Jeff Hardy - Drama Queen


Dark Match Jobber
It would be nice if everyone actually liked both(some people do) than we could have better conversations instead of all this TNA Sucks, WWE Sucks blah blah blah nonsense. Each company has its good things and bad things and I watch both because I enjoy some things on each of the shows. People need to be a little more open minded.
Well surprise, surprise, Jeff Hardy is in trouble again. Enough is enough. I never liked the Hardy brothers, but at least Matt can stay out of trouble. I thought they were glorified white trash the first time I saw them. Would someone tell Jeff he just looks ridiculous now? I mean, seriously, grow up dude! You're not alternative teenager in the 90's anymore! It's 2008! You're in your 30's!! Is it any surprise that someone who still dresses like he did when he was a teenager STILL acts like one?? How much more drama is WWE going to tolerate from this trailer park trash, oops, forgot, he burned down his trailer!

Jeff has been around for years. He should be the one setting an example for the younger wrestlers. Instead, he's a reminder of what COULD happen if they are bad with drugs, money, and responsibility.
Don't you think you are jumping the gun on this?

We don't know what really happened. If he was intoxicated and told to take a later flight, he is not going to get in trouble with WWE.
Whatever, you're entitled to your opinion. I'll admit, he definately isn't top when it comes to fashion sense. But as J.R. once said "This isn't a fashion show. this is professional wrestling". And it all comes down to wrestling ability. Now, I can't doubt that Jeff Hardy was, as many of the users on this forum have stated, a "spot monkey". But no one can deny that:

1. Some, if not all of those spots are frikken amazing AND innovative. I do believe that in years later we will be talking about Hardy as perhaps the best suicidal high-flyer (with all due respect to Sabu & RVD).

2. Hardy has highly improved his actual catch-as-can-can repertoire since his return in 2006. Perhaps not the most techinally sound wrestler, but still able to keep up with the better guys (Orton, Y2J, etc.)

Yeah sure, Hardy's drug problems are there, and he definately needs to learn some self-restraint. But I'm pretty sure hes not on steroids like many in the bizness is, and he's not the first guy to have drug problems. Many all-time greats like The Undertaker, HBK and Flair have battled their personal demons. What do you say to that?
I can't stand Jeff Hardy in the least.

He is as terrible as he's ever been on the mic. He hasn't improved his acting at all in 10+ years.

He is still terrible in the ring, he's supposed to be a high flyer but he can't even do that as well as other people(Shelton for example will always be more impressive athletically than Jeff), he is constantly fucking up when he goes for the whisper in the wind, 60% of the time he completely misses the receiver, grazing their wrist at best...and they are still forced to sell that sloppy shit and it makes both him and his opponent look bad.

And yes....his idiocy and lack of responsibility, there really isn't much more to say about it...he has a history of no showing and drug use.

I can't stand Jeff Hardy. There will be the inevitable response of "Oh but fuck you, he is over as fuck with the crowd!" To that I say....what the hell is your point? Likes and dislikes of an individual aren't contingent on what the crowd thinks. Not for me anyway.
I think this is just the media and the wrestling rumor-mills trying to find any excuse they can to run a story on Jeff Hardy being in some type of (possible) trouble. So what, the guy was asked to take a later flight because they BELIEVE he COULD HAVE BEEN slightly intoxicated.

It's not like he was driving. It's not like he was causing a scene. When he was asked, he did what they asked, without causing a scene.. so the way I see it, the Airline should be at any type of fault for jumping the gun on an innocent individual, most likely because he looked the way Jeff Hardy looks.. and they didn't want to take the chance on assuming he was 100% drunk and could start trouble.

Overall, this is absolutely bullshit, and typically I would jump up and say 'Way to go Hardy' but this time around, I don't blame Jeff Hardy in the least bit. The guy is an adult, he can have a couple drinks and do whatever he wants, as long as it's within the law. Like I said above, it isn't like he went out driving.. he was trying to get aboard a plane and denied access because they FELT he was 100% intoxicated. To which, Hardy accepted them asking him to hold off.

