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JBL, Orton or Jericho? Who's Raw's top heel?

Who is Raw's top heel?

  • Orton

  • Jericho

  • JBL

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JBL is in my opinion one of the most underrated workers on the roster, the guy gets great heat and I am not bored during his matches, I have never been bored during a JBL match. He is a good candidate for RAW's top heel. He plays his role so amazingly well that people really do despise him, as a kid I despised the heel Stone Cold Steve Austin but I payed money to see him get his arse kicked.

He isn't underrated at all. He gets booed because people legitimately hate him, not because he plays his heel role well. Guys like Jericho and Orton are adored by the fans, but because they are heels who play their roles extremely well, they manage to receive boos from the fans every week. They can both get over as a babyface fairly easily with minimal character change.

JBL as a face wouldn't work because the fans don't like his style of wrestling particularly because he's slow in the ring. Therefore the fans truly hate him and not because of his heel character either. Sure that contributes, but the fans hate him for the same reason I do, and that is because the guy is a bore.

Also, how can you not get bored during a JBL match dude? He's slow and rarely puts on a good match with anyone. He even put on a bad match with John Cena, and Cena rarely has below average matches. Most of his matches with CM Punk were fairly boring and his match with Batista at No Mercy was bad as well.
He isn't underrated at all. He gets booed because people legitimately hate him, not because he plays his heel role well.
I disagree whole-heartedly.

Remember back when JBL was commentating, and the IWC was fawning over him because he was so funny? People didn't legitimately hate JBL before his commentary, and they don't after. The only thing that has changed has been his role, which has changed from entertaining commentator to that of a guy who is supposed to be booed.

Guys like Jericho and Orton are adored by the fans, but because they are heels who play their roles extremely well, they manage to receive boos from the fans every week. They can both get over as a babyface fairly easily with minimal character change.
And JBL got over as a face by doing simple color commentary. Imagine what he could do if he tried to get fans to cheer him.

JBL as a face wouldn't work because the fans don't like his style of wrestling particularly because he's slow in the ring.
Which is how the heels are SUPPOSED to work. They are not supposed to work fast or flashy, they're supposed to work slow and methodical. It's heel psychology 101; don't do anything that will make people cheer you. Unfortunately, too many wrestlers today don't seem to get that concept.

Let's put it this way. Is his style any different (aside from the speed) from Batista, or Booker T? Were they not big time over faces?

Therefore the fans truly hate him and not because of his heel character either. Sure that contributes, but the fans hate him for the same reason I do, and that is because the guy is a bore.
He's supposed to bore you. That's his job. That way when the face makes his comeback, it's SOO much more exciting.

He even put on a bad match with John Cena, and Cena rarely has below average matches.
Are you talking about the pre-taped backstage brawl, a match that is ALWAYS terrible? Or how about the Judgment Day "I Quit" match that was one of the best matches of 2005?
He isn't underrated at all. He gets booed because people legitimately hate him, not because he plays his heel role well. Guys like Jericho and Orton are adored by the fans, but because they are heels who play their roles extremely well, they manage to receive boos from the fans every week. They can both get over as a babyface fairly easily with minimal character change.

Well JBL would have to change his character to get over as a face because the whole "I am richer than you" thing aint gonna get cheered, Jericho would also have to change his character because the whole "I am more righteous than you" act aint gonna get cheered either. So I am not sure I follow.

JBL as a face wouldn't work because the fans don't like his style of wrestling particularly because he's slow in the ring. Therefore the fans truly hate him and not because of his heel character either. Sure that contributes, but the fans hate him for the same reason I do, and that is because the guy is a bore.

I dont see a problem with JBL's style of wrestling. He's no mat technician and he aint gonna be flying from the top-rope anytime soon but he's good at what he does.

JBL's matches = Punch the crap out of other guy, clothesline other guy, get beaten on for a bit, fall away slam, more beating, Clothesline from hell.

