Jeff Hardy a Hall Of Famer ???


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'll start by saying that I'm not a big Jeff Hardy fan but I can't deny what he has accomplished. The man is a 3x World Champion, 7x Tag Team Champion and a 4x IC Champion. He is part of one of the most accomplished and famous tag teams. With that said do you think that we will see him in the HOF having in mind his drug problems? Or maybe he will enter the HOF together with Matt as a tag team?
Seeing as how the man can barely walk, much less bump without visible pain at this point in life, he should go into the Hall of Fame based on his physical contributions alone. He was one half of one of the most iconic tag teams in history, broke the proverbial glass ceiling and became a world champion multiple times, and has damn near broken his body for the business. Legal and drug related problems aside, Jeff Hardy definitely deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. Matt always had a good mind for the business, and one going into the Hall of Fame wouldn't seem right without the other.

If Bret Hart can become a Hall of Famer, then just about anybody can.
Well yeah he is and if you disagree you're a moron.

Jeff Hardy has had a Hall Of Fame career for a while. He's been one half of one of the most iconic tag teams of the past twenty years, and he's one of the most popular single stars of the past ten. He's put on several memorable matches and crazy stunts and he's held every single title the WWE has ever had bar two (US and ECW)

So yeah Jeff Hardy has had a Hall Of Fame career. Even if you dislike him for whatever reason, the stats talk for themselves.
He's also in company with Jake "the Snake" Roberts as the only men to ever single-handedly destroy a pay per view. (Heroes of Wrestling, for the younguns here, it's the worst two hours of professional wrestling you'll ever see; even worse than a CZW show.)

People clamor for Pete Rose to be in the Hall of Fame, because he was the greatest hitter that's ever played professional baseball. But he won't ever get in, because he brought disgrace to the game. It's a damned good thing almost no one buys TNA PPV's, because then we'd be faced with the incredulous situation of people buying a PPV sold by a guy who has very visibly demonstrated how little of a fuck he gives about them, their money, and their support.

But, you know, run a feel good "he's changed" storyline, and keep selling those t-shirts. I'm a huge believer in redemption and rehabilitation, but I'm also a believer that neither comes easily, and Jeff Hardy didn't do nearly enough time in the desert.
I don't have a problem with Matt and Jeff going into the HOF as a tag team but Jeff should not go in, as an individual wrestler, IMO.

Looking at it from the singles perspective he's a 3 time WWE/World champ and 7 time IC champ. That's good but not HOF worthy, IMO. He needed to win the WWE or World title a couple more times for me to even consider him for the HOF as a singles wrestler.

As a tag team wrestler, no question, the Hardy Boyz should be in.

For a good comparison, look at a guy like Edge. Edge was first best known as a tag team wrestler. He then evolved to a HOF caliber talent as a singles wrestler. Won the WWE title 4 times, world title 7 times. That already blows Hardy out of the water. Not to mention the US title, IC title 5 times, won royal rumble, won king of the ring. Won MITB. That's an example of a former tag team wrestler that is a HOF for his body of work as both a singles and tag team wrestler. Hardy is only HOF worthy as a tag teamer.
I don't have a problem with Matt and Jeff going into the HOF as a tag team but Jeff should not go in, as an individual wrestler, IMO.

Looking at it from the singles perspective he's a 3 time WWE/World champ and 7 time IC champ. That's good but not HOF worthy, IMO. He needed to win the WWE or World title a couple more times for me to even consider him for the HOF as a singles wrestler.

As a tag team wrestler, no question, the Hardy Boyz should be in.

For a good comparison, look at a guy like Edge. Edge was first best known as a tag team wrestler. He then evolved to a HOF caliber talent as a singles wrestler. Won the WWE title 4 times, world title 7 times. That already blows Hardy out of the water. Not to mention the US title, IC title 5 times, won royal rumble, won king of the ring. Won MITB. That's an example of a former tag team wrestler that is a HOF for his body of work as both a singles and tag team wrestler. Hardy is only HOF worthy as a tag teamer.