You know what the real story would've been? It would've been had Jeff missed a house show due to not taking that flight, and him getting in trouble over that.. which was completely out of his control. That's what would've been a story.
I have enough faith in Jeff to trust that he wouldn't screw up again. But nobody knows until more information comes to light. Anyways, nice to see all the Jeff haters crawl out of the woodworks here...

Don't rip a man's style. He likes his style and is comfortable with it, so leave the guy alone. Hell, it's identified with Jeff Hardy by now. If you're gonna criticize him, couldn't you at least find some points that are not completely inane? No offense to you, but what do you really care what he wears? And people say we anti-Cena guys lack good arguments?

Either way this all smells like sensationalist crap to me. That's one thing I truly despise about the press, trying to find the worst (read: most likely to attract readers) in any situation. People WANT to see celebrities fail, I don't get it. Oh well, that's the way the cookie crumbles I guess.

I just hope my faith in Jeff is not misplaced...he's one of WWE's top tier guys and no matter how much you may argue, you've got to acknowledge that. He can work good matches and is over. Hell, even I acknowledge that Cena is a top guy and one of the hardest workers in the business, but I still resent him for a various number of reasons. Don't let your personal opinions cloud your judgement...
IF there was a problem I think it was in his best interest to leave quietly and without incident to keep the higher ups in WWE from asking more questions (which at this point may still happen regardless). Thank Jeff's common sense or more likely me thinks his flying partners Greg n' Matt for keeping him in check enough to leave calmly.

Whatever comes of it I hope Jeff can keep it together.
Well surprise, surprise, Jeff Hardy is in trouble again. Enough is enough. I never liked the Hardy brothers, but at least Matt can stay out of trouble.

Except Jeff isn't in trouble and is being 'media driven'.

I thought they were glorified white trash the first time I saw them.

That's quite racist if I do say so myself.

Would someone tell Jeff he just looks ridiculous now? I mean, seriously, grow up dude! You're not alternative teenager in the 90's anymore! It's 2008! You're in your 30's!! Is it any surprise that someone who still dresses like he did when he was a teenager STILL acts like one??

He "marches to the beat of his own drum", and he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it. He is being himself, something a spare few have the guts to do these days.

How much more drama is WWE going to tolerate from this trailer park trash, oops, forgot, he burned down his trailer!

You are making fun of a guy whose dog died and house burned down ... then he is the bad guy?

mattitude2007 said:
He is as terrible as he's ever been on the mic. He hasn't improved his acting at all in 10+ years.

Haven't heard that before :rolleyes:. He has quite improved as of late, or is everyone too busy bitching to notice?

He is still terrible in the ring, he's supposed to be a high flyer but he can't even do that as well as other people(Shelton for example will always be more impressive athletically than Jeff),

He does high flying moves quite realistically, and while Shelton is more althletic, that doesn't mean people will care. In fact, it's come to my attention people don't. Go figure.

he is constantly fucking up when he goes for the whisper in the wind, 60% of the time he completely misses the receiver, grazing their wrist at best...and they are still forced to sell that sloppy shit and it makes both him and his opponent look bad.

It's ridiculous to think that someone who can't even see his opponent while doing a mid air twist while jumping backward off of a turnbuckle which at best is 30cm (metric system people!) wide has to be resposible for hitting his opponent. It's the other wrestlers responsibility to get in the way of the move and sell it. On top of that, I don't think they (wwe staff) want Jeff to hit full on, otherwise Jeff might fall back awkwardly.

TheOneBigWill said:
*Insert his post here.*

Absolutely true. Can't add much more to this. *Clap Clap Clap*
Haven't heard that before . He has quite improved as of late, or is everyone too busy bitching to notice?

