Top TNA Star Unhappy In TNA

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Booker primarily went to TNA because he was frustrated with the WWE. The WWE did screw him over when they said his promotion would be the new developmental promotion, only for Johnny Ace to make the call to switch to FCW. Why was that? Probably because the cocaine and hookers environment is better down in Florida than in Texas. Either way though, Booker had to pay out of pocket for the TV equipment, which I'm sure wasn't cheap. Then, Booker lost some of his creative privileges and I think they threatened to take Sharmell off the payroll. It was also around this time where Booker failed Wellness, and the WWE was going to suspend him despite him pleading not to.

So in a fit of rage and shortsightedness, Booker went to TNA. On the surface, this wasn't a bad move for him. TNA has no real Wellness Policy. He also had his friends such as Steiner and Angle there. However, TNA was of course, a terrible move because he got reduced to being a cartoon character and the least important member of TNA's main heel faction. And going to TNA is a fate worse than death to begin with.

The WWE can definitely use Booker as long as he's willing to be a team player. I think Booker's clearly seen that the grass is definitely not greener on the other side, and being a WWE midcarder is better than wasting away in the wrestling hell known as TNA. Booker just has to realize he's not going to be catapulted back into the main event scene.
Yeah I can't lie. I have no desire to see Booker T back in the E. I mean he pretty much whined and cried his way out of the WWE anyway for whatever reason. His first promo on TNA he would talk about how "he came to TNA because he wanted to compete with the best." Now granted yes you have to cut a pro-TNA promo when you come over from the E, but Jesus effing Christ on a bike... Booker T has got nothing to offer the WWE other than to come back in the mid-card, maybe win a US Title or IC Title, and be used to put over Morrison, Swagger, Miz, Ziggler, etc... His "King Bookah" schtick would totally not be welcome back with open arms. Maybe it's just because I've grown to not enjoy anything about Booker T. I was interested in his TNA debut... for about a month or two... until they just had to go and turn him heel. From there, he was used to put over Joe, AJ, etc... (who are better than him anyway). So if he's putting over the top dogs in TNA, he'd be putting over mid-carders in the E. I say keep the crybaby out of the E.
Yawn. I'm a fan of Booker T/King Booker/Booker and his "Queen Sharmell" but honestly, I really don't care what company is in. Booker will never be a top star again. He'll never hold the big titles, and it's not like he's return to WWE will be huge.

I am surprised that he is so willing to go back to the WWE, when he left on bad terms, and bashed by the company and HHH. I remember when he left, their were all these reports about how he hated it there, and couldn't wait to go to TNA. Now it's the opposite. I guess the WWE would be better money wise, but he's getting old, and I don't know how much travelling he want's to do.

So yep, I like Booker and all, but this get's a big ole' "I could care either way".
The faster Booker T leaves TNA, the quicker I can get to enjoying the full 2 hours that I sit down watching Impact. His promos and matches make me look for the bathroom quicker than an Abraham Washington segment. If he was still working as simply "Booker T", and not trying to be...Well, anything...Then he'd be OK.

My guess is that he'll end up back in the WWE, and good for him. I'm sure they'll stick him with a stupid gimmick, which is why he left anyway (Irony is fun, ain't it?), and probably give him a few runs with a mid-card belt before placing him back i the main event, if they feel he can handle it.

His best future might be in the tag ranks...Maybe teaming with guys like R-Truth or Kofi Kingston.
Booker is ECW bound, period. He's not going to Smackdown or Raw. If he goes back to the WWE, Vince is sticking him on ECW. If Chrisitan, who is younger and more talented can't get off ECW, what makes you think Booker is going anywhere but ECW.
His best future might be in the tag ranks...Maybe teaming with guys like R-Truth or Kofi Kingston.

Why, because they're black?

Reuniting with Goldust would be pretty good for Booker. They were over as a tag team back in their original run, and they really played well off of each other They were the classic odd couple, and they were quite entertaining throughout their entire run. That team really helped out Booker at the time, because he was really fledgling after the Alliance ended. They won the tag team titles, and Goldust was the catalyst for Booker getting the Triple H match at Wrestlemania.

