Is there ANY scenario where HHH becomes champion?

James Greiga

Pre-Show Stalwart
Although it's extremely unlikely is there a possibility? Or not even that, say HHH beats Daniel Bryan but loses the triple threat. What happens then? Lots of guys have been saying is there even the slightest percent that Bryan doesn't win the belt well there may be even slimmer the chance of HHH winning the belt. Of course, I don't think he will and if he beats Bryan then thats a huge fuck you to the fans who expected otherwise and WWE can pretty much say "ahh fuck you we already have your money" a la Royal Rumble. But it's not like WWE didn't know what they were doing in the Royal Rumble. WWE knew exactly what would happen if DB wasn't in the Rumble. Even if he entered but didn't win there would have been less heat but they intentionally left him out just to drag this out. Now I'm not exactly a Daniel Bryan fan but you can't deny whats going on here. My question is do you think HHH has any possibility of winning the belt and if so what would happen next? Or better yet, what happens if he beats Bryan period? Because although I don't see it happening, I've heard that WWE wants to milk this Daniel Bryan thing dry before giving him the belt so I could easily see Bryan losing just to rile the fans up more. It obviously worked at the Royal Rumble. Also if HHH does win then it could actually work in Bryan's favor. I mean say HHH wins the belt, Daniel Bryan asks for a rematch but for the WWE title. HHH loses, boom Daniel Bryan capitalizes on his 15 minutes of fame with his first true title win.
There is a miniscule possibility that HHH will beat DB, win the Title, then have to take on DB for said Title to end WM 30, but it will seem contrived and have too much crap booked into it and it may bring the whole moment down.

There's also a chance that HHH will simply win both times and not HAVE a happy ending, which in turn means they are trying to bank on the underdog angle for a couple more PPVs, though I like to think if they tried that it would be too much for the fans to take and that's when you might see an actual dent in the popularity and buyrates of the WWE afterwards.
Does anyone here remember that Triple H is retired? Remember that right? He's only coming back to fight DB. If he wins (which he shouldn't) the next match will be the finger poke of doom all over again.
If Triple H goes over Bryan I would be shocked and nothing really shocks me anymore. Even if I hear theories about it being a possibility, it doesn't register. It would serve no purpose than to just piss a LOT of people off.

Triple H beating Bryan earlier in the night to make it IN to the title match would ruin the crowd for the rest of the show. It's that simple.
HHH is practically retired. I mean, sure he makes the annual WM match, because he still thinks he is a big deal and will draw money, and I'm ok with that. He puts on an entertaning match. But, he can't hold the title. He will have to defend it, carry it around etc. He is the COO, he can't be running around defending the title. He is high up in the ranks at the moment in real life, and him competing in the ring and training in the gym etc would require a lot of work which would be illadvised since he has such a high position.

That aside though, if we tend to ignore this factor and HHH makes it work somehow, then I can see him being able to win. It can happen in many ways. He can defeat Bryan clean or with an interference, go on and win the titles. He can draw with Bryan, make the main event a fatal four way, giving us hope that Bryan will win, and instead he wins it. Personally, even when I like Bryan a lot and want to see him with the belts, HHH winning the titles wouldn't be bad TV, especially if there is a huge push for Bryan to go after the titles afterwards.

But, I don't know if that would be good for business (in reality). People have been waiting for this WM moment for so long. If Bryan doesn't win the titles, people will just turn away. I can safely say that arenas won't fill as much anymore. People still come to the arenas because it is WM season. Because they think that Bryan will win. If he doens't win, then they have nothing to hope for. Therefore they will skip a lot of live events, Raws, Smackdowns and possibly even PPVs. That would be disasterous.

Bryan HAS TO get the title, for us as fans, but because it is literally best for business.
Here is the thing, what's best for business is a topic that the fans don't really have a say in. Creative can do what ever they feel like, and if they want to push Triple H to make more sales on merchandise they will.

Daniel Bryan by us fans is best for business, but it's also not best for business. After he wins the titles, his role will be diminished and will really only compete on a PPV schedule similar to how Orton and even Cena was.

