JBL calls Jimmy Wang Yang a gook



Did anyone else here this on Smackdown on Friday...

Cole:Look Partner its Jimmy Wang Yang

JBL:this guys a joke

Cole:hes Smackdowns resident redeck

JBL:No, hes Smackdowns resident gook

now i know that its TV....but seriously..this is regular Television..not cable....i really believe that that is taking it way to far as an announcer to say that on tv....i mean this isent the first time JBL has said something racist about a competitor.....i like JBL he is funny but duz any1 else think he should slow it down a bit especially on TV?
I don't watch SMAwCwKDOWN, but when I watched Survivor Series, I also noticed some of his remarks were either a bit Racist or even racy (as in sexual, don't go there kind of thing) I don't really know what a 'Gook' is but my guess is it's a chinese guy. I believe JBL & WWE should tune that down, it's not logical or even Valuable to use language like that. Doesn't put the guy over, doesn't affect the story or character (unless its a racist story/gimmick) all it does is piss people off & create unneeded controversy!
i dont get out much so what is a gook?

Somebody who's Asian.

Would WWE call Lashley a ******? No. Or Daivari a pakki? No. This is appauling. There's no need for racial slur's in wrestling. J.B.L. should be fired for making a comment like that. It's irrelevant if he meant it or not.
It is a disgrace to WWE that he used that terminology to describe him. You cvan go so far as a heel, but racism has no place in any culture, society or whatever.
I don't think JBL should be fired for that, but I do believe he needs to be punished. It's absolutely unacceptable to have any racial slurs thrown out at someone, especially on broadcast television.

God damn rednecks.
lol you guys do realize the announcers are practically told what to say and when to say it right?
There told some thing's but a lot of time they use there initiative. J.B.L. is articulate enough that he probably does'nt need somebody telling him what to say.
If thats the case, I'm sure even WWE wouldn't tell them to call him a gook. I thionk JBL ssaid it from his own will.
I think JBL said it on his own will, but right now he is in McMahon's good graces so i dont sadly see anything happening maybe JBL making some lame ass apology which would not do any justice. though JBL needs to tone it down
Really, if the WWE told JBL to call somebody a gook (or imagine for that case a n*gger) than there would, should, and if its true will be hell for WWE. Sure, the WWE can do as many Samoan and Middle Eastern stereotypes as they want, but damnit don't just get blatantly disrespectful.
this is not a supprise jbl has done this crap before at a house show in germany he did the Nazi Salute thing and got huge heat for it.
You guys do realize SD is on a 3 day time delay and if the WWE cared they could have cut that portion out of his commentary or even bleeped the word. They obviously either told him to say that our wanted him to.
Come on man are you ******ed? Think about that, why the HELL would a multi billion dollar company that has a 20 year history of controversy for the things they've done on television want one of their announcers to call someone a gook? Did you think of the logic?

What I think was, it was so fast and unnoticable really that no one bothered to edit it out if they had heard it.
i didnt hear it so i cant comment on it but if he did say it i think he should be punished in some way (e.g. weeks wages took off him) because racial slurs are unacceptable they ruined a fine sport like football dont let them ruin wrestling, however i didn't hear it so it must've been hard to pick up because I listen intently

pastie out
Gook can be interprted in multiple ways. As a Chinese or Asian Person. or an Idiot. So condeming based on one interpretation isn't right since Smackdown also has Funaki on its roster.
^^ I agree with you, also I thought that c***k was the slur used for asians, again an intollerant one which proves how small-minded the people are who use them

pastie out
not to be single minded or anything but im never been sure what makes words so bad, racial slurs, cuss word, man really there words. does any one here listen to rap, epically southren rappers( rappers that live in the south not from there, almost every rapper in america lives in the ATL) or lives in the south nobody cares Everybody says it nobody cares, in rap, it a third of the song. I think if black people can tolerate racial slurs and even accept it, other people should too. Espcally seeing as ive never heard of anyone accept Native Americans recive the type of problems African Americans faced. But again not to be rasict or single minded, just my thoughts.
harrpau7 i think you should read the other posts first
thats bad, its not something he'd wanna say again, its just not something you want little kids watching and picking up and thats a lot of viewers that are under the age of 13 - i know 5 of them myself, and they love it, often doing quotes like 'my mum watches this' 'break his damn neck' 'shut up!'.....imagine if their parents hear them say gook, they dont know what it means but they'll say it. jbl is a very good commentator, but he really has to think before he says first sometimes
No way Wrestledude, if you knew the history of these words you would know it's not anything simple like a black rapper saying the N word.

Gook was the word used to shout at the Vietnamese and Koreans during those two seperate wars before and after we brutally killed hundreds of thousands of these two countries citizens. It's not acceptable at all, it was the same exact thing as the KKK calling a black person the N word before they lynched them, unacceptable.

And as for someone saying that gook can be used to call someone an idiot, no it cannot. Any dictionary definition of the word describes it as a racial slur. That'd be like calling somebody the n word as an idiot. It's not true, it doesn't work, and your damn sure that it doesn't excuse the guy for saying the word. I've always been a Bradshaw fan, but this was simply unacceptable.
i listened to that part of smackdown and you can barly hear it, i doubt double double E will care much. And i still dont understand racial slurs. If i went on a killing rampage of (insert some sort of race here) and called them giblgis before i killed them, that wouldnt make it a rasict slur. It dooesnt matter how it was used, sticks and stones may break my bones, but ignore a slur and it means nothing. Words only have the meaning people give them. Also you obvsly dont live in Geogoa, its beyond rappers, that was just an example. My friend goes up to black people in the ghetto and goes," Whats up n****" and they dont care they just say wasup. If the world decided that gook wasnt a racial slur and that giblie was. then everyone wouldnt freak when someone said gook and theyd convict someone every time they say giblie. You must, as i said earlier, that something is only what you make it.
LOL I can't understand any of Wrestledude's posts, but I get what he's saying. Like 'Frog' is supposedly a racial slur for the French? or atleast French Canadians. And I worked with a whole family of them, and they had no clue at all why it's deemed racial or inappropriate.

And as for the guy that said the announcers are fed the lines! That's true, but not every fucking sentence! Then they could just higher Great Khali & feed him lines the whole night.
i really think khali cant speak english, he lives in india still, that guy is a cop, that would scare the shit out of me. anyways thanks for agreeing with me, and JBL has never struck me as a politcal correct guy. I doubt it will mater if i hadnt been listing for it i would have never heard it.

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