Jeff Hardy Done or Injured?

Mad Metal

Getting Noticed By Management

- According to, Jeff Hardy may be done with WWE. Hardy wasn't at RAW last night and there's concern within WWE that he won't be back for SummerSlam and that he might not be back at all. His program with Umaga was scrapped and Umaga was turned babyface on RAW.
Let me guess.... failed a drug test?

IMO it's not a big loss if Hardy is done, but you can rest to assure the first phone call he will receive is from Dixie Carter. It's sad he can't even have a spot light due to his bad actions, unlike his brother Matt.

What are your thoughts?
I wont miss Jeff Hardy. I've always found him boring. Sure some of the bumps he takes are good. But I prefer solid wrestling. Hopefully this will result in a huge push for Matt, kind of to show what Jeff has missed out on.
Truth be told never been a Jeff hardy fan have always seen him as nothing more than a spot monkey. Hopefully this wont affect Matt as much i dont like the hardys Matt is sound in teh ring. And for Jeff oh well he had his shot to come back and he blew it.
Here is an update I got from WrestleZone:

Dave Scherer is reporting that Jeff Hardy no showed last night's Raw without ever contacting anyone to say he wouldn't be there. He is in serious hot water right now and his job is in serious jeopardy.

His program with Umaga has been scrapped and Umaga was turned face on last night's Raw. The entire show had to be re-written.

I guess I was wrong about failing a drug test. Oh well, I even knew something would happen and he wouldn't be able to maintain a good attendance. IMO this was seen from miles away.

Not only does his lack of actual talent and doing spots makes him like Sabu but his attendance as well. o_O
I, for one, WILL miss Jeff Hardy if he is fired. I have been among his biggest supporters for some time now, I feel he works some very entertaining matches, and tends to bring a lot of excitement to a show.

I just hope he is ok. The last guy who no-showed a major event, was maybe a month ago now...
I never really have liked Hardy I agree he is nothing more than a spot monkey. I was wondering why the hell Hardy wasnt there. He's usually on each week. If he does lose his job O well I won't miss him never seen him as a solid wrestler. Ive been more of a Matt fan. I suppose TNA will be giving him a call soon.
I really hope there was a decent reason for Jeff not attending, I would miss him, as a Jeff Fan, and he had been behaving from what i had seen and read, it would be a shame for him to go ... but thats just my opinion :(
Jeff Hardy will be missed if he is sacked for no-showing, purely for the reason that he is a solid entertainer, his actual wrestling talent isn't very good, but everyone calls him a spot monkey, an they are right, but thats what the majority of the fans want to see now. So he will be missed in terms of that.

MadMetal, you could still be right, he may have no-showed because he were off his head on drugs?
Personally I really don't care what happen to Jeff as a wrestler. I agree with AJeezy he nothing more than a spot monkee. He never really wow me except jumping off of stuff. This vacation might be good for him so he can heal up....
Being a rather obsessed yet sad fan, i had heard he had been off drugs for a while and had found a "drive" that he had been previously lacking, but maybe he had gone back to his old ways... hope not.
Well, I liked Jeff Hardy. Was exciting when he first returned and had an amazing feud with Nitro. He's gotten rather boring the last few months, but started to come around with his recent feud with Umaga. It's really ashame that he had to take this route. I bet the WWE isn't even pissed that he missed the show. It's that he wasn't responsible enough to call anyone and let them know he would be missing it. The WWE did him a favor by bringing him in. Even though I don't want to see him fired, it is highly likely he will be. The only thing I can see saving his ass is the recent injuries the WWE has suffered. With Lashley out it Hardy could of had more room to move up the political ladder.

I've read everyone's posts and I think everyone is missing the big picture.

Umaga was turned babyface on RAW

This is such an interesting move. The WWE must know how everyone loves Umaga. :headbanger:
Maybe I missed the Umaga babyface turn last night on Raw. The crowd wasn't cheering for him when he beat up Santino(a guy who should be fired for sucking)
I would not call myself a Jeff Hardy fan, but he gets some pretty big pops from the crowds. I find him to be quite exciting in the ring, and though it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to WWE, it wouldn't be good at all. he's a very exciting superstar to watch and the fans love him.

I can honestly say it would affect me if Jeff left WWE.
Jeff knew what he was getting into when he re-signed with WWE. He knew he would be under a microscope. And he knew what he was doing by no-showing. However, I think firing him is a bad idea. Job him out on house shows and Heat. Don't just gift-wrap him to TNA. Show others that there is no easy way out. I think Jeff has talent, but he lacks discipline. And that is a shame, because he could have been great.
I gotta agree with everyone saying Jeff was a spot monkey, the only time I found him entertaining was when he was in ladder matches doing crazy ass shit, like swantoning Bubba(or Dvon, I forget) threw a table. Jeff never had good skill on the mic. I was a fan of the Hardy Boyz because of the fueds they had with a lot of great teams but they were never really that good unless in a gimmic match, Matt is looking good, but as for Jeff, who cares if he's gone.
No1 cares about Santino, and i didn't get the whole Umaga turn...weird. I remember a few week ago the crowd poped for him when he spiked Santino, but i just thought that cos every1 knew Santino sucked?