I hate playing fantasy booker, but:

Pair them up again and let them team up for awhile. Goldust is horrendously over to begin with for some bizarre reason on ECW right now. Let them feud with Kozlov and Zeke for a little bit and then let them make another tag title run. See if they can really get over as a team again, and see if that can catapult Booker back into the upper midcard. They have nothing else to lose, and it would be doing a disservice to them and the fans if they weren't reunited.
I disagree. ECW already has Christian, Regal, Goldust and Dreamer as "old hands" to show the youngin's the ropes and elevate the Zach Ryders and Ezekiel Jacksons and Vlad Koslovs and Seamuses and Yoshi Tatsus and whoever else developmental sends up.

I see fun-loving face Booker on RAW working with The Miz and then Jack Swagger and then maybe teaming up with Kofi (taking a fun-loving black fan favorite under his wing) and tag-teaming for a while as "Kingston and the King".

I think Christian is on ECW to give him a run with a belt and to have him work with the young stars to build them up. Next draft, Christian will be on Raw or Smackdown if not sooner. I don't know that he'll be making a run at a world title, but he won't stay in developmental.

If Vince wants to punish Booker for the way he left WWE, he can let Booker sit at home in Houston. Having Booker mix it up with Christian and Regal would be pointless, and would defeat the point of having ECW.
I think a Booker T-Kofi Kingston team makes sense. Yes, partially because they are black. I'm not going to deny that. But I don't think that a Booker-Benjamin or Booker-Ezekiel JAckson or Booker-MVP program would make as much sense as a Booker-Kofi pairing, to go through the list of black up-and-comers that you would nominate to work with a veteran and climb the ladder.

But there are enough similarities between Spinaroonie Booker and Boom Boom Boom Kofi that I think the team could work to help Kofi develop. Both are fan-friendly, all-about-fun guys who mix dancing in with their wrestling. R-Truth has some of that too, but I think he's too old to invest much in developing him.

The contrast is key and what makes the tag-team: Booker is a multiple time World Champion, a proven worker and a guy who can get the crowd behind his character. Kofi is (Kayfabe) a talented athlete who has all the physical tools to be a star, but who hasn't figured out how to get the audience (and Creative) to pay attention to him and make him a star. Booker sees a protege, Kofi sees a mentor.

Booker and Goldust has been done, was good, could be good for a while but I think that WWE would rather do a program that builds someone that could be a World Champion in five years when Undertaker, Michaels, Edge, Batista, Big Show, Jericho, Kane, and maybe HHH and Mysterio are gone or are working amped-up Legends schedules.

The storyline point of the team is for Booker to mentor Kofi and pass on that knowledge. Since this is WWE, it will end with a feud where Booker can make Kofi look good and solidify him.
Some guy on here posted that, Booker t was bashed by the wwe and triple h. First off, triple h runs off more stars and gets away with it more than any other wrestler i have ever heard of. Triple h is the reason he left along with many others. Triple h is a definite shell of his former self, triple h refuses to put anybody over, which i don't count putting over legacy because Vince made him do that. So who the hell is triple h to say anything about anybody. Booker hasnt had any major injuries, he's still in great shape. Nextly, I cant count how many championship reigns booker has had throughout his entire career. His king bookaaah gimmick was fun to watch, wish they could somehow revamp that character. He's one of the most decorated champions in history. Facts speak for itself, I can name so many wrestlers on wwes current roster that he's much better than.

Mark henry
Big slow
the miz
Drew Mcwhatthefuck
All of ECW with the exception of christian
Half of smackdown roster
A third of Raw roster
Kofi Kingston
CM Punk.

Its just a shame if he comes back, he'll get buried. WWE is going to run its course because they do dumb shit like not use their talent properly.
Why, because they're black?

It has absolutely nothing to do with them being black. It has to do with them being fledgling mid-carders, who can seriously use some help. Kofi has no character, and no mic skills, and as long as Booker drops the BS, he can be a big help there. R-Truth has some mic skills and a decent character, but he has nothing for him in WWE. Teaming with Booker would give him something to do while he learns, and hopefully set them up for a feud, pushing him into the title picture for the US or IC gold.
Please point out the part in my post where I said he would be main eventing in the WWE?..........................Still waiting.
All I said was that there's nothing wrong with him going back to the WWE. I'd rather be a mid carder there then be in TNA doing jack shit.