Batista's matches = Punch the crap out of other guy, take a beating for a bit, spear, more beating, spinebuster, Batista Bomb.

I think he wrestle's a good pace for his style, its not like he needs to move fast anyway because his character is a big strong dude who beats the shit out of people, he wrestles like a heel who beats on the face until being thwarted by the inevitable comeback. Or he cheats and steals the win.

Also, how can you not get bored during a JBL match dude? He's slow and rarely puts on a good match with anyone. He even put on a bad match with John Cena, and Cena rarely has below average matches. Most of his matches with CM Punk were fairly boring and his match with Batista at No Mercy was bad as well.

The CM Punk matches were shit that I'll give you, I had forgot about those but I liked all of his matches with Cena and Batista, I liked his matches with Jericho, his match with Finlay was great (chucking the trashcan at Hornswoggle should be a wrestlemania moment).

In my opinion JBL during his title run was gold, he made everyone seem like a credible contender to take the title from him but always found a way to retain, until John Cena turned up. He has lost a step or two since then but the guy is still good at what he does.
I disagree whole-heartedly.

Remember back when JBL was commentating, and the IWC was fawning over him because he was so funny? People didn't legitimately hate JBL before his commentary, and they don't after. The only thing that has changed has been his role, which has changed from entertaining commentator to that of a guy who is supposed to be booed.

He was entertaining as a commentator, but thats because talking is his strength. He always put down face wrestlers and put over the heel wrestlers, so he was still a heel even as a commentator.

And JBL got over as a face by doing simple color commentary. Imagine what he could do if he tried to get fans to cheer him.

But he didn't get over as a face because he was still ripping on babyface's. The IWC liked him, but not the fans who aren't smarky.

Which is how the heels are SUPPOSED to work. They are not supposed to work fast or flashy, they're supposed to work slow and methodical. It's heel psychology 101; don't do anything that will make people cheer you. Unfortunately, too many wrestlers today don't seem to get that concept.

I know heels aren't supposed to do the stuff that guys like Mysterio and Evan Bourne do, but JBL works slower than the average heel. Thats exactly what I mean, because heels are too entertaining nowadays, it makes JBL look even more boring. Thanks for pointing that out.

Let's put it this way. Is his style any different (aside from the speed) from Batista, or Booker T? Were they not big time over faces?

Yes, Batista and Booker T are more entertaining than JBL in the ring. Batista has a good moveset with many powerhouse moves and Booker T still performs moves like the scissors kick that are athletic and are therefore more entertaining than JBL.

He's supposed to bore you. That's his job. That way when the face makes his comeback, it's SOO much more exciting.

Then how come Randy Orton, Edge and Chris Jericho aren't boring when they are considered the top heels in the entire company? Jobbers are supposed to bore you, not main event superstars.

Are you talking about the pre-taped backstage brawl, a match that is ALWAYS terrible? Or how about the Judgment Day "I Quit" match that was one of the best matches of 2005?

I'm talking about their Judgment Day bout from this year that was a singles match I believe. I didn't enjoy it one bit but I liked their backstage brawl match better. I have a weird liking towards parking lot brawls. Their I Quit match from 2005 was good, but it was a gimmick match which is also one of JBL's only strengths.
He was entertaining as a commentator, but thats because talking is his strength. He always put down face wrestlers and put over the heel wrestlers, so he was still a heel even as a commentator.
And got cheered anyways by fans. And, he didn't put over heel wrestlers, he put over wrestlers that his character respected.

Which is why he completely crapped on guys like the Miz, and praised Matt Hardy. And you're right, talking is his biggest strength. So how you can possibily think he can't use his mic skills to get over as a face is beyond me.

The simple fact of the matter is that the WWE needs legitimate heels much more than they need legitimate faces. Which is why JBL works heel.

