Is WWE finally trying to something with MVP?


The Brazilian Surprise
So I'm watching RAW tonight and Randy Orton's talking about how he rules WWE, and whatnot. And then, MVP comes out of all people and interupts him. He cut a good promo to counter Orton and was totally over with it. Then, he gets to face Orton and gets another big reaction. It's cool to see the fans starting to come around for this guy, chanting for him and calling out during his moves (Ballin'!). MVP's mic skills have improved and he has good wrestling ability. What I'm leading this to is is this: Is WWE trying to mold MVP into the next big African-American superstar to follow in the steps of guys like the Rock (even though he is untouchable) and Booker T? The way his character is presented reminds me of them in a way, his mannerisms are somewhat similar, and on a small note, he has the big pyro on his entrance like Book.

I think it's great that he may be finally getting a push. He's been with the company for some time now and deserves at least a mini-push. Plus, it's about time there are some fresh faces in the world title picture, and now MVP can work programs with guys he's never worked with before, which will give the fans something new to see for once. I'm starting to grow tired of the same Cena-HHH-Edge-Orton-Big Show shit all the god damn time.

So do you y'all think he's finally getting a world title push or is it just fluke?
hahahahhaha are you kidding me? are they "finally doing doing something with MVP?" what the shit kind of question is that? have you even watched that Smackdown show that MVP was on for like the past 3 years? like... did you miss his 11 month reign as US Champion? his own "show" on Smackdown that was the vip lounge? his second win of the US Title? holding the tag titles with matt hardy? a huge feud with hardy? did you just start watching WWE in like the last... well tonight? i can't even go on that post was so awful.
I think youre missing the point of the question Shafe.
LoneWolf, from what Im guessing, is mainly refering to a main event push. On which MVP never recieved during his time on Smackdown.

Yeah sure, he was used quite well on friday nights but was never thrusted into the upper card, not even once. Mr.Kennedy has even had more upper card experience than MVP.

Now onto the actual question.
I think the WWE is finally trying to do something meaningful with MVP, and I love it. I think anyone would much rather see MVP vs RANDY ORTON for the WWE Title than a same match but with Big Show or Batista.
yeah I guess so. I just thought it was kind of obvious is all. Keeping the US Title on him, moving him to the flagship show, the face turn... all pretty obvious signals in my eyes. I just didn't get the phrase "finally" because MVP is getting built up over the past 3 years PERFECTLY. Every single thing they've done with him has been perfectly timed, perfectly executed, and not rushed or drawn out at all. "Finally" just seems like a bad choice of word because of the fact I see zero flaws in the way they've developed MVP.
They are going to use MVP but not in the main event. If you read they were going to do a Hardy/MVP fued with the US title. Now I do wonder who will challenge him for his US title. I agree neither big show or batista are my choice to see get a title shot. I think they gave MVP that match to see how he performed and to see if the crowd got behind him. MVP needs to develop mid card feuds and have a nice title reign on RAW before anything in the World Title picture.
I'm hoping MVP gets a title shot after Judgement Day, whether it be a fatal-four way or triple threat. I've been a fan of MVP since the days of his arrival and tonight when i heard MVP's music, I almost marked out for some reason lol.

He's got the promo skills, the looks, the crowd reactions, the in-ring improvements every week and this guy either needs the main-event push now or next year at MITB.
I was quite happy to see them finally do something with MVP. This is a great time for MVP to get a main even rub as one of the top babyfaces. The crowd absolutely love MVP. He's got mic skills, charisma, and has been getting better in the ring since day one. Simply put...he draws.

Even if his feud with Orton doesnt go anywhere, its still a great "rub" for him to make himself more credible. Working a program with Orton will do wonders for MVPs image.

Btw, did anyone else notice how nice it was to have a FRESH guy facing Orton? I dont believe these two have ever crossed was really refreshing to see a new face, instead of the same old Big Show, HHH, HBK, Batista etc. MVP could bring a breath of fresh air to a much needed Main Event. I'm getting tired of seeing HHH, Orton, and Batista over and over and over.
"Finally" just seems like a bad choice of word because of the fact I see zero flaws in the way they've developed MVP.

