Its Time for TNA to Die so Impact Wrestling Can Live

WTF??????? You really go out of your way to make yourself look like a horses arse eh? You definitely are not the sharpest knife. Maybe I should make a bet with you that Matt Taven will appear in TNA in 2017?

If he appears anytime during 2017 you delete your account and go away. Better yet, I'm sure the mods can do an IP ban for the loser. Do you accept the bet?
Nice try, but you just tried to buy yourself an extra eleven months here. For the past several weeks, you've been stating that Matt Taven would appear in TNA by January, 2017:

Still waiting for January for Matt Taven to join the Miracle.

And the point of your idiotic rant is? You are wrong 99% of the time about everything, so I fully expect Taven and Bennet to be reunited in Jan 2017 in TNA.

Now, can't wait until Jan 2017 when Matt Taven, Kyle O'Reilly, and Adam Cole will join the fold.

If you'd like to place that bet under the original terms that were offered (repeatedly)- that Matt Taven will appear on TNA television on or before January 31st, 2017, and the loser leaves these boards for a year, then I accept. If you're suddenly feeling such a lack of confidence in your predictions that now you feel you need to tack almost an entire year onto the term of the bet, my point's been made. You have made the claim repeatedly (and as recently as yesterday!) that Matt Taven will be in TNA by January, 2017- that is the time frame we will be using.

We aren't playing predictions here, we're playing "Joesgonnakillu has a wide mouth with a foot in it."

Your offer to modify the terms of the bet towards your favor is declined; the original bet, created based upon claims you made separately and repeatedly, remains on the table. Matt Taven does/does not appear on TNA television on or before January 31st, 2017, with the loser leaving the boards for a year. Your words, used repeatedly- do you stand by them mere days after you use them? I'll even sweeten the pot for you- you've claimed Kyle O'Reilly and Adam Cole will be in TNA by January, 2017; I'll extend the bet to cover any one of O'Reilly, Cole, or Taven appearing on TNA television by January 31st, 2017. This means appearing on regular weekly television produced by TNA, Joesgonnakillyou- not "Matt Taven mentioned the letters TNA in a tweet, which is proof of everything I've ever said".
Nope....Taven appears before the end of 2017 WILL be the terms. You don't like MY terms, you don't have to accept you chickenshit!

If Taven appears in TNA at any point in 2017, then your account will be IP banned FOREVER! Take it or leave it hoss, I don't give a rats asre either way.
You're also very carefully omitting your end of the bet from that; that you would leave should Taven not show up. Why would I bet on Matt Taven appearing by the end of 2017 when I think that's in the realm of possibility? Why would I accept terms of a bet that are entirely one-sided in your favor? Because you said "chickenshit"? :lmao:

You seem to be misunderstanding the whole point of my offering the bet. You seem to be thinking that I'm trying to say that Matt Taven wouldn't go to TNA; this is not the case. What the case is, is that you're a loud-mouthed idiot who repeatedly starts confrontations on these boards then runs from them. We're using your words here; I've made no claims on Matt Taven's status after January 2017. You have repeatedly made claims that Matt Taven will be in TNA by January 2017.

I never really expected you to take this bet, Joesgonnakillu. To be honest, I expected you to keep pretending you couldn't see it. The point was to demonstrate, in a very overt way, that you don't stand behind a word you say. And if you don't stand behind a word you say, what good is your opinion here?

Something you seem to be missing in all of this; I've been after you for a few weeks now. Normally, this kind of behavior gets some kind of admonishment from moderators; some kind of, "quit cluttering up the forums with this shit." Even if the moderators might happen to agree with it, it's distracting from actual discussions, and truth be it told, most of my 'take the bet' posts have completely missed the 'opinion' threshold. I'm getting away with this because people fucking hate you. Your contributions to discussions around here are to insult people and make "I told you this would happen" posts based on your personal opinion of what a tweet a professional wrestler had for breakfast must have really meant. People want you to take this bet, because everyone knows that there is no chance Matt Taven appears in TNA by the end of January 2017, yourself included. You "don't give a rats arse" if I take your version of the bet, because it wasn't meant as a serious offer; it was an attempt for you to salvage your self-esteem in the face of someone trying to hold you to your own words.

I know you're not going to take the bet; that wasn't the intent of my offering it. But you'd make a lot of people here very, very happy if you did.
I wish "Joesgonnakillu' would take the bet, but anyway.

On topic, I have to agree with Rayne here. They can change the name, pour buckets of money from the ceiling, walk on water, but as long as you are on a network that is limited in who sees it, they are on a slippery slope.

I too am surprised that they have managed to stick around this long, and I do like TNA, since they left Spike it's been very hard to try to keep up with it. And I admit with the WWE network and all their shows it's much easier to just turn the dial than look stuff up on Youtube and elsewhere.

Don't know who in Canada gets POP TV, but I know we in the Toronto area don't. It's kind of a shame, TNA was fun to watch until it went away.

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