And what are we bitching about in the first place? His promos. Because they are no better than anything he's done since....forever. You just can't coach charisma and mic skills. You either have it or don't.

Jeff doesn't. The only thing that has 'improved' is his mic time. Don't confuse that with getting better at it, because he sure as fuck hasn't.

He does high flying moves quite realistically, and while Shelton is more althletic, that doesn't mean people will care. In fact, it's come to my attention people don't. Go figure.

No. He does not. There is nothing realistic about a guy who has the physique and 'technique' of Jeff Hardy having blows powerful enough for a guy like Triple H to be knocked down for 30 seconds just so Jeff can set up on the top rope.

Shelton can do a Jeff Hardy match better than Jeff Hardy. Again I knew the crowd issue would come up, its a cop out and thats not what I'm addressing.
I'm addressing that there are tons of people that are better wrestlers than Jeff Hardy. There are tons of better mic workers. There are better high flyers and athletes. There are better sellers....everything Jeff can do half decently is done better by someone else.

It's ridiculous to think that someone who can't even see his opponent while doing a mid air twist while jumping backward off of a turnbuckle which at best is 30cm (metric system people!) wide has to be resposible for hitting his opponent. It's the other wrestlers responsibility to get in the way of the move and sell it. On top of that, I don't think they (wwe staff) want Jeff to hit full on, otherwise Jeff might fall back awkwardly.

It's ridiculous to imply the guy who has the easy job, (the receiver) is the one fucking up....He whips Hardy into the turnbuckle, they follow straight after him, stand a few feet away and lo and behold! Hardy goes and completely veers off to their side!

Even his most recent match Khali, he fucking completely missed the punjabi giant. His foot maybe tapped Khali on the shoulder and magically the behemoth falls down. lol. How the hell do you miss the biggest guy on the roster when he's standing a few feet away from you?

Simple. Be Jeff Hardy.

As for management not wanting him to make contact....he sometimes does, and most of the time doesn't. There is no safety issue in mind for him, he simply fucks the move up most of the time.

ps: why is this thread in the Raw section.
Is the wrestling world that boring that we need to invent stories like this? Jeff Hardy= Big news it seems now a days. But what did he do? Appear intoxicated... at a place where drinks are served? Its not like he tried to board his plan with his pants off. In the recent world, flying is a concern on everyones mind. The airport staff don't want any problems. Maybe they know about Hardy's past drug problems, and didn't want a scene in the aircraft once in flight. So they asked him before boarding to take another flight when he was sober. Did he hit a Swanton on the staff? No, he went to sleep for a few hours, woke up fine, boarded a plane, and hit a Whisper in the Wind on Kendrick. The end. Hopefully the Wrestling news outlets find a real story.
LOL, the Jeff Hardy apologist are at it full tilt in here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but when exactly has Jeff Hardy ever done anything to be given the benefit of the doubt? Everytime this guy gets involved in a high profile feud, it proves to be too much and something bad happens. I honestly don't think it's a coincidence at all that Jeff Hardy has managed to get himself in trouble yet again with Higher powers. Now Jeff Hardy shouldn't get in trouble for being intoxicated, but it certainly could be a nasty trend that instead of using something that will get him in trouble, say like pot, to relax him, he is going towards alcohol.

Seriously, the Jeff Hardy apologist need to take a nice clean cut look at this situation. over the last 5 years, Jeff Hardy has done absolutely zero to earn your respect and the benefit of the doubt when it comes to situations like this. He has been suspended three times for reasons like this. He's this generations Jake Roberts.
First off, why is this in the RAW section?, Jeff is on SD!

