Jaen World Order

Who should be Deputy Leader of the Jane World Order?

  • Doc

  • xfearbefore

  • I Am Phenom

  • Areoplex

  • General Disarray

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Master, I think that we should come up with a plan to rid ourselves of JKO.

We can't just say, "attack him." We must be efficient.

And when it's all said and done. All of the smoke as cleared. JKO will be no more.
For now give him the curse of red rep.

I have beaten worse trolls in the past. All three times Deadman was bant I had a big part in it. The pissing him off and causing him to be anti-semetic part. We can't do much, yet...
Challenge JKO to a duel, first man to die, loses.

For now give him the curse of red rep.

I have beaten worse trolls in the past. All three times Deadman was bant I had a big part in it. The pissing him off and causing him to be anti-semetic part.

I'll never, ever forgive you for this
STFU, and go shout "IM BISEXUAL" in some thread or something.


So the fucker shows up after all. And with what? A homophobic remark, clearly. What the hell do you have against Phenom, other than his sexuality? You troll him and call him gay all the time, yet somehow you get away with it. You should be bant from these forums, asshole. Oh ya, and you're almost definitely a Deadman alt.
I'm hopeless? I've seen you post pics before on here. You're hopeless, you ugly bastard. Go make another guy date thread.
And Jane. It doesn't bother me that he's gay. X is bisexual and I'm cool with him. M_F is gay and I'm cool. Homosexuality isn't my issue with him. He's just annoying.
You still tread carefully, I see. Don't think you can attack one of my members and still be cool with me. You're a traitor.
I do feel bad about this, JKO. I really liked you. But... why would you report me? It's pathetic.
And I didn't know the sig thing was really against the rules. I thought he was just fucking with me, and to prove my point, I put you and GD in as examples that the sig links were fine. But I guess they weren't. I had no way of knowing.
I'm hopeless? I've seen you post pics before on here. You're hopeless, you ugly bastard. Go make another guy date thread.

Yes, you're hopeless, you fucking cunt bastard.

If you've really seen me in a pic on here before, then you know good and damn well that I'm not ugly. Is that your only come back for anything around here. I've seen you say that to at least ten people. You are hopeless.

And I didn't know the sig thing was really against the rules. I thought he was just fucking with me, and to prove my point, I put you and GD in as examples that the sig links were fine. But I guess they weren't. I had no way of knowing.


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