Is TNA Picking a Fight it Can't Win?


The King of Swing
TNA Advertising "Impact Wrestling" on WWE Turf in Stamford
by Nick Paglino
May 16, 2011
Several readers have sent in word that TNA is advertising, with large billboards, the launch of its "Impact Wrestling" re-branding campaign in scattered areas throughout the Stamford, CT area. For those unaware, Stamford, CT is the location of WWE Headquarters, so the placing of TNA ads in the area has prompted suggestion of a "war" between WWE and TNA.

It's worth noting that several of the ads have been reportedly placed in areas of Stamford that are non-residential, but would easily be seen by members of WWE top brass, including Vince McMahon, during their daily commute to the headquarters. It's also being said that a large billboard has been [strategically?] placed across the street from a WWE TV facility.

now this is just silly. 1st they go on this new "wrestling matters" campaign. which is fine. yes it is taking a shot at wwe for not using the term "wrestling" any more but if tna wants to be looked upon as different than the wwe then thats fine. but why would you put billboards up in Stamford? JR even said it was just a waste of money.

TNA has been doing this for awhile now. i remember when hogan and bischoff 1st got there they made fun of the guest host thing. tna even tried going head to head on Mondays and that ended before it really began. and now they are saying "wrestling matters". but seriously why would you pick a fight with someone you know you cant beat?

im not saying one product is better than the other. but from a business perspective wwe is greater than tna. period. there is no arguing that fact. there just a bigger richer company.

so why would tna keep doing this? are they just trying to get under Vince's skin and make Vince acknowledge them?
It's typical TNA. The WWE knows they're around and the people in Stamford don't really care. So instead of using that money wisely they piss it away doing something stupid.

TNA is trying so hard to be relevant but they're not. The reason why they're not is dumb shit like this. Instead of slowly trying to building their fan base they waste time trying to let the WWE know they exist.

They want another wrestling war so badly but they will never get it because they can't come close to matching what WCW was. Hell I don't think they are even on the level the old ECW was on.
Well, competition is good.

But, picking a fight with a guy like Vince McMahon is not something you wanna do when your show is non-existent to him. It'll just make him not wanna watch even more.

Vince won't acknowledge TNA. Hell, the closest we got the actaul acknowlegement when when Kaval saying "I'm the only reason for some total nonstop action." Which might have been given to Kaval or he though of himself. Either way, Vince acknowledging TNA wont happen. There's no reaon to moention TNA, their not on the same night as any of WWE's show's (when they were they failed miserably), less than 2 million people watch it a week. I also doubt Vince even know's that TNA changed to Impact Wrestling, how would he know, or why would he care?
All TNA I trying it do is poke the big WWE Bear with a stick and yet all wwe does is brush it off and tell them to piss off
I would have to disagree. I think it is a really good idea. Think about it, World Wrestling Entertainment become just WWE to try and appeal to a global audience. I watch the WWE and only watch highlights of TNA on youtube but the two products are clearly complete opposites of each other. To be honest to many people the WWE have become sell outs by looking to appeal to a main stream audience and droping their wrestling heritage.

Competition is healthy, very healthy in fact. TNA may be nothing to the WWE right now but I think people are underestimating how smart Bischoff and Hogan are. They have been around the block, sure they destroyed WCW and they might do the same to TNA but that doesn't mean they don't know how to put up a fight. Personally I thinking going after fed up WWE viewers by emphaising that they are a wrestling company is bold, brave but perfectly timed.

TNA is stale, its struggling and it won't last forever just staying as it is. In a few years time they might well run out of money, run out of talent and have missed the boat. Vince McMahon is the powerhouse in this battle without a doubt, but TNA is taking a risk which should be interesting to watch.
You're right, having a few billboards around the biggest pro wrestling company in the world's H.Q is the dumbest thing ever. It's not like there are any wrestling fans visiting WWE's HeadQuarters. Oh! That's right! There are tours organized at WWE HQ for fans from the US and all over the freaking planet. Not so stupid now, is it?