How many of Edge's world title reigns were memorable, about three max. When he won the WWE title from Cena when he cashed in MITB, Again when he cashed in on Undertaker and probably one more. Edge's world title reigns weren't particularly memorable for the most part and he had a lot, which tells you something there (and I like Edge) Hardy's reigns also may not be as memorable but he had interesting fueds around them (somewhat). If Edge can be a Hall Of Famer Jeff Hardy deserves to as well. They pretty much have identical careers. Great tag team wrestlers, really good single wrestlers with lots of championships and memorable fueds.

He's also in company with Jake "the Snake" Roberts as the only men to ever single-handedly destroy a pay per view. (Heroes of Wrestling, for the younguns here, it's the worst two hours of professional wrestling you'll ever see; even worse than a CZW show.)

Don't people say Jake Roberts has a Hall Of Fame worthy career and should be inducted (I am a young 'un so I wasn't around for it)

But, you know, run a feel good "he's changed" storyline, and keep selling those t-shirts. I'm a huge believer in redemption and rehabilitation, but I'm also a believer that neither comes easily, and Jeff Hardy didn't do nearly enough time in the desert.

I agree with you however you sound like Jeff has to move mountains for you to believe he's turned his life around. I mean people gave Shawn Michaels another chance and he changed.
How many of Edge's world title reigns were memorable, about three max. When he won the WWE title from Cena when he cashed in MITB, Again when he cashed in on Undertaker and probably one more. Edge's world title reigns weren't particularly memorable for the most part and he had a lot, which tells you something there (and I like Edge) Hardy's reigns also may not be as memorable but he had interesting fueds around them (somewhat). If Edge can be a Hall Of Famer Jeff Hardy deserves to as well. They pretty much have identical careers. Great tag team wrestlers, really good single wrestlers with lots of championships and memorable fueds.

Aside from how "good" or memorable the feuds were (which people can argue both ways), Edge was over as a singles wrestler a LOT longer than Hardy and even main evented Wrestlemania several times. How many times did Jeff Hardy main event Wrestlemania? Edge also won King of the Ring (for what that's worth), MITB, and the Royal Rumble.

I don't want this thread to turn into Jeff Hardy vs. Edge, I just threw Edge out there as an example of a tag team wrestler that deserves to go in as a singles wrestler.

Looking at their resumes, it's hard to compare their singles work and say it's comparable. It's not.
Aside from how "good" or memorable the feuds were (which people can argue both ways), Edge was over as a singles wrestler a LOT longer than Hardy and even main evented Wrestlemania several times. How many times did Jeff Hardy main event Wrestlemania? Edge also won King of the Ring (for what that's worth), MITB, and the Royal Rumble.

I don't want this thread to turn into Jeff Hardy vs. Edge, I just threw Edge out there as an example of a tag team wrestler that deserves to go in as a singles wrestler.

Looking at their resumes, it's hard to compare their singles work and say it's comparable. It's not.

All I'm saying is if Edge deserves to go in on his singles career, so does Jeff Hardy, because they've pratically had the same career. Tag team wrestlers, broke off stayed in the midcard for a while, eventually elevated to main event status. Won championships across their career as well as memorable fueds.
All I'm saying is if Edge deserves to go in on his singles career, so does Jeff Hardy, because they've pratically had the same career. Tag team wrestlers, broke off stayed in the midcard for a while, eventually elevated to main event status. Won championships across their career as well as memorable fueds.

So has Sid Vicious. Want to put him in there, too?

Jeff Hardy is NOT a Hall of Famer. He's been more of a detriment to wrestling than someone who's had positive influence or matches. He's known for getting over not by his wrestling skill, but by hurting himself in creative ways. That doesn't spell talent to me. You have to have numerous parts to be a HoF'er and Hardy has one, maybe two parts at the most. Not enough to warrant HoF consideration.
So has Sid Vicious. Want to put him in there, too?

Jeff Hardy is NOT a Hall of Famer. He's been more of a detriment to wrestling than someone who's had positive influence or matches. He's known for getting over not by his wrestling skill, but by hurting himself in creative ways. That doesn't spell talent to me. You have to have numerous parts to be a HoF'er and Hardy has one, maybe two parts at the most. Not enough to warrant HoF consideration.

His personal struggles in the grand scheme of things are moot. Scott Hall is still an alcoholic and people say he's had a Hall Of Fame career. Shawn Michaels had similar problems in the 90s but turned it around and shows people can change.