You call increasing your title reigns, being a top member in one of the greatest and most star studded stables in wrestling history, adding to your legacy, and cementing the fact that you're one of the greatest Tag Team wrestlers of all time doing jack shit?

Glad you're not Booker T, or you'd be an ungrateful little prick.

Jobbed out and ridiculed? This isn't Funaki we're talking about. This is Booker T. He can still put on good matches and still contribute to the company.

Nobody benefited from Booker T in the WWE three years ago, why would he matter now. If anything, he'd just be fodder to the younger talent, and Tommy Dreamer, Goldust, Kane, Finlay, The Great Khali, Mark Henry, and Jamie Noble are all doing a better job than Booker would.

When the fuck did Matt Morgan become one of TNA's best mic workers? Did I miss something? Because last time I checked he still has the occasional stutter and I have never seen him cut anything close to a great promo. Matt Morgan hasn't earned shit. He's a big guy with a good look so he's being given an opportunity. Once people realize he's an average at best superstar, he will go back to doing nothing.

Who the fuck thinks different? Except me of course. I can see potential in this guy, and he reminds me of The Rock in a way. Hopefully after this guy has his match with Angle, people will see the true potential in him.

If Morgan was really an average at best superstar, then why in the orange lizard fuck would TNA, who supposedly only pushes young superstars and are very wary of creating new stars, risk PPV buys by putting this guy in a big match? And this isn't some shitty little PPV we just put on each year to test out new stars, this is the biggest TNA event of the year, and if Morgan was really that horrible, he'd be in some random dark match.

I was talking about his career as a whole. Up until now he has never been a joke, and the only reason he is now is because he obviously doesn't give a shit. It's clear he doesn't want to be in TNA.

So why did he leave WWE?

I guarantee that is false. If Booker T came out on RAW next Monday he would get a bigger reaction then everyone outside of Cena and DX.

You do realize that Big Show, Mark Henry, MVP, Randy Orton, The Miz, and basically Chris Jericho are on Raw right now? Hell, I wouldn't put him in the main event of Wrestlemania, but Hornswoggle is a bigger asset to the WWE than Booker would be.

Did you ever watch Booker T in his prime? I'm not saying he should be compared to guys like Hogan, The Rock, Flair, and Austin but his talent is undeniable. He had some great matches in his career and he was a very underrated worker.

He's an amazing superstar and even a greater ring worker. He has had some memorable feuds and matches, but he has no right to complain about his match placement. If Kurt Angle, undoubtedly one of the greatest in-ring workers and overall superstars of this era, can put over a upper midcarder like Jay Lethal, then Booker T (who is nowhere near the league Kurt Angle is in) should have no room to bitch.

I was under the impression we were talking about when he became champion in WCW. However, this is easier to defend. He never got a real shot with the title in WWE because he was already in his late 30's by the time he got there and they didn't want to push a WCW main eventer over any of the WWE guys right away. Then once he did establish himself as a legit main eventer they were reluctant to give him the belt because he had always been contemplating retirement.


I call bullshit. Within months of entering the WWE, Booker was feuding with The Rock, the biggest star of that era, aside only from Stone Cold Steve Austin. By the time 2006 rolled around, he should have been a multi-time World Champion. But I guess we'll just blame that on Vince not wanting to push a WCW guy, right?

Tell that to Big Show, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, and Goldberg.

Wow. How long did it take you to come up with that one? That's grade A original shit right there.

Ouch. You really showed me.
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You call increasing your title reigns, being a top member in one of the greatest and most star studded stables in wrestling history, adding to your legacy, and cementing the fact that you're one of the greatest Tag Team wrestlers of all time doing jack shit?

Did you say the MEM was one of the greatest stables ever ? Star studded sure, but greatest. The Four Horseman were great, NWO was great, DX was great. The MEM is basically the Millionaires Club from WCW, but they've been able to last longer. As far as him adding to his legacy, the only titles he has ever "won" in TNA is the tag titles and that's because everyone in the MEM has a title. It hardly added to his legacy.

Nobody benefited from Booker T in the WWE three years ago, why would he matter now. If anything, he'd just be fodder to the younger talent, and Tommy Dreamer, Goldust, Kane, Finlay, The Great Khali, Mark Henry, and Jamie Noble are all doing a better job than Booker would.