WWE fans can rage over this as much as they want, and you will - as always, but once again - good move. They also advertised iMPACT Wrestling during commercial breaks on SmackDown. I guess that's stupid too, right?

TNA is not picking a fight, they already did and lost. Now they're simply advertising in strategical areas. Everybody wanted TNA to advertise the product more - well here you go. What's the issue?

You know what the best part is? McMahon's stupid ass would have to look at that shit every time he goes to work. TNA - 1, WWE - Zilch.
Vince will never acknowledge TNA because acknolweding it would give TNA more publicity than all of their crappy billboards combined.

I'm not sure why TNA is picking a fight against the bigger & better WWE, they aren't going to win. The only thing it will accomplish is making them look stupid(er).

Remember last year when TNA tried to compete against Monday Night RAW and then WWE stole their ratings & TNA got the lowest ratings ever? This reminded me of that, TNA being stupid.

But, I did find it amusing when JR said on Twitter that the billboards were the first time some WWE employees have ever heard of TNA.
You're right, having a few billboards around the biggest pro wrestling company in the world's H.Q is the dumbest thing ever. It's not like there are any wrestling fans visiting WWE's HeadQuarters. Oh! That's right! There are tours organized at WWE HQ for fans from the US and all over the freaking planet. Not so stupid now, is it?

WWE fans can rage over this as much as they want, and you will - as always, but once again - good move. They also advertised iMPACT Wrestling during commercial breaks on SmackDown. I guess that's stupid too, right?

TNA is not picking a fight, they already did and lost. Now they're simply advertising in strategical areas. Everybody wanted TNA to advertise the product more - well here you go. What's the issue?

You know what the best part is? McMahon's stupid ass would have to look at that shit every time he goes to work. TNA - 1, WWE - Zilch.

But look at it from this point of view. WWE organize tours of their headquarters for fans from all over the world. Do you really things that if a WWE fans cames from Japan or the u.k. and decides to go on a guided tour of WWE headquarters that they will really cares about TNA? I Really Doubt it. The funny things is that most WWE fans are just that WWE fans, there not going to go and watch other wrestling outside WWE programming, so they won't cared really if they see a huge billboard from another wrestling company because they are not going to watch more wrestling, especially from another company. So advertising in Stamford is pretty much a waste of time and pretty much prove how desperate TNA is at getting the WWE attention.

Has far as TNA advertissing during Smackdown, Guess what, that got nothing to do with TNA, it's the local television network decision to air TNA promos during Smackdown. TNA just send them promos to air, where they are aired is all up to whoever in charge at the local t.v network.

While i'm glad TNA is starting to promote their show, this was a real waste of money, they could have done the same promotional stuff in major markets like New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Dallas and would have gotten more publicity for their show then what they are going to have by doing this stunt.

TNA isn't WWE, Tna will never be WWE and i'm glad they never will, but they need to stop taking does cheap shot at WWE and start build their own fanbase. That the reason TNA isn't bigger that they are because instead of trying to build-up there fanbase, they rather take cheap shot at WWE and at the end of the day, it makes them look like a bush league organization and they deserve better then that.
TNA has been advertising in WWE infested waters for years now. This is not a new thing. TNA is scraping the barrel of wrestling fans, and this is actually a relatively smart way of doing it. And it's not a "war," either. It's a wrestling company trying to grow. TNA tried to go to "war" by bringing TNA to Monday nights, and it failed miserably.

The people in charge of TNA are just testing the waters, and billboards in Stamford is a safe direction to go for the time being.
I have news For you Zeven_Zion... the score is hardly 1 - 0 for TNA. WWE is the number one WRESTLING company in the world and that is far from changing. Regardless of what advertising and marketing schemes the TNA brass come up with, this isn't a victory for TNA unless they steal some of WWE's viewers. I've watched TNA plenty of times, and trust me bro, that's not going to happen just by changing colors and stating that Wrestling Matters.