But he didn't get over as a face because he was still ripping on babyface's. The IWC liked him, but not the fans who aren't smarky.
You should have tried watching wrestling back when he was a commentator. Because then you wouldn't make such ignorant statements.

I know heels aren't supposed to do the stuff that guys like Mysterio and Evan Bourne do, but JBL works slower than the average heel.
So? Since when has the speed of a match determined its quality? It NEVER has, it only does to fans who have the attention span of a hummingbird. For wrestling fans with any kind of knowledge about wrestling, JBL's style isn't slow at all, in fact, it's even faster than what wrestlers were working 20 years ago.

Thats exactly what I mean, because heels are too entertaining nowadays, it makes JBL look even more boring. Thanks for pointing that out.
So, because other heels don't do their job properly, that makes JBL a bad worker?

How in the hell can you even pretend that makes sense?

Yes, Batista and Booker T are more entertaining than JBL in the ring.
And they work the exact same style.

Then how come Randy Orton, Edge and Chris Jericho aren't boring when they are considered the top heels in the entire company?
A) Randy Orton IS boring as a heel. Do you not remember the "Another chinlock Randy?" sign? How he gets so much flack for his "restholds"? Randy Orton DOES work a boring style.

B) Edge works a faster style...and fans cheer him. Thank you for proving my point.

C) Jericho's work has slowed down immensely as a heel, and so have most of his aerial moves. Combine that with the fact that he's gone against HBK for most of his heel run, and it explains his heel heat.

But, look no further than in 2005 for what happens when a heel doesn't work heel. John Cena against Jericho...Jericho didn't get heel heat, he started to get cheers. Then Cena went against that overrated steroid head Kurt Angle, and Angle was GREAT proof of what happens when the heel tries to be entertaining. He got cheered and Cena got booed. That's poor heel work.

Have you ever seen JBL get cheered ahead of a face?

I rest my case.
This is very close for me. JBL is immediately eliminated for me in that hhe has no credibility left in the ring. He has won a single high profile match in as long as I can remember, the parking lot match with Cena. He just isn't the top heel. JBL is the bottom of the main event and just inches away from upper mid card.

Then you have Orton and Jericho. Orton was the top heel for nearly a year on Raw before his injury messed everything up. Since then, Jericho has taken that spot by defualt. Right now, with Orton still on the shelf its hard to say who is the true top heel. Orton is almost a tweener right now, but until he can start RKOing people its almost impossible to see where he will wind up. At the end of the day, I'll have to go with Jericho, but he's holding onto that spot barely. Once Orton is healthy again, all bets are off.
And got cheered anyways by fans. And, he didn't put over heel wrestlers, he put over wrestlers that his character respected.

Which is why he completely crapped on guys like the Miz, and praised Matt Hardy. And you're right, talking is his biggest strength. So how you can possibily think he can't use his mic skills to get over as a face is beyond me.

Yes but his character mostly respected and praised heels. When he was interviewing Undertaker and Batista on multiple segments, he got booed. He was still a commentator at this stage. I believe I said he would struggle to get over as a face due to his slow wrestling pace. I didn't say anything about him talking on the mic in order to get over as a face.

You should have tried watching wrestling back when he was a commentator. Because then you wouldn't make such ignorant statements.

I did watch wrestling back when he was a commentator. I can't recall him being cheered while commentating. Refresh my memory if you wish.

So? Since when has the speed of a match determined its quality? It NEVER has, it only does to fans who have the attention span of a hummingbird. For wrestling fans with any kind of knowledge about wrestling, JBL's style isn't slow at all, in fact, it's even faster than what wrestlers were working 20 years ago.

Speed contributes to good and entertaining match, but there are many modern day fairly average paced matches that are of high quality. JBL rarely puts on high quality single (no gimmick) matches. And yes, JBLs style is faster than the pace of matches from 20 years ago, but that doesn't mean JBL works a fast pace.

So, because other heels don't do their job properly, that makes JBL a bad worker?

