Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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Miko, I leave it to you to decide the fate of JKO. I really can't.

I wish you would leave it to me.

He has the nerve to call me annoying when he is the king of annoyance. I say get rid of his horse humping bitch ass. Plus, he turned on you Jane. You know the whole, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Don't let him fool you twice.
Miko, I leave it to you to decide the fate of JKO. I really can't.

*Sigh* I have to do everything round here.

JKO, slap yourself on the wrist, your like CM Punk when Undertaker told him about his dress code *does whiney voice* "But what about John Cena?".

Your fired from the JWO until Jane decides otherwise.

Shit. I'm meant to be a Overlord of security. What a crap job I have been doing.

Fired from JWO until I decide otherwise. . .

. . . Okay, welcome back, dont let it happen again.
*Sigh* I have to do everything round here.

JKO, slap yourself on the wrist, your like CM Punk when Undertaker told him about his dress code *does whiney voice* "But what about John Cena?".

Your fired from the JWO until Jane decides otherwise.

Thank you, Lord Miko. You are very wise.

Fired from JWO until I decide otherwise. . .
I approve. Get the fuck out.

. . . Okay, welcome back, dont let it happen again.

I approve. Welcome back, TLC.

We've got a new member! You probably know him as that guy who showed up all of a sudden and is continuously teasing me with pics.

His name is Areoplex. Give him a big JWO welcome! He's our Relationship Guru and Suicide Helpline.
Ok I have a proposition for you all. The next person to send me naked pictures of Areoplex's girlfriend is promoted to Deputy Leader. This person will have secondary power in the Order, and if I am unavailable he will be put in charge.

(Not to be confused with TM. He takes over if I die).
Ok I have a proposition for you all. The next person to send me naked pictures of Areoplex's girlfriend is promoted to Deputy Leader. This person will have secondary power in the Order, and if I am unavailable he will be put in charge.

(Not to be confused with TM. He takes over if I die).

Just to let you know she shaves down there :lmao: .
I wish I had a deputy. Like... what would happen to the JWO when I'm not here? It needs a leader. Someone for the people to give their love and respect. But I just need those pics to prove the person is dedicated...

Oh look, it's my PM Box.

Break up with her. Then you'll be way more willing to give up the good pics.

I'll spam it across 4chan. Turn her into a meme or some shit.

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