Jeff Hardy Done or Injured?

im guessing something happend with him, a friend, girlfriend, or family member, and i doubt WWE will fire him for missing the show, especially since he draws a lot, is wayy over with the crowd, and with WWE having so many injuries latley, unless its because he really did go back to drugs, wich i hope isnt true

If it was a family emergency, surley WZ would have reported that Matt Hardy will be missing the SD/ECW tapings tonight?
how does anybody knows maybe jeff miss his flight?
i agree they need to do somthing with randy orton he is going do cost the wwe all there top stars he is takeing out to many of there stars with kicks to the head ? he thinks he can do what he wants because he daddy is a hall of famer for the wwe
If it was a family emergency, surley WZ would have reported that Matt Hardy will be missing the SD/ECW tapings tonight?
Matt Could have flown in to do the tapings and flown back to attend to the family emergencyin my opinion there is a reasonable explanation cause i personally ,after reading a post on jeffs official website, doubt he is back on drugs.
This whole situation is weird. Jeff was so good in GAB and on the match on RAW against Kennedy (despite the terrible looking botch). Why would he suddenly loose interest? If he's been out of drugs for at least a year, why fall now? I don't know. I really hope he had a good reason, because I'm going to miss him in the ring if he's fired.

I guess I'll wait for the confirmation on things, before I say anything.
The wrestling gods have shined down upon us today and I would like to sit here and bask in the miracle they have bestowed upon us......

Now with that said, I'm sure you can tell I'm not a Jeff Hardy fan. I never have been and never will be. I mean he has been nothing more than a glorfied high flyong backyard wrestler in his stints in WWE. He can't cut a promo worth shit, he really can't wrestle all that well and all he has ever done is hope around the ring like a damn acrobat. So here's to you Jeff Hardy been to the big time and fucked up twice. You are a real man of genuis.
Hahaha holy shit I couldn't be happier right now, this is great. Nothing beats coming home from a long day of work, pulling up this webpage and seeing Jeff Hardy on the shit list. what a no talent hack that has been living off of good matches from seven years ago.

What in the hell has Jeff Hardy done for the wrestling business the last five years, probably about as much as me, and that is nothing. He sucks. He's a spot monkey that works shit matches and is only good at occasionally working a ladder match, that's it. I hope he fell of the horse again, and hopefully the horse drags him to the land of no return.

Good riddance you track mark hiding, kool-aid hair wearing worthless spot monkey
how does anybody knows maybe jeff miss his flight?
i agree they need to do somthing with randy orton he is going do cost the wwe all there top stars he is takeing out to many of there stars with kicks to the head ? he thinks he can do what he wants because he daddy is a hall of famer for the wwe

Lil homie, you do realize that all that is a work, right? That's all part of his Legend Killer Gimmick. Randy needs to be in trouble for pitching hissy fits like a girl, and trying to live like a rock star. Even if Jeff missed his flight, I'm sure they have protocol for unforseen events, like calling in to let somebody know. Maybe I get into a auto accident (i hope not). I still need to call in to work. Seems like smarks always hate the guys getting a push, no matter what. (minus guererro)
.What in the hell has Jeff Hardy done for the wrestling business the last five years, probably about as much as me, and that is nothing. He sucks. He's a spot monkey that works shit matches and is only good at occasionally working a ladder match, that's it. I hope he fell of the horse again, and hopefully the horse drags him to the land of no return.

Dude ive been watching wrestling for damn near 22 years and there are people talking on this site like they dont care about what happens to wrestling these days if your a true fan of wrestling entertainment you would appreciate what these people do and not talk shit about what they do. The only reason you have not done anything for the wrestling world is that you dont have what it takes.So leave the judging to the people who have actually done something for Wrestling. And if you didnt notice, When Jeff Hardy Returned The ratings went up till the Benoit tragedy happened and now everyone thinks they know everything about drugs and how wrestling is just a drug addict wrestling company. For Those people if you sit down and watch the superstars wrestle you would notice theres more wrestling in the matches than you notice. So until you give a shit about wrestling Keep your stupid-ass fucking remarks to yourself And wait til the CONFIRMED INFORMATION is told.
Before we can judge we should just hope Jeff is okay. And nothing tragic has happened. Once we know he is okay, and what his reason for not showing up was then we should comment. As for his talent, I agree with ya'll. But let's just hope he's okay before we judge, we don't even know the facts or have any for that matter other than he's gone and now Umaga is a babyface.
well true, if it was a family emergency Matt would have missed SD, but wasnt this after the tapings?