I think also what he's going for is that MVP face not just anybody last night, but he faced Randy Orton! There's a difference between facing CM Punk during his title reign, and facing the big bad RKO. This is the fiercest competition MVP has had in as long as I can remember, maybe dating back to when he beat Benoit for his first US championship reign, and Orton is actually probably even bigger than that! Seriously, think about it, I don't think he ever squared off with Cena, Taker, HBK, HHH (one on one anyway), this was the biggest superstar he's ever had to face. That HAS to say something.
it's a fluke in my opinion. I wish it was the case that he was going to be the new face fighting for the title but I think it will be a short program at best. For one thing, he was not that well used before as he had one hell of a long losing streak which ppl are seeming to forget! Also, batista is the number 1 contender so he will be the one going back and forth for the title. This reminds me more of what happened with shelton when he was fighting trips, he got close and it was an incredible set of matches, he never got hte main event push though, same will happen here...i hate it because it shouldn't happen, but just watch...thats just how WWE is nowadays
I was quite happy to see them finally do something with MVP. This is a great time for MVP to get a main even rub as one of the top babyfaces. The crowd absolutely love MVP. He's got mic skills, charisma, and has been getting better in the ring since day one. Simply put...he draws.

Even if his feud with Orton doesnt go anywhere, its still a great "rub" for him to make himself more credible. Working a program with Orton will do wonders for MVPs image.

Btw, did anyone else notice how nice it was to have a FRESH guy facing Orton? I dont believe these two have ever crossed was really refreshing to see a new face, instead of the same old Big Show, HHH, HBK, Batista etc. MVP could bring a breath of fresh air to a much needed Main Event. I'm getting tired of seeing HHH, Orton, and Batista over and over and over.

My thoughts exactly. I must especially agree with you on "a fresh guy" facing Orton. It was beautiful to watch. Excellent back and fourths and everything. Multiple non-BS moves were used by both wrestlers, both becoming very technical. This is how wrestling is supposed to be. Not all "flash" and "magical comebacks." This was the best non-PPV match I've seen in quite some time. I believe this was a test, to see how well MVP would fair, and I'm 100% sure that they all, including Orton, gave him handshakes and compliments when he went backstage.
At first i never noticed mvp....maybe it was cause his lack of competition or small pushes....but when he cut out those promos almost as funny as the rock would say....cody rhodes and ted diabiase as ambercombie models funny...he had the match with orton which i thought was a great match tell shane interrupted....but im glad he's getting this main event push and i dont think its a fluke cause he has the tools to be huge...i think wwe was testing the waters with him there and it hit big.
If the wwe is gonna start using mvp in the main event its a good thing . But as for pushing him in the wwe title pic i think they should hold off a bit longer till cyber sunday or at least one of the ppvs before the end of the year. It would give him more time to feud with hardy cena or maybe even leagacy. Needless to say its great that the wwe is starting to grow in the talent pool but as for mvp i dont think now is the time to push him all the way up in the main event level.
If the wwe is gonna start using mvp in the main event its a good thing . But as for pushing him in the wwe title pic i think they should hold off a bit longer till cyber sunday or at least one of the ppvs before the end of the year. It would give him more time to feud with hardy cena or maybe even leagacy. Needless to say its great that the wwe is starting to grow in the talent pool but as for mvp i dont think now is the time to push him all the way up in the main event level.

Enough with the Hardy feud dude. MVP needs to go after Cena/Orton or at least Legacy. He needs to get in the main event picture and stay there. He has everything he needs to make it big. Only thing I would suggest is a theme song modification/remix, similar to what The Rock received after his 1st return from Hollywood.
Enough with the Hardy feud dude. MVP needs to go after Cena/Orton or at least Legacy. He needs to get in the main event picture and stay there. He has everything he needs to make it big. Only thing I would suggest is a theme song modification/remix, similar to what The Rock received after his 1st return from Hollywood.

let me start off by saying I wasnt saying he should feud with hardy and only feud with him. But I think the wwe is making him out to be a great wwe superstar. They have learned that a push strait to the top is not always good . ex 1. Cm punk had a horrible world title run . 2. Brock lesnar was great at what he did but all of it was for nothing.