As to whether Hardy deserves a HoF consideration. Popular with fans, multiple title reigns and memorable fueds aren't good enough for you then what is??

Look I understand some people don't like him, (like people who dislike Cena, Triple H etc) but you have to look at it from a neutral standpoint (hard for a lot of people I know) and realise what he's done is worthy of being in the Hall Of Fame
I believe that the Hardy Boyz as a tag team are hall-of-famers. I do not believe Jeff Hardy on his own merits is a hall-of-famer. His singles run was troubled in WWE, and though he was popular for a spell I don't believe he is a hall-of-famer.

The team, on the other hand, main evented some of the greatest tag team matches in the history of wrestling and were part of the last great generation of tag teams, along with the Dudleyz, E&C, APA.
I'd have to say no also.

When I look back at Jeff Hardy's career, too many "what if?" questions pop up. He had a GREAT feud with CM Punk in 2009, and their TLC match from Summerslam '09 was just superb. Same thing can be said about the cage match on the following Smackdown. But Jeff Hardy took a brief break from wrestling. Jeff was on top of the world in WWE '09. Shit, the stretcher match with his dead weight brother on Smackdown was fun to watch. Jeff Hardy could've risen to unprecedented levels of super-stardom, but we'll never know, because he left.

He goes to TNA. Has a shocking heel turn at BFG, but we all remember what happened at Victory Road. Maybe if Jeff had more time develop his character, he could've transformed into a better heel, but we'll never know.

I'm happy to see Jeff on the right track now, and I hope he can stay clean this time. But when it comes to any hall of fame considerations, Jeff Hardy has too many question marks (mainly what ifs) for me. You might not like them as people in real life, but there's no denying Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair's accolades.

Mind you, this is coming from a guy, who has a poster of Jeff Hardy on the door to his room, and I praise Jeff Hardy's My Life My Rules DVD set as one the best wrestling DVD sets ever, especially the match selection.
His personal struggles in the grand scheme of things are moot. Scott Hall is still an alcoholic and people say he's had a Hall Of Fame career. Shawn Michaels had similar problems in the 90s but turned it around and shows people can change.

Scott Hall was world's better than Jeff in the ring. Same goes for HBK. It's a neutral stance, as well. I don't like Jeff personally, but there's plenty of cases for Jeff not to go into a Hof.

As to whether Hardy deserves a HoF consideration. Popular with fans, multiple title reigns and memorable fueds aren't good enough for you then what is??

His feuds with Edge and Punk aren't memorable. Neither are his title reigns. His title reigns didn't do anything for business and didn't draw significant buyrates and ratings for PPV's he's headlined. He didn't make anyone better in the ring and his most memorable moments are moments where he made a fool of himself. I remember Jeff for his 'main event' against Sting. That's not grounds for the Hof. Neither is selling merchandise. As I've mentioned, there's several parts to the equation of being a Hof'er, and Jeff meets one or two things at the most.

Look I understand some people don't like him, (like people who dislike Cena, Triple H etc) but you have to look at it from a neutral standpoint (hard for a lot of people I know) and realise what he's done is worthy of being in the Hall Of Fame

I can't stand HHH or John Cena. But they're Hall of Famers. Period. Cena's carried the WWE for nearly 8 years. HHH developed into an iconic character who busted his ass in the ring and used old school heel tactics to draw money. He also was a part of one the most influential factions in wrestling history. Jeff Hardy was in a good tag team. And it's a debate whether Matt and Jeff as a Tag Team would get HoF consideration.

Jeff's body of work's not enough for consideration and to me, doesn't warrant a vote for the HoF.
Scott Hall was world's better than Jeff in the ring. Same goes for HBK. It's a neutral stance, as well. I don't like Jeff personally, but there's plenty of cases for Jeff not to go into a Hof.

So his personal problems mean nothing on his career, glad we're in agreement.

His feuds with Edge and Punk aren't memorable. Neither are his title reigns. His title reigns didn't do anything for business and didn't draw significant buyrates and ratings for PPV's he's headlined. He didn't make anyone better in the ring and his most memorable moments are moments where he made a fool of himself. I remember Jeff for his 'main event' against Sting. That's not grounds for the Hof. Neither is selling merchandise. As I've mentioned, there's several parts to the equation of being a Hof'er, and Jeff meets one or two things at the most.