anyways there are still hundreds of things that could have happend, why does every1 jump to drug problems? it seems hes doing quite well without them....
Dude ive been watching wrestling for damn near 22 years and there are people talking on this site like they dont care about what happens to wrestling these days if your a true fan of wrestling entertainment you would appreciate what these people do and not talk shit about what they do. The only reason you have not done anything for the wrestling world is that you dont have what it takes.So leave the judging to the people who have actually done something for Wrestling. And if you didnt notice, When Jeff Hardy Returned The ratings went up till the Benoit tragedy happened and now everyone thinks they know everything about drugs and how wrestling is just a drug addict wrestling company. For Those people if you sit down and watch the superstars wrestle you would notice theres more wrestling in the matches than you notice. So until you give a shit about wrestling Keep your stupid-ass fucking remarks to yourself And wait til the CONFIRMED INFORMATION to be told.

Haha, that's hilarious, Jeff Hardy = Ratings, Seriously, reality check. Jeff Hardy is a life time mid-carder and means absolute zero to the ratings of Raw week in and week out.

The fact of the matter is this, I don't have to wait until said information is confirmed, because Jeff Hardy has a history of pulling shit like this, kinda similar to Shawn Michaels losing his smile or Austin taking his ball and going home, they don't have what it takes at that moment. Except, Michaels and Austin draw ratings and are welcomed back Jeff Hardy is a mid-carder.

Don't throw wasteful rants in my direction, I am a lifetime fan of the business myself and have seen clown after clown come into the business. And the reason I don't have what it takes is because my 6'4 240 pound body enjoys being able to walk and be mobile with step children, and somehow taking psuedo-steel chair shots and falling on tacks, and wrestling 300 days a year doesn't sound very appealing to me.

Jeff Hardy fucked up, plain and simple. The WWE did a favor to Matt by bringing Jeff back, and in around a years time, he already re-committed the cardinal sin of professional wrestling, and that is no showing a live broadcast, especially when you are in the middle of a program for a title. No excuse, except his car broke down in the middle of the desert and had no cell phone reception is warranted in this situation. Jeff Hardy has zero respect for the business, and the WWE should show the same respect to him in kind by firing his ungrateful ass yet again.

You can call me out, but come stronger then that.
Well jeff seemed to be getting another ic push and his wrestling is way better than it was before he was canned because of drug abuse several years back.

This does however make me wonder.?.?.. he came off a huge win v mr.kennedy last week then pops up in the main event to attack umaga in what appeared to be a feud starter then poof hes gone.Lord knows what happend but im almost sure he wasnt given the night off this is typical jeff hardy,wwe does everyhting they can to spotlight him the crowd loves him and it seems jeff hardy could care less
there is a new report that wwe sent him home last night, so who knows what this is about. maybe he was having pain in his neck from the botched whisper in the wind last week and they didnt want to risk further injury with so many top stars being injured.
Well jeff seemed to be getting another ic push and his wrestling is way better than it was before he was canned because of drug abuse several years back.

This does however make me wonder.?.?.. he came off a huge win v mr.kennedy last week then pops up in the main event to attack umaga in what appeared to be a feud starter then poof hes gone.Lord knows what happend but im almost sure he wasnt given the night off this is typical jeff hardy,wwe does everyhting they can to spotlight him the crowd loves him and it seems jeff hardy could care less

What do you mean he couldn't care less? He said himself that he appreciates all the pushes WWE has given him. And i'm pretty sure he didn't brreak his neck, and if they take out Jeff Hardy they will be loosing a lot of ratings!
What do you mean he couldn't care less? He said himself that he appreciates all the pushes WWE has given him. And i'm pretty sure he didn't brreak his neck, and if they take out Jeff Hardy they will be loosing a lot of ratings!