They need to gradually push him like they did with edge and Y2j like they used to in the old days . And lets not forget He is the Champions of the Mid Carders he needs to do some feuds before getting put up there cause recently he has only feud with benjaman for the title .

And last wtf he needs a theme song remix ... the theme song is used to identify a wrestler not to make him make the main event . I think its fine please stay on topic Decrypter !
let me start off by saying I wasnt saying he should feud with hardy and only feud with him. But I think the wwe is making him out to be a great wwe superstar. They have learned that a push strait to the top is not always good . ex 1. Cm punk had a horrible world title run . 2. Brock lesnar was great at what he did but all of it was for nothing.

They need to gradually push him like they did with edge and Y2j like they used to in the old days . And lets not forget He is the Champions of the Mid Carders he needs to do some feuds before getting put up there cause recently he has only feud with benjaman for the title .

And last wtf he needs a theme song remix ... the theme song is used to identify a wrestler not to make him make the main event . I think its fine please stay on topic Decrypter !


What I mean is...say Carlito got a main event push. Would you want to see him main eventing a PPV with that ghey ass "you want to be cool?" music? Music plays an important part bruh. Like Orton's face/heel switch-ups, they changed his music as well. You don't have to like, cry about it. Relax. ^_^
Music plays an important part bruh.

LOL.. Bruh, are you serious?!


Anyways, MVP going to the main event too soon is going to ruin him. He does need a fued with a mid carder over the US title before he goes on to bigger things. The audiance is NOT going to buy him going straight to the main event. What he needs is a build up over maybe 6 months. A good 5 month US reign with a couple of lenghty fueds that he wins, looks strang and carries the mid card guys. Then he can be taken seriously as a main event player. It wasnt that long ago he was losing every match... let him get some credit back first.

A good fued with Rhodes and/or DiBiase would be sweet while an already established guy fueds with Orton for a bit. Then after MVP beats Rhodes/DiBiase he could then challenge and go over Orton thus establishing himself as a strong and credible world champion.
This is simple what should happen, MVP should have a match with Dibiase at Judgement day for the US title. Rhodes helps after MVP has it won and Ted wins the strap, giving him some time to actaully build his own credibility and not hiding behind Orton. This guy needs a push and needs to be making mid card titles mean something. As for MVP he's beltless so he goes after orton who goes over batista, i hope... So we set a good fued with Orton, now should he win the title? Not yet, let orton go over and take the ball and run with it, i like him at the champion. but mvp deserves the well as dibiase, hope it works well for all parties involved...or wwe will piss it away...shocker.
it's a fluke in my opinion. I wish it was the case that he was going to be the new face fighting for the title but I think it will be a short program at best. For one thing, he was not that well used before as he had one hell of a long losing streak which ppl are seeming to forget! Also, batista is the number 1 contender so he will be the one going back and forth for the title. This reminds me more of what happened with shelton when he was fighting trips, he got close and it was an incredible set of matches, he never got hte main event push though, same will happen here...i hate it because it shouldn't happen, but just watch...thats just how WWE is nowadays

i'm glad they are at least thinking about moving him up. RAW and smackdown both need some new upper mid and main eventers. i'm sick of the same ppl month after month in the main event. and as for that long "losing streak" he was on..that was so they could build simpathy for him and turn him face
I am really hoping thye are. I have been saying this for awhile, MVP is not overrated nor is he underrated. He gets enough attention and hype and all that shit for his wrestling skill ( which is well above average) and deserves to be where he is now. He is a really good wretler in the ring even tho he might of been a bit stale last year. His mic skills are really good as well and he brings 100% to the ring every night. You gotta love MVP.

