Isn't Kelly a little conceited bitch?

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Soul Crusher

I saw this report on WrestleZone about Kelly already having demands when she's been with the company for what, two months, tops? According to this article, when she appears on Ohio Valley Wrestling, Kelly doesn't like it when the fans try to approach and talk to her. Hey, kid, you're too young to be throwing hissy fits - you've got a golden opportunity even though you're not any more talented than your average stripper working at a seedy club in hick country. I mean, what do you do besides clearly being fed lines off of a cue card in backstage segments, along with stripteases in your predictable little "Kelly's Expose" segment? You don't do anything worth a shit. You're just lucky that Vinnie Mac is a dirty old man who finds barely legal chicks irresistible, otherwise you would be working in one of those seedy strip clubs - either that or flipping burgers.

To further illustrate my point, check out Kelly / Barbie Blank's page. It's blocked off to the public! This is the first person I've ever seen do this! Who the hell does this bitch think she is? Not only is she pretty much talentless, but she comes off as a nasty stuck-up little princess bitch on top of all that. What Vinnie Mac and the ECW fans see in her, I'll never know. Hopefully the fall from grace will be just as quick as the ascent to stardom.
Damn straight. This bitch isn't worthy to clean the arena bathrooms. Dump her or at least teach her a lesson in humility. What she's doing would be grounds for termination for some people in the organization on her level - why does she get off the hook?
she is annoying sure she is hot but i can do without her striptease crap every week it's ******ed hopefully they fire her soon
:headbanger: I think Kelly (Barbie Blank) would have been better suited for the RAW brand, with her "puppies". She would drive Jerry The King Lawler crazy.
first off dont be talking shit about my girl. shes had plenty of oppurtunities here in Jacksonville where shes from doing modeling and WWE gave her an offer she couldnt refuse. now I do agree with yall saying that she shouldnt be complaining cuz shes only 19 and new to the business but that dont give yall no right to be talking about her like that. her myspace profile is set to private so she doesnt get a million comments and friend request everyday cuz thats what was happening to her. shes a fairly private girl. and for you to say you never seen having her profile private you need to check out myspace a little more because there are a lot of people that have their profiles set to private. and the reason she doesnt like going to OVW is because she always has people asking her personal questions that she doesnt feel are appropriate to be asking her so she tries to just stay to herself and not say much and get private. so dont be talking shit about my friend cuz she is the only good thing in ECW right now
i think her striptease is rather lame to be honest
the girl has no ass and pretends she has one for most of the time she is up
opballa said:
first off dont be talking shit about my girl. shes had plenty of oppurtunities here in Jacksonville where shes from doing modeling and WWE gave her an offer she couldnt refuse. now I do agree with yall saying that she shouldnt be complaining cuz shes only 19 and new to the business but that dont give yall no right to be talking about her like that. her myspace profile is set to private so she doesnt get a million comments and friend request everyday cuz thats what was happening to her. shes a fairly private girl. and for you to say you never seen having her profile private you need to check out myspace a little more because there are a lot of people that have their profiles set to private. and the reason she doesnt like going to OVW is because she always has people asking her personal questions that she doesnt feel are appropriate to be asking her so she tries to just stay to herself and not say much and get private. so dont be talking shit about my friend cuz she is the only good thing in ECW right now
i totally agree she and mike knox are the only ones with a REAL storyline goin on and with time i think she will get into the ring more it has only been 4 weeks after all
I think the time ECW spends on Kelly and Knox is time that could be spent more efficently on someone who's ready to make an impact, like C.M. Punk. The F.B.I. could have had a tag match in the time they do their thing. Hell, how about some Stevie Richards? Richards can't get on t.v. even on ECW, but this trite can?

Seriously, Kelly has no entertainment value what so ever, and neither does Mike Knox for that matter.

Besides, women like Kelly in this business are a dime a dozen.
cosmonaut said:
I think the time ECW spends on Kelly and Knox is time that could be spent more efficently on someone who's ready to make an impact, like C.M. Punk. The F.B.I. could have had a tag match in the time they do their thing. Hell, how about some Stevie Richards? Richards can't get on t.v. even on ECW, but this trite can?

Seriously, Kelly has no entertainment value what so ever, and neither does Mike Knox for that matter.