His title reigns may not be memorable (to you), but him winning the titles certainly were. While Jeff Hardy is certainly a better chaser of a title than he is a carrier, people certainly remember his winning of his championships.

His fueds with Edge were good because they have chemistry dating back to their tag team days. You knew you'd get good matches out of them. As for saying his fued with Punk wasn't memorable, are you mad. Some would say Punk's fued with Jeff Hardy is his second best fued (after Cena) if not his best. They main evented Summerslam and were the talk of Summer 09. His fued with Triple H about respect was good as was his fued with Randy Orton at the start of 08. Not to mention all the ones he was in as a tag team.

I can't stand HHH or John Cena. But they're Hall of Famers. Period. Cena's carried the WWE for nearly 8 years. HHH developed into an iconic character who busted his ass in the ring and used old school heel tactics to draw money. He also was a part of one the most influential factions in wrestling history. Jeff Hardy was in a good tag team. And it's a debate whether Matt and Jeff as a Tag Team would get HoF consideration.

The Hardys were one of the best tag teams of the Attitude Era and one can argue of all time.

So Jeff Hardy's weird character is not unique or interesting and his never say die attitude is not admirable. You may not like it but is in ring style is also fairly unique and people have cited it as an influence.

Jeff's body of work's not enough for consideration and to me, doesn't warrant a vote for the HoF.

Again what is it about his body of work that isn't enough. He's done pretty much everything and won pretty much every belt, what more would he have to do to warrant a HoF consideration to you??
Of course Jeff Hardy is a future Hall of Famer.

Hardy has been one of the most successful WWE careers of all time, both as a tag-team and a singles wrestler. He has held pretty much everything possible in his time in WWE.

By my reckoning, he has won:

World Heavyweight Title x2
WWE Title x1
Intercontinental Title x4
European Title x1
Hardcore Title x3
Light Heavyweight Title x1
Tag Team Title 6x
WCW Tag Team Title 1x (during the WCW "Invasion").

There are very few wrestlers who even come close to the level of success Hardy has seen during his career, and the man has been incredibly over with the fans throughout his ENTIRE career, even with his personal issues. Yeah, maybe he never quite made it as the "next Shawn Michaels" as he was touted, but he has been a MAJOR part in some of the greatest Tag-Team matches in the history of the business which helped revolutionise tag-team wrestling.

Jeff has always been incredibly popular with the fans, they see him as a real human with faults, not a superhero like a Hogan or a Cena and they can relate to him. Just look at the reaction he received when he finally won the WWE Title, people were really genuinely happy for the guy, they want to see see him succeed.

With his impact of tag-team wrestling, his popularity and the fact he is still a massive merchandise seller, I really think Vince will put Jeff in the HOF when he retires, whether he eventually ends up back in WWE or calls it a day in TNA. I would expect the Hardyz to go in as a tag-team but if Jeff was also to be added on his own I would be ok with that. Jeff Hardy made WWE alot of money, and knowing Vince's love of the almightty dollar, he will see $$$ in putting the Charismatic Enigma into the HOF, if Jeff remains clean and sober.
Of course Jeff Hardy is a future Hall of Famer.

Hardy has been one of the most successful WWE careers of all time, both as a tag-team and a singles wrestler. He has held pretty much everything possible in his time in WWE.

By my reckoning, he has won:

World Heavyweight Title x2
WWE Title x1
Intercontinental Title x4
European Title x1
Hardcore Title x3
Light Heavyweight Title x1
Tag Team Title 6x
WCW Tag Team Title 1x (during the WCW "Invasion").

There are very few wrestlers who even come close to the level of success Hardy has seen during his career

Um, I'm sorry but those accolades aren't that great.

Hardcore title is a joke. So is light heavyweight title, so is European. He never won the Rumble, never won king of the ring, never won MITB. Did he ever MAIN EVENT Wrestlemania?

Won the world title twice and the WWE title once? What's the big deal? That's nothing in the scheme of things.

He and Matt should go in as Tag team wrestlers but Jeff's singles career was run of the mill, IMO.
So his personal problems mean nothing on his career, glad we're in agreement.

Because Hall's problems happened on the downturn of his career. Jeff's problems happened while at his PEAK, which diminishes overall credibility and performance.

