What you call football is called Soccer. You were socks when you play it right?
"WERE" socks??? what does that mean?
I'm guessing you mean "WEAR" socks?
So there. It's fucking Soccer. Shut up and deal with it.
OK, because the big, fat Americans have told me too. I guess I better do as I'm told or I could end up getting invaded for words of mass destruction!
Obviously you didn't wipe the grease off your your brain first.
LOL, a yank talking about grease...in between his stuffing his mouth with his super size cheeseburger and donuts.
You do mean "WEAR" don't you?
Anyway, if that's an excuse to call it soccer then why don't you call YANKball "BigGirlsPaddingBall" ?
Other than that, take your name and go home. You aint gettin Football.
Go home? where exactly do you think I'm sat right now?
Blah blah blah blah. We're America. Tell ya what. Win a decent war and you can call it whatever you want. Until then, it's Soccer. Deal with it.
I "tell ya what," check out a couple of books, do some online research then come back and tell me what you have learned about England and wars.
Your ignorance and complete, obvious stupidity are clear to see.
That last comment was THE most hypocritical thing I have EVER heard on any website!!!
Um no. Handball is played out behind the school with a racketball by the Hispanic kids while they skip class.
Whooooo..... I'm getting accused of "getting at America" (which isn't the point of this thread) then you come out with a prejudiced comment that suggests all Hispanic kids skip class!
Nah, we will keep Football. YOU can have Handball, since the ONE object of soccer if just to not touch it with your hands.
I think you will find the WORLD will keep football, while it is only you lot (as usual) who stand alone in your ignorance.
No Rugby is played by men who aren't in shape enough or tall enough to play football.
Again the stupidity of you is unbelievable!
Stop trying to comment before you learn your facts. If I don't know something I don't try to bluff my way through it like you are now doing.
I don't have to give you my best. I could pick my ass and come up with a stronger argument.
Well please pick away because up to now all you have done is made yourself look like a cock!
I'll save my best until you actually speak with some sense.
I'll save MY best until you actually speak some sense.
Um no. This is YOUR opinion. And it's pretty idiotic.
But that's the key, its MY opinion and all I was asking was for other peoples opinions to see how they compared to mine.
Then you try to turn this into a big U.S. vs U.K. argument like your still in the playground. Whats next? my dad is tougher than yours?
Think about some of the stuff that I have said. It makes more sense that what you just wrote.
No honestly it doesn't. It is actually very stupid. I am always open to criticism and can admit when I'm wrong. I don't have a big ego OR a chip on my shoulder whereas you seem like a pubescent redneck with your knickers in a twist!
Yeah I dig... I dig through your mums fat rolls to get to her panties at the weekend.