Besides, women like Kelly in this business are a dime a dozen.
True dat!
opballa said:
first off dont be talking shit about my girl. shes had plenty of oppurtunities here in Jacksonville where shes from doing modeling and WWE gave her an offer she couldnt refuse. now I do agree with yall saying that she shouldnt be complaining cuz shes only 19 and new to the business but that dont give yall no right to be talking about her like that. her myspace profile is set to private so she doesnt get a million comments and friend request everyday cuz thats what was happening to her. shes a fairly private girl. and for you to say you never seen having her profile private you need to check out myspace a little more because there are a lot of people that have their profiles set to private. and the reason she doesnt like going to OVW is because she always has people asking her personal questions that she doesnt feel are appropriate to be asking her so she tries to just stay to herself and not say much and get private. so dont be talking shit about my friend cuz she is the only good thing in ECW right now

So what? Who the hell does she think she is? There are other WWE and TNA personalities with MySpace profiles that are more popular than she is (John Cena, Gregory Helms, Ashley Massaro, Samoa Joe, Christy Hemme, etc.) , and they didn't set their profiles to private. If she wants to act so distant and stuck-up, she shouldn't be working in this industry - why doesn't she just leave the business and work in a coal mine? The fact of the matter is that she's a spoiled little princess who thinks she's above everything and everybody. If Vinnie Mac was thinking with the right head, he would suspend her in order for her to get her attitude in check. I'd compare her attitude to Randy Orton, but that would be going easy on her - I've heard that Orton is really just a nice guy that has a bit of an ego problem backstage. Kelly, on the other hand, is basically just a talentless bitch.
Guys,Maybe that isnt how it really is.Maybe she just asked WWE officials instead of throwing a hissy fit.It never said she got angry its just she doesnt want to go back to OVW
cosmonaut said:
I think the time ECW spends on Kelly and Knox is time that could be spent more efficently on someone who's ready to make an impact, like C.M. Punk.

Seriously, Kelly has no entertainment value what so ever, and neither does Mike Knox for that matter.

If the crowd reaction in Philly is any indication, the majority of people agree with us here. Vinnie would have to be deaf not to notice the jeers that Kelly received during her performance, along with the "You suck dick" and "You can't wrestle" chants directed at Mike Knox. Someone obviously needs to explain to Vinnie the difference between good heat and bad heat - this is most definitely the latter.

It's people like Kelly and Mike Knox that are giving ECW the reputation of looking like the WWE minor leagues. Neither one of them is ready to be on television, and it shows in each of their lackluster appearances.

cosmonaut said:
Besides, women like Kelly in this business are a dime a dozen.

I couldn't agree more, but good luck convincing Vinnie Mac of that! One of these days we're going to see Vinnie getting "intimate" with her on-screen, the way he has with other WWE Divas over the years. The only reason she's here is because he's a dirty old man that has the hots for her. Too bad he doesn't realize that the fans don't necessarily share his sentiments.
I just think its funny, yeah she might be attrative but I mean come she looks like a fuckin ****** dancing, I would love to say that to her if she acted all stuck up, what a bitch
who cares what she says. she's a fine peice of ass that doesnt want to go back to non televised wrestling which makes a hell of a lot of sense. Saying you dont want to get demoted doesnt make you a "stuck up bitch"
Jaycobo said:
who cares what she says. she's a fine peice of ass that doesnt want to go back to non televised wrestling which makes a hell of a lot of sense. Saying you dont want to get demoted doesnt make you a "stuck up bitch"

Well, she said she didn't want to go back to OVW because she didn't like the fact that the fans were talking to her. That is something that only a stuck-up person would say. And what's wrong with working in two spots? There's a few lower card wrestlers in WWE that also work in OVW, and countless TNA wrestlers that appear in Ring Of Honor as well. If you're really serious about your career, you will be willing to make sacrifices like that - Kelly is still green and has to prove that she belongs on TV. The point I'm trying to make is that Kelly's getting awfully demanding for someone that's just a glorified stripper. And for what it's worth, I think 90% of the Divas on Raw and SmackDown! and the TNA Knockouts are better looking than she is anyway. I'll take Melina or Ashley over her any day of the week.
theguppee1234 said:
Hmmm... I'm her friend on her MySpace... :blink: :blink:

Did she demand that you kiss her royal feet and worship the ground she walks on? :lol2:
She is a 19 year old slapper! She doesn't fight like Trish, Victoria on WWE. She id just a pretty face who does strip sessions on ECW, probaly only all for a guys. I would hate to be her mother! I would hate to be her! She is known as a 19 year old stuck up bitch who wants to be potrayed as a slapper
kelly is the worst thing in ecw right now, she should be a porn star though.
Vinnie Mac loves Kelly for whatever reason (probably because her barely legal ass turns him on)

I for one would love for Vinnie to explain why he loves Kelly so much, and I'd love it even more if he appeared in the ring at an ECW show in Philly. He won't get the message about something unless he experiences it right before his eyes. He won't understand that the fans think this "new breed unleashed" ECW is crap until everyone says it to his face.
To be honest with you I wish they get rid of all the divas.
i dont care if she is a bitch lets all be honest you wud still fuk her
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