If You Could Only Have One: Pro Wrestling vs Football.

If you could only have one would it be Pro Wrestling or Football?

  • Professional Wrestling

  • Football

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Pre-Show Stalwart
If you could only pick one, would it be Football or Soccer?

So lately, I've been wondering how WWE Monday Night Raw is going to fair against Monday Night Football, when Football is back in season in Aug/Sept. I know I sound like a dick when I say I want MNF to hurt Raw's ratings, but it's only because I feel like WWE is resting on it's laurels and I think decreasing ratings is the only way they'll wake up and change.

The problem is that the NFL is in a lockout right now and there might not be any football season at all and it got me to thinking - if you could only have Pro Wrestling or Football, which would it be?

To include everyone, if your living in America then football is the NFL, if you live anywhere else then football is what you consider football, or what Americans consider soccer. So for the UK fans, if you could only have one, would it be your beloved football(soccer) or would it be Pro Wrestling?

I think it's an interesting question because, I believe, depending on what country you are from, you have to choose between pro wrestling and the most popular sport of your region.

My choice would have to be Pro Wrestling. I'm a fan of football, but if I could only have one or the other, I would prefer to have the whole of pro wrestling then football. I might lose football, but there would still be baseball, hockey, basketball and other sports I'd be able to get behind and enjoy.

I think Pro Wrestling offers a lot more entertainment value, because there isn't much a football game can do to stray away from the norm. It can be very exciting, but overall, I wouldn't want to lose pro wrestling, because I know what it's capable of.

How bout you?
Errr, don't pay attention to my bolded statement at the top. The choices are Pro Wrestling and Football, not football and soccer. I'm an ass.
At this stage in life I'd actually have to say I'd want pro football. For one thing pro wrestling isn't nearly as captivating as it was 10 years ago with both WCW and Raw putting out a ton of exciting shows and ppvs. As I've grown older I've gotten more into football and more importantly the social aspect of watching it. It's always great to hit up a bar sunday morning and watch the games all day and drink beers with friends, and then do it again monday. Not to mention parties during the playoffs and of course the Super Bowl. Wrestling just doesn't have that anymore, WWE comes to town once or twice a year for a show, once every few years for a ppv it seems like, so the live event feel is hardly ever there, and like i said their weekly program isn't what it used to be. So while I'll always be a wrestling fan, it's gotten to a point where if i had to choose, i'd choose football
Football anyday. I love wrestling but here in Britain football (soccer) is really big. It's not just about the game here though it's more to do with havin a good day out, gettin wrecked, goin to the game with mates lol for me. Wrestlings went downhill now as well.

I assume by football you mean going to games not watching on TV though right?

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