Jericho confirms he will return after DWTS

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This video is a blog where Jericho describes how he betters the WWE Universe the farther he makes it in Dancing with the Stars. At the end of the video Jericho confirms he will be returning after the show?

Do you believe him?

If so are you happy he is returning.
I do believe he'll come back, when he's ready.

He never said he was coming back right away. It could be two years from the shows end or it could be two weeks. The one thing thats for sure is that he'll be better than ever.

I'll be very happy when he returns. Edge and Y2J have been my favorite wrestlers for a long time and now there both gone, so when Y2J comes back, I'll be ecstatic.

I hope he comes back as a face on Smackdown and takes Edge's role. WWE needs him.
I believe Y2J will return when he's ready for a return. There's still much Jericho can offer the WWE, whether it's putting over younger talent like Cody Rhodes or giving the fans amazing matches that only Jericho can give. Just imagine how wonderful a match between Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan can be! Plus, not many can talk on the mic like the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla! And with Edge's forced retirement, there's a void that needs to be filled, and Chris Jericho can fill that void perfectly.

Jericho's always been the type to not only work to help the younger talent, but put others over to benefit the company. For Jericho to come back, it needs to be on his terms. What else does he have left to do? Outside of a Royal Rumble win...nothing.
I have no doubt Jericho will return at some point. Vince will welcome him back with open arms and there's no reason why he shouldn't. Chris Jericho is one of the best overall professional wrestlers in the world. He's in great shape and even though he's 40 years old, you'd never think it to look at the guy. He's in overall much better health than most wrestlers, especially wrestlers in his age group. He's loaded with charisma, he's definitely got the goods on the mic and inside the ring. He can work with ANYBODY and make them look good. He can job show after show after show and still look like a million bucks. When you factor everything together, Chris Jericho may damn well be the perfect professional wrestler.
Wow this is Breaking. Jericho to me he was always the Diamond In The Rough. I'm a Jerichoholic since ECW. This guy made the shittiest gimmick ( you know Rufus ) work. Then one Monday he snapped and it was real then i thought to myself WWF. He showed up cut one of the all-time kick ass promos with The Rock. Then Y2J was born and he took off from there. This is Jericho giving his all but not giving too much. Right now I'm starting to what if. What if it was Jericho vs The Rock
Jericho would be smart to fully pursue opportunities outside wrestling. He could be a big star ala Rock. He's hosted a game show and been on DWTS just this year alone. ABC clearly likes him and would likely cast him in a pilot. I say stay gone a couple years like last time and make them appreciate you.
He will be back and there is no doubt about it he HAS to go to Smackdown!!! because since Edge is Gone who else is going to be the face of Smackdown, i mean dont get me wrong Christian would be good, but Jericho is what Smackdown needs. And he has to be a face. Cause Christian just doesnt seem like WHC material. But thats my opinion Jericho has to be a face. because Christian is the only face smackdown has thats any good besides Big Show. Rey isnt going to be around much longer. So why not Y2J can play both sides, and we havent seen Jericho as a face since his return to save us from Randy Orton. But they fucked that all up. So please WWE Writers please bring Y2J back as a face and dont fuck it up this time
I've never had a doubt in my mind that Jericho wouldn't be back. The guy just absolutely loves to entertain and he does it the best in the ring. I've been thinking that he'll make his return right around or at Summerslam. He would clearly give the WWE the boost it needs in the main event scene, especially with Edge gone now. Jericho also gives you someone who can make anyone look like pure gold on any given night. He would really do wonders in helping out in the youth movement.
This is great news. Although, there was no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't return given how he left. Like Theo said, around SummerSlam would be perfect. It's the second biggest PPV - prime for a big return. It also fits in timewise. DWTS finishes in late May, he can get into ring condition and return as a face by August.

