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is there any hope for the womens division???


Getting Noticed By Management
Just finished watching the extreme rules dvd (thats right we get them in 3 day!!) nad i finally saw the womens title on the person who deserves it the most, beth phoenix..... But that got me thinking.... I want her to have a long reign but who is she gonna feud with?? There is so matches she can have with michelle..... And now with mickie gone who else she has?? Layla?? Vickie???...... A face vs face with kelly kelly???..... So i watched the raw section..... Maryse nooot..... Gail is ver underutilize by wwe and eve??? Seriously i mean all are improving but still are nowhere near the trish lita mickie level..... So what is your favorite diva and do you honestly see a future for the divas??? I mean trish sable lita mickie they all started green but they became great after years of training and paying their dues....my favorite is beth and i honestly see a future if ALL the divas start train and develop a unique personality.... But that future seems farther and farther away.... So favorite diva and do you see a future to the womens division???
The only person i can think of that would give beth a battle would be Tara(victoria) Since her contract ends in may and shes very disappointed with her pay, she will probably just ship to wwe. In which case could be the fire that the divas need. Think about it.... Beth runs thru all her opponents, and right when she says who next, Victoria's music hits and the crowd goes crazy and she beats her. Thus creating at lest ONE GOOD fued in the divas. But hey what do i know? i dont run a billion dollar company, never had a diva on my arm, but i know what fans like. and the divas need a fire lit under them NOW. or it could be the slippery slope that wwe goes down,
The only person i can think of that would give beth a battle would be Tara(victoria) Since her contract ends in may and shes very disappointed with her pay, she will probably just ship to wwe. In which case could be the fire that the divas need. Think about it.... Beth runs thru all her opponents, and right when she says who next, Victoria's music hits and the crowd goes crazy and she beats her. Thus creating at lest ONE GOOD fued in the divas. But hey what do i know? i dont run a billion dollar company, never had a diva on my arm, but i know what fans like. and the divas need a fire lit under them NOW. or it could be the slippery slope that wwe goes down,

Um, yeah, if they would want her back after she left the company to go over to TNA. Who knows if they'll give her the Gail Kim/Christian treatment (doubt it since it sounds exaggerated slander).
And that's wishful thinking that Victoria would light the Divas' spirits up. How will the crowd go crazy for Victoria? Maybe the creative team will turn this feud into crap like a bunch of the Divas' segments already are. Yeah, what do you know.

Anyway, on topic, I don't believe there is any hope for the division unless they revamp the whole thing. They need to quit under-training them and use them a little less for eye-candy (I mean, isn't that what a good chunk of them are there for). They should really think hard about what they do with the Divas creatively (hahaha...) and not give them half-assed stories that aren't on par with the male superstars. There's a lot of shit to go through for them to improve the division, but I'll leave this where it's at.
it sux there are only a handful of talent in the womens/divas division right now, especially compared to TNA. I think right now, the only viable competition for Beth Phoenix would be Natalya Neidhart. It would be a face vs face fued, just to see who is better. Still cant believe they released Mickie James.

-Knockouts id love to see in WWE........

Lacey Von Erich- i know she is not the greatest in the ring, but if she signed, she could be sent to developmental and come too Raw or Smackdown. THis girl belongs in WWE, she's hot, plus her family's name makes her a shoe in for WWE

Alissa Flash- maybe not WWE hot, but then again neither was Victoria. Has a look on her that just says Heel. WOuld make a great edition as she is a great ring worker
No the perfect thing to happen would be Beth to dominate the division and go out the the ring and say she is the Most Dominate Women Champion Of All Time then the lights go out and ........

Don't treat me like a Woman Don't treat me like a man Don't treat me like you know me Treat me for just who i am


Surely im not the only persom in the iwc that think Beth vs Chyna would be a feud . Just a pitty Steph will never allow her back
no there is no hope for the womens division. beth pheonix is a dominant diva and the rest are just barbie dolls who cant wrestle, and that what wwe uses as their divas, talentless barbie dolls. then given crappy gimmick matches on raw and such. i dont feel like i need to explain more.
Not a chance in hell. No 1 addition can salvage the division.There are quite a few things that need to be done to fix this though and we probably won't ever see this happen until Vince isn't running the show

1) Unify the Divas and Women title.
2) Move all the girls to 1 brand. If not possible, move the trained wrestlers to RAW, move the barbies to smackdown.
3)Acquire some actual talent. Several talents.
4)Give the women the same types of angles you give the men. Treat them with respect. No more of that Piggy James crap.
5) let them compete solo in non gimmick matches with enough time in the ring to tell their story and showcase their talents instead of 5 minute tag team botch fests.
I'd suggest training the Bella Twins more and turn them heel. If any of you remember the tag team the Villanos in WCW and how they would switch out in singles matches, this would be a great heel gimmick for them. They could even do this as faces. This would give them more of a purpose besides being escorts (not the prostitute type, obviously) for Guest Hosts on Raw. It would also be really entertaining especially if they switch up a few times during the match.
The trail of hope should've died off long ago. I'm surprised you're even asking this.

The divas aren't even easy on the eyes anymore. Nearly every, single one is an ugly, plastic, blonde bimbo.

They serve no purpose. The only way to rectify it would have been to put Mickie James in a handicap Hell in a Cell match with LayCool. I'm being serious. Something's needed to wipe the slate of uselessness clean.

