Jack Swagger Vs. John Morrison: Future WM Maine Event?


City Dweller, Successful Fella
I've heard a lot of talk going on this forum and it sounds a little something like this. "Swagger and Morrison will main event a few WrestleManias against one and other"

Now is this really a possible future WM main event, which is the reason i'm starting this thread. I think this is a great idea, but where is this idea coming from?

Is it because the WWE seems to have interest in pushing these two individuals to the moon? They do seem to be future big time superstars, which is good because WWE seems to have interest in pushing them into the main event spot.

This would be a good scenario. Have Swagger get built up on RAW. while Morrison gets his name established on Smackdown. Have Swagger win the WWE title and have Morrison win the Royal Rumble. Have a spark set off the feud and BAM there is a WrestleMania main event

Now I pop the question of what year will this happen because now I just got myself excited lol.
This came from my imagination. I've siad it a few times in posts, and I frimly believe that it will be the rivalry of the next decade.

Morrison seems to love being a face so much more. The smile on his face at all times is a dead giveaway. His posture is more upright, and his eyes light up when he is cheered. I used to think that he worked so much better as a heel, but I think his style is too exciting to keep him over as a heel. He would need to restrict his moveset as a heel, and could never perform Starship Pain. That move pops the crowd everytime, and it is my new favorite ropes finisher.

Swagger, on the other hand, has the look and the ability to pull this off. All he has to do is throw Morrison around and fall down a few times when he gets kicked or is victimized by a flippy move. The mic work would be outstanding. It would be the most entertaining pissing contest from two performers in quite some time.

Now, the reason that it will come down to these two is that of the younger guys in the locker room, these are the most polished. Sure, Morrison has three years experience over many of the younger guys, but he has been exciting in the ring since day one. These guys are the total package - the look, the mic, the ring - and, most importantly, the future.
Whoa whoa whoa. Lets go ahead and hold our horses here.

Are they two future ME guys? Certainley. Future WM ME? Probably. To say though that this will be the next great feud is pretty silly however, simply becuase no one has the slightest idea how well these two will work together, what kind of chemistry they may have. Triple H and Randy Orton are great examples of being two of the absolute best in the buisness, but being inable to put on any kind of match that doesnt put fans to sleep.

Give em some time, remove the nuts from the lips guys.
If these 2 can work together well, then it will be a top feud in the main event when they reach that level for a long time, Morrison has impressed me ever since late 2005 start of 2006, he's in ring ability is top notch, his mic work is great in my opinion, and he has the look. As a face Morrison is getting over with fans and he got over from what i saw as a heel, i look forward to watching John as he's one of the reasons i watch SD.

Now onto Swagger, ever since his debut he's been developing he has the amateur wrestler style, his mic work is getting better, and start him off with a feud with someone like MVP and he could do well in the ME. Cena made Swagger look good and he got the rub from Cena as well.

Give these 2 guys time and once that time has come they will main event and eventually main event Wrestlemania at some stage.
I've mentioned this in a post or 2, and I think this will happen one day. Both are immensely talented - 2 of my favourite young stars, and there is no doubt in my mind that they won't be headlining WM in years to come, with the exception of one getting really injured, or drug strikes etc.

Now, NorCal brings up the good point that they may have bad chemistry, which is a risk with everyone. But WWE still insists on giving us Orton/Triple H, despite it 'putting everyone to sleep' and I'm sure these 2 would be no different if it came down to that, which to be honest I don't think it will.
yeah it would be risky no doubt about that. but i have been on the swagger band wagon ever since he debuted. it seems morrison and swagger are the future of the wwe. but i think they would well together and it would be much better than the HHH/Orton feud that has gone to hell after it actually seemed like it could be good when we had the mcmahon family and orton goin at it. but nonetheless i would like to see this feud-but would it really be WM main event material? that remains to be seen, but i think it could work.
Assuming they work well together, which Norcal brought up, this WILL be the next great feud to grace Wrestlemania. Not any time soon, though.

I say that mainly because Swagger is a great heel when he loosens up on the mic. His MVP Lounge segment made Swagger seem a little tight. When Swagger loosens up and gets used to Raw, which I fully expect to be very soon, Swagger will be in the middle of a great feud with MVP. In fact, why we can't say that MVP/Swagger would main-event Wrestlemania later is beyond me. Though no one has ever really said it won't happen. So meh.

And Morrison? He's becoming his own face. The crowd likes him. His moveset was always made to be a face moveset, really. And he does seem happier, as fromthesouth espoused. Combine that with the fact that Morrison is the next generation of new main-event players, on par with MVP and Swagger, then this match-up is just waiting to happen.

Morrison/Swagger, Swagger/MVP, Miz/MVP. They're going to be our new main-event feuds for the next years. Get ready, they should be good. Oh. Throw Kofi in there. Don't forget him.
They may not have the best chemistry but Orton vs Triple H and Orton vs Cena don't either, but both these guys are very athletic and this could be a great rivalry when the day dawns upon us.
I would say it is in about three to five years. Morrison is closer to main eventing a Wrestlemania than Swagger is but I believe both will get their time. Swagger is on RAW and he will have to get through Orton, Batista, Cena, and HHH which would be rough for him. If Batista, Cena, and HHH all stay face, Swagger would have a much easier chance because he can be the second heel to Orton. Him and Morrison still need time to hone their skills but I believe their efforts will pay off at the end.
definetly a possibility. IMO they're the best of their brand. i like swagger due to he reminds me of Lesnar, and Morrison due to he reminds me of HBK. I beleive he's more talented than HBK when michaels was his age. Morrison could EASILY headline this year..as for swagger, maybe 27. i highly doubt he headlines 26.

Maybe WM30..WWE Undisputed Championship Match: Morrison VS Swagger
You know I have to admit that yes I had a burning hatred towards Swagger when he first appeared - I suppose I felt like he was getting too much of a push at an early start. But than I reorganized those thoughts and it finally snapped - Swagger was something I was waiting for. New blood - and absolutely performing excellent the past weeks - Im very happy with the way their producing his character and Im looking forward to him main event WM's in the future.

Now for John Morrison - haha I think I've already noted in earlier threads that this man is definitely the full package - I'm not ready for a feud between these two stars just yet--

I'd like to see Morrison succeed by taking Punk's belt off of his waist - they work wonderful matches together - did anyone else think the match where Punk won the title from Morrison was THE BEST match in this new ECW on tuesday nights. I really enjoyed it and it'd be even greater to see it again but for the World Heavyweight.

just hope WWE doesn't drop the ball with these guys.

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