Its a boy!!!, well i think it is?

Deexter Jorgan

Has a Dark Passenger on board...
My wife is pregnant, coming up to 23 weeks but havent found out what the sex of the child is, waiting till next week to find out, i was told about old wise tales that you can tell the childs sex with the weight that the mothers carrying i.e if they are carrying on the hips its a girl, if they are carrying on the stomach its a boy is this all true?

My wife is pregnant, coming up to 23 weeks but havent found out what the sex of the child is, waiting till next week to find out, i was told about old wise tales that you can tell the childs sex with the weight that the mothers carrying i.e if they are carrying on the hips its a girl, if they are carrying on the stomach its a boy is this all true?


If your Wife gets really fat. The baby will be chunky. If your Wife barely gains any weight, the baby will be under average and you'll go through several countless hours of sitting in a fucking waiting room, having to get monthly, or even weekly check-ups on if the baby is gaining any weight. :disappointed:

If your Wife is just fat in general.. I'm sorry. :p (kidding David)

Congrats on the baby. I have no way of telling what sex it is, I've never been too concerned with what I get, as long as its healthy. Then again, I wanted a girl more.. and got one. :lmao: So yay, go me.. I have femme sperm.

Wait, what?
If your Wife gets really fat. The baby will be chunky. If your Wife barely gains any weight, the baby will be under average and you'll go through several countless hours of sitting in a fucking waiting room, having to get monthly, or even weekly check-ups on if the baby is gaining any weight. :disappointed:

If your Wife is just fat in general.. I'm sorry. :p (kidding David)

Congrats on the baby. I have no way of telling what sex it is, I've never been too concerned with what I get, as long as its healthy. Then again, I wanted a girl more.. and got one. :lmao: So yay, go me.. I have femme sperm.

Wait, what?

:blink: well if its femanine will we all know whats happening there lol, and im turkish decent so my children always turn out huge lol, ive got one daughter and hoping for a boy to mix things up a little due to the fact that i feel im being out numbered lol
:blink: well if its femanine will we all know whats happening there lol, and im turkish decent so my children always turn out huge lol, ive got one daughter and hoping for a boy to mix things up a little due to the fact that i feel im being out numbered lol

Yeah.. #1. WZ Forums needs a glare icon. Because I'd use the shit outta that thing for the following statement...

"My Wife wants another baby." (imagine a glare) Our biggest issue was lack of time for everything, regarding one child. Now don't misunderstand me.. I love my daughter more than anything else, ever possible. But I have several issues with multiple children.

1. Lack of Money (The Gov. pays outrageous amounts of money with people with multiple children, but sooner or later you'll still need more. And I'm not like some people I know, who pop out kids to collect a check.)

2. Lack of Freedom (with one child, I still have my own time, with two, its shot)

3. Jealousy (I love giving my Daughter full attention. If I had another child, regardless if its a boy or another girl.. I'd feel neglectful to my Daughter. Then I'd in turn feel neglectful for the new child)

4. Sibling Rivalry (Not a big concern. If they're fighting each other, that means they aren't bothering me. :lmao: Kidding.. its natural that brothers/sisters always fight, so this isn't a huge concern but its on the list)

5. Lack of Time (Not to be confused with Freedom, you see Freedom = me being alone, to myself. Time = me never having enough to spend alone with the Wife, or together as a Family doing quality things that don't revolve around being hit with plastic toys, feeding schedules, doctor's appointments, and Family functions that involve me not wanting to be around the in-laws)

Okay I quit. I'll have another child some day.. but that day (hopefully) isn't gonna be soon. By soon, I mean at least another 2 years.
Yeah.. #1. WZ Forums needs a glare icon. Because I'd use the shit outta that thing for the following statement...

"My Wife wants another baby." (imagine a glare) Our biggest issue was lack of time for everything, regarding one child. Now don't misunderstand me.. I love my daughter more than anything else, ever possible. But I have several issues with multiple children.