It's a cheap shot, just like the Sting/Undertaker promos. It just goes to show that all TNA is concerned about is what WWE is doing and spoofing it. WWE actually is concerned with their product and business instead of being caught up in some rivalry that outside of TNA's own head doesn't even exist. I don't know how much of a TNA mark you must be (probably huge) but let's be realistic. Tally up all the live gates, cable ratings, ppv buys, and merchandise sales over the last year- check that, since TNA HAS BEEN IN EXISTENCE- and then tell me what the score is.
Guys, i dont think you realise how far behind TNA is compared to the WWE on a global scale. In the USA, Raw triples the audience of Impact (which is still impressive) but in places like Europe where wrestling is HUGE people have no idea what TNA is. I used to live in Spain and wrestling was one of the highest rated shows week in week out and (not sure) i dont think TNA is even on TV there. Seriously, on a worldwide scale TNA isnt even close to the WWE and wont be for ages. And petty stunts like this just goes to show how stupid the board of directors of TNA are.
Here's from JR's blog on TNA having billboard's outside WWE HQ:

"Yes...I heard about TNA putting up billboards in Stamford, Ct which is the world HQ of WWE. Thoughts? A complete waste of money unless obscure mentions such as this one is what TNA is looking for. Silly expenditure of money IMO. One would think that organization would have bigger and more important fish to fry. However, what TNA does isn't any of my business or concern but the question was asked and has now been addressed. I would guess that many WWE, Stamford based employees learned of TNA for the first time via the local billboards."
Has far as TNA advertissing during Smackdown, Guess what, that got nothing to do with TNA, it's the local television network decision to air TNA promos during Smackdown. TNA just send them promos to air, where they are aired is all up to whoever in charge at the local t.v network.

Might be time to go back to business school.

The whole point of ratings is to adjust the amount of money to charge for running ads in specific time slots. The higher the ratings, the more money you can charge per time slot.

If the ads were run during the smackdown timeslot, they paid the station specifically for that timeslot.
I think it is a good idea in a way - it takes away that whole "I don't even know they exist" answer from Vince since he will now but I think that it would have been smarter to put that money towards commercial time right before, during and after both Raw and Smackdown. Doesn't really matter if Vince knows who you are but it does if the fans don't know. I think the ultimate goal was to create that little dog taking on the big dog mentality for TNA since they are trying to take it to the biggest company out there today. Considering all the people there who worked for either wwf or wcw during the attitude era, I am kind of suprised TNA is trying little stunts like this instead of doing things like the commercials during Raw/Smackdown. You would hope that they knew better.
I think people are misunderstanding what TNA trying to do. They certainly aren't waging war on them, just carefully looking to exploit the only weakness the WWE really has at the moment. Plus what exactly would TNA do if they didn't try to take advantage of this? They would just keep churning out the same stuff they have been doing for the last 4 or 5 years and that has been getting them nowhere.
I see no problem with it as long as tna backs their shit up like they did last night. Last night there were storylines presented and while they were treated w minimal importance, they did showcase wrestling skill if you watched the ppv, for a long time...the 1st hour consisted of 2 matches. no
i think the whole point is this...why is tna wasting their time??? focus on what u have going on in YOUR company...dont worry about wwe...putting billboards up acknowledges the fact that tna or whatever its called is second fiddle to wwe...just worry about your company and do like wwe does to you and DONT acknowledge them...make it seem like they dont exist...when wwe was losing to wcw, they acted like they were still bigger even tho that wcw was whooping their ass in the ratings...they didnt worry about wcw, they just worried about them and eventually they im not sayin tna will win, but hey, you never know...but they wont do anything by putting up billboards in CT..if anything they shoulda put them up in the southern region cause thats more their area...
You're right, having a few billboards around the biggest pro wrestling company in the world's H.Q is the dumbest thing ever. It's not like there are any wrestling fans visiting WWE's HeadQuarters. Oh! That's right! There are tours organized at WWE HQ for fans from the US and all over the freaking planet. Not so stupid now, is it?