Why does it always seem like Jeff always seems to find himself in some sort of "incident" right around the time he gets a big push in the ME scene, last year right before WM he goes out and gets himself suspended, and he's about to ME No Mercy with Trips over the WWE title, and news gets out that he had a "incident" at the airport where the wouldn't allow him on the flight cause he appeared intoxicated, now to get kicked off a flight for that reason, you have to be really fucked up, so if Jeff was told he couldn't board the flight for that reason then he probably had a lot to drink, at least he was smart enough to not make a scene, and just do what they asked
Okay, Jeff got escorted off a plane for "looking intoxicated", but that doesn't mean he was. A spokesperson for the airline even said was no need for the police to be involved and that Jeff left on his own accord and that he didn't create a scene. I think people are over-reacting way too much. However, Jeff has already been suspended twice during his time in the WWE, so I do think that Jeff as he is a main event wrestler and he needs to be careful in whatever he does now otherwise he could find himself out of a job
Yeah it could all be overhyped, but seriously though, what shape do you have to be in to have an airline remove you from the flight for "looking" intoxicated. I'm sure "looking" intoxicated means many thing to many people and I for one have seen plenty of people that look fine when drinking and other who simple pass out. I don't think either of those would be a problem, so what was the real deal.

I will admit though that I have always thought Hardy is overrated. Sure he might be fun to watch sometime, but only when he jumps off of things. Other than that I find him completely boring. And as for Hardy on the mic? I'd rather listen to a JBL vs. Hornswoggle debate.
if you dont think jeff hardy has improved since last year, then i honestly don't know what to say. think back to his match with trips where he got that rollup, in that match he looked shaky and even nervous...overall the match was acceptable but nothing to write home about. fast forward to now, where week in and week out he constantly has match of the night with the likes of mvp and shelton. he doesn't just wait for spots to hit, he controls the tempo of the match. his skill has improved a lot, and he just seems ready now. if he had won it back at the royal rumble he may have not been ready but he does seem like it now.
Wow this is incredibly funny. You got the supportive fans and you've got those perched ready to attack on any mistake. Fact is we don't know the whole story and who knows if we ever will. But things that don't help are news outlets like TMZ and what they write, specifically "And there's this -- Hardy is starring in the next WWE pay-per-view event next month, and that will line the org's pockets nicely." Do they realize that if it was a problem with WWE that they'd have no problem kicking him off the show, like they did at Wrestlemania?

Yes I will admit I am a Hardy mark but that doesn't mean turning a blind eye to indisrecetions, if he messes up he should be fired whether it be for drug or any other reason. As much as it may pain me to say so it's true, no one should get a free pass like Orton has in the past with his crapping in a diva's bag and destroying a hotel room. At the same time I'm not going to jump to conclusions since we don't know all the facts. All we know was that he looked intoxicated and didn't cause a scene. Since he did nothing wrong that we know who cares if he was having fun with his brother and friends after an event then when flying home and not toward an event they thought he was too intoxicated to fly.
I don't think it's racist to call Hardy white trash. There's black trash too. I'm white. I'll call white trash "white trash" and I'll call black trash "black trash." There are racial epithets one could use, but THAT would be racist. Jeff Hardy is white trash. If you don't see that, you too must fall into that category.

This guy has shown time and time again he can't keep his nose out of trouble. Every time he gets a push, he gets himself into something. When's the last time Cena got into trouble? Say what you want about his in ring ability, but he's hard working, he's reliable, and you don't to worry about him missing a house show because he's drunk, stoned, or under arrest!

Someone said something earlier like "who cares how Jeff dresses, he's a great performer." Sorry, being a great wrestler is about the total package. I highly doubt people would be singing his praises if he came out dressed and acting like Disco Inferno. The only people who are still enamored with him are people too clueless to see how out of date his look and style are. Ooooooh, he does risky moves. Wow!! Truth be told, he's taking less risks than he used to. So, you've got someone whose only claim to fame was "the risky moves" not doing the risky moves anymore. His style sucks. His mic skills are right up there with Linda "monotone" McMahon. And he's suspended for like half the year for being an idiot! Get rid of him and bring in some young talent wrestlers who do great moves AND have mic skills AND who don't look like the hero of the Columbine rejects who shot up the school. Seriously, Jeff is half the wrestler he used to be, he still has no mic skills, he's got an antiquated look, and he's constantly in trouble. Sorry, but getting escorted off of a plane because you're too drunk to fly IS being in trouble. I've drank before flying. All of my friends have. In order to draw THAT much attention to yourself that they think you're too drunk to just sit there and not cause a problem during the flight, you've gotta be acting like a total ass!
I don't think it's racist to call Hardy white trash.
No, but it's pretty ignorant. What makes him white trash? Tattoos? Drinking alcohol? The fact you just don't like him?