How in the hell can you even pretend that makes sense?

No, it makes JBL look like more of a bore. I never said JBL was a bad heel, because I know he's a good one. Just not as good as Orton on Jericho in my opinion.

And they work the exact same style.

Well, I'd still rather watch a Batista or a Booker T match than a JBL match. I'm just not a fan of HIS wrestling style and moveset. People have different tastes, you know.

A) Randy Orton IS boring as a heel. Do you not remember the "Another chinlock Randy?" sign? How he gets so much flack for his "restholds"? Randy Orton DOES work a boring style.

B) Edge works a faster style...and fans cheer him. Thank you for proving my point.

C) Jericho's work has slowed down immensely as a heel, and so have most of his aerial moves. Combine that with the fact that he's gone against HBK for most of his heel run, and it explains his heel heat.

But, look no further than in 2005 for what happens when a heel doesn't work heel. John Cena against Jericho...Jericho didn't get heel heat, he started to get cheers. Then Cena went against that overrated steroid head Kurt Angle, and Angle was GREAT proof of what happens when the heel tries to be entertaining. He got cheered and Cena got booed. That's poor heel work.

Have you ever seen JBL get cheered ahead of a face?

I rest my case.

No, YOU think Randy Orton is a boring heel, not the entire world. His moveset is more entertaining than JBL's. I thought most heels had to use rest holds because the fans hate them. "Its heel psychology 101".

Um, are you forgetting that many people call Edge the best heel in the entire company. Simply based on the fact that he gets booed more than any other heel with the exception of Vickie Guerrero?

But Jericho is still entertaining even with his slower working style. I do agree that working with HBK instantly gives almost any heel, major heat.

The 2005 scenario can be blamed on the booking, since they do book the characters after all. But Jericho wasn't the best heel in 2005 and Angle turned face soon after so they were bad heels in that year. Hence the Angle face turn.

And no, I haven't seen JBL cheered ahead of a face simply because the fans hate JBL in a similar way the fans hate Vickie Guerrero. Their heel heat is different to the average heel's. I do think JBL is a good heel though don't get me wrong, I just think the other two are better.
Yes but his character mostly respected and praised heels.
No, his character respected and praised the guys his character respected.

That's why he crapped on Miz, praised Edge, crapped on Rey, and praised Matt Hardy.

I believe I said he would struggle to get over as a face due to his slow wrestling pace. I didn't say anything about him talking on the mic in order to get over as a face.
Yes, but I'M talking about him getting over as a face in general, and his mic abilities would be the reason why.

Speed contributes to good and entertaining match
No it doesn't.

What makes a good match is the storytelling, psychology, the workrate, and the selling. Not the pacing. The pacing is completely arbitrary.

but there are many modern day fairly average paced matches that are of high quality. JBL rarely puts on high quality single (no gimmick) matches.
Who cares? We're not rating his wrestling ability, we're rating his ability to get booed and why he gets booed.

And I'm kicking your butt all over the forum on that topic.

And yes, JBLs style is faster than the pace of matches from 20 years ago, but that doesn't mean JBL works a fast pace.
Who said he did? I said he works a slower, more deliberate, pace ON PURPOSE! What are you talking about? Do you even know anymore?

JBL works a slower pace, because he is the heel, and his job is to get people to boo him and cheer the face. Working a faster pace would heighten the possibility of him getting cheered, especially since he is so entertaining on the mic, whether it be face or heel. And I used Kurt Angle as an example of what working a fast pace with high spots will do to a heel.

No, YOU think Randy Orton is a boring heel, not the entire world. His moveset is more entertaining than JBL's. I thought most heels had to use rest holds because the fans hate them. "Its heel psychology 101".
No, Orton IS a boring heel. And I love it. I think Randy Orton is tremendously underrated in the ring, and the reason is because people think he works to slow and does too many "restholds".