I wouldn't necessarily say that SmackDown is the way to go for Jericho. The draft is coming up (after Extreme Rules, right?) so I'd imagine that there will be a major shake-up with one or two top names jumping ship to SD. Like he says in the video, he's spreading the word of WWE. Therefore anyone effected by what he is saying will probably watch the flagship show.If that doesn't convince ya', just remember that Raw is Jericho.
Awesome news! Edge leaving was too heartbreaking for me, he was my favorite with Christian. And now, Y2J, my former favorite returns! He'll need to do something he's never done before, that's his style. No more Y2J, no more Best in the World at What he Does, but something new.
Y2J is a wrestler first, Hollywood is like a hobby for him. I believe Y2J may wrestle for another 5yrs and get a Late Night Talk Show after he retires. Love him or hate him the guy has talent and charisma and is successful at everything he tries in life.
I had no doubts that the day would come before too long before Jericho returned. He's a guy that is blessed to be talented in multiple areas aside from just wrestling and is a great entertainer no matter what he's doing. He's been doing this for a long time and he's earned a little time off when he gets a little burnt out.

As for his return, I expect it'll be a month or so prior to Summerslam to get another big name on that card. It'll really depend if he comes back as a face or heel to determine who he's working with. I think the layoff and the fact he's been in the public eye still combined with fan sentiment will have him return as a face. I could see him making Rhodes look like gold sometimes this year and I'd be very interested in the promos and matches that a Punk/Jericho program could produce.
SO glad to see my favourite youth Y2J coming back soon.
Doesn't really matter if it's the week after or the month after DWTS, once I know he's back I'm good.

Bigs ups Y2J you've still got one hell of a fan base so thanks for coming back
Fozzy then opens the show with a metal medley consisting of "Children of the Grave" by Black Sabbath, "Stand Up and Shout" by Dio, "Wraithchild" by Iron Maiden, "Angel of Death" by Slayer, "No More Tears" by Ozzy, "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica, "Freewheel Burning" by Judas Priest and "Primal Concrete Sledge" by Pantera. Jericho and his boys then hit a* Fozzy original, "God Pounds His Nail!"

This was on the main site. Now, as a musician I know how hard it is to sing and preform heavy metal like Pantera and Ozzy, let alone Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. I will be watching the performance eagerly, and I hope he rips it up like he always does. That's an incredibly diverse set with every kind of metal, From wailing out Maiden and Priest to Thrashing some Slayer and Pantera. I'm genuinely excited! Thoughts?
Not really surprising news as Jericho returning seemed rather certain even since he got punted back in September. One would have to assume he's going to SmackDown. They're now lacking a major heel force and Orton is also now on the blue brand. Jericho going over there not only helps SmackDown out but will allow a sense of closure to his angle with Orton. There’s also a lot more young talent on SmackDown and Jericho’s great at making others look fantastic and has no qualms about putting them over. Seems like a perfect match to me.
Believe it or not, Jericho is helping the WWE by being on Dancing With the Stars. I mentioned something like this in my response another thread about how WWE wants to expand. This is cross promotion. Jericho can talk about what he's done with WWE while he's on Dancing With the Stars, then fans of that show could tune into Raw or Smackdown to see what he was talking about and watch his return if/when he comes back. There, new fans are created. I hope that Jericho does come back after he is done dancing because WWE needs him. He could fit in perfectly as a new top heel on Smackdown or we could see a return of his sarcastic face self.
With news of Chris Jericho now being out of DWTS and his imminent return to wrestling, I've seen a lot of hype for him returning, to in a lot of people's opinions Smackdown a heel, if not the leading one for the brand. Now, while I do think that would be a great dirrection for Jericho to go in, there's been something thats been bothering me as a huge Jericho fan for some time.

The last time Jericho held the WWE belt was during his undisputed reign back in the early 2000's. That was the only time. I would like to see him holding the WWE belt just one more time before he retires. Thusly, I ask you, the people, for your opinions. Do you think Jericho should hold the WWE title one more time? When would be the best time for that before he retires? Who should he win it from and lose it to if he does?
I would love to see it happen at least one more time, it would be a much better direction to go inthan he was where he left off. When he left off, he lost to everyone, lost the six pack challenge in a minute, and got head punted. Hopefully, this is a chance for a WWE title picture direction.
Jericho, since his return in 20017, has held the WHC 3 times!
But anyway, yes i think Jericho should hold the time at least one more time before he retires. In my opinion, he should win it of Christian after he re-debuts on SmackDown. Could you imagine the feud these two would have? Then, after a lengthy reign he should drop the title to Barrett as there isnt a better man that puts over talent than Jericho and plus they have have history from NXT
Jericho, since his return in 20017, has held the WHC 3 times!
But anyway, yes i think Jericho should hold the time at least one more time before he retires. In my opinion, he should win it of Christian after he re-debuts on SmackDown. Could you imagine the feud these two would have? Then, after a lengthy reign he should drop the title to Barrett as there isnt a better man that puts over talent than Jericho and plus they have have history from NXT

