Is WWE finally trying to something with MVP?

I'm really glad WWE is giving MVP this long deserved push. Ever since his feud with Benoit, I thought he had a chance to get the call and main event. Then after his long but great feud with Matt, I knew he'd get up here, it was just a matter of time. Nice to see MVP stepping up and not another Cena/HHH/Batista feud. Maybe just maybe Raw won't be so predictable this year after all.

Good job MVP. Great mic skills, just as good ability and he's got quite the look.
I just hope MVP doesn't get the Shelton treatment getting pushed up to the main stage wrestle a lil feud with the champ, then get booted back down to mid card matches. Like most said he works the mic, got the in ring skillz, and he can get over face or heel. So aside from the fact he's got 1 of the worst finishers in the game(playmaker) he's got everything needed to make the break and add some color to the heavyweight title picture.
MVP has always been a great wrestler holding the us title shows him more ability he is the best us champion besides wcw days, I would love to see this feud continue too, i thought he had the win but they ended in a no content, due to sahen coming out, there was no actual result of the match, so mvp never got beat by randy orton...coudl this be the next big thing.
mvp has been patiently waiting for this for years. i marked out when he came out. i never mark out, i was stoked that the wwe actually let him try to draw some interest. imo, last night they gave miz and mvp a test to see if they are ready. miz did ok, but mvp killed it! he has everything it takes, mic skills, ability, the look, and from what i hear he gets positive praise backstage. i think a royal rumble win is in his future if he keeps the fans into him.
It's about time a new babyface come out that actually was interesting to listen to and didnt try to kiss the fans ass in order to get over. MVP did what a good face should do, and that's beat there opponent on the mic, b4 they even get in the ring. Im tired of all the goody-2shoes acts taht WWE forces dpwn the throats of the fans (Cena, Cm Punk, Kofi Kingston, etc) MVP's mic skills are whats gonna get him over with the crowd and that's how it should be. Let the crowd decide, not Vince...or even HHH for that matter
you know, i've bashed mvp a lot. people talking about how young he is even though he's not (35), his ring skills not being all that great, etc. but after last night, my mind might have changed a little. last night despite how shitty the crowd was with no noise or pop in them at all which to me makes a damn show, mvp actually impressed me. he cut a good promo, put on a decent match with orton, oh ya, this guy is probably going to hit the main event scene soon. not too soon, but soonish.
Another thing MVP has in his favor is that he seems to have a lot of peoples respect in the back. From what i've read, MVP is a constantly trying to get better and that he shows a huge amount of respect towards the business etc. He seems to be in very good graces with his attitude in the back, and I expect this to help him more and get the push that I think he deserves.
mvp might have had the best first promo in raw history...he went from average to awesome in my eyes. instantly.

ive never ever watched smackdown.
Did you watch RAW on mute? Seriously? He didn't come out to that much of a reaction when he interrupted him at first, but then when he got on the mic he DREW the crowd into popping for him, and they popped loud.

They popped because he was new and he was on Raw for the first time. He drew some good reactions, but when he came out for his match against Orton? Crowd was dead.

And the match, he was pretty damn over and held his own with Orton. Not bad for a new guy who just turned face a few months ago. Hopefully WWE doesn't botch this with poor booking.

He can hold his own with anyone in the WWE. He's a solid wrestler, but people STILL want to like Orton. That's the only thing going against MVP. He's going after someone who's liked by some people, so he might get booed by some. You hit the nail on the head as far as the booking goes.
I think that wwe is starting to add fresh guys to the mian title matches and its just great with guys like mvp and morrison things will start to be fun agian
They popped because he was new and he was on Raw for the first time. He drew some good reactions, but when he came out for his match against Orton? Crowd was dead.

The crowd is usually always dead or not as loud for someone that's already made an appearance earlier in the night. Orton didn't get a reaction either.

Blah, entrance pops are overrated anyway. HHH gets them, yet the crowd is usually dead as shit for his matches. Batista got one during his last night, yet the crowd was yawning during the match. MVP kept the crowd alive last night, he was very over during the match.

He can hold his own with anyone in the WWE. He's a solid wrestler, but people STILL want to like Orton. That's the only thing going against MVP. He's going after someone who's liked by some people, so he might get booed by some.

The majority of the reaction Orton gets is heel heat. People need too stop acting like he's so hugely over getting face pops despite being a heel. That's BS, he gets cheers from small groups of smarks. Nothing more.
Yeah, I'm glad to see the guy getting there. From what I've heard, he's never in trouble backstage and he was willing to do that jobbing angle for like 2 or 3 months. That could have ruined him if it wasn't done properly but he did well with it and fortunately I think he's ready for that push. I don't think he needs to win the belt in the near future, but I like to see him getting pushed to be able to run with those guys.
He paid his dues, I remember reading when he had the programme with Benoit he was constantly trying to improve his game, and he's been very frank and honest about his past in a number of interviews. I see him as a better role model than John Cena as he's a bad guy gone good in real life as well as in kayfabe... as opposed to being Brady Brunch clean like Cena.

He's definitely improved in the last 3 years, and I look forward to him being in the main event scene, even if he doesn't win the championship straight away it'd be good to see him chase the title and get cheated out of it by Legacy.
I marked out when MVP interrupted Orton. It really felt like a breath of fresh air, and MVP was gold in that promo. The abercrombie model joke was great, and his promo overall was reminicent of a Rock promo, which is really saying something. It was also nice to hear Ted and Cody get some much needed mic time. It was a great segment.

The match itself was very good, and I'm glad how strong MVP looked. The match was good that I was legitimately pissed when Shane ruined it and then disappointed when Vickie announced Orton/Shane for the main event next week. The fun had ended after that and now we went back to the same old shit. I hope MVP got the praise he deserves backstage for his performance Monday.
Until the promo he cut wth ortan, MVP wasnt over with me. i dont think he will get a world title push now, as he is US champ. If he gets a world title push, he will lose the US championship first. i personally think it should have been shelton benjaman turning face and getting a world title push. He really deserves it alot more than MVP. Hopefully it will happen soon.

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