Um, are you forgetting that many people call Edge the best heel in the entire company. Simply based on the fact that he gets booed more than any other heel with the exception of Vickie Guerrero?
And the same fans that call Edge the best heel in the entire company are the same fans who loved JBL as a color commentator. Which you dismissed earlier as being relatively unimportant.

You can't have it both ways.

No, it makes JBL look like more of a bore. I never said JBL was a bad heel, because I know he's a good one. Just not as good as Orton on Jericho in my opinion.
Wait, you're changing your position.

Your position earlier was this:
He isn't underrated at all. He gets booed because people legitimately hate him, not because he plays his heel role well.
Which is what started this whole debate.

So, are you admitting you were wrong earlier?
No, his character respected and praised the guys his character respected.

That's why he crapped on Miz, praised Edge, crapped on Rey, and praised Matt Hardy.

Thats why I said his character MOSTLY praised heels, on purpose! I am well aware he praised some faces that his character respected.

Yes, but I'M talking about him getting over as a face in general, and his mic abilities would be the reason why.

Yes, but I can't see the WWE turning him face as he wouldn't get as much cheers as guys like Batista and Rey Mysterio get. But yes if he were to turn face, he would definately have to rely on his mic skills.

No it doesn't.

What makes a good match is the storytelling, psychology, the workrate, and the selling. Not the pacing. The pacing is completely arbitrary.

The pacing makes for a more entertaining match but not a better overall match. It's why I prefer to watch guys like Evan Bourne over Mark Henry.

Who cares? We're not rating his wrestling ability, we're rating his ability to get booed and why he gets booed.

And I'm kicking your butt all over the forum on that topic.

I believe this is the first wrestling related topic we have debated so you're not "kicking my but all over the forum". My point was that you said how a match doesn't have to be fast paced to be a good one, but JBL works a fairly slow pace but doesn't put on good matches very often at all. Proving that a faster pace does indeed contribute to a more entertaining match. The fans obviously don't like his wrestling style, which is partly why he gets booed as a heel.

Who said he did? I said he works a slower, more deliberate, pace ON PURPOSE! What are you talking about? Do you even know anymore?

JBL works a slower pace, because he is the heel, and his job is to get people to boo him and cheer the face. Working a faster pace would heighten the possibility of him getting cheered, especially since he is so entertaining on the mic, whether it be face or heel. And I used Kurt Angle as an example of what working a fast pace with high spots will do to a heel.

And I said "that doesn't mean JBL is a fast worker" because you said his style is faster than the matches from 20 years ago. You also said he doesn't work at a slow pace at all, but I disagree even though I KNOW he does work faster than the wrestlers from 20 years ago.

Yes I know JBL must work at a slow pace on purpose, but he can't even wrestle decent paced which is why he is not a babyface and most likely won't be one for a long time. My point is that I personally don't believe he can work MUCH faster than what he is now even as a babyface.

No, Orton IS a boring heel. And I love it. I think Randy Orton is tremendously underrated in the ring, and the reason is because people think he works to slow and does too many "restholds".

Agreed. He is underrated in the ring which is part of the reason why I don't find him boring as I love his character and his matches. He does use the rest holds on purpose to get boos, so I totally agree with you. But Orton can work a much faster pace if he wasn't a heel, unlike JBL.

And the same fans that call Edge the best heel in the entire company are the same fans who loved JBL as a color commentator. Which you dismissed earlier as being relatively unimportant.

You can read every fan's brain? That's amazing Sly. Anyway, I believe you said fans in the audience loved JBL as a commentator but I believe the people that call Edge the best heel in the company are more 'smarkish'.

Wait, you're changing your position.

Your position earlier was this:

Which is what started this whole debate.

So, are you admitting you were wrong earlier?