Jeff Hardy is not a big enough superstar to cause the wwe to lose or gain ratings. If they do fire him, i highly doubt that he will put any dent in the ratings.
The WWE won't be on the air much longer? How long have you watched the WWE?
There have been worse times.. and better times. The WWE isn't dominating every other wrestling brand as they always do, but the company will bounce back.
Losing Jeff Hardy as a performer.. Who cares? Firing him IF he did fail a drug test? I think this could be the best move the WWE could make right now. It would show that the company IS cracking down on the wrestlers.
Last night, Jeff Hardy was sent home by WWE. The reason at this time is not known. Original reports from earlier today indicated that he was a no show. His program with Umaga has been dropped and it seems that Umaga will now be a face character

We will update you as more information becomes available.

Just to make it official and keep everyone up to date with everything.

So probably one of two things, Drugs, which I hope it isn't, but you never know nowadays.

Or Two, Hardy is injured worse then people thought it was, and the WWE is doing a good thing with keeping him off of TV.

Well, I guess three, Hardy for some reason had a blow up and pissed someone off and was shown the door.

In all seriousness about Jeff Hardy or what not, I may not like him in the ring, but if it's 1 or 2, I hope the best for him, especially if it's number 2. If it is a neck injury, all bullshitting on here aside, you want to see the best. I still don't like him in the ring,b ut personal welfare is more important than anything, more to come...
they should get rid of randy orton ? if jeff did fail a drug test how come they have not did anything to randy when he failed three drugs tests are they leting him geting away with it because who is daddy is? i think they do more about the drug problems in wrestling and any other pro sports and maybe things like what happen with chris benoit and his family will not happen again
also why do you think randy got release from the army because if wwe keeps randy orton and lets jeff hardy go for this i will stop watching monday night war
I agree if it is the neck injury I wish the best for Jeff even if I don't care for him in the ring. I wouldn't doubt it if it isnt a neck injury he took one hell of a bump last week. But if he was wrestling at house shows this past week then that may not be the case but I don't know that he was.

I hope we don't have another Orton here. Getting pissed and throwing some fit if so I'd bury him and take a bite out of his paycheck.

Drugs I doubt it unless he failed some kind of test. If it is then hell yeah WWE should get rid of him. They have enough problems with drugs in the business anyways. I guess we will wait and see
I hope Jeff Hardy didn't get ahold to drugs again. If thats the case, then say bye bye to his wrestling career. I don't think TNA or WWE are going to risk having him in either company with all the heat Pro Wrestling is getting for drug abuse. I didn't see the bump he took last week but from what I've read it must of been pretty serious. If his neck is seriously injured than the wwe is doing the right thing and that's keeping him out of action.
Thanks for the update Shockmaster.

I'm a big hardy fan and I'll admit he is not a great wrestler but he is better than quite a few guys, khali and batista to name a few, he is still a good wrestler if he wasn't would he be at even the midcard level, no, he would be jobbing to everyone.

As I watched RAW this week it seemed to be duller and the crowd seemed to be less into it. For everyone who says he doesn't draw ratings he is always getting some of the biggest pops, next to Cena unfortunatly. He draws ratings not as much as main eventers but he still draws ratings.

I hope he was sent home, though its kind of mean to say with a neck injury not drugs or anything else, and not no showing again. If he did no show he won't be fired he'll get moved maybe to ECW and they'll make an example by saying no ones safe from getting bumped down to the lowest level possible. But then again the WWE could be stupid and send him right back to TNA and maybe if he does TNA will use him properly this time instead of giving him many shots at their title but never giving it to him even though he was probably one of the biggest main stream names they had.
from the results i just read on wrestlingobserver, he wasnt at either of the house shows over the weekend. so it may be something with his neck
There must be some logical explanation, otherwise it would of been posted on i hope it is from where he injured his neck on the botched whisper in the wind. Mind you if it was anything to do with drugs they need to set an example whether that means firing him or make him job all the time. until more evidence comes
Not happy Jeff
Ehhh mabey he's trying to get fired if you recall Sabu started to forget his gear no showed i belieave a few times untill they got fed up and fired him if i remember correctly
I will miss Jeff Hardy because he does put on a good match when its not so predictable. his match against Umaga was great at the GAB. and he has given WWE a lot of classic moments. if its a drug test failure i think WWE would just fire him with all the heat the WWE have on drug abuse through the Benoit tragedy. if its a neck injury then i think he'll have a squash match against Kennedy or snitsky ( oh god i hope not) next week on raw. if he does go because of drugs i dont think TNA would take him in for a while. if he's gone i hope it dosent end Matts push because Matt is the more talented of the two.

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