J.R. On Mark Madden


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
I'm listening to JR's podcast right now, and he said he'd love to have worked with him, because Mark Madden is a "super genius". Is JR out of his fucking mind?
As much as I hate the guy's views, Mark Madden was a very sound commentator for WCW. So I don't think it's too far out of the realm that JR would like him. Also keep in mind that Mark Madden was a ghost writer for Flair's book.
Mark Madden always praises J.R. in his columns; he wrote many times than Vince McMahon should give full control of booking to J.R. He also mentioned that if he ever returns to wrestling commentary, it will only be for J.R. or Paul Heyman. So when someone loves you so much, it's only natural to give some love back.
Mark Madden always praises J.R. in his columns; he wrote many times than Vince McMahon should give full control of booking to J.R. He also mentioned that if he ever returns to wrestling commentary, it will only be for J.R. or Paul Heyman. So when someone loves you so much, it's only natural to give some love back.

I can understand giving him some love back, but to say he's a super genius is a major stretch. Jeremy Borash just kind of glossed over it and kept talking, as if he knew JR had lost his damn mind.
I can understand giving him some love back, but to say he's a super genius is a major stretch. Jeremy Borash just kind of glossed over it and kept talking, as if he knew JR had lost his damn mind.

Here is a possible reason... Mark Madden doesn't have much knowledge about what happens behind the scenes in the WWE, yet he often talks about things like he is sure. J.R., on the other hand, has a very good idea of what goes on backstage, thanks to having worked there for many years, and he still has sources (old friends and colleagues) that keep him updated on what is going on. Cross-checking Madden's predictions and claims with what he observed himself and what he hears, he probably saw that Madden was right on a lot of things which he had no chance of knowing for sure... and thus, he concluded that Madden is a super-genius.
Really? I find it quite enjoyable pretty regularly. What do you find so sour about it?

Mostly it's the old timer thing that comes from a lot of guys like him- back in the day..., wrestling was better when..., everyone moves too fast...

The other thing is that he is a surprisingly atrocious interviewer. This is unfortunate because the guest is why I'm downloading. He asks questions that are thinly veiled excuses to go on his own tangent about something or another or phrases questions in a way that doesn't allow the guest to do anything other than agree with him.

Or, at least, he used to do all of that. I stopped listening over a year ago.
Mostly it's the old timer thing that comes from a lot of guys like him- back in the day..., wrestling was better when..., everyone moves too fast...

One of my biggest pet peeves of he and Jim Cornette is when they laud these old promotions and compare what WWE is/did as if its so terrible, and "if they just did it like they did it..."

And they are describing promotions that went broke and out of buisness thirty years ago.

The other thing is that he is a surprisingly atrocious interviewer. This is unfortunate because the guest is why I'm downloading. He asks questions that are thinly veiled excuses to go on his own tangent about something or another or phrases questions in a way that doesn't allow the guest to do anything other than agree with him.

Or, at least, he used to do all of that. I stopped listening over a year ago.

He does def still do that, but I dont think its a JIm Ross exclusive thing...the show is patterned more as a back and forth convo than an interview. Shoot, thats how we do it on WWP often as well (except when the guest type calls for interview style, IE Ms.Carrera)
One of my biggest pet peeves of he and Jim Cornette is when they laud these old promotions and compare what WWE is/did as if its so terrible, and "if they just did it like they did it..."

And they are describing promotions that went broke and out of buisness thirty years ago.


He does def still do that, but I dont think its a JIm Ross exclusive thing...the show is patterned more as a back and forth convo than an interview. Shoot, thats how we do it on WWP often as well (except when the guest type calls for interview style, IE Ms.Carrera)

I have no issue with the conversational style. You do it well and the Art of Wrestling is one of my favorite shows. The issue is that JR doesn't have a convo; he wants to monologue and spout his opinions and does it at the expense of his guests.
Mark madden's opinions on wrestling are generally correct, the way he phrases it is pretty poor. He calls out the stereotypical IWC mark and they really cant handle the fact that someone who looks like madden is doing it
I'm listening to JR's podcast right now, and he said he'd love to have worked with him, because Mark Madden is a "super genius". Is JR out of his fucking mind?

As atrocious a commentator as he was and as awful as his editorial articles on the main site here were a few years back, he was actually a really funny newsletter writer in the early 90s and used to come up with really creative and funny parodies of WCW at the time. Can't say I've ever enjoyed anything he's done in the last 20 years, but he was a talented writer and I can definitely understand why he kept/keeps getting work.

Hey, if JR respects him, I'm with JR. Ain't nobody in this fuckin' business I got more respect for than Jim Ross.
J.R. and Mark Madden are on the same wavelength in a lot of areas so its no surprise, it probably also helps that Madden is a pretty smart cookie when it comes to wrestling, he may be harsh but he's usually right.

It probably also helps they prefer the same type of wrestling and think it's a superior way of producing wrestling. Personally I think the old style is better in a lot of areas, in others it's not but quite frankly the style of wrestling presented had very little to so with the downfall of NWA, it really didn't have much to do with it at all. The real issue came that the owners and head guys in NWA and other regional promotion didn't have the business acumen to make it work nationally. You put a guy with the business sense of Vince in charge of those regional promotions they would've been fine.
Here's the real question: why the fuck would you ever want to listen to JR's podcast?

I'm with NorCal on this. I like it more often than I don't, aside from the weird voices he'll randomly do.

Mostly it's the old timer thing that comes from a lot of guys like him- back in the day..., wrestling was better when..., everyone moves too fast...

The other thing is that he is a surprisingly atrocious interviewer. This is unfortunate because the guest is why I'm downloading. He asks questions that are thinly veiled excuses to go on his own tangent about something or another or phrases questions in a way that doesn't allow the guest to do anything other than agree with him.

Or, at least, he used to do all of that. I stopped listening over a year ago.

When you buy something, you expect to get what you paid for. Same thing when you listen to a JR podcast. I enjoy the stories of wrestling past, as well as some old-timers' takes on the modern product. Yeah, it can get repetitive, and he can be a bit dry, but it's still a good podcast overall.

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