Anyways this is a huge push for MVP. He faced Randy Orton in a non-title match tonight, and with what should of easily been a Orton win, It ended up being a no contest. Now this may have furthered the story line with Orton adn Legacy but Legacy could have came in after the match and stuff, but MVP got a huge victory ( Not literally here) and caema draw with the WWE champion who has been taking out Main event superstars. I am really happy MVP is getting a push.
The thing with MVP is that he must learn to draw a face reaction. He was good at getting people to hate him, but now he's going after a tweener in Randy Orton and that doesn't bode well for him.

Many can say that Orton's a heel and he's supposed to be, but he gets tweener reactions and if MVP would have won, it would have instant shock value, but it would be short lived, because Orton would beat him the second time around.

What this push is doing is getting MVP familiar with the Raw roster and it's basically the new guy going after the champion. MVP will see a lot of fresh matchups with wrestlers like Orton, Miz, and others on the roster.

Right now, HHH is gone, so now is MVP's time to show he can hang with the big boys, otherwise once HHH gets back and Cena starts going after the belt again, MVP could be lost in the shuffle. He has big time potential. He just needs to get some more pops from the crowd.
Now I'm really glad they decided to give MVP a little spotlight time straight away, instead of letting him wander on in the midcard position. He's been doing a good job on SD all this time, but it is time for him to move on.

His interrupting Orton was a very good move, but I believe that even if he gets to challenge Orton for the belt, he will not yet win it. Maybe it would be smart to have a feud around the US Title, probably against BOTH DiBiase and Rhodes, and if he beats them both, he gets a shot at Orton's gold... something like that. But then, if he does, they won't put the belt on him yet. He is not quite ready for that. But they definitely have to build him up as a Main Event contender, and they also need Orton to be a dominant champion. I think a little Orton vs MVP thing is something both can profit from, even if MVP ends up on the losing side in the end. Orton can still put MVP over by making him look good instead of squashing him, which will make MVP into a more serious upper card contender, and Orton will also profit from that as he will have beaten "another tough opponent", helping establish him as the dominant uber-heel.

Let's see where it goes from here for MVP, I'm having high hopes on this actually... just hope they won't get disappointed, hehe.
The thing with MVP is that he must learn to draw a face reaction. He was good at getting people to hate him, but now he's going after a tweener in Randy Orton and that doesn't bode well for him.

Did you watch RAW on mute? Seriously? He didn't come out to that much of a reaction when he interrupted him at first, but then when he got on the mic he DREW the crowd into popping for him, and they popped loud.

And the match, he was pretty damn over and held his own with Orton. Not bad for a new guy who just turned face a few months ago. Hopefully WWE doesn't botch this with poor booking.
personally i thought it was a test run. to see if fans really would want him in the title picture. on the other hand it could have been cause they had no one else to use. think batista was in a match. cena is gonna be in a program with big show. shane was gonna come out during the match. shawn is out still. hhh is selling the injury storyline. so really who could have wwe use thats a face. cant use kennedy. not 100% yet. so who else were they gonna use?
WWE has been doing something with MVP for a while now but now I think they are trying to build him up for main event status which is what they need anyway. I mean how many times can we see Cena, Orton, Edge, HHH and Batista in the main event every PPV. I noticed they started taking similar steps for building up new possible main eventers with the Miz last night. Back to MVP though I think in just under a year he will be a main eventer and quite possibly in just over a year win the WWE/World title.
MVP's promo was great last night, and anyone who doesn't think he can draw face pops should go back and watch him again. He was absolutely great. I almost pissed myself when he said, "Check yo-self lackey!" I have to admit I had no faith in him being successful as a face, I loved him as a heel, but after last night, I have no questions. The one thing I did notice that during the match, people were either cheering for, or against Orton, I heard very few MVP chants. I think it'll only take a couple weeks with some more good matches and some more good promos for crowds to really get behind him.

I forget who brought this up, but a feud with The Miz until John Cena officially returns is in my opinion, the best way to go. They're both cocky, I could see a lot of one-ups-manship, and I think MVP has enough in ring skill to carry Miz for a few good matches, and to be honest, I don't think the Miz is that awful that he's going to have to rely completely on MVP.

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