His title reigns may not be memorable (to you), but him winning the titles certainly were. While Jeff Hardy is certainly a better chaser of a title than he is a carrier, people certainly remember his winning of his championships.

I can't speak for every fan, but I'll say that I can't remember the times Jeff won a major title. He was a transitional champion at best and was a great chaser after the belt. But chasing after gold and being known as a spot monkey doesn't warrant HoF consideration.

His fueds with Edge were good because they have chemistry dating back to their tag team days. You knew you'd get good matches out of them. As for saying his fued with Punk wasn't memorable, are you mad. Some would say Punk's fued with Jeff Hardy is his second best fued (after Cena) if not his best. They main evented Summerslam and were the talk of Summer 09. His fued with Triple H about respect was good as was his fued with Randy Orton at the start of 08. Not to mention all the ones he was in as a tag team.

Edge and Punk are the only two rivalries I remember from Jeff. He blended in and didn't contribute to buyrates, ratings, merchandise sales and other criteria that helps a wrestling company. His mark on the WWE as a single's wrestlers is minimal at best. Him and Matt were great as the Hardy Boyz tag team, but as a single's wrestler, Jeff doesn't have what it takes to be in a HoF.

The Hardys were one of the best tag teams of the Attitude Era and one can argue of all time.

Attitude Era? Maybe. Of ALL TIME?! Road Warriors, Midnight Express, Rock N Roll Express, Hart Foundation, Demolition, Mega Powers, NAO, Rated RKO, Team Hell No, Brainbusters, Hansen and Brody, Lawler and Dundee, and the Fabulous Freebirds would have a problem with that. So would the team of Doom, The British Bulldogs, The US Express, the Heavenly Bodies, and the Quebecers.

So Jeff Hardy's weird character is not unique or interesting and his never say die attitude is not admirable. You may not like it but is in ring style is also fairly unique and people have cited it as an influence.

A BAD influence. Big difference. There's positive impact and negative impact. Jeff has been a detriment to the business far more than he's been a contributor.

Again what is it about his body of work that isn't enough. He's done pretty much everything and won pretty much every belt, what more would he have to do to warrant a HoF consideration to you??

Draw money, headline a Wrestlemania, steal the show at WM... as a single's competitor. I can go on. But the argument's moot. Just because I like Teddy Hart, doesn't make him a HoF'er. Same goes for Jeff Hardy.
Yes. The championships he has won makes him deserved of a place. The real shame is due to his problems outside of the ring he had to leave. Just before he got into a real mess he was at the top of the company. It was crazy how well he was doing and it could have made him into an all time great.

A few years ago did WWE not post a poll where the greatest 'Mania moment of all time was in the triple threat ladders match thanks to Jeff Hardy. Not only the incredible matches and spots but being a great all round competitor. He started in a tag-team; worked hard and got into the mid-card before getting the big one. Completely deserves it.
First it should be said that I despise Jeff Hardy and find the majority of his singles career to be unwatchable. People often criticize other workers for having a limited move-set, but will overlook Hardy because he occasionally throws in a ridiculous spot monkey dive... If you're one of those people that believes Jeff Hardy should be in the Hall of Fame because he dives off of shit then I say Nick Mondo should also be in the Hall of Fame.

Winning a world title(s) doesn't make you a Hall of Famer... If that was the case the Hall of Fame would be filled to the brim with garbage. I can't even remember much about Hardy's title reigns in WWE, other than his feud with Punk... That's how uneventful he was. He's had the same boring moves that he's somehow become sloppier at executing over the years... and do I even need to mention how embarrassing his match with Sting was where he was so doped out he couldn't even work? That shit was on pay per view and people aren't going to forget that.

Hardy Boyz being inducted together I wouldn't be so opposed, but just Jeff on his own is laughable at best.
Of course he's a Hall of Famer. He helped revolutionize tag team wrestling and rivaled Cena in terms of being over for almost a two-year period. In what world doesn't he get in to the WWE Hall of Fame?

If Lariat says that Hardy is over because of hurting himself in different ways, then he must have a problem with Foley.
If Lariat says that Hardy is over because of hurting himself in different ways, then he must have a problem with Foley.

