Is the WWE facing an impending crisis?

With CM Punk and now Chavo Guerrero moving on, will we see more superstars just move on instead of dealing with the day in day out BS the WWE seems to be feeding everyone outside of Cena and Orton?

Punk and Chavo don't seem resigned to a real retirement. Couple that with Michaels, Trips and Undertaker stepping away and you seem to have more stars coming out frustrated.

Any correlation or am I trying to connect dots that just aren't there?
Just because two guys got fed up with the so-called bullshit doesn't mean that the whole roster will. Guys have left pissed off before, they will again, it happens. But Punk's not some kind of revolutionary and WWE is not the New Nexus. People aren't going to give up something they love to blindly follow a guy who has always had his own ideas and has always been known as "the indy guy who made it big." And Chavo, psh. He was jobbing to Hornswoggle two years ago, who even gives a shit that he's gone?

WWE does need to concentrate on making new stars with the losses of the guys you mentioned, but I would hardly call it a crisis. There are guys who have the capability of stepping up with the right booking. Raw already has plenty of heels and can survive without Punk if he's really going. WWE can certainly survive without Chavo. They're already grooming new faces like Sin Cara and Riley, and the company has had an over abundance of heels for a long time, even more so now that they've turned Christian and Truth. They can turn any of those heels face at any time. They're not in nearly as bad of a place as some people seem to believe.
WWE cant point the finger anywhere else other than to themselves. They were the ones who wanted to make the company revolve around Cena and now they're paying the price. This is good, they can finally be held accountable for the hell they've put everyone whos last name isnt Cena through.
Let's not act like Cena is the singular problem here; in fact, with Punk being a heel, his position at the top of the company probably isn't much of a factor in his decision to leave. And it certainly wasn't in Chavo's case. Cena being booked as the top guy makes sense, the problem lies in the way WWE treats those who aren't top guys. If they invested time and energy in everyone on the roster, to some degree, no one would be upset. That's what they would need to work on if they want to prevent guys from walking out. Taking Cena off his perch would do nothing but cost them even more money, and wouldn't even really be tackling the real issue here.
There's been a lot of buzz generated with MVP, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Jericho, and now CM Punk not renewing their contracts. With HBK retiring and Undertaker on leave, it's not gotten any better. But the thing is, last week I saw 3 threads about how the WWE was about to enter into another "golden age" or "boom period" of pro wrestling. Just yesterday somebody was talking about how great the state of things were in the WWE compared to last year or even the past 4-5 years... Today maybe everyone thinks the WWE is in crisis mode, and maybe tomorrow things will be just peachy again. We're a group of people with very little actual proof, and a whole lot of speculation. That's kind of what we do... The WWE is fine, always has been fine, and probably always will be fine. They have faced challenges before, and I'm pretty sure at this stage in the game they are prepared for just about anything. If Vince can take down WCW and Turner (with a lot of help...), I'm sure he'll get over Chavo Guerrero and CM Punk leaving...

This is good, they can finally be held accountable for the hell they've put everyone whos last name isnt Cena through.

What hell? You mean paying guys 6 figures (or more) to go out and do their dream job every night? They know what they sign up for when they put their names on the contracts. Most of them come from independent promotions and spend all their time and money on the road trying to get a show or two just to get by, so living a little bit more of a hectic schedule for a ridiculous amount of money is not HELL.

How about Randy Orton? Batista? Chris Jericho? Kane? Alberto del Rio? Christian? Edge? The Miz? Do you think any of these guys are going through hell? The WWE is an entertainment business first and foremost... If hell is having to entertain instead of wrestle, they should go to Ring of Honor or head over to Japan. Obviously, their enormous paychecks are enough to keep them around...
No Chance In Hell! The only way the WWE would face a impending crisis, is if the major stars that are supposed to be world champion, draw merchandise sales, draw fan heat, television ratings, pay per view buyrates go down, etc.. Then there might be a possible crisis. But not in 2011!

The WWE has lost big stars before and survived. Some people don't like the WWE so they leave, others love it. This has always happened and the WWE always gets through it. Some people would love to be in Santino's postion and others would hate it. Simple as that. What BS are they feeding to the other people?
Very doubtful. Chave leaving didn't mean much. CM Punk means that more wrestlers will stick around, hoping to get his spot. So, in actuality, t might tighten up the roster if anything else.

In terms of the drawing power, it will hurt for a while. But, WWE is doing fairly well build up new guys and it's only a matter of time before a couple of them click.
People are missing the point of the OPs post when he brought up Chavo Guerrero. Of course they wont suffer, that wasnt his point. His point being that so many guys are leaving, and when skilled veterans just walk away randomly it says alot about the politics and inner workings of WWE...Batista walked away willingly, Jericho walked away and might not come aays alot about the morale in the back, especially when they are almost letting CM Punk walk away for no reason....I read awhile back that the morale is very low, with guys like Triple H reaching out to guys like Taker to help out....if you look at the roster, its almost half the size it was than a year ago....Looking at the roster guys like Big Show, Mark Henry, arent gonna be around too much longer, and seeing that their in one of the most hyped feuds doesnt bode well for young guys who arent getting a chance to shine yet...Triple H and Taker are pretty much done...and for them to come back and steal the show and leave doesnt bode well for the future guys....Others like Rey Mysterio and possibly Truth are getting older....hell Cena is one bump away from messing himself just like Edge did...But of course they will always bounce back because they have to for business to go.....the next face of the company could be down in Fcw as we speak, so who knows...
WWE cant point the finger anywhere else other than to themselves. They were the ones who wanted to make the company revolve around Cena and now they're paying the price. This is good, they can finally be held accountable for the hell they've put everyone whos last name isnt Cena through.

Can we all stop blaming John Cena as the reason WWE is in a so called "Crisis"? If thats the case we could also blame Hogan, Bret and HHH as well for WWE's problems now can't we?

I co-sign to the fact it is not Cena's fault, he does his job and he does it well. It's the smarks who want a return to the Attitude era, and are P.O.'ed because it will never happen anytime soon. Stop your crying, build a bridge and get over it. I know we don't like Cena, JoMo, Kofi or possibly anyone else, but I see it as this, there are other feds, watch them if the product is no good to you.

If this makes me a Cena Mark, so be it, I like Cena, have no problem with him. I do admit JoMo needs a personality, and there is nothing wrong with Kofi, he should be main eventing, don't know why he is not. Maybe eventually the writers or Vince and Paul (HHH) will wake up and realize they need to get the E out and go back to Wrestling.
Just because vets are walking away, doesn't mean they are in trouble. Vets walk away all the time, its nothing new. Jericho didn't leave because he doesn't like the WWE, its just because he has many other things he is focused on and is getting older. I really don't see what the problem is, most vets are not leaving because they are mad, but because they are old, injured, etc. If the younger guys were the mad ones, then the WWE should go into crisis mode. But since its the older guys, I think the WWE shouldn't worry at all. This isn't wCw, the WWE knows what they are doing and how to handle things like this.

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