1. Lack of Money (The Gov. pays outrageous amounts of money with people with multiple children, but sooner or later you'll still need more. And I'm not like some people I know, who pop out kids to collect a check.)

2. Lack of Freedom (with one child, I still have my own time, with two, its shot)

3. Jealousy (I love giving my Daughter full attention. If I had another child, regardless if its a boy or another girl.. I'd feel neglectful to my Daughter. Then I'd in turn feel neglectful for the new child)

4. Sibling Rivalry (Not a big concern. If they're fighting each other, that means they aren't bothering me. :lmao: Kidding.. its natural that brothers/sisters always fight, so this isn't a huge concern but its on the list)

5. Lack of Time (Not to be confused with Freedom, you see Freedom = me being alone, to myself. Time = me never having enough to spend alone with the Wife, or together as a Family doing quality things that don't revolve around being hit with plastic toys, feeding schedules, doctor's appointments, and Family functions that involve me not wanting to be around the in-laws)

Okay I quit. I'll have another child some day.. but that day (hopefully) isn't gonna be soon. By soon, I mean at least another 2 years.

with my daughter i tested that theory, but with her cousin she is really good with him, hes five months old and she shows him alot of attention, she plays with him and always has weird baby conversations with him, its a good mix and i do believe that she will be loving towards her new baby brother/sister
with my daughter i tested that theory, but with her cousin she is really good with him, hes five months old and she shows him alot of attention, she plays with him and always has weird baby conversations with him, its a good mix and i do believe that she will be loving towards her new baby brother/sister

How on earth do I have Parenting knowledge. :lmao: I can't believe I'm about to bust this gem out on you, nor do I have a clue where it came from.. but the first thing I thought of when I read that.. is this...

She is nice to her cousin, because she doesn't see him all the time. You give them 1 solid week of living together, full time, all the time, and I guarantee she'll have had enough of that.

My daughter loved seeing her cousin. For about 8 hours, if that.. then the sharing of toys became "her toys only" and the attention his Father (my brother) gave his son, became her attention that was being over looked.. until she b*tch slapped that little boy, sent him packin' and reclaimed her spot in front of my brother, regaining attention. :lmao:

I'm so completely serious with this. My Brother barely sees his son, so when he does he (naturally) gives him a lot of attention. My Brother lives with us, and Gabrielle enjoys him whenever we (her Parents) piss her off.

When she realized some other child was taking her attention, she was fine with it for about 6-8 hours.. then shit needed to change in her eyes and she made sure that little visiting boy knew exactly who's yard, house & kingdom this is.. hers. ROFL
I believe that but her cousin stayed with us for a week and nothing, no fights or anything actually she gave him her toys to play with believe it or not, it was a weird situation and really cool, My daughter is a gem and she really does love the fact that she has other babies to play with, the only time i see her act cruel to another baby is when i take her to her play group and that was because theres a girl there who attempts to bully her but ended up with he face on the floor lol
I recently possibly had a boy. I so hope it's not mine.

I'm an ass?

No one is an ass for saying something like that. You're openly, and honestly, admitting to not wanting Children right now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and unfortunately "accidents" happen.

Now by "accidents" I don't mean the child itself is a sin, or a horrible thing. However its simply natural and unavoidable to accept that there are people who get pregnany by accident and didn't do it on purpose, nor do they want the child.

Anyways, to sum it up.. no, you aren't an ass. You simply admit to not being ready, and thats more than most have the ability to do. There are some idiots in this world who go around stating they're fully capable and ready.. then randomly run away with no explanation of it. THOSE, are the asses.
If your Wife gets really fat. The baby will be chunky. If your Wife barely gains any weight, the baby will be under average and you'll go through several countless hours of sitting in a fucking waiting room, having to get monthly, or even weekly check-ups on if the baby is gaining any weight. :disappointed:

not necessarily
I think parenting is something that the parent or parents should be ready for, I for one loved the idea of being a dad, when my wife told me she thought i would go nuts, but truthfully its something that is a really great experience i have a bond with my daughter that cant change anything, and i wouldnt trade it for anything in the world

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