Jeff Hardy is white trash. If you don't see that, you too must fall into that category.
You don't even know the guy. How the fuck do you feel you are qualified to determine the quality of person the guy is?

This guy has shown time and time again he can't keep his nose out of trouble. Every time he gets a push, he gets himself into something.
And is punished for it.

When's the last time Cena got into trouble?
He hasn't.

Of course, neither did Chris Benoit. So, you see how reliable that line of thinking is.

Someone said something earlier like "who cares how Jeff dresses, he's a great performer." Sorry, being a great wrestler is about the total package.
Wrong again buddy.

Being a great wrestler is about making people care about you. And, for whatever reason, people care about Jeff Hardy.

The only people who are still enamored with him are people too clueless to see how out of date his look and style are.
Or, they are people who can watch a Jeff Hardy match and appreciate how much improved he's become over the last three years, and note the fact he's now one of the better workers in the WWE.

Ooooooh, he does risky moves. Wow!! Truth be told, he's taking less risks than he used to. So, you've got someone whose only claim to fame was "the risky moves" not doing the risky moves anymore. His style sucks. His mic skills are right up there with Linda "monotone" McMahon.

And yet, this guy is still more over than 90% of the WWE roster. So...somewhere there's a breakdown in your logic. Probably due to your inability to get your head around the fact he's become quite a good worker, even if he is rather limited in the matches he can work.

And he's suspended for like half the year for being an idiot!
Half the year?

OK, let's break this down...

WWE said:


First Offense. In the event of an initial positive result for drugs prohibited by this Policy other than marijuana, the Talent shall be fined an amount equal to 30 days’ pay deducted from your downside guarantee on a weekly basis. The Company may, at its discretion, schedule the Talent to work selected televised events without pay, pay-per-views with pay, and non-televised live events with a $200 stipend per event during the 30 day suspension period.

Second Offense. In the event of a second positive result for drugs prohibited by this Policy other than marijuana, the Talent shall be fined an amount equal to 60 days’ pay deducted from your downside guarantee on a weekly basis. The Company may, at its discretion, schedule the Talent to work selected televised events without pay, pay-per-views with pay and non-televised live events with a $200 stipend per event during the 60 day suspension period. Alternatively, in cases where the Talent appears to be in need of a drug rehabilitation program, the Talent shall not be assigned to work until the individual has successfully completed the drug rehabilitation program. However, regardless of the length of the program, the Talent’s fine shall be limited to 60 days’ pay.

Third Offense. In the event of a third positive result for drugs prohibited by this Policy other than marijuana, the Talent’s contract with WWE will be terminated.


In the event of any positive result for marijuana, the Talent shall be fined One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per positive result, which shall be deducted from the Talent’s downside guarantee."

So, the MOST he could have possibly been suspended for is 90 days.

Now, there are 365 days in the year. Would you like me to do the math for you, to show that 90 divided by 365 comes no where near 50%?

Get rid of him and bring in some young talent wrestlers who do great moves AND have mic skills AND who don't look like the hero of the Columbine rejects who shot up the school.
Yes, great thinking.

Let's get rid of one of the WWE's biggest draws and best workers, and put in his place someone with no experience, no drawing ability, and someone that the fans don't give a damn about yet.

Let me guess. You used to help run WCW back in 1993, didn't you?