And Mickie would have to be thrown off the top for it to be worth it.
i agree with everyone here. the diva's division in the wwe is a huge joke. instead of signing indy female wrestlers who have been around awhile and know what they are doing, vince will continue to hire ex-playmates and give them the minimal amount of training possible. i'm praying kong doesn't sign, but she isn't hot enough in the first place, despite being a better wrestler than all of them combined. i rarely ever watch when the wwe women wrestle. i will either flip the channel to family guy, tna or get another beer. i guess they are good for prepubescent teens, but they don't do much for a guy in his 30's.

this is one thing i DO like about TNA. the knockouts division has really caught my interest. you have the "wwe" type women in the Beautiful People, but you also have daphne, ODB, etc. they all seem to have different personalities, somewhat. sucks that bubba the dumb sponge was probably one of the main reasons kong left.

i really hope mickie signs on with tna instead of concentrating on her music career, which will probably go nowhere.

unfortunately, vince will never kill the division completely. he knows a large majority of male fans will still watch.
I mean seriously the Divas are only their to give the crowd time for a bathroom break. I would never take them seriously. They are only around to show off some ass and tities to us guys.
What do you mean hope? hope they can get tons of TV time? Hope that their matches can be seen on PPV?

Have you ever watched wrestling pre-2003? Womens matches were FEW and far between, there were literally none on about 14 wrestlemania's and none on any other cards.

Now, we have AT LEAST two segments per week, and a PPV match monthly. Anyone who isn't looking through smark goggles can see that the womens division is clearly at an all time high, the heights of which have rarely been seen in the history of the sport, let alone WWE.
No the perfect thing to happen would be Beth to dominate the division and go out the the ring and say she is the Most Dominate Women Champion Of All Time then the lights go out and ........

Don't treat me like a Woman Don't treat me like a man Don't treat me like you know me Treat me for just who i am


Surely im not the only persom in the iwc that think Beth vs Chyna would be a feud . Just a pitty Steph will never allow her back

Well, would the match be a hotel room brawl with wire hangers hanging from the ropes? Because I think Chyna would be right at home.

Just kidding. The match would be great to see.

But I think, to get back on track with the topic, that the women's division is pretty much a T&A show as some of you already mentioned. Watching some of these Divas try to wrestle is at best funny. Look at how far the WWE has deteriorated in women's wrestling in the last few years. They now have two champions that couldn't hold Trish Stratus or Lita's bra, let alone wrestle a good match with them. I'm not calling for the end of the women's division. I'm just asking Vince to at least invest some time in training these ladies in how to wrestle a decent match. Didn't Fit Finlay work with the Divas during that 2003-07 period? He should work with some of these ladies in trying to teach some fundamental wrestling skills. I'm not expecting five star matches. I'm just asking for something more than hair pulling and hair dragging (although it worked for Trish Stratus vs. Stephanie McMahon at No Way Out 2001).
The Divas haven't been a huge priority in the WWE for a long time and, when it all boils down to it, there's not really much of a reason why there should be. Women's wrestling in the United States has never been a draw. Even way back before the beginnings of the NWA, women's wrestling never drew real money. It's always been an accepted part of a card, but men have always been the draw. Vince McMahon knows this, but he also knows that the Divas are good for eye candy if nothing else. To be fair, however, it's not as if the WWE hasn't given women's wrestling serious tries at varrious times over the years. But, it just never really took hold and probably never will.

I was watching Superstars last night and there was a Divas match featuring Gail Kim vs. Jillian. The match in and of itself was actually pretty good. It lasted about 5 minutes, both women had a good match, flowed smoothly and both of them looked like good competitors. Throughout much of the match, Cole and Lawler were doing little more than goofing off with lame references to tit and ass jokes rather than calling what was a decent match. It's a shame, but that's how it is.
Women's wrestling has never been a priority in the WWE and it never will. However, Norcal makes a very valid point- while it's certainly not a priority, the Diva's sure as hell get alot of TV time.

Is there hope for the women's division? Well, that depends on what you are hoping for. If you're hoping for quality matches inside of compelling storylines, that's not going to happen. Diva's that can put on consistently good matches are few and far between. Melina, Beth Phoenix and Gail Kim are the only diva's that I would consider quality wrestlers. While not yet as skilled in the ring, Michelle McCool and Maryse both have moments of brilliance and are probably the most well developed characters in the women's division, so we can throw them into the mix as well. Six good wrestlers isn't going to make the women's division a priority. Especially when there are 2 shows that have women's wrestling on a weekly basis.
there is alot of hope, i have been seeing kelly kelly improving, and now she is on smackdown!!!

however face vs face wouldn't be the best idea, maybe layla, she's good in the ring..
Well I saw that someone had suggested Natalya as a challenger. I would like this, but she's been traded to Raw in the supplemental draft. I would have to suggest that Serena might be the only candidate for a strong heel challenger at this point. I know it may sound funny for me to refer to her as a "strong" character seeing as she's never competed yet on the main roster, but she's at least portrayed as being tough. She interferes in matches with the men and such. She might as well hop into the ring at some point to prove that she's the "anti-diva" that Matt Striker proclaims her to be.

But as a general answer to your question, I believe there is hope for the division. Give it some time to work itself out, and don't expect the Next Fabulous Moolah to come along or anything. It should be fine.
how far its fallen in the last several years. It wasn't that incredibly long ago that they actually had storylines for women who could actually wrestle, some of which even had ok mic skills and still looked good. People like Trish Stratus, Molly Holly, Victoria, Ivory, and Lita. These women actually had characters and personalities. Now theres basically two types of WWE diva. Sexy good girl and sexy bitch (most of which have overly skinny bodies, with no ass and usually big fake boobs). They are pretty much interchangeable at this point. Its a shame too because there is still some talent there and they just got rid of two that had talent in mickie and katie lea burchill.

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