Not really. I said I don't think JBL plays his role VERY well. But still he plays it better than most heels in the WWE today, excluding Orton and Jericho. But I do think some people legitimately hate JBL outside of his character.
One has to take into account the charisma of both "entertainers" (lol at the new word...). Jericho in one hand is known as one of the most respected, decorated and successful wrestlers in the history in the business. With an experience of more than 15 years, Jericho sure has a place in the hearts of fans of all ages.

IMO, his resume impacts directly in whatever his "alignment" (I can't believe I said that word...) is at the moment. It Doesn't matter if he is a face (Save.us Y2J) or a heel (WHC Jericho), I think Chris Jericho will always be cheered by a large part of the arena he is stepping. Call it Smark's love for the guy or whatever you want to call it, but Jericho IMO, is not the epitome of a heel. Though he does a GREAT, GREAT job!

And in the other hand...

Randy Orton: Best known as a guy with a lot of "personal problems", a very twisted sense of responsibility, cocky in the ring and IRL, an attitude that some people takes "the wrong way", and i could keep going...
He is also a son of a hall of Famer, a great athlete who have worked at the top of the biggest company for 6 years now, a Triple Crown Champion and overall one of the top performers of the business today. The stint he had as a face (in which he wasn't really a face...) show little or nothing of interest in his character. and this premise leave me with the firm idea: Orton was born to be a heel. Simple as that. It goes perfectly with his real life attitude (I just hope he won't RKO his baby girl, lol) and he shows in all extent how a heel should work in the ring. Though he is cheered now by a large number of "smarks", I'm just waiting to see their faces when he betrays whoever it's next on his list. (Priceless perhaps?)

All in all, Orton represents better the concept of evil than Jericho does.
let's face it, Orton'S days as the top heel on Raw are over. It's not because he'S not good at playing the arrogant heel, it'S because the fans in the arenas around the states are actually cheering the guy so he's now in a position were beeing the top heel on raw will be difficult,

Has far as JBL goes, he's never will be the top heel on raw for the simple fact that is act does work anymore. He'S becoming really boring and it's time of him to retire again.

So that leave us with Jericho who i don'T think he deserve to be in that spot, made the best of it and has boring as he'S become, he'S still entertaining enough to be consider the top heel. so for now anyway, i think Jericho is the top heel on raw.
JBL is already out considering no one gives half a shit about him, and he just sucks. Now comes the hard part between Orton, and Jericho. Orton can make you hate him so much, but then again so can Jericho. Fuck its a tie I can't decide between these two.

So biggest heels are Jericho, and Orton.
Well, since Orton's out of business for a small remainder of time, Jericho being the World Heavyweight Champion and an active competitor leaves pickins pretty slim for Orton. I think Orton is the better heel of the two. Y2J's heel speeches can get pretty repetitive after a while, although Orton's have that quality as well, it just works better coming outta Orton.

Would Jericho have surfaced as one of the best heels of the year without Orton's injury? I doubt it. Orton was good enough of a heel not to necessitate another great heel on Raw. But he got injured, so...with his injury, Jericho quickly surpassed him. But once he returns and things are done right, Orton will beat Jericho quickly

thats right ortan will prevail!!!
This is my first post in the wrestling sections in some time if I recall, so I may be a tick rusty. However. In this poll I gave the nod to Orton. Even though he is still kinda sorta out on injury, he still is acting basically on his own agenda. I've noticed a few people saying that a heel is doing a poor job if he gets cheered. Well take a look at it this way. Orton gets cheered cause no matter what he's going to have fans. Everyone does. Hell even Khali gets cheered sometimes. So to base a heel's work based on crowd reaction is ridiculous. I'm really interested to see what happens when Orton gets back full time. As it stands at the moment, yes Y2J is the biggest heel on Raw... However... Overall I feel that Orton will retake that title upon his return. His character of the cunning yet cowardly heel seems to me anyway to dominate Jericho's version. In promos originally I have to say I liked Y2J's better, but since his return they too without HBK have seemed rather I dunno bland. As Jericho stumbles in that, Orton's promos while he's been out have done nothing but improved. Time will tell I guess
Ok... now is this top heel RIGHT NOW or top heel OVERALL? Because what is a heel really anymore? Is it a personality/character and the way a superstar comes off to the crowd? Or is it actually how the crowd reacts to that superstar because I believe that has much to do with their in-ring character as well.

