It's Crazy Night

I'm not saying it's a wise decision. Just saying I want that. Lesnar trying to grab him, him being way too fast for him. Lesnar punching him in his beautiful face and Balor kicking the tit tat of Lesnar full speed. In my head, it's a masterpiece.

Your fantasy booking is too ******ed for words.
Brock should only wrestle people over 210lbs. I have to agree with Bacon on this one.

I don't know about that. That David/Goliath crap always works for me in a match. Speed vs. Force, etc. But I have to think twice about that now. Lesnar's workrate is pretty much suplex and f5. It gets tiresome unless you're a big gun throwing Lesnar around too.
Back from the show with some quick notes.

1. This wasn't the most interesting show. The big reveal of Balor at the end was hardly a surprise, though that's just going to happen every now and then. Other than that we had Reigns' promo (which only kind of felt like a heel turn as WWE still won't go full speed ahead with anything he does), the Revival (again not really a surprise) and Angle as GM (not really a surprise, though Teddy Long's R-Truth style cameo was hilarious).

2. Reigns reached a new level of booing tonight. I've never seen such loathing.

3. The THANK YOU TAKER opening was rather touching.

4. As is always the case on here, the wrestling meant nothing, though it's not supposed to.

5. Uh....oh yeah there's the Draft (or whatever it is), which is going to change everything. That kind of makes tonight's show worthless, which isn't the best possible idea. Make the announced next week and do the Draft in two weeks, or after Payback. It's not like it's doing you much good by announcing it tonight.

6. Overall, the show was entertaining, but it's kind of collapsing under its own reputation. If you don't have 134 different stories and angles and surprises, it feels underwhelming. It was good, though there's only so much you can do when your surprises aren't really surprises.

7. Oh and the beach balls. SCREW OFF WITH THOSE THINGS ALREADY! During the Neville match, there were probably close to 25 of them being batted around in the span of five minutes. It's really, REALLY distracting for someone trying to watch the match (much like the Wave in the main event) but then again this crowd, which claims to be a bunch of wrestling fans, would rather entertain themselves because apparently WWE doesn't do it for them.

8. Could anyone make out what they were chanting during Sheamus/Cesaro's match? I never could get it.
I'm not a big Goldberg fan, but that was nice speech with his kid after Raw. Wished they saved it for Raw next week, a less dumb crowd would of gave him more of a proper send off. The guy has been a major focal point of the WWE since he's a little odd they didn't put him on Raw instead of a dark segment.

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