Anyway, I can honestly say I hope Jeff hasn't gone back to drugs, it would be a sad day for everyone in the business if they another wrestler turned to drugs and became an addict, and it says alot of WWE dosen't it? WWE - We Turn Wrestlers Into Drug Addicts!
I have always been a hardys fan and although Jeff is not that good of a wrestler as far as mat skills and powermoves, he is the one that puts on that different style of match that gets the crowd more excited. So Spot monkey or not he brings a different style and a different type of entertainment to the crowd/fans
personally i hope if this is true, that he has a damn good reason for not showing up. maybe he tried contacting someone and the call or message didnt go through. maybe his girlfriend was sick or something like that.

and until i see it on the wwe website, i'm not really going to believe its true. but if it is, it will be highly disappointing as he was one of my favorites.
I am not Jeff's biggest fan, but considering WWE is nosediving fast recently and they are losing guys left, right, and center, is it really a good solution to fire a guy with a clear draw? I mean fine him, make him job for a while, but firing him would be a bit over the top surely? He is a lot more focused mentally these days so it surprises me to hear he just didn't feel like coming... strange
Personally jeff hardy is my favorite wrestler and if wwe fires him for missing one show and dont fire randy orton for failing 3 drug tests then they have serious managment problems.and with all the issues they are having with the drug policies and government then they have a problem of bieng shut down and/or taken off the air for good so if they let Jeff go then most likely they are not going to be on air much longer because they take action to no shows but not drug abusers
Dun,dun;da;da! I smell TNA!

But seriously, its pretty likely jeff hardy gets canned here.
A push for matt will likely reside..
Im really not a fan..but with lack of talent and stupidity..i guess he was entertaining to kids for a while..what a role model? Eh?..thats right..i said Eh.
Personally jeff hardy is my favorite wrestler and if wwe fires him for missing one show and dont fire randy orton for failing 3 drug tests then they have serious managment problems.

Absolutely right.
This could all be bs though. Last monday he took that bump where he went for the "whisper in the wind" and landed on his head/neck pretty hard. He could've been giving the night off.

I hope i'm not blindly giving the benefit of the doubt simply cause i'm a Hardy mark.:disappointed:
yes well jeff hardy as Jim ross said and i beleive is one of the biggest names in wrestling before he went to tna he was the most wanted free agent in wrestling and it would be kinda stupid on wwe's part to can a big name and crowd pleaser like jeff hardy.And according to wrestlezone matt hardy has been getting a push for awhile but i havent seen him in any good matches lately. And I dont thinkthe WWE wants TNA anywhere near the rank of wwe right now ,and handing Jeff to TNA is just going to make the era of TNA come even faster.
i would miss jeff, sure hes not the best wrestler but honestly WWE nowadays have like 4 or 5 actual good wrestlers, the rest are just actors that know how to brawl (poorly might i add), jeff at least gave us an exciting match, i thought so at least, i liked watching his matches and just to see him come out was awsome, i was hoping he would take the IC belt from umaga, but now all hopes of that is gone

also u guys should really stop judging so quickly, the guy missed the show and didnt call them, seems more like an emergency than him going back to drugs, sure hes had his problems in the past but he said and looked like he was over that and just wanted to wrestle again, he was getting a good push, why would he go back to drugs?...

im guessing something happend with him, a friend, girlfriend, or family member, and i doubt WWE will fire him for missing the show, especially since he draws a lot, is wayy over with the crowd, and with WWE having so many injuries latley, unless its because he really did go back to drugs, wich i hope isnt true

but hey, it would be fun to see him in TNA agains, especially since they will let him do more sick stuff than WWE =D
I'd like to clarify something. Because someone is a "spot monkey" doesn't mean they cant wrestle. Please keep in mind that every single wrestler HAS to know how to chain wrestle, run the ropes, and apply an arm bar. Comes in wrestling school. Now, what direction they go...brawler (cena), shooter (joe), high flyer (rey), or hardcore (hak, i mean sandman), they have to know the basics, and they have to be at least proficient at it to be on that level. So hold up on saying somebody sucks (minus khali). If you stepped in the ring with little to no training, Umaga(yes, Umaga) would put on some sort of chain wrestling that would make you look terrible. Hardy should be fired if he doesnt have a good reason. And its a shame, as he had a pretty good spot in the midcard with room for advancement. But slow up on calling him spot monkey. BTW RANDY ORTON IS IN LINE FOR A TITLE RUN!!!! If he can stay, maybe Hardy can stay.

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