Seriously, Jeff is half the wrestler he used to be
No, he's TWICE the wrestler he used to be. His workrate is exponentially better, his selling takes a backseat to none, his charisma is fantastic, and people pay money because of him.

That's the mark of a good wrestler.

he still has no mic skills
Neither did Andre the Giant. Never seemed to hurt his drawing power.

he's got an antiquated look
Steve Austin wrestled in black boots and black trunks.

You don't get anymore antiquated than that. I heard he did all right for himself.

and he's constantly in trouble. Sorry, but getting escorted off of a plane because you're too drunk to fly IS being in trouble. I've drank before flying. All of my friends have. In order to draw THAT much attention to yourself that they think you're too drunk to just sit there and not cause a problem during the flight, you've gotta be acting like a total ass!
And yet, none of it had any impact on his ability to do his job, and didn't violate his contract in any way.

So, what's your point?
Even though Hardy may have gotten himself into trouble again, I agree with several posts that it didn't affect his contract and the Wellness Policy. The WWE has not decided to push against it, and it should have been left at that. The media has pushed this too far, with TMZ nitpicking at Hardy for being escorted off the plane. He took another flight, and still made it to the show.

Hardy is still being pushed. Even though there is a lot on the line again, I think he has come to the point that he is SO close to getting the WWE championship again, and there isn't Cena, HBK, Batista, Orton, or anyone else that can stand in his way (storyline wise) to the WWE title chase, so I don't think he'll screw up. Hell, Matt was pushed for a title run. Jeff should be pushed as well. And he has one last chance to hit it big in the WWE, or even the world of wrestling period with the Wellness Policy breathing down his neck. I'm not sure about ROH, but TNA got their fair share of a problematic Scott Hall, and I don't think they would want to dip their hands in Rainbow Enigma again after he left TNA the first time, and got fired from WWE for three f*ck ups.
I don't think it's racist to call Hardy white trash. There's black trash too. I'm white. I'll call white trash "white trash" and I'll call black trash "black trash." There are racial epithets one could use, but THAT would be racist. Jeff Hardy is white trash. If you don't see that, you too must fall into that category.
How are you able to judge someone when you don't even know them? You hear what the media tells you and make your judgments based on that. Why not tie a string to your back and every time someone pulls it you can read random media clips and give us "your opinion" on people/situations.
This guy has shown time and time again he can't keep his nose out of trouble. Every time he gets a push, he gets himself into something. When's the last time Cena got into trouble? Say what you want about his in ring ability, but he's hard working, he's reliable, and you don't to worry about him missing a house show because he's drunk, stoned, or under arrest!
Comparing Hardy to Cena is just foolish; mainly due to the reason that Cena is the WWE at the moment. Jeff Hardy may have had his blemishes but so did other talents such as Ken Kennedy Umaga William Regal each who have had pushes but have made poor choices, why single Hardy out?
Someone said something earlier like "who cares how Jeff dresses, he's a great performer." Sorry, being a great wrestler is about the total package. I highly doubt people would be singing his praises if he came out dressed and acting like Disco Inferno. The only people who are still enamored with him are people too clueless to see how out of date his look and style are. Ooooooh, he does risky moves. Wow!! Truth be told, he's taking less risks than he used to. So, you've got someone whose only claim to fame was "the risky moves" not doing the risky moves anymore. His style sucks. His mic skills are right up there with Linda "monotone" McMahon.
Apparently he must be doing something right if WWE is able to market him and make plenty of profit. Must be doing something right if he is one of the most over people in the WWE at the moment. His moves are still similiar to what he used back in his first run the only difference being is that he now wrestles constant singles matches rather than tag team gimmick matches where he's able to do his "Risky moves"; and as for his mic skill I didn't realize you needed to be able to speak on the mic to make a success of yourself... Better go back in time and let Andre the Giant know this so he doesn't make a mistake and get into the wrestling business.
And he's suspended for like half the year for being an idiot!
Slyfox summed this up well
Get rid of him and bring in some young talent wrestlers who do great moves AND have mic skills AND who don't look like the hero of the Columbine rejects who shot up the school.
Ok let's bring in some random young talent and put them in the position Jeff Hardy is and see how well WWE does... sounds like a plan.
Seriously, Jeff is half the wrestler he used to be, he still has no mic skills, he's got an antiquated look, and he's constantly in trouble.
From what I've seen Jeff Hardy has greatly improved his in ring ability. Now if you were criticizing his ability a few years ago I may agree with you but to say he's gotten worse only proves your ignorance.
Sorry, but getting escorted off of a plane because you're too drunk to fly IS being in trouble. I've drank before flying. All of my friends have. In order to draw THAT much attention to yourself that they think you're too drunk to just sit there and not cause a problem during the flight, you've gotta be acting like a total ass!
While this may be true, you also don't know what it is like to have everyone looking at as you walk around public, staring at you in disbelief like they've never thought they'd see someone "famous" in public. I'm sure there was already a considerable amount of attention on him just because he's him not because he was drinking.
Blah Blah Blah. Jeff Hardy has been suspended, Blah Blah Blah. His house burnt down, Blah Blah Blah. Who gives a shit, I mean REALLY. The guy is super over. A hell of a worker. So what if he did a little drinking before a flight. He obviously didnt put a fuss up about taking a later flight, and he wasnt shooting up or anything else. People just cant wait to take s cheap shot at him for his past problems. Some of it warrented. But when the WWE doesnt worry about it, why should we?
Blah Blah Blah. Jeff Hardy has been suspended, Blah Blah Blah. His house burnt down, Blah Blah Blah. Who gives a shit, I mean REALLY. The guy is super over. A hell of a worker. So what if he did a little drinking before a flight. He obviously didnt put a fuss up about taking a later flight, and he wasnt shooting up or anything else. People just cant wait to take s cheap shot at him for his past problems. Some of it warrented. But when the WWE doesnt worry about it, why should we?