I've been looking forward to a Jericho/Christian feud for a long time. I think they both know each other well and are two of the hardest workers in the business. Christian should win it as a face then turn heel and Jericho should have one last run as a face. I've enjoyed Y2J in all of his guises but he's second to none as working as a face and gets the crowd pumped.

Back to the main point though. It would be nice to see him win the WWE title and a run on Raw, but I think he'd really bolster the Smackdown roster.
Just a thought could Jericho be the mystery gm - now that would be good and yes one more major title run - why he desrves it simple as

Correct me if I'm wrong as I don't completely remember, but I'm pretty Jericho got kinda screwed over by the mystery GM on more than one occasion. Thus, I don't think it would make a lot of sense to have him be the GM. I know WWE forgets these things sometimes storyline-wise, so anything is possible but I'd prefer if the GM isn't him.

Also, I know it kind of fell flat in his last return but I'd like to see WWE give Jericho one more run as a face. It's tougher for him to be the "vintage" Y2J character he was during the Attitude Era, but I think Jericho could still pull it off. Mostly just for old times' sake, I'd like to see it.

It'll just be great to see Jericho back though, whether face or heel, RAW or Smackdown! WWE has definitely missed him.
I'm a huge Jericho mark so I'd love to see him win the strap again. With him being off of DWTS now, I see him as a random entrant into the ladder match this Sunday at the PPV if Vince doesnt allow Christian to win and not have Del Rio be the champ heading to RAW. Jericho could also play the part of the anonymous GM as well until he is ready for in ring competition. Whenever or however he does it, I want to see him with the gold again. WWE has surely been missing his presence.
People have to remember a few things before immediately assuming Jericho is coming back.

1. He is contractually obligated to DWTS even though he has been eliminated. That's why he put such a hard press on "keep me on, I'll be back sooner!" If he were to make it to the finals, he'd still be on TV every week. Now, we have to wait until his last appearance at the finals. So, those hoping he pops up Sunday can put those to bed: he still has 6 weeks left at DWTS, even if he's not competing.

2. Jericho has a HUGE European tour coming up with Fozzy this Summer, so even once DWTS is over, he can't commit to a comeback, as he'd be gone almost immediately after. Couple this with the talk that they will be recording their new album after the tour, and that puts Jericho out until at least Summerslam.

3. Who says Jericho doesn't get offers for TV/movies after his stint on DWTS? He's made it well known that he wants to foray into Hollywood, and his Downfall show may get picked back up due to his appearance on DWTS, so guess what? More time off.

I would LOVE to see Jericho back. He's infinitely entertaining and the main reason I became a wrestler. However, he's going to be too in-demand for the WWE schedule, so even with a comeback, he won't be utilized the way we want since at any given time he can just waltz out for another project.

Face it kids...the send-off we got was the half-assed DVD set released back in September (yeah, it was OK, but both his books are a much better, more detailed story about his career, and the lack of Benoit on the DVD crippled the match content as all of Jericho's greatest matches, sans his feuds with Mysterio and HBK, were with Benoit) and a ginger punt to the head via Orton. Would I love to see him back and welcome him with open arms? Absolutely...but those chances are very, very slim, especially at (approaching) 41 years of age.
I'd keep the turn off the cards until Royal Rumble 2012, mystery entrant and his return to face Orton @ WrestleMania 28... just my two cents.

It's a fresh match for Mania, they're is history there and Jericho as a face or heel is over as is Orton could be a good return feud (and yes I know when he returned in 2007 his first feud back was Orton.. TAKE TWO!!!!)
I would love one more title run for Jericho. However, he really doesn't need too. He's at the level in his career where he can spend time feuding with mid-card, up and comers to help out the company when he is gone for good.

Whether it's a title run or feuding with future megastars, the fans win.
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