So nobody benefited from a guy who was putting on great matches and getting more heel heat then almost anyone in the company. Interesting statement there. As far as your list goes none of those even come close to what Booker could be doing. Jamie Fucking Noble? Really? When was the last time he even had a match?

Who the fuck thinks different? Except me of course. I can see potential in this guy, and he reminds me of The Rock in a way. Hopefully after this guy has his match with Angle, people will see the true potential in him.

Did you really just compare Matt motherfucking Morgan to The Rock? If so your argument just lost any credibility it had.

If Morgan was really an average at best superstar, then why in the orange lizard fuck would TNA, who supposedly only pushes young superstars and are very wary of creating new stars, risk PPV buys by putting this guy in a big match? And this isn't some shitty little PPV we just put on each year to test out new stars, this is the biggest TNA event of the year, and if Morgan was really that horrible, he'd be in some random dark match.

He's a big guy with a good look. If he's able to get over with the fans then he's bankable. TNA needs to try and make new stars and they're giving him a shot. That doesn't change the fact that he's nothing special. He's TNA'S version of Test basically.
So why did he leave WWE?

His promotion got passed up to be WWE's developmental territory, he wasn't happy going back to RAW, and then the Wellness thing happened.
You do realize that Big Show, Mark Henry, MVP, Randy Orton, The Miz, and basically Chris Jericho are on Raw right now? Hell, I wouldn't put him in the main event of Wrestlemania, but Hornswoggle is a bigger asset to the WWE than Booker would be.

You also realize that outside of Hornswoggle and maybe Orton none of those guys are really getting tremendous reactions.

He's an amazing superstar and even a greater ring worker. He has had some memorable feuds and matches, but he has no right to complain about his match placement. If Kurt Angle, undoubtedly one of the greatest in-ring workers and overall superstars of this era, can put over a upper midcarder like Jay Lethal, then Booker T (who is nowhere near the league Kurt Angle is in) should have no room to bitch.

He didn't refuse to lose to Morgan, he just disagreed with the fact that they wanted him to do it on IMPACT. He thought it would be better to do it on a PPV.

I call bullshit. Within months of entering the WWE, Booker was feuding with The Rock, the biggest star of that era, aside only from Stone Cold
Steve Austin. By the time 2006 rolled around, he should have been a multi-time World Champion. But I guess we'll just blame that on Vince not wanting to push a WCW guy, right?

Did you watch the fucking Invasion angle? Of course Booker T would be in big feuds right away, he was the only main eventer from WCW that participated in the angle. Once the angle passed he went down the WWE totem pole.

Tell that to Big Show, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho, and Goldberg.

That's a horrible list. Jericho and Big Show came to the WWE in '99 well the companies were still going head to head. Of course there going to get pushed. And with Jericho it's not like he became an instant main eventer. It took 3 years for him to win the WWE title. With Hogan and Nash, they had already been stars in the WWE before they went to WCW. And Goldberg is Goldberg, of course he was going to get pushed to the moon once they were able to bring him in.
Ouch. You really showed me.

At least you're able to admit defeat.
Booker can be as unhappy as he wants to be, but it doesn’t really matter because TNA is not the ones that need him. For the most part, his run with TNA has been beyond terrible. I can tell that he doesn’t care anymore. He seems uninterested in everything he is doing. And that didn’t begin in TNA. In his last couple of months with the WWE, I saw the same thing. He has been coasting his way through TNA like he did for a few months in the WWE. His matches aren’t bad, but they are nothing to be excited about. And don’t even get me started on how he is on the mic. I think we can all agree that while in TNA, he has been pretty horrible on the mic and I think Xfear made a great comparison when he said that Booker is just a black Ultimate Warrior on the mic.

As far as him going to the WWE, put him on any brand that isn’t Smackdown and I’m a-okay with him returning even though I think it’s doubtful that they want him back. He already has 2 strikes against him if I’m not mistaken and he didn’t leave on the best of terms. I guess they could take him back…to put younger talent over because that’s probably the best thing they could have him do. Hell, they could even put him on ECW where he would probably be a top heel or face. Like I said, I don’t care where they put him if he does return in the future, just as long as it’s not Smackdown.
Did you say the MEM was one of the greatest stables ever ? Star studded sure, but greatest. The Four Horseman were great, NWO was great, DX was great. The MEM is basically the Millionaires Club from WCW, but they've been able to last longer. As far as him adding to his legacy, the only titles he has ever "won" in TNA is the tag titles and that's because everyone in the MEM has a title. It hardly added to his legacy.