The fans will love Bryan, but once he wins the title, the story arc is finished. It's time to create a new baby face that creative might be able to get the attention of. Bring in Triple H, this gives him a good opportunity to come back as a babyface and basically screw the Authority.

What's best for business is simple. If a company makes money, that is what's best for business. Business are made to make profit, not to create lackluster deals or in this case merchandise that won't sell.

While Bryan is hot right now, if he wins the title his stock will drop. Triple H turning into a babyface on the biggest stage of the year is a gold mine for merchandise.
Of course there is a chance. What storyline would the fans like more that HHH beating Bryan and then going on to win the title? Bryan can then win it at the next ppv, or the next one, or 6 months later ... Seriously it shouldn't happen but never put it past wwe to think up of some dumb storyline like that to justify a win.
Any scenario? well if Bryan breaks his leg vs HHH and then Orton and Batista Knock themselves out cold in the title match, sure :D ... Short of that I am going with.. No

I know we give WWE some greif over booking, but 7.5 out of 10 times.. they are usually right.. famous last words.. they can't be that dumb...
As has already been mentioned, Triple H is all but retired at this point. Triple H laces up the boots a very small handful of times every so often only for big named opponents and/or to wrestle at huge shows like WrestleMania. Even if Triple H did win the title at WrestleMania, how's he going to defend it? Odds are, the next time Trips would want to wrestle would be at SummerSlam and that's near the end of August. Even if Triple H stayed around after WrestleMania for Extreme Rules, he'd most likely drop the title there and what would be the point? A meaningless transitional reign that came about as nothing more than not putting the title on Bryan? There's just no point to it apart from generally pissing off a whole shitload of fans who're wanting to see a big payoff for the more than half a year of Triple H screwing Bryan out of the title.
What if Triple H screws Bryan, and beats him putting him self in the title match, then wins that match being the new champion, and then either Vince or Hogan comes out and says its not going down like this, or something and orders Triple H to defend the title against Bryan in a short match to end the show.

Sure if HHH wins, and then wins the belt or who ever wins, would totally rile up the crowd to no end unlike ever before. Sure WWE wants that but only then I think Bryan magically wins the belt the next night or something. Or then Triple H officially retires as champion holding a tournament for the belt, who knows.

Also a 3rd way, would be Triple H screws Bryan winning the match, then just before the main event is to happen, Hogan or Vince comes out and puts Bryan into the match making the main event Triple H vs Orton vs Batista vs Bryan.

To imagine an all heel (bad guy) main event is very unlikely, besides the point that neither of the 3 being Triple H, Batista, or Orton have any chance at all of making a major face turn, as the fans flat out don't like Orton or Batista enough to care. Where as say when Ziggler was a heel going into Wrestlemania 29 he won the title as a heel over the face Del Rio the next night thus turning into a face because of the fans liking him so much. Only guys like Cesaro or Reigns would have a chance to turn from heel to face at WM30, and Reigns is already all but a face after turning on Kane.
Personally, I cannot imagine a scenario where Triple H leaves WM30 as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. First and foremost, I cannot believe that Daniel Bryan doesn't emerge victorious in their matchup. Either Daniel Bryan beats Triple H fair and square, or Triple H somehow wins the match by some underhanded tactics, and the decision gets reversed somehow, possibly by Hogan or even Vince McMahon. Either way, I will be flabbergasted if the triple threat match does not include Daniel Bryan along with Randy Orton and Dave Batista.

But even if in some shocking development, WWE makes the mistake of a lifetime and doesn't allow Daniel Bryan to go over Triple H, there's no way Hunter wins the triple threat match between himself, Orton, and Batista. The only way I could see Daniel Bryan not leaving WM30 as champion is if somehow, Batista has been contractually guaranteed to win the championship on the grandest stage of them all. There's no way that Batista comes up short against Triple H (and the other forgotten guy).

I love the way that WWE has been suppressing Daniel Bryan, doing the long slow build for the poor little underdog. However, you cannot keep building forever, you have to eventually flip the switch and have the moment. And what better a moment than a milestone version of the biggest show of the year.

