fully heel and not making him the joking tweener. Jericho as a face really seemed to be going nowhere. He was receving less and less reaction by every match and seemed more of a jobber to the stars and not a true main eventer. Then the WWE makes him turn on what of the most respected wrestler ever(HBK) and made Jericho and his character ruthless but having different layers to the overall character and now has made Jericho a true threat to win the World Heavyweight Belt.
ok raw does not suck for 1 reason and 1 reason only and that reason is Y2J,

And Santino, his feuds are way more interesting than Jericho and HBK’s yawn fest.

Now on to raw, without jericho there would be no reason to watch raw when i could see the results here but the reason i do tune in is to hear those darned promos! you can't look me in the face and tell me this guy can't speak and doesn't evoke some sort of emotion from you.

Obviously you have been missing Santino’s 20 minutes of air time every week.

Is it this special Canadian water that makes all canadian wrestlers such great talkers.

Canadian like Santino?

Everything Jericho has done in the past few months has been brilliant (and I believe the acting classes that he took whilst on sabatical have only made him better). However, the reason I am watching Raw right now is Santino Marella. There is not a comedy on television that can match the laughs that come from a Santino match/segment ('Hey Beth, eyes up here!'). Jericho is a bonus.

This sums Raw up. Santino is the laugh which we all need. But he doesn’t have to act like a joker to do it. He’ll also soon become a Champion. Hopefully they give him up to half an hour at least a week.

In recent weeks, Jericho and Santino have become the only reasons I watch Raw. At least the only ones I can come up with off the top of my head. Raw has been horrible ever since the Draft, and not to mention repetitive. Let's see. The shows starts with Cena or Batista. The show has at least 30 minutes of Cena or Batista talking. The show ends with Cena or Batista beating someone clean. That's how you create crap television.

Alright, maybe WWE should give Santino 2 hours and 7 minutes of Raw. I wouldn’t mind it at all.

I mean Santino is hilarious but what can he do except funny.

He can win the Intercontinental Championship at SummerSlam

I watch every week to see ... Santino (gold)
There, I made your post a lot better!

All in all. They should just rename it Monday Night Santino! Check out the Santino Fan A club in the Live Discussion and Spam Zone
And Santino, his feuds are way more interesting than Jericho and HBK’s yawn fest.

You mean to say that Santino teaming up with Beth to have some under-hyped match with Kofi and Mickie is better than Y2J vs HBK, I respect your opinion and agree that Santinos fueds are entertaining just not as entertaining as Jericho is right now

Although I do think that they need to wrap this one up now though, I can see myself losing interest if it goes on too much longer

Obviously you have been missing Santino’s 20 minutes of air time every week.

and Santinos air time is great, theres no doubt about it, I just think that Jericho is using his so well right now that not even Santino can measure up

This sums Raw up. Santino is the laugh which we all need. But he doesn’t have to act like a joker to do it. He’ll also soon become a Champion. Hopefully they give him up to half an hour at least a week.

Santinos funny, but he aint funny enough to give half an hour to, not to mention that he's crap in the ring, why devote that much air-time to comedy when you can give it to great fueds

He can win the Intercontinental Championship at SummerSlam

Better yet Kofi Kingston could keep the title, he was perfect to take the title from Jericho, he defends it against good opponents and he doesnt have to be a total joke to get over. Kofi Kingston is the best thing to happen to the IC title in recent history.

I :worship: Both Jericho and Santino though

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