WWE fans can rage over this as much as they want, and you will - as always, but once again - good move. They also advertised iMPACT Wrestling during commercial breaks on SmackDown. I guess that's stupid too, right?

TNA is not picking a fight, they already did and lost. Now they're simply advertising in strategical areas. Everybody wanted TNA to advertise the product more - well here you go. What's the issue?

You know what the best part is? McMahon's stupid ass would have to look at that shit every time he goes to work. TNA - 1, WWE - Zilch.

With all due respect while I understand the part about the need for more exposure thru advertising, how is this a win for Impact? Advertising is what it is. Now, first we need to examine whether or not Spike TV is available as part of the programming in the Stamford, Ct. area. If it is, and if Impact sees an increase in viewers that is substantial over the long term, then I would agree that the advertising in that area has been successful.

In the short term, I see this as nothing more than TNA once again poking WWE with a stick, trying to get their attention. I believe this speaks to a larger problem with having Hogan and Bischoff in charge in that I feel they often act on impulse and emotion, instead of good business sense. We all get that Hogan and McMahon have a love/hate relationship. But it just doesn't make sense to me why Hogan seems to insist on making a fight with WWE when in my view, it doesn't serve the greater interests for TNA.
Its only clever if the product TNA produces actually follows what they are saying.... and it doesn't. Whats the point of this whole Impact Wrestling: Where wrestling matters when in fact it doesn't! If they had the product that could back up their claim they would have a chance but at the moment it looks nothing more than a little cheap pop at WWE which actually makes TNA look more stupid.

TNA have it all wrong in professional wrestling, wrestling doesn't matter and just because a few of their hardcore fans say that it does, doesn't mean they are right. Quite of lot of people on here want more of a Attitude based wrestling, erm hello the Attitude Era was less wrestling than it is now (if you take away all the over the top hardcore matches etc). It was mainly beer drinking, brawling, a personal war and heavily based on story plots which have very little to do with wrestling. They can't have it both ways, either you are more 'where wrestling matters' i.e. ROH or more sports entertainment like WWE.

Simple history lesson, WWE moved away from the whole wrestling matters to entertainment, why? because thats where the money and the audience is. If this wasn't the case, then why isn't ROH the top dog?

Wrestling doesn't matter, well not as much as everything thinks it does. It just needs Attitude and Attitude = Entertainment.

So to answer the question, no TNA can not win this fight because WWE has the winning formula. You can't say you are a different product if in fact you are the same type of product, they should stick to what they originally did best bring in the new talent from around the world and actually be the alternative rather than the cheap looking love child of a WCW 2000 dad and a WWE 2011 mother. The entire product has gone backwards under this new regime.

Hate to bring up the past but what are a couple signs going to do (in the world of the internet too), only people in that area will see. Vince on the other hand to try and get his fans back sent his own talent to a WCW show and mock the hell out of them. He targetted WCW fans face on. Instead TNA offer a couple signs and Angle claiming people are stealing his moves....which would mean he stole his moves from the like of Shamrock etc. It just looks laughable than anything else.

TNA, for the love of all things focus on your product and let the word of mouth do all the talking for you. If your product was actually better in terms of what fans are looking for, they'll come to you so focus on what matters and thats either wrestling (which you aren't producing) or sports entertainment (which you aren't the best at).