Exactly what I wanted to say. People blow things out of proportions when it comes to Jeff. Okay he messed up. He paid. The guy had a couple of drinks with his friends but because it's Jeff Hardy we have to assume he messed up again and he's gonna throw his "spot monkey" career away. I'm pretty sure had it been someone like Jamie Noble who quietly didn't guys wouldn't go around bashing the guys decisions in life. Hardy is working hard to stay clean. I respect that and WWE is acknowledging it.

If you're favorite Wrestler on SmackDown! isn't getting a WWE title push yet. Don't blame Hardy and wish misfortune on him.
I don't think it's racist to call Hardy white trash. There's black trash too. I'm white. I'll call white trash "white trash" and I'll call black trash "black trash." There are racial epithets one could use, but THAT would be racist. Jeff Hardy is white trash. If you don't see that, you too must fall into that category.

This guy has shown time and time again he can't keep his nose out of trouble. Every time he gets a push, he gets himself into something. When's the last time Cena got into trouble? Say what you want about his in ring ability, but he's hard working, he's reliable, and you don't to worry about him missing a house show because he's drunk, stoned, or under arrest!

Someone said something earlier like "who cares how Jeff dresses, he's a great performer." Sorry, being a great wrestler is about the total package. I highly doubt people would be singing his praises if he came out dressed and acting like Disco Inferno. The only people who are still enamored with him are people too clueless to see how out of date his look and style are. Ooooooh, he does risky moves. Wow!! Truth be told, he's taking less risks than he used to. So, you've got someone whose only claim to fame was "the risky moves" not doing the risky moves anymore. His style sucks. His mic skills are right up there with Linda "monotone" McMahon. And he's suspended for like half the year for being an idiot! Get rid of him and bring in some young talent wrestlers who do great moves AND have mic skills AND who don't look like the hero of the Columbine rejects who shot up the school. Seriously, Jeff is half the wrestler he used to be, he still has no mic skills, he's got an antiquated look, and he's constantly in trouble. Sorry, but getting escorted off of a plane because you're too drunk to fly IS being in trouble. I've drank before flying. All of my friends have. In order to draw THAT much attention to yourself that they think you're too drunk to just sit there and not cause a problem during the flight, you've gotta be acting like a total ass!

So because i happen to like Jeff Hardy, that makes me whie trash? what kind of person are you? Let me guess, he's white trash because he lived in a trailer? So you must like in a mansion or something to not be classified as white trash? Seriously, did someone piss in your wheaties this morning? You do realize that by saying people who like Jeff are white trash, you are insulting quite a few people around the world right?

Now, onto the topic. He "appeared intoxicated". so freaking what! Did he cause a scene? No he went quietly. For all we know, this was just a case an ignorant douchebag that doesnt like Jeff trying to come up with an excuse to keep him off the flight and hope it was his third strike. Until the actual proof comes out that he was DRUNK and being an ass, there is no need to punish him. Now if he was drunk and missed a show, caused a scene, or something of importance, that would be cause for punishment. Do you think he is the only one who gets drunk? CM Punk is possibly the only one on the roster that doesnt drink.

Nice Columbine reference by the way. How in the hell does what Jeff wear to the ring, fit into that TRAGEDY? Let me guess, that guy that shot up the school was pissed off about Jeff's wardrobe and went apeshit on everyone at the school, right?

And he is a hell of a lot better wrestler than he was a few years ago. Go to youtube and watch his matches with Umaga, Orton, HBK and Jericho from earlier this year. Lets not forget his matches with MVP and Shelton since going to smackdown. What we have here, is just your blind hatred for him causing you to miss that.
His mic skills have improved quite nicely. But I guess you forget that Benoit hardly talked, Batista is god awful on the mic, Lashley never cut many promos, you couldnt understand a god damn word that the Ultimate Warrior said, Andre the Giant(as mentioned before)hardly spoke, and lets not forget Vickie. Everytime she comes on the screen I hit the mute button because i can't stomach the sound of her voice screaching for 10 minutes cutting a promo. And I think all of the people I mentioned have done quite well in the WWE without mic skills.
Even IF Jeff Hardy was intoxicated, what difference would that do to his WWE push? Absolutely nothing is my guess. Every superstar is allowed to drink alcohol from my knowledge. If the report is slightly true, I certainly wouldn't drink before I boarded a plane, but who really cares? It has to be exaggerated as Jeff probably had 2 or 3 drinks, and looked slightly drunk according to some people who don't know what drunk people really look like. Sure the guy might not make the best decisions in the world, but it's a free world. This won't affect my opinion of Jeff Hardy at all. Since Jeff didn't make a scene at all, neither Jeff nor the WWE has nothing to worry about.

Hardy is mega over right now and it's only a matter of time before he wins the WWE Championship. I can see him winning the Royal Rumble and going on to win the WWE title from maybe Edge or the Undertaker. This little incident will most likely, hardly affect Jeff's chances of becoming a World Champion at all. I am a fan of Jeff Hardy and not because what he does outside the ring, but because he constantly puts on entertaining matches and always puts his body on the line for his fans.

I noticed this thread title calls Jeff Hardy a drama queen. But if Jeff didn't make a scene at all when he was stopped from abording the plane, how the hell does that make Jeff a drama queen? I'm sick of people bashing Hardy especially because they think he is a "spot monkey". The fact is, the guy isn't a spot monkey. The guy can wrestle an entertaining match on a weekly basis. Sure sometimes he takes a usual bump or two, but people should look past that and see how great Jeff Hardy really is. I can't remember the last Jeff Hardy match that I didn't enjoy. He is always consistant and should be praised for what he does in the ring, not bashed because he has a few drinks before he boards an aeroplane.

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