Is there a scenario that DOESN'T see Bryan Wrestle twice at 'Mania?

CM Punk must be feeling like such an idiot right now. He could have easily gotten that main event had he not left. But it's pretty good for Bryan fans that he'll be wrestling twice. Very few guys have had that opportunity. Yokozuna did it twice, Bret did it once... can't remember another.

Randy Savage 4 times at Mania 4, many guys had 2 matches in that tournament also
Now, is there any scenario (barring injury) that see's him not wrestling twice that night?

That depends. If WWE want to make a fortune off Daniel Bryan merchandise and to send their fans home happy, they will finally give him his career defining moment. The only scenarios I can think of where Bryan does not win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 30 are either if he gets injured or for whatever reason is unable to compete. There's NO way that Triple H wins to prevent him from being added to the world title match. None. If anyone at WWE has a brain they would know that this is Bryan's time and the Yes Movement has become the majority. There is no reason to not give him the belt now. It has to happen, thus there is no reason beyond a legitimate injury that results in Bryan not leaving with the belt.
Do you still really think Punk isn;t gonna show up... COME ON!!!

Either he has come to terms on his "contracted time off" and is waiting for Mania or WWE has fucked the pooch so badly that he will still buy a ticket and show up.

The "scenario" they have offered to Austin? Gotta be main event ref... they make HBK the ref for the Trips match and he is either forced to or relents and counts the pin... Then it comes down to Austin being the ref for the main event... he stays face he stops Punk interfereing to prevent Bryan winning, setting up their "match".

If they want a twist and Austin is heel, maybe he tries to screw Bryan and Punk prevents it...

IS there a scenario where Bryan doesn't main event... yes... would it be suicide even mid show... yes... Shawn can play the heel turned good guy cos he finally respects the guy he trained... but Punk/Austin are wildcards that can electrify that end of show... especially if reports etc are that neither is gonna be there...
Do you still really think Punk isn;t gonna show up... COME ON!!!

Either he has come to terms on his "contracted time off" and is waiting for Mania or WWE has fucked the pooch so badly that he will still buy a ticket and show up.

The "scenario" they have offered to Austin? Gotta be main event ref... they make HBK the ref for the Trips match and he is either forced to or relents and counts the pin... Then it comes down to Austin being the ref for the main event... he stays face he stops Punk interfereing to prevent Bryan winning, setting up their "match".

If they want a twist and Austin is heel, maybe he tries to screw Bryan and Punk prevents it...

IS there a scenario where Bryan doesn't main event... yes... would it be suicide even mid show... yes... Shawn can play the heel turned good guy cos he finally respects the guy he trained... but Punk/Austin are wildcards that can electrify that end of show... especially if reports etc are that neither is gonna be there...

Do you still really think he will?

WWE have been refunding people who paid axxess vip to meet and greet Punk and one thing Vince loves is the $$$$$'s and wouldn't part for the sake of a work
I don't see anyway possible. I would burst into laughter :lol: if they did another 18 second deal, and just have Triple H pedigree him and win. Don't get me wrong I would be extremely pissed :banghead:, but i would laugh at first cause it would be the Ultimate Troll by WWE to anyone whose biggest reason of purchase was to see Bryan in the title match. Like I said though, WWE and Vince McMahon would have to have a HUGE set of balls to have Triple H beat down and defeat Bryan, cause that Mania crowd could turn so ugly that the Rumble would look like a walk in the park. I mean Vince would have to literally have what he says he has, and that is Balls the Size of Grapefruits to do that! To sum up my opinion, I just can't see it happening in anyway. If it does I will change my signature to a picture of me making out with Michael Cole. And that is one Photoshop session i do not want to have to go through. :disappointed:
Triple H will job.

Here's why. Triple H want to tell the world: "Hey guys I can put people over now". So he will do the job and let Bryan beat him.

Triple H will lose, that's predictable. They would never promote the third guy in the mainevent otherwise.

It's very predictable Triple H will lose to look more good after burying people like crazy.
You really couldn't do this. If WWE had any logic, they'd realise promoting their most over guy to possibly fight two matches absolutely must fight two matches. Simple as. The Royal Rumble was a major failure critically, and I don't think they'd want to do the same at WrestleMania XXX, arguably their biggest event in history.

The thing is, if it wasn't Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, it could be possible for Daniel Bryan not to defeat Triple H. But, this feud needs life injected into it, and the match will be a flop without that third man. Plus also, if Daniel Bryan defeats the thirteen-time world champion in Triple H, then wins his fourth world championship in the main event against Randy Orton and Batista at a WrestleMania, this would be a huge boost in his career. WWE simply cannot miss this opportunity.
Yes, I've been thinking about that for a while. I'm thinking WWE might take another turn. It's kinda too obvious that Bryan would win so I'm assuming HHH will screw over Bryan again. Fans would have already paid for the show so it's not like anyone could turn away. Then the next night on RAW Bryan says he wants one last shot for the title or he quits WWE. They face off in the main event, Bryan wins and the audience got trolled in an unprecedented Wrestlemania moment

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