Bottom line? I feel Daniel Bryan leaves WM30 as the top dog. Fallback position? Dave Batista pisses a ton of people off and he leaves carrying the strap. Either way, I cannot envision Triple H ending up with championship gold. Or the other guy either.
The only way Triple H beats Bryan is if Bryan suffers an injury so debilitating that he can't finish the match. And if Bryan can't compete in the triple threat due to injury, they'd probably figure out a way to get Cena or Undertaker or into the main event, and give them the title, or hell even call up Punk and ask him how fast he could get to New Orleans.

Yes, it's more likely that Bryan breaks his leg and Punk flies from Chicago to New Orleans during the show to replace him and wins the title than Triple H winning the title. I think that answers your question.
Does anybody think that Triple H is going to wrestle twice at 'Mania. I thought about that after reading some of this thread. I wouldn't think that Triple H will be in good enough shape to wrestle two matches, even if the second one is a triple threat. Espescially his match with Daniel Bryan will be I would assume very fast paced and both men are going to lay everything out during that match for match of the night. Yeah, I think Daniel Bryan and Triple H will be match of the night. Maybe I'm way off here, but I just don't think he would wrestle twice.
If Triple H goes over Bryan I would be shocked and nothing really shocks me anymore. Even if I hear theories about it being a possibility, it doesn't register. It would serve no purpose than to just piss a LOT of people off.

Again that would be the point. To piss you fans off even more. From what I hear which may just be dirt sheet rumors, the WWE wants to milk this as much as possible. What they could do is have HHH win at WM then the next night wrestle Bryan for the title and have Bryan win which would be the biggest troll move in WWE history and would catch fans completely off guard. Nothing really surprises me anymore either but they did when HHH said he would be in the triple threat. They surprised me when they didn't break up the Shield and as far as I know they have no intention to, and they surprised me when they put the belts on the Usos so early so (while I havent been truly shocked since the Edge No Way Out thing a few years ago) it is possible
HHH is practically retired. I mean, sure he makes the annual WM match, because he still thinks he is a big deal and will draw money, and I'm ok with that. He puts on an entertaning match. But, he can't hold the title. He will have to defend it, carry it around etc. He is the COO, he can't be running around defending the title. He is high up in the ranks at the moment in real life, and him competing in the ring and training in the gym etc would require a lot of work which would be illadvised since he has such a high position.

That aside though, if we tend to ignore this factor and HHH makes it work somehow, then I can see him being able to win. It can happen in many ways. He can defeat Bryan clean or with an interference, go on and win the titles. He can draw with Bryan, make the main event a fatal four way, giving us hope that Bryan will win, and instead he wins it. Personally, even when I like Bryan a lot and want to see him with the belts, HHH winning the titles wouldn't be bad TV, especially if there is a huge push for Bryan to go after the titles afterwards.

But, I don't know if that would be good for business (in reality). People have been waiting for this WM moment for so long. If Bryan doesn't win the titles, people will just turn away. I can safely say that arenas won't fill as much anymore. People still come to the arenas because it is WM season. Because they think that Bryan will win. If he doens't win, then they have nothing to hope for. Therefore they will skip a lot of live events, Raws, Smackdowns and possibly even PPVs. That would be disasterous.

Bryan HAS TO get the title, for us as fans, but because it is literally best for business.

What if he gets the title and loses it the next night? Who's to say that he'll even remain champion? If I remember correctly, Vince McMahon was WWF champion too
That would be a heavenly wrestlemania, Triple H beats bryan, then takes the title...the nerd herd would tard to high hell, it would be so beautiful. Could you imagine the tantrums, the screeching, the kicking and screaming of all of you...HEAVEN!!!! The only thing better would be if daniel won the title and triple h just came in and said "no nerds" and took it back. You little guys would be a wreck
There is zero chance of Triple H beating Bryan cleanly at WrestleMania 30. There are, however, multiple possibilities that would make the WWE Title match a Fatal 4-Way. Either Triple H screws Bryan during their match, which would lead to Vince McMahon returning and "making things right" by putting Bryan into the title match OR Bryan beats Triple H, Triple H can't handle the loss and inserts himself into the WWE Title match anyway just to keep Bryan from winning...