Obviously right now it's Jericho by default. He just lost the WHC and has come off a program with HBK, who is everybody's hero. So naturally Jericho is going to be top heel right now. But... that's only because Orton hasn't returned yet. Orton is by far the greatest heel we have seen in quite awhile. The fact that he will cheat, kick people in the head, use weapons, and take any advantage possible to win a match or a title says a lot. So that says a lot for Orton as being top heel.

Now as far as a crowd reaction goes... you have to give it to JBL. NOBODY likes the guy. He'll come out on a weekly basis to bitch and complain about why he should always be the number one contender. Being a 24 yr. old fan, I know how it works by now, but even I can't justify a reason to like JBL. I love Jericho because I've grown up watching him through WCW and his transfer over to WWE and he always puts on a damn good match. Orton is the same way. His matches are always entertaining and as long as I see a great match when I pay my dollar, I like everybody involved. And I'm not the only one that likes Orton and Jericho because guys that good don't come around everyday. So again, as far as crowd reaction, JBL is top heel because not one person in the arena likes the guy.

Back in the good ol days of wrestling, about 15-20 years ago, a heel was way different. Nobody cheered the top heel in the game. Call us less educated back then or whathaveyou, but it's true. In my eyes, nobody will ever touch the top heel of all time...The Million Dollar Man. His matches...great, his attitude...great, and no matter how hard you tried, you could not find one person in the arena cheering him. Not one. Isn't that what a true heel is all about? Having the ENTIRE crowd hating you? And not once that I can remember, did he ever once fall victim to a face turn. I doubt we will ever see anyone like that ever again. But the JBL character is pretty damn close.

So as for Raw's top heel, I really do believe a solid arguement could be made for all three of them even though nobody has said JBL in the poll yet.
Well then. I'm the only one who voted for JBL eh? He really is the top heel, without even being in the main event.

He is the only one of the three that acutally gets good heat. The other two get smatters of cheers in between. JBL is the old school heel all the way. He talks a big game, then slithers away. He can rile up a crowd just by the sound of his music. Some people call it X-Pac heat. Its not. He used to get cheered like a motherfucker. Then he did a complete 180 transformed into JBL and got instant heat. He retired, came back and STILL got booed. He does his job well. People will pay to see him get beat. This is the reason he is the best. No cheering at all for him, just straight up loathing from the fans.
Well its seems like the majority pick jericho which sounds like the ideal choice because of his effectiveness as a heel so far which I will not dispute but my pick is orton. The reason that jericho is the classic heel that says f the fans and thinks he's better than everyone which works but isn't original. He changed the dynamic of his charecter but he seems to be so popular that he can turn face at any moment and be cheered cuz of his fanbase. Don't get me wrong orton has his too but orton comes off like a complete dick and its very hard not to hate him. And the whole thing with orton getting cheered when he trashed the heels is that the fans cheered what he said because it was true. Him doing that actually aided his charecter development. He is not the typical heel which makes him so great at it. He is sinister and dangerous and a threat. Jericho seems to be that bug u wanna squash. Even not in active competition he has a impact on raw which is a good qualty in a heel. In my opinion orton plays the top stronger than jericho by a small margin
Randy Orton hands down is the best heel on raw. Although an injury has put him on the shelf he is definitely my choice.

When he was champ the way he was hated he was so arrogant brash and outspoken that you really wanted him to lose the belt in the worst way possible.

And what made it even worse was how long he held the belt winning match after match against the likes of y2j, hbk, cena and hardy. And that really annoyed me. When he comes back i'm gonna hate him even more especially if he gets the belt.

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