If you put DX on that list, then you gotta put The MEM on that list, too. The Main Event Mafia is doing now what the nWo and DX was doing 10-12 years ago. They're putting TNA on the map. Guys like Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe, and Hernandez have all gotten exposure from being against or with the Main Event Mafia. Maybe you'll agree with me in 15 years when Matt Morgan and Hernandez are looked at as multi-time TNA World Champions. And the Tag Team Titles are still a title, and they will still help people remember that Booker was one of the greatest Tag Team wrestlers ever.

So nobody benefited from a guy who was putting on great matches and getting more heel heat then almost anyone in the company. Interesting statement there. As far as your list goes none of those even come close to what Booker could be doing. Jamie Fucking Noble? Really? When was the last time he even had a match?

More heel heat than anyone in the whole company? Really? Edge, Randy Orton, The McMahons (as characters), and The Big Show were in the company at that time. Hopefully you're not saying that Booker draws more heat than those guys did.

Did you really just compare Matt motherfucking Morgan to The Rock? If so your argument just lost any credibility it had.

Did you really just say Booker motherfucking T is better than Edge, Randy Orton, The McMahons, and The Big Show? If so your argument just lost the credibility it never had, so congratulations, you really didn't lose anything.

Matt Morgan is over with the fans, has got a great look, and is incredible on the mic. Sounds familiar?

And who in TNA has these godly mic skills that makes Matt Morgan look like Batista on the mic?

He's a big guy with a good look. If he's able to get over with the fans then he's bankable. TNA needs to try and make new stars and they're giving him a shot. That doesn't change the fact that he's nothing special. He's TNA'S version of Test basically.

Okay. Tell that to Jay Lethal, Daniels, and all the other guys who TNA tried to push into big feuds, but they weren't good enough to keep that spot. Matt Morgan has not only been in one of the biggest storylines in TNA history, but he is in a feud with one of the biggest stars professional wrestling had. Ever since June, Matt Morgan has been able to garner a push, and keep it going, something that very few have been able to do.

His promotion got passed up to be WWE's developmental territory,

If you're talking about ECW, you're sadly mistaken. Booker going to ECW would've most likely brought the brand back up to the momentum it had when it first started, instead of rushing the title onto somebody that obviously wasn't ready for it, John Morrison, they could've put it on Booker and he could've not only added more titles to his legacy, but he could've help create new stars. Instead he went back to TNA to get into a shitty feud with Robert Roode.

he wasn't happy going back to RAW,

Why wouldn't he be happy about going to the biggest and best show in all of professional wrestling?

and then the Wellness thing happened.

It was his fault.

You also realize that outside of Hornswoggle and maybe Orton none of those guys are really getting tremendous reactions.

I'd take someone young and fresh like MVP or The Miz over Booker any day.

He didn't refuse to lose to Morgan, he just disagreed with the fact that they wanted him to do it on IMPACT. He thought it would be better to do it on a PPV.

And after they said no, he should've quit being a bitchy little punk and do the job. He doesn't and shouldn't have the backstage pull to decide whether he wins or loses matches. He's great, but not one of the greats.

Did you watch the fucking Invasion angle? Of course Booker T would be in big feuds right away, he was the only main eventer from WCW that participated in the angle. Once the angle passed he went down the WWE totem pole.

If he's as great as you say he is, then he would've been able to keep that momentum and turn it into World Championship gold. And after that, he's gotten many undeserved chances to shine: the nWo, his Wrestlemania match with Triple H for the World Title, etc. And he still couldn't do it.

That's a horrible list. Jericho and Big Show came to the WWE in '99 well the companies were still going head to head. Of course there going to get pushed. And with Jericho it's not like he became an instant main eventer. It took 3 years for him to win the WWE title. With Hogan and Nash, they had already been stars in the WWE before they went to WCW. And Goldberg is Goldberg, of course he was going to get pushed to the moon once they were able to bring him in.