Foley is a Hall of Famer for more than just falling and hurting himself. Foley has a ridiculous ability to be able to tell a story on the microphone and inside the ring. He always had good work rate, especially BEFORE he started jumping off of shit and hurting himself.

Hardy on the other hand is complete and utter shit on the microphone and doesn't know how to tell a story in the ring unless he's being carried by a better performer than him IE: CM Punk, Austin Aries.

The tag team stuff speaks for itself which is why hardly anyone is debating that he deserves to go in as a tag team with his brother. But I would venture to say that they could have put just about any other tag team with some balls in those TLC matches with the Dudleys and E&C and the results wouldn't have been much different.
Foley is a Hall of Famer for more than just falling and hurting himself. Foley has a ridiculous ability to be able to tell a story on the microphone and inside the ring. He always had good work rate, especially BEFORE he started jumping off of shit and hurting himself.

When someone says Mick Foley the first thing that comes to anyone's mind is batshit insane spots. Yes Foley is good on the mic but no one remembers any of his promos above the spots he did.

Hardy on the other hand is complete and utter shit on the microphone and doesn't know how to tell a story in the ring unless he's being carried by a better performer than him IE: CM Punk, Austin Aries.

Yes he does, he can have a decent match with most people. Mr Anderson isn't the greatest wrestler ever and they had some pretty good matches.

The tag team stuff speaks for itself which is why hardly anyone is debating that he deserves to go in as a tag team with his brother. But I would venture to say that they could have put just about any other tag team with some balls in those TLC matches with the Dudleys and E&C and the results wouldn't have been much different.

No those three tag teams revolutionised how tag teams work. Any tag team after 2002 would likely cite one of those teams as an influence. There's a reason TLC I and II are better than III and it's because it was just those three teams.
While in my opinion Jeff Hardy is deserving his personal issues could possibly lead to an exclusion but it will most likely come down to how good of terms WWE and Jeff hardy are on. If Jeff gets one more clean run with WWE I think he will get Inducted in at least some form even if it is with Matt.
When someone says Mick Foley the first thing that comes to anyone's mind is batshit insane spots. Yes Foley is good on the mic but no one remembers any of his promos above the spots he did.

Really? Is that why people talk about his promos from ECW being inspirational to the generation that followed? Foley had a following back when the most "batshit insane" thing he did was diving off the ring apron and doing the "Nestea Plunge" as he called it.

The casual fan might only remember Foley for doing insane dives, but if you look back at his career he's done a hell of a lot more than that.

If you look back at Jeff's career you can't find any inspirational promos that the next generation would learn and take from... You can't find any matches that he gets credit for as being good unless there was some gimmick involved and a bunch of other talented superstars being apart of it.

Yes he does, he can have a decent match with most people. Mr Anderson isn't the greatest wrestler ever and they had some pretty good matches.

We're not talking "pretty good" here... Every match that doesn't contain botching by wrestling fan standards is "pretty good". I'm talking matches that fucking leave memories in people... The only recent Hardy matches I can call being even slightly memorable would be a match with Kurt Angle, and the ladder match he just had with Austin Aries... and it's well documented that those two have been able to carry piles of shit to 4/5 star matches.

No those three tag teams revolutionised how tag teams work. Any tag team after 2002 would likely cite one of those teams as an influence. There's a reason TLC I and II are better than III and it's because it was just those three teams.

The Hardyz bastardized a lot of their spots from Sabu so I would hardly call the majority of shit they did "revolutionary" when Sabu was doing the same shit in ECW and Japan years before.

The fact is Hardy will probably get into the WWE Hall of Fame, but there's no way in Hell he will see the light of day in Wrestlezone's Hall of Fame, which is what this sub-forum is dedicated to.

To anyone with a brain they will remember Hardy as a guy who sold moves well, was in the right place at the right time with his brother and had some good tag matches, did a lot of stupid dives, and went on a ton of drug-induced ramblings on Youtube. Nobody will remember his title runs in WWE outside of his feud with CM Punk. The End.
Jeff Hardy would've been a without a doubt Hall Of Famer if he never left the WWE. The dude owned the tag division, always stood out in every match he was in, his push was legit and awesome from his match with Undertaker and his feud with CM Punk. He had it all and his demons and belief that he was bigger then the WWE screwed him up.

He was better than Randy Orton.

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