Is The WWE Hall Of Fame a Joke?

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Moe T

Dark Match Jobber
This is my first post so bare with me. So apparently, Drew "I participated in ONE Royal Rumble" Carey is being inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. He joins The Refridgerator Perry and Pete "Double Down" Rose. So these guys are more deserving than: The Road Warriors, Arn Anderson, Davey Boy Smith, Dynamite Kid, Savage (although we all know the story with that, but I digress) and Bob Backlund (Yes, Backlund is not in the Hall)??? Hell, if you want to go the celebrity route, why not put in Mr. T? He was in the main event of the FIRST WRESTLEMANIA!!! So for discussion sakes...

Do you think celebrities even have a place in the WWE Hall Of Fame?

Who do you think should be or who do you think is deserving of being in the WWE Hall Of Fame?
Obviously the Hall of Fame is a joke. No question about it. How is inducting non wrestling personalities like Drew Carey over people like Arn Anderson and Davey Boy Smith legitimizing the Hall of Fame? Heck even the Masterpiece Chris Masters is more deserving than Drew Carey. At least he took part in more than a Royal Rumble match.
The Baseball Hall of Fame has a broadcasters wing and a sportswriters wing. Each Hall of Fame has their "innovators" who were elected. There's no reason why celebrities shouldn't have a "wing" in the Hall of Fame. Remember, the WWE is a "sports entertainment" company, not a "wrestling" company. So why not have celebrities have a place in the WWE Hall of Fame.

You bring up Mr. T, and he should have been the FIRST celebrity put into the Hall of Fame because of how important he was to the first two WrestleMania events (don't forget the boxing match with the Rowdy One in WMII).

If you want to have a serious wrestling Hall of Fame, good news. There already is one in Amsterdam, NY in which this year's inductees in May will include Vince McMahon, Jerry Lawler and The Road Warriors.
Cyndi Lauper should also be included in the celebrities wing. If you watch the recent History of WrestleMania DVD that was just released, without her and Mr. T's involvement, the popularity of wrestling would not have reached the heights in the 80s that it reached, and as a byproduct wrestling might still be run by regional promoters and not have a national leader such as Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
It always has been and always will be. Guys like Savage and Jake The Snake aren't in it but fucking Koko B. Ware has a spot next to Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair! Hell there isn't even a building to go and visit like in Football, baseball and Rock n Roll.

Basically the "WWE HOF" is just a list of guys who A.) Vince isn't pissed at at the moment and B.) Said yes to being inducted (which is why Warrior didn't go in last year)
The Baseball Hall of Fame has a broadcasters wing and a sportswriters wing. Each Hall of Fame has their "innovators" who were elected. There's no reason why celebrities shouldn't have a "wing" in the Hall of Fame. Remember, the WWE is a "sports entertainment" company, not a "wrestling" company. So why not have celebrities have a place in the WWE Hall of Fame.

You bring up Mr. T, and he should have been the FIRST celebrity put into the Hall of Fame because of how important he was to the first two WrestleMania events (don't forget the boxing match with the Rowdy One in WMII).

If you want to have a serious wrestling Hall of Fame, good news. There already is one in Amsterdam, NY in which this year's inductees in May will include Vince McMahon, Jerry Lawler and The Road Warriors.

Spot on, people have to remember celebrities are put into a wing of the hallf and not in the actual Hall of Fame itself. As for Mr T, its not like WWE haven't asked, he refused it and thats the end of the matter. Chances are you will see the likes of Fred Durst, Mayweather, Trump, Tyson all being added to the wing in the next ten years (Fred Durst maybe not) but the wing is there they might as well use it, no point just having a small number there is there now.

Learn that difference between the Hall of Fame and the celebrity wing, also take into account people who have refused its invite before calling it a joke
Is the WWE hall of fame a joke?
Honestly, the only people who can actually answer that question is the people who have been inducted to it, and to those who are hoping to be inducted to it one day as well. And judging from their responses I would have to say no it is not a joke.
This is my first post as well, but I've been lurking for a year :p

Anyways, it really depends as how you look at it. Sure there's a handful of celebrities, but you have to see that they're obviously not being inducted because of their wrestling abilities. It's obviously because of the impact of the appearance. Do coaches in the NHL get inducted into the player part of the Hockey Hall of Fame? No, they get inducted into a special section for non-players. Drew did may have only appeared once at the 2001 Rumble, but people still remember that appearance.