Jericho and Big Show were still main players in WCW, no matter when they jumped ship. Hogan and Nash almost put Vince out of business. The way Vince fueled his ego with the Invasion angle, he could've most definitely fueled it some more by jobbing out the guys that were very instrumental in the plan to take the WWF out. But no, he didn't do that because Nash and Hogan were deserving of World Titles, unlike Booker T at that time. And the WWE already had a better Goldberg than WCW, and that was Brock Lesnar. If the WWE didn't want to push Goldberg, they wouldn't have had to.

At least you're able to admit defeat.

The fact that you couldn't tell that I was being sarcastic is very sad.
If you put DX on that list, then you gotta put The MEM on that list, too. The Main Event Mafia is doing now what the nWo and DX was doing 10-12 years ago. They're putting TNA on the map. Guys like Matt Morgan, Samoa Joe, and Hernandez have all gotten exposure from being against or with the Main Event Mafia. Maybe you'll agree with me in 15 years when Matt Morgan and Hernandez are looked at as multi-time TNA World Champions. And the Tag Team Titles are still a title, and they will still help people remember that Booker was one of the greatest Tag Team wrestlers ever.

The MEM are nothing like DX and the NWO. Those groups were very influential in the change that pro wrestling had in the late 90's from a family friendly environment to more of an attitude, shock based environment.

More heel heat than anyone in the whole company? Really? Edge, Randy Orton, The McMahons (as characters), and The Big Show were in the company at that time. Hopefully you're not saying that Booker draws more heat than those guys did.

Why is Big Show on that list? He wasn't even in the WWE at the time Booker T was finishing his run there. Even if he was the Big Show never drew as much heat as Booker did when he had the King Booker gimmick. Then we move over to Edge and Orton and they were doing the Rated RKO thing when Booker had his King Booker gimmick and they were drawing a lot of heat but Booker's heat was comparable considering the fact that he was getting it by himself. Anytime you put two great heels together it's a lot easier to draw heat then having one by himself. As far as the McMahons go, no one is ver going to be able to get more heat then them. I was talking more along the lines of actual full time superstars when I made the argument.

Did you really just say Booker motherfucking T is better than Edge, Randy Orton, The McMahons, and The Big Show?

At the time he was doing the King Booker gimmick, yes he was a better heel then those guys.

Matt Morgan is over with the fans, has got a great look, and is incredible on the mic. Sounds familiar?

Once again he isn't that great on the mic, let's get that straight. And he is nothing like the Rock. Morgan is like Test and Nathan Jones when he first debuted in the WWE. The Rock comparison is one of the worst I have ever seen. The only reason he's over with the fans in the first place is because he cost the companies biggest heel the title.
Okay. Tell that to Jay Lethal, Daniels, and all the other guys who TNA tried to push into big feuds, but they weren't good enough to keep that spot. Matt Morgan has not only been in one of the biggest storylines in TNA history, but he is in a feud with one of the biggest stars professional wrestling had. Ever since June, Matt Morgan has been able to garner a push, and keep it going, something that very few have been able to do.

It's a lot easier to push a guy that's 7'0 300 pounds over guys who are cruiserweights. Morgan hasn't proved anything to me yet.
If you're talking about ECW, you're sadly mistaken. Booker going to ECW would've most likely brought the brand back up to the momentum it had when it first started, instead of rushing the title onto somebody that obviously wasn't ready for it, John Morrison, they could've put it on Booker and he could've not only added more titles to his legacy, but he could've help create new stars. Instead he went back to TNA to get into a shitty feud with Robert Roode.

No I'm not talking about ECW dumbass. I'm talking about his PWA promotion. It was going to become WWE's new developmental promotion, but instead it got passed up for FCW. I have no clue where your ECW thing is coming from.

Why wouldn't he be happy about going to the biggest and best show in all of professional wrestling?

On Smackdown he was main eventing. On Raw they were having him job to Triple H.

I'd take someone young and fresh like MVP or The Miz over Booker any day.

I never said I'd rather have a 44 year old Booker T over younger superstars, all I said was that he could still get a bigger reaction.

And after they said no, he should've quit being a bitchy little punk and do the job. He doesn't and shouldn't have the backstage pull to decide whether he wins or loses matches. He's great, but not one of the greats.

