Is MVP "too face"?

Simple answer; Yes.

You know I noticed this the first time he came out on RAW looking to make an impact, and he ran to either side of the stage and did his 'Ballin' taunt, I thought, man you look like a dick. In my opinion he doesn't need to 'pander' to the fans to be face. MVP had enough fans cheering him when he was heel anyway, so the fact that he has clearly taken some bad advice on being a face character. The taunting and pandering suits some people (Jeff Hardy, Mysterio) usually they are the underdog figures. MVP in my mind isn't an underdog. He doesn't need it. He needs the strong face look, it isn't the way he should act.
I'm guessing that we are forgetting that MVP used to smile constantly when he was a heel. His whole persona is that he is "Better Than You," and he is showing it as a face. He may be slightly overdoing it, but not to the degree that y'all are describing.

If he's doing the whole "I'm better than you" thing as a face, then he's simply not a very good face. Face's can be underdogs (Cena, Punk), or they can be confident (Rock, Michaels). Cockyness is reserved for heels.
And is really "overdoing it" to the degree we're describing, he's one Mick Foley style city name drop away from becoming a crowd kiss-ass.
He's a great wrestler, and I like him alot, but he needs to tone it down.
It does all seem to have happened too quickly and too completely. I admit that I'm enjoying rooting for him, yet it bothers me that he's totally playing to the fans after openly scorning them for so long. I keep waiting for him to show up in the ring with a slice of apple pie and a glass of milk. It's a bit much.

I compare this situation to that of John Morrison. His face turn came too fast but I still get the feeling there is a bad guy lurking close to the surface, waiting to make his appearance. His transition is a work in progress, not a complete turn like MVP's.

At the same time, I love watching MVP with his new ways. Go figure.
I don't think he's "too face." I mean, he isn't exactly going around saving kittens from trees and old ladies from burning buildings, is he? And there is no way he's more of a face than Cena.

Even if he were to be "too face"...would that be a bad thing? Not every face needs an edge. Cena only "has an edge" when someone really fucks with him, ala Orton in their last feud. And even then, that was only when Orton attacked his father. Wow. I'd hope that Cena would be furious.

Not everyone needs to be a face that has a bit of heel in them. A bit of "I'm good, but don't mess with me or ima go crazy" isn't needed at all. Triple H, sure. But that's been his character for so long, if he let a heel walk all over him without going crazy it wouldn't be Triple H. Why should MVP have a heel tinge to his character? Aren't faces supposed to be happy/moral/and always playing by the rules? MVP can't really be a mainstream, child endearing face if he's always growling and frowning because the big bad heel looked at him wrong.
Well said. It hadn't occured to me, but now that you mention it, I agree. MVP should be more of a anti-hero type face. Like a black ghetto Stone Cold.

im personally tired of the black ghetto character in wrestling. it has dominated the ranks for years and a line has to be drawn somewhere. i like his character now, and while i still think it needs a good bit of work to really draw, i think if he was just a little snappier he'd be alright. he definitely has to lose that wetsuit too, i think he's afraid to shave his chest
im personally tired of the black ghetto character in wrestling. it has dominated the ranks for years and a line has to be drawn somewhere. i like his character now, and while i still think it needs a good bit of work to really draw, i think if he was just a little snappier he'd be alright. he definitely has to lose that wetsuit too, i think he's afraid to shave his chest

Don't know if it matters, but I read that he wears that suit to cover tattoos. As far as being squeaky clean, you are all on the money. I know heis just playing a character, but he did like 7 years in prison in the real world.

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