Though I can see multiple scenarios of Triple H being inserted into the WWE Title match, I still don't see any chance that the show ends any other way than with Bryan holding the title and 75,000 fans doing the Yes Chant.
I for one would like hhh to win the title at the end of 30 cuz he deserves it at least one more lengthy title run and have DB beat him at summerslam love him Or hate him he is best for business and that's that
What if he gets the title and loses it the next night? Who's to say that he'll even remain champion? If I remember correctly, Vince McMahon was WWF champion too

That would make him winning it in the first place pointless then. Like instead of having a huge WM moment you get a one night champ and things go back to exactly the way before WM, which in turn makes the WM main event a giant waste of time.
Maybe Trips was rummaging around in his rec room sometime in the last few months, found the old golden shovel and decided it wasn't worthy of his now lofty position, so he concocted this whole Wrestlemania/DB plot line to turn it platinum on the grandest stage of them all.

Kidding aside, I do think WWE will throw some kind of wrench into what we all expect to happen. I'm pretty comfident DB leaves New Orleans as champion, but I expect something unexpected to happen along the way. It seems like this is likely to involve Vince in some way, but who knows?
The only way I see HHH winning the title is if he cheats to win like Punk used to when he had The Shield helping out.

NAO would his henchmen, they would help him win against Bryan. In the title match, HHH cheats to win again. However, Hogan comes out and brings out Bryan and restarts the match and Bryan wins to make the fans happy as the show closes
WWE has your money for the next six months locked in the bank. They very well could not give the fans what they want. We are in the post-PPV era. HHH and Stephanie are likely to be around for a lot longer than anyone else on the roster. There is certainly a benefit to cementing HHH's reputation as a glory hog burying obsessed egomaniac. He worked a brutal match with Lesnar at Mania last year (victory) and followed it up shortly after with a match at Extreme Rules. There is no reason he can't work that schedule again.

Things to look for that could mean HHH wins:
1) Bryan looking strong at the last Raw.
2) UT and Lesnar going on last.
3) Stephanie at ringside during either match
4) Extra bottles of water ringside for big time air spitting

But overall I don't see it happening. Bryan is likely to win.
Trips is my boy,and my favorite wrestler... But the man is retired practically for all intents and purposes... I really can't see any scenario in which Triple H walks out as champion at WMXXX.. If he did,he has to defend the title go on the road,do house shows,appear on Raw and Smackdown as WWE WHC! I just dont see that happening as the COO!
Look first of all Orton will not go out of wrestlemania as the wwe world heqvyweight champion thata for sure.
Then you have the batista option which will happen only if in his contract they signed on him winning the title at WM.
The hhh option is a non sensible option because he is the coo of the company.
And lastly bryan is the one who SHOULD win the title here.but if they want the show to end in shock and boos they will have either hhh or batista win it.
There is no such thing as "retired" he's on a few matches a year schedule, until you walk away from the business entirely noone is "retired" or you get a HOF induction that's meant to be for people who are now retired as of that moment.

Now saying that, there is certainly a scenario where he wins, he's the owner he can do what he wants, same as what Vince's character did back in the day when he was fueding with Austin, he said to hell with everyone else i'm gonna be champ and he did it. very briefly albeit he did it. Least Triple H has the Pedigre pun intended to still be a champion.

Should he? no, could he? absolutely but will he? I doubt it
Then again they might be thinking of making it a fatal four way.

Here's my prediction, Bryan beats Triple H by submission due to interference by the Shield, Punk or a botched screwjob by Kane or something. so he goes into the WT match, now Triple H could still interject himself and the 3 heels have a massive ego blowout leaving Bryan to pick the scraps. Either way WrestleMania finishes with Confetti and in a repeat of WrestleMania 20 maybe Punk comes out and celebrates with Bryan :p now that would blow the roof off. and the proceeds to GTS him.

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