Tasty and I are going to SmackDown tonight

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
We got our tickets last night so we'll be sat somewhere in the region of Portugal. Nineteen years as a wrestling fan, this is my first WWE event.

What are the odds of seeing Daniel Bryan wrestle? I heard he wasn't on Raw last night.
Yeah, watching a shitload of NXT has made me like wrestling again. The only problem is there's loads of gimps at British wrestling events. Sam will be one of them.

Enzo Samore and Big Gazz. Bada bing bada boom guys with the most social skills in the room. How you doin'?
This right here, this is Big Gazz - and he's six foot four. And you can't-- teach-- that!

Too bad Certified Lee couldn't come.

We should've gone to Florida to watch NXT instead but I suppose Finn Balor might be at SmackDown. Hooray.
We got our tickets last night so we'll be sat somewhere in the region of Portugal. Nineteen years as a wrestling fan, this is my first WWE event.

What are the odds of seeing Daniel Bryan wrestle? I heard he wasn't on Raw last night.

Dark match and a backstage segment. Fucker ruined my voice when he came out.
You know when WWE does a funny ad for the Royal Rumble or whatever? I never knew until this moment that I wanted one in which Enzo Amore sheepishly approaches a microphone at a spelling bee and is asked to spell "soft."

"Can you use it in a sentence please?"

"The Australian kid is soft."
Enjoy yourselves boys - see if you can get away with a "wank pheasant" sign. You know my first thought on seeing that was "Huh, that seems to me like the kind of thing Sam off WZ would say".
You two are in for a real treat. They are advertising Big Show explaining his actions against Reigns. Should be some real edge of your seat shit.
Tasty is right - I am a gimp. The question isn't whether I'm wearing a wrestling shirt, but which one am I wearing?
I was shocked when a roguishly handsome Indian man came into my office earlier wearing a WrestleMania 29 t-shirt. I refrained from asking if he was going to SmackDown because of not wanting the people in my office to know of my perversions.

To answer my own question, I very nearly wore one of my several Daniel Bryan t-shirts, which would have made a lot more sense:

Reigns won in a dark match - that's not a spoiler.

What was most surprising - and Tasty can attest to this - is that people can watch John Cena wrestle and not be in awe. I was astonished that he was even working SmackDown - others were apparently cynical enough to think he was actually a bad wrestler.

Tasty, I think, is having sex with a female. I just want to go to sleep (to the point that I'm not even jealous).

I freaked out whenever Daniel Bryan did anything.

Adrian Neville - sorry, Neville Neville - is ganning to WrestleMania.
What was most surprising - and Tasty can attest to this - is that people can watch John Cena wrestle and not be in awe. I was astonished that he was even working SmackDown - others were apparently cynical enough to think he was actually a bad wrestler.

On multiple occasions last night people chanted 'You Can't Wrestle' at him and I was astonished as he applied a fucking headlock and chain wrestled Bad News freaking Barrett. These same folks then creamed themselves anytime Ziggler did anything. People are sheep and stupid as all hell.
I explained afterwards, and I maintain that this is an entirely appropriate comparison, that's it's like watching Steve Austin or Hulk Hogan wrestle and being like, "Ah, you're a bit shit really."

It's the first time I've ever seen Cena live and, like any rational wrestling fan, I was absolutely thrilled.

Daniel Bryan was also there so it was quite the wonder that my mind didn't shatter.
So many fat ***** in Kevin Owens shirts. I'd have confronted them but if an autistic man pissing on my suit and a man wearing a DX shirt and a plastic military helmet trying to kiss me proved anything, it's that I shouldn't engage with these weirdos.
Oh, and some fans jumped in the ring at the start of the main event. I thought one of them was Finn Balor but, on reflection, probably not.
From the main page:

A group of fans rushed the ring tonight at the WWE Smackdown taping in London. It happened during the main event, after the participants had all made their entrances but before any of the action had started. One of them performed the Rock Bottom to another before leaving the ring, with security chasing the boys and escorting them from the area.
No smark experience is more horrifyingly idiotic than the one I had.

I had a crew of "Czena sux" hardcores behind me (they were big Mr.Kennedu fans too, would have fit right in at this place in 07) and they continually yelled, LOUDLY to make sure everyone around them knew.....


That is so mind-bogglingly stupid, most of you won't even immeadiately realize why

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