Hell, if Snooki has a memorable appearance at Mania, then you can induct her too 10 years in the future.
Obviously the Hall of Fame is a joke. No question about it. How is inducting non wrestling personalities like Drew Carey over people like Arn Anderson and Davey Boy Smith legitimizing the Hall of Fame? Heck even the Masterpiece Chris Masters is more deserving than Drew Carey. At least he took part in more than a Royal Rumble match.

Drew Carey took part in a Royal Rumble match as well. The difference between Chris Masters and Drew Carey is that people actually enjoy watching Drew Carey.
The fact that people are talking about him being inducted is the publicity that Vince wanted from it, so you're proving hes worth the induction by creating buzz about it.
I dont feel its a joke. several post have made valid points on it not neing fake. However I didnt know there wasnt a HOF building. If that is true then it does kind of seem pointless about having 1 and not be able to visit it.
It took a little longer for this thread to pop up than it has previously but, yep, here it is. There are always going to be people that get inducted into various Halls of Fame, whether it be basketball, baseball, Football or whatever that some fans believe shouldn't be inducted. The WWE Hall of Fame is no different.

We like to sit here and bitch about someone who isn't in the HOF but should be when we honestly don't know the whole story surrounding it. For instance, what makes you think that Bob Backlund, Randy Savage, Dynamite Kid, etc. haven't been asked? How do you know that they haven't turned down offers to be inducted like Honky Tonk Man or the Ultimate Warrior has?

I'd personally prefer that there was no "celebrity wing" in the WWE Hall of Fame, but it doesn't take anything away from legends like Harley Race, Antonio Inoki, Ric Flair, Ted DiBiase, Sr., Bret Hart, Stu Hart, Curt Hennig, Nick Bockwinkel, Verne Gagne and others.
So far the WWE Hall of Fame certainly does seem like a joke. Drew Carrey really has no place in it, not even in the celebrity wing. If they have to have a celebrity wing then atleast put Mr. T and Donald Trump in it! I mean seriously, just because you are a celebrity who has participated in a WWE event does not mean that you did something worthy of being in the hall of fame. Chuck Norris was at Wrestlemania 7 but does that mean that he should be inducted into the Hall of Fame? No. Scotty 2 Hotty wrestled in the WWE for a long time but does that mean that he should be inducted into the Hall of Fame? No. Scotty 2 Hotty did not do anything worthy of being in the hall of fame and neither did Chuck Norris or in this case Drew Carrey.

Plus, Koko B. Ware is in the Hall of Fame? Wait a second, where is Mick Foley or Randy Savage? Guys who actually accomplished something should be in the Hall of Fame.

Drew Carey took part in a Royal Rumble match as well. The difference between Chris Masters and Drew Carey is that people actually enjoy watching Drew Carey.

"I" enjoy watching Chris Masters. I "DO NOT" enjoy watching Drew Carrey.
It's not up to us to decide whether the Hall of Fame is a joke or not. It's up to the guys who are inducted. If legends like Flair, HBK etc etc still consider it a big deal its a big deal end of.
I don't know if I agree that the HOF is a joke. Although I'm sure there are a few other entertainers who would be more deserving. When WWE began inducting celebs they probably didn't count on the lack there of.

Wait a minute- I thought Bob Barker was being inducted this year.
Of course Mr T should be in the hall of fame. I believe it was wrestlezone that reported he turned it down. I personally feel the WWE alienated their true fans in the interest of getting some mainstream exposure. Does everybody remember who the first inductee into the celebrity wing was? It was Pete Rose. The WWE got exactly what they wanted. It was all over the news that Rose was going into the hall of fame. Of course everybody was making fun of if but at least they were in the news. There's no question Mr T should have been the first inductee and it should have happened in 2005 with Hogan, Piper, Orndorff, Orton, Sheik and Volkoff. All major players in the first wrestlemaina. It's too bad really.
This topic pops up way too often. It’s always the same discussion. Guys like Randy Savage and Bruno Sammartino are left out while Koko B. Ware gets in. Celebrities don’t deserve to be there and make the hall less credible. Blah blah blah. Nothing new is ever added to this overdone topic. There is no actual Hall of Fame. You can’t go and visit the WWE Hall of Fame Museum. It’s just a special night during WrestleMania weekend to honor people’s contributions to the business. Just because Koko B. Ware was able to have that moment and Randy Savage has not does not mean Ware was better than Savage. We would all be much better off if we looked at Hall of Fame as a generic term and didn’t compare it to other sport’s Hall of Fame. Then we would accept Hall of Fame night as a night of fun instead of criticizing those being honored.

I’m going to close this thread due to its repetitiveness. For further Hall of Fame discussion visit the WrestleMania 27 section. There is a sticky thread about the Hall of Fame in there.
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