In terms of their signs themselves, you ask the general wrestling fan who for some reason have never heard of TNA and ask them to look who are in these signs. AJ Styles? - the general public wouldn't have a clue who he is, Mick Foley? - isn't he retired, Hogan -that 80's icon. Thats a major problem in TNA and its entire advertisement. Want to get notice then do the talk shows, get yourself notice a few signs does **** all. You ask the majority of people who you associate with wrestling, they'll come back with Cena, Rock, Orton, Austin, HHH and you might get the odd Hogan. You put The Rock on a sign and that company will sell out that building with a click of their fingers and he doesn't even need to be wrestling. So what does that say about wrestling as a whole?
You're right, having a few billboards around the biggest pro wrestling company in the world's H.Q is the dumbest thing ever. It's not like there are any wrestling fans visiting WWE's HeadQuarters. Oh! That's right! There are tours organized at WWE HQ for fans from the US and all over the freaking planet. Not so stupid now, is it?

WWE fans can rage over this as much as they want, and you will - as always, but once again - good move. They also advertised iMPACT Wrestling during commercial breaks on SmackDown. I guess that's stupid too, right?

TNA is not picking a fight, they already did and lost. Now they're simply advertising in strategical areas. Everybody wanted TNA to advertise the product more - well here you go. What's the issue?

You know what the best part is? McMahon's stupid ass would have to look at that shit every time he goes to work. TNA - 1, WWE - Zilch.

Damn it zion make me agree with you again quit it damn you lol

on to pressing matters its great from a marketing standpoint here you have wwe a giant in the wrestling industry (well i guess this once i can call what they do wrestling) and your advertising your WRESTLING company across the street from their head quarters where probably thousands come in and out of on a daily basis thats genius marketing this is not about them taking shots at wwe this is about tna trying to get noticed and theyre trying to get noticed in a big way by going and advertising on the wwe home turf takes balls and once again a stroke of genius
JR stumbles upon one of the main reasons this is a smart idea and yet he dismisses it. JR's blog isn't "obscure" among the audience Impact is going after. All these places picking this story up is exactly why it is worth it. They are not really picking a fight but all these places talking about them supposedly trying to is publicity at a time when they are trying to bring a lot of awareness to their product.
JR stumbles upon one of the main reasons this is a smart idea and yet he dismisses it. JR's blog isn't "obscure" among the audience Impact is going after. All these places picking this story up is exactly why it is worth it. They are not really picking a fight but all these places talking about them supposedly trying to is publicity at a time when they are trying to bring a lot of awareness to their product.

But at best the only thing this will result in is a temporary bump in ratings for the households that Spike TV is already in. Again, if this results in a long term growth of the Impact audience in Stamford, Ct., then it's a good thing and helps grow their brand in that market. I doubt we'll see that happen in that market and I believe this speaks more to the issues that Hogan and Bischoff have with impulse and emotional control.
They're again wasting their time and money. I've never seen a company more clueless.

Their own employees aren't clear what the name of the company is. You send performers out live intoxicated. You throw good money after bad signing up name after name of washed up stars to no effect. 8 years of the same strategies equal up to, at best, a 1.5 on their best week. Imagine if they'd sunk all the $ they spent to get Hogan, Bischoff, Foley, Nash, Steiner, Booker T, Sting, Chyna, Hardy, Hall, Waltman, Raven, Angelina, and Angle on advertising AJ Styles, Daniels and the X Division to the young MMA/male demo?
If women in America can stage a protest and walk topless because they want their rights, then im sure there is no written law against TNA promoting their company.
But at best the only thing this will result in is a temporary bump in ratings for the households that Spike TV is already in. Again, if this results in a long term growth of the Impact audience in Stamford, Ct., then it's a good thing and helps grow their brand in that market. I doubt we'll see that happen in that market and I believe this speaks more to the issues that Hogan and Bischoff have with impulse and emotional control.
If this form of advertising results in a small but temporary bump in ratings .. then tell me oh Brian Almighty, what type of advertising would lead to a PERMANENT bump in ratings? None. You're confusing the purpose of the billboards. They're out there to raise awareness and possibly have people tune in. That's what advertising is for. To lead them to TNA. It's iMPACT Wrestling's job to keep them there. Simple as that. From a marketing stand point this move is good. The ball is in TNA's court, now run with it.

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