Once again he's not the first guy to ever refuse to do a job. It happens all the time. Especially with veteran guys. The difference here is that Booker was trying to help Morgan more by giving him a victory at a ppv. If TNA was so upset about it then why don't they just fire the guy.
If he's as great as you say he is, then he would've been able to keep that momentum and turn it into World Championship gold. And after that, he's gotten many undeserved chances to shine: the nWo, his Wrestlemania match with Triple H for the World Title, etc. And he still couldn't do it.

Booker T was great and very over in the WWE, but he isn't part of the creative team. He isn't Vince Mcmahon. He can't give himself title reigns.

Jericho and Big Show were still main players in WCW, no matter when they jumped ship

Jericho was never a main player in WCW. He was a former cruiserweight champ that turned into a glorified jobber. Big Show was over and he got a quick push in the WWE much like Booker T did. However, after the initial push it took him a few years to get back near the main event level.

Hogan and Nash almost put Vince out of business.

But they didn't. And it's not like Nash did anything in his 2nd WWE run. He won 0 titles. And Hogan was successful but he's Hulk fucking Hogan. The greatest pro wrestler ever. Of course he's going to get pushed.

The way Vince fueled his ego with the Invasion angle, he could've most definitely fueled it some more by jobbing out the guys that were very instrumental in the plan to take the WWF out. But no, he didn't do that because Nash and Hogan were deserving of World Titles, unlike Booker T at that time.

Once again Nash never won the world title in his second WWE run. Get your facts straight. And you're right about Hogan deserving a title run more then Booker T. I mean Booker must really suck if they'd rather put the title on the greatest professional wrestler ever over him :rolleyes:

And the WWE already had a better Goldberg than WCW, and that was Brock Lesnar. If the WWE didn't want to push Goldberg, they wouldn't have had to.

They were on two separate brands. And Goldberg wasn't there for that long. He never had a chance to get buried after his initial push like Booker T, Scott Steiner, and the Big Show were.
The fact that you couldn't tell that I was being sarcastic is very sad.

I know sarcasm, obviously you are the one who doesn't.
lol, WWE can have booker T. IMO,TNA is better of without him, everytime I see Booker on TNA, I change the channel, he's nothing but washed up has-been and brings absolutily nothing to the table, he hasn't helped the ratings, i'm sick and tired of his stupid accents, and i'm tired of us lame matches, GOOD RIDENCE. Now I can finally watch TNA in peace

Booker can be WWE's headace now, once WWE sees what Booker is all about, he'll get fired from there also

Lets face it, Booker should not be wrestling, he should retire already, getting him is not a good thing, it's a bad thing. Put him on ECW and send Christian to Smackdown, good luck WWE
Booker T is nuts and hasn't really been doing much of anything in TNA recently other than yelling at random people and doing nothing at all with the title reigns. There is no reason for him to be in TNA anymore really, he's declining quite steadily at this point.

Hopefully they'll drop the titles at BFG in whatever the hell that match is and Booker will be on his merry way. He may think he's be accepted back by the WWE, but I'm not so sure. He's not as great as he thinks he is. I think Big Sexy said only Cena and DX would get reactions as big as him on Raw, I lauged real hard.

Also, you mentioned Jarrett in the OP, of course he's angry. He got kicked out of his own company even though he didn't do anything wrong, you'd be angry too
If you put DX on that list, then you gotta put The MEM on that list, too. The Main Event Mafia is doing now what the nWo and DX was doing 10-12 years ago.

When did NWO or DX do 1.3 ratings? The MEM is not NWO 2009, it's the Old Age Outlaws 2009 plus Kurt Angle.

And who in TNA has these godly mic skills that makes Matt Morgan look like Batista on the mic?

ACtually, Matt Morgan as TNA's Batista is a really good comparison. They have the same pluses and minuses. Points for you, JKO.

Booker going to ECW would've most likely brought the brand back up to the momentum it had when it first started,

Umm, ECW when it started was the rebirth of the most revolutionary wrestling promotion of the 1990s, the incubator of the Attitude Era. Their roster had Kurt Angle, RVD and Big Show, plus Sabu. One year later, that was all gone except maybe Big Show, ratings had declined from a 1.88 average for 2006 to a 1.47 the next year and sinking fast to Impact levels as ECW was repurposed as WWE Upper Developmental. But Booker to ECW would have fixed all that. Sure.
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