Jeff Hardy Returns at Lockdown!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

This announced by MVP during an #IMPACT365 video update below:


No indication has been made as to what capacity he's coming back, but you'd have to think with it being Lockdown, he's going to want a match, and logic dictates that if Angle is also likely to miss the Pay-Per-View with knee surgery, Magnus is about to have his hands full, no?

How would you have Hardy return?
As you know, IDR, there was some doubt in my mind as to whether or not he's still with TNA. In retrospect, his departure was handled quite well. He said he'll come back when the "light returns to TNA" (or something to that effect). I'm pretty sure MVP overthrowing Dixie is going to be that light, so he'll most likely return as a face for team MVP.

His departure (hopefully) garnered Dixie and Magnus some heat, it was a way to keep his legal restrictions in mind, plus it gives him a nice break to rest and freshen up.

How would I like him to return? I'm such a mark for the guy, so I would love him to return and kick Magnus's ass, but that would be silly. :p

Magnus and Joe could have a good rivalry for the title. A more logical way to go from a booking standpoint would be to use him to elevate a few guys who need a rub.

The first name that comes to mind would be Magnus, who has been made to look a total bitch, but what to do with Joe then?

I could say EC3 could do with a rub from Hardy, but they're teasing a face turn for ol' Ethan, so there's that...

With rumours of Kenny King making a return, King vs Jeff would make for amazing spotfests.

If the main-event is loaded enough, you could always throw Jeff into the X-Division. Hardy vs Sabin would be the best option, I think. We've seen Hardy vs Aries for the WHC not long ago and Aries is more than adequate for some spotlight.
I'd like to see Hardy feud with ECIII, the Anderson/Bully Ray feud looks to be near an end but I don't want to see Hardy v Anderson or Bully Ray for a while.

A Hardy/ECIII feud would also be refreshing & with Angle going for surgery, Hardy is an adequate replacement.
Hardy should do a feud with Bully, Aries, and Bobby Roode. TNA should have a few hardocre matches, just like the one this week passed with Eric Young and Abyss, reminded me of Mankind v HHH back in the day, great stuff TNA is producing.

So it seems that the Jeff Hardy we know might not be returning in a traditional sense, but instead we are going to get "Willow".

Hardy made a surprise appearance at the end of the October 2013 OMEGA comeback show that Matt Hardy and Shane Helms put on, coming to the ring to make a save at the end of the card and declaring himself as the return of Will'o the Wisp, a chararcter he used in the early days of OMEGA prior to his initial WWE run. When he made that appearance he had this same get-up as in this hype video that TNA aired last night, complete with the black suit, white tie, and black and white mask and umbrella. He also cut a similarly strange and cryptic poetic promo:

It should be interesting to see how TNA portrays this character. Do they consider him Hardy and speculate on his mental state? While its not likely, will perhaps both Hardy and Willow exist seperately, like Joseph/Abyss did for a while or like Daniels/Curry Man? It should be really entertaining to see how this plays out, and it should give Jeff the creative freedom he craves to just be weird, which will hopefully give a little new life to his current standing in TNA.
Jeff Hardy, not Willow. If Willow & Hardy are the SAME person, then this is kinda sucky.
I think that Hardy should be separate, as a character, from Willow. It's nice to see that Hardy's coming back, but we all know that the only reason he is, is because he couldn't come over to the UK 'cos of those travel restrictions.
At Lockdown, I'd expect a pretty great reaction for Hardy's return, but if he comes out as the Willow character, then we're going get something strange.
Jeff Hardy, not Willow. If Willow & Hardy are the SAME person, then this is kinda sucky.
I think that Hardy should be separate, as a character, from Willow. It's nice to see that Hardy's coming back, but we all know that the only reason he is, is because he couldn't come over to the UK 'cos of those travel restrictions.
At Lockdown, I'd expect a pretty great reaction for Hardy's return, but if he comes out as the Willow character, then we're going get something strange.

Isn't that a good thing. We've just had Abyss/Joseph Park and Curry Man/Christopher Daniels type scenario sucks in my personal opinion. Jeff coming back unhinged as the Willow character certainly would perk interest. Think about it at Lockdown he comes out as the Willow character and clears house. Everyone wonders who he is, unmasks to reveal it's Jeff Hardy and he cuts a crazy, loopy promo about how Willow is his calling or something to that effect.
Isn't that a good thing. We've just had Abyss/Joseph Park and Curry Man/Christopher Daniels type scenario sucks in my personal opinion. Jeff coming back unhinged as the Willow character certainly would perk interest. Think about it at Lockdown he comes out as the Willow character and clears house. Everyone wonders who he is, unmasks to reveal it's Jeff Hardy and he cuts a crazy, loopy promo about how Willow is his calling or something to that effect.

Honestly? If he unmasks, I think that would take all of the mystery & creepiness away from Willow in an instant.
He needs to keep the mask & face paint on at all times, otherwise there's no point to it. If he's going to play Jeff Hardy, Hardy needs to be "just Hardy".
I see where you're coming from certainly with the air of mystery. But I think them being the same person would work better than them being separate. Perhaps a scenario where they play up how you never see the two together (similar to Gregory Helms becoming The Hurricane again in 2009)
Considering that MVP specifically said in this video that Hardy is his friend, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he ends up representing MVP as a participant in Lethal Lockdown. Hardy's return as himself at Lockdown does make me further wonder what direction the Willow character will go though. Are we going to have another split personality shtick like we did with Joseph Park/Abyss? Not quite sure how I feel about it since the thing with Joseph Park wasn't quite cutting it for me after they had dragged it out for so long. It'll certainly be interesting to see how TNA handles this.
I really dislike these double identity storylines. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with them, but it's just so insulting to have us think we won't realize who's who. It basically makes the whole story predictable as hell and we kind of snooze through it until the revelation actually happens.

Granted, I am assuming a lot here. I think Jeff will have a schizo moment and they'll either make it seem like they're two different people, or they might take a cooler turn. I think if they straight up admitted Jeff has identity issues and is going through a schizo phase, where he goes berzerk and evil as Willow as result of all the stress put on him or something, then that might be better. It won't insult our intelligence and it makes him interesting because you never know who you're dealing with, nice Jeff Hardy or evil Willow.

We'll see where it goes but I have a bad feeling about it.

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