Hardy Boys or Drama Queens?

i personally think that this is a wake up call for jeff and matt to. because now matt no's what he has to do for him to get a title shot. how ever jeff needs to grow up and i think he will now after that second suspension because he doesn't wont to leave the wwe (unless he wonts to do music) because he no's he wont get a job anywhere else. but i think the hardy boyz are cool and not drama queens
Jeff hardy did have a nice push for him but he will have to earn Vinces trust and get out of the dog house. Look at how long it has taken Carlito to get out of the doghouse. It is a shame because Jeff is one talented person in the ring or should I say risk taker but is on his way to being fired if he has one more episode. He burned his bridge with TNA and he just may have burnt his last with WWE. The 2 biggest companies right now in the united states, he might end up in Japan when all is said and done.
First off...I want to address the "white trash" comments earlier...now I'm white and totally not offended...but if the roles where reversed and I had said something similar about an ethnic race...Id be in jail by now. Like I said doesn't offend me so I won't dwell but I thought Id put that out there.

On to the Hardys. I don't believe they are drama queens. For me they are two performers whos paths have seperated over the years. Firstly, Id like tot tackle the issue of Matt Hardy. As a wrestler, his mat skills are really good but also he does bring an arial aspect which breaks it up and leads for very good wrestling matches. I personally thought before his injury. Him and MVP had really entertaining matches (Something of a rareity in WWE as of late). About his microphone skills. They are never going to be the best and they never where. Is there worse...ofcourse...examples being Bobby Lashley (the highest profile that came to mind). I think tho, for me personally, I noticed an improvement in his mic skills whne working his programme with MVP. He seemed more confident in delivery and it came across in his tone and speed of voice. Also there was a post earlier that mentioned how Matts black mark was his personal problem with Lita which he brought to work with him. I would personally like to say as both a Hardy fan and wrestling fan. His fued with Edge was fantastic. Mainly because it told a story and you could see how personal it was. The cage match between them was incredible. I think this too should be a gold star infact against Matt Hardys name for professionalism. How many of you's can say you's would have went out there with the guy who you seen as a friend, stole your girlfriend, betrayed your trust and still make sure he was safe in matches? That would take a true test of character and only a really mature, grown-up could have done such things. Also on another note, Ive only started reading but Matt Hardys blogs on MySpace...Im led to believe its the second most read blog on the entire of MySpace...they are a great read. Very well written and some really good points, put over well.


Finally onto Jeff Hardy. For me, one of the few reason for turning into Raw in late 2007/early 2008. Spot monkey?...ofcourse...does millions of fans love him for it?...ofcourse...Did he make the company millions by doing it?....ofcourse...

Away from Jeff Hardy personally for a moment and on to business...and I state the word business. He's a performer who does a great job. He isn't the greatest mat worker, hell he isn't the greatest ariel worker either but what he does. His style, his gimmick....it draws. The dollars(I live in Scotland and over here mega amount of pounds) are going in the cash registers for his merchandise. I was lucky enough to meet Jeff Hardy in October last year and he was a true gentlemen. The guy got off a plane and rushed straight to a signing he wasn't even supposed to do(Cade and Murdoch were scheduled). I admired him for this and the P.R. lady was rushing everyone, no time for this or that. Jeff just said, these people have lined up for hours. Autographs, photographs...I don't care how long it takes....(He was in the main event that night anyways so he obviously knew he didnt have to rush:blush:) From a business point of view, he done the right thing. He doesn't want to dissapoint his fans and fans of the WWE in general.

Personally, I guess you could say by taking drugs he was letting down the fans but then again who are we to second guess why he done it? We don't even know what drugs it was. I personally have never taken a drug or a cigarette but I know plenty of people who take drugs. I think every one is immediately associating drugs as being steroids subconsciecly but lets face it. Jeff Hardy...steriods...hes stick insect :lmao: Not saying I condone it but say for example it was a line of cocaine...does that merit all the hate he is getting? Im guessing half the people who can afford it have. Just this man, I think sometimes we forget he is a human being, just lifes hard and by this Im not just saying travelling on the road...just life in general is hard. He got suspended and accepted it. For me thats punishment enough. He will get depushed which is fair and he misses his Wrestlemania pay out. I hope he comes back refreshed and ready to go again. On the note of a house...not having insurance...its a personal decision you live and die by but doesnt make you irresponsible. How many people buy something, get offered extended warranty and turn it down? Yeh thats right about 90%. The fact what kind of house/vehicle/trailer he lives in. Live were your happy thats what I say!

To finish up...I hope Matt returns soon and continues his fued with MVP. I hope Jeff comes back and him and Chris Jericho have a good program. And finally if your down with that....Ive got just 2 words for ya...

Great post, wwe_scotland. In reference to Jeff Hardy's most recent drug use, yeah we don't know for sure what drug it was, but I'm pretty certain it was painkillers. Leading up to the suspension, Jeff had given several interviews discussing minor injuries all over his body from wrestling and motocross. And when you are living a life in complete pain as many wrestlers do, the temptation can sometimes get the best of people. So while nothing is confirmed I would say it was most likely painkillers.
slimymeteor, thats really appreciated :D Thanks. I agree with you. More than likely painkillers he never had a prescription for but Im not going to slam the guy for it. He goes out 300 days a year, entertaining us. Argument against, so does the rest of the superstars...but then again how many ladder matches do those guys compete in and well missing a Swantom will sure hurt more than missing an FU thats for sure. His length of matches and quickness of matches are arguebly higher than most other superstars too. Like I said, I don't want to make excuses but then again do we really take all factors into consideration?
I think this just applies to Jeff except for one instance for Matt where the storyline with Edge and Lita was brought in. After that Matt has been much more mature and puts on better quality matches. Jeff is the one that needs to grow up. He needs to get his life in order. He takes drugs once and he's gone. He comes back and during a HUGE push were he was getting the biggest pops in WWE he takes drugs again and ruins it. I don't think he will ever get a big push again after his actions. I guess when everybody was cheering for Jeff they should of cheered for the guy who could wrestle,was not a spot monkey,and wasn't an addict.
I have read however, aparently what came out from his meeting with Vince McMahon was, he never took the "substance" during his push. It was October time or something and that was the test results getting back from the independant testers.
Jeff lives in a trailer because he said in their book, "Exist 2 Inspire", that he doesnt need a big house to make him happy. Jeff is just a different kind of guy. He is smart with his money. In a shoot interview on youtube he explains that he doesn't have to work another day in his life and that he is set financially for the rest of his life. He also sells paintings and things.
You cant really get mad at Jeff for owning a trailer. Living in a trailer is actually pretty smart if youre only home 2 days a week. I dont think he's the 'smartest guy on the planet,' but he was probably saving his money so when he retires/gets injured/gets fired, he'll have something to live off of for awhile.

I mean guys like Lex Luger and Dynamite Kid bought big ass mansions when they were real popular like 10, 15 years ago, and do you REALLY think they are still living like that?

Hell no.

Yeah, Jeff Hardy made a lot of mistakes...well, what the hell -this guy's a fuck up.
But he's not THAT BAD in the ring, or for the WWE. If he was, he wouldnt have gotten the massive reactions he was getting.
Hardy Boyz deserve everything they get in WWE. WWE might as well suspend 99% of the roster if the issue is drug use. I really hate how WWE fired Matt for no reason a few years ago. He has always been a good company guy and very reliable. I've never heard one bad thing about him. WWE needs to get their finger out